VarDecl.hs revision e1839fb37a3a2ccd457464cb0dcc5efd466dbe22
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz{- |
e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168Jens ElknerModule : $Header$
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzLicence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu Prodescu
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzMaintainer :
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzStability : provisional
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzPortability : non-portable (MonadState)
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzanalyse generic var (or type var) decls
1b353d403dbdb365ae93a568f32b3ebf5698cab5Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz-}
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzmodule HasCASL.VarDecl where
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Data.Maybe
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Data.List
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maederimport qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maederimport qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.Id
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.AS_Annotation
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.Lib.State
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.Result
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport HasCASL.As
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport HasCASL.Le
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maederimport HasCASL.ClassAna
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport HasCASL.TypeAna
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport HasCASL.Unify
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederimport HasCASL.Merge
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz-- | add diagnostic messages
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian MaederaddDiags :: [Diagnosis] -> State Env ()
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzaddDiags ds =
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maeder do e <- get
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz put $ e {envDiags = ds ++ envDiags e}
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz-- | add sentences
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzappendSentences :: [Named Sentence] -> State Env ()
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzappendSentences fs =
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz do e <- get
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz put $ e {sentences = sentences e ++ fs}
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzanaStarType :: Type -> State Env (Maybe Type)
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzanaStarType t = do mp <- fromResult (anaType (Just star, t) . typeMap)
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz return $ fmap snd mp
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzanaInstTypes :: [Type] -> State Env [Type]
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian MaederanaInstTypes ts = if null ts then return []
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maeder else do mp <- fromResult (anaType (Nothing, head ts) . typeMap)
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maeder rs <- anaInstTypes $ tail ts
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz return $ case mp of
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz Nothing -> rs
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz Just (_, ty) -> ty:rs
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian MaederanaTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> State Env (Maybe TypeScheme)
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian MaederanaTypeScheme (TypeScheme tArgs (q :=> ty) p) =
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maeder do tm <- gets typeMap -- save global variables
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz mArgs <- mapM anaTypeVarDecl tArgs
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maeder let newArgs = catMaybes mArgs
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maeder checkUniqueTypevars newArgs
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maeder mt <- anaStarType ty
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz putTypeMap tm -- forget local variables
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz case mt of
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz Nothing -> return Nothing
75f241761ba1566fbec547ae45d276683e5a8e80Ewaryst Schulz Just newTy -> return $ Just $ TypeScheme newArgs (q :=> newTy) p
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
24ec53d5bdce82359ca637fc98a17b3023dbd1a5Eugen KuksaanaKind :: Kind -> State Env Kind
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzanaKind k = toState star $ anaKindM k
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
75f241761ba1566fbec547ae45d276683e5a8e80Ewaryst SchulztoState :: a -> (Env -> Result a) -> State Env a
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulztoState bot r = do
75f241761ba1566fbec547ae45d276683e5a8e80Ewaryst Schulz ma <- fromResult r
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder case ma of
Nothing -> return bot
Just a -> return a
fromResult :: (Env -> Result a) -> State Env (Maybe a)
fromResult f = do
e <- get
let r = f e
addDiags $ diags r
return $ maybeResult r
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- storing type ids with their kind and definition
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | store a complete type map
putTypeMap :: TypeMap -> State Env ()
putTypeMap tk = do { e <- get; put e { typeMap = tk } }
-- | store type id and check kind arity (warn on redeclared types)
addTypeId :: Bool -> TypeDefn -> Instance -> Kind -> Id -> State Env (Maybe Id)
addTypeId warn defn _ kind i =
do let nk = rawKind kind
if placeCount i <= kindArity TopLevel nk then
do addTypeKind warn defn i kind
return $ Just i
else do addDiags [mkDiag Error "wrong arity of" i]
return Nothing
-- | store type as is (warn on redeclared types)
addTypeKind :: Bool -> TypeDefn -> Id -> Kind -> State Env ()
addTypeKind warn d i k =
do tk <- gets typeMap
c <- gets counter
let rk = rawKind k
case Map.lookup i tk of
Nothing -> putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo rk [k] [] d) tk
Just (TypeInfo ok ks sups defn) ->
if rk == ok
then do let isKnownInst = k `elem` ks
insts = if isKnownInst then ks else
mkIntersection (k:ks)
Result ds mDef = mergeTypeDefn tk c defn d
if warn && isKnownInst && case (defn, d) of
(PreDatatype, DatatypeDefn _) -> False
_ -> True
addDiags [mkDiag Hint
"redeclared type" i]
else return ()
case mDef of
Just newDefn -> putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo ok insts sups newDefn) tk
Nothing -> addDiags $ map (improveDiag i) ds
else addDiags $ diffKindDiag i ok rk
-- | analyse a type argument and look up a missing kind
anaTypeVarDecl :: TypeArg -> State Env (Maybe TypeArg)
anaTypeVarDecl(TypeArg t k s ps) =
case k of
MissingKind -> do
tk <- gets typeMap
let rm = getIdKind tk t
case maybeResult rm of
Nothing -> anaTypeVarDecl(TypeArg t star s ps)
Just oldK -> addTypeVarDecl False (TypeArg t oldK s ps)
_ -> do nk <- anaKind k
addTypeVarDecl True $ TypeArg t nk s ps
-- | add an analysed type argument (warn on redeclared types)
addTypeVarDecl :: Bool -> TypeArg -> State Env (Maybe TypeArg)
addTypeVarDecl warn ta@(TypeArg t k _ _) =
do mi <- addTypeId warn TypeVarDefn Plain k t
return $ fmap (const ta) mi
-- | compute arity from a 'Kind'
kindArity :: ApplMode -> Kind -> Int
kindArity m k =
case k of
FunKind k1 k2 _ -> case m of
TopLevel -> kindArity OnlyArg k1 +
kindArity TopLevel k2
OnlyArg -> 1
Universe _ -> case m of
TopLevel -> 0
OnlyArg -> 1
ClassKind _ ck -> kindArity m ck
Downset _ _ dk _ -> kindArity m dk
Intersection (k1:_) _ -> kindArity m k1
ExtKind ek _ _ -> kindArity m ek
_ -> error "kindArity"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- for storing selectors and constructors
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | store assumptions
putAssumps :: Assumps -> State Env ()
putAssumps as = do { e <- get; put e { assumps = as } }
-- | get matching information of uninstantiated identifier
findOpId :: Env -> UninstOpId -> TypeScheme -> Maybe OpInfo
findOpId e i sc = listToMaybe $ fst $ partitionOpId e i sc
-- | partition information of an uninstantiated identifier
partitionOpId :: Env -> UninstOpId -> TypeScheme -> ([OpInfo], [OpInfo])
partitionOpId e i sc =
let l = Map.findWithDefault (OpInfos []) i $ assumps e
in partition (isUnifiable (typeMap e) (counter e) sc . opType) $ opInfos l
-- | storing an operation
addOpId :: UninstOpId -> TypeScheme -> [OpAttr] -> OpDefn
-> State Env (Maybe UninstOpId)
addOpId i sc attrs defn =
do e <- get
let tm = typeMap e
as = assumps e
c = counter e
(TypeScheme _ (_ :=> ty) _) = sc
ds = if placeCount i > 1 then case unalias tm ty of
FunType (ProductType ts _) _ _ _ ->
if placeCount i /= length ts then
[mkDiag Error "wrong number of places in" i]
else []
_ -> [mkDiag Error "expected tuple argument for" i]
else []
(l,r) = partitionOpId e i sc
oInfo = OpInfo sc attrs defn
if null ds then
if null l then do putAssumps $ Map.insert i
(OpInfos (oInfo : r )) as
return $ Just i
else do let Result es mo = mergeOpInfo tm c (head l) oInfo
addDiags $ map (improveDiag i) es
case mo of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just oi -> do putAssumps $ Map.insert i
(OpInfos (oi : r )) as
return $ Just i
else do addDiags ds
return Nothing
-- GenVarDecl
addGenVarDecl :: GenVarDecl -> State Env (Maybe GenVarDecl)
addGenVarDecl(GenVarDecl v) = do mv <- addVarDecl v
return $ fmap GenVarDecl mv
addGenVarDecl(GenTypeVarDecl t) = do mt <- addTypeVarDecl True t
return $ fmap GenTypeVarDecl mt
anaGenVarDecl :: GenVarDecl -> State Env (Maybe GenVarDecl)
anaGenVarDecl(GenVarDecl v) = optAnaVarDecl v
anaGenVarDecl(GenTypeVarDecl t) =
anaTypeVarDecl t >>= (return . fmap GenTypeVarDecl)
convertTypeToKind :: Type -> State Env (Maybe Kind)
convertTypeToKind (FunType t1 FunArr t2 ps) =
do mk1 <- convertTypeToKind t1
mk2 <- convertTypeToKind t2
case (mk1, mk2) of
(Just k1, Just k2) -> case k2 of
ExtKind _ _ _ -> return Nothing
_ -> return $ Just $ FunKind k1 k2 ps
_ -> return Nothing
convertTypeToKind (BracketType Parens [] _) =
return Nothing
convertTypeToKind (BracketType Parens [t] _) =
convertTypeToKind t
convertTypeToKind (BracketType Parens ts ps) =
do cs <- mapM convertTypeToKind ts
if all isJust cs then
do let k:ks = catMaybes cs
rk = rawKind k
if all ((==rk) . rawKind) ks then
return $ Just $ Intersection (k:ks) ps
else return Nothing
else return Nothing
convertTypeToKind (MixfixType [t1, TypeToken t]) =
let s = tokStr t
v = case s of
"+" -> CoVar
"-" -> ContraVar
_ -> InVar
in case v of
InVar -> do return Nothing
_ -> do mk1 <- convertTypeToKind t1
case mk1 of
Just k1 -> return $ Just $ ExtKind k1 v [tokPos t]
_ -> return Nothing
convertTypeToKind(TypeToken t) =
if tokStr t == "Type" then return $ Just $ Universe [tokPos t] else do
let ci = simpleIdToId t
cm <- gets classMap
let rm = anaClassId ci cm
case maybeResult rm of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just k -> return $ Just $ ClassKind ci k
convertTypeToKind _ =
do return Nothing
optAnaVarDecl :: VarDecl -> State Env (Maybe GenVarDecl)
optAnaVarDecl vd@(VarDecl v t s q) =
let varDecl = do mvd <- anaVarDecl vd
case mvd of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just nvd -> do mmvd <- addVarDecl $ makeMonomorph nvd
return $ fmap GenVarDecl mmvd
in if isSimpleId v then
do mk <- convertTypeToKind t
case mk of
Just k -> do addDiags [mkDiag Hint "is type variable" v]
tv <- anaTypeVarDecl $ TypeArg v k s q
return $ fmap GenTypeVarDecl tv
_ -> varDecl
else varDecl
makeMonomorph :: VarDecl -> VarDecl
makeMonomorph (VarDecl v t sk ps) =
let s = Map.fromAscList $ map ( \ a@(TypeArg i k _ _) ->
(a, TypeName i k 0)) $
Set.toList $ varsOf t
in VarDecl v (subst s t) sk ps
-- | analyse
anaVarDecl :: VarDecl -> State Env (Maybe VarDecl)
anaVarDecl(VarDecl v oldT sk ps) =
do mt <- anaStarType oldT
return $ case mt of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just t -> Just $ VarDecl v t sk ps
-- | add a local variable with an analysed type
addVarDecl :: VarDecl -> State Env (Maybe VarDecl)
addVarDecl vd@(VarDecl v t _ _) =
do newV <- addOpId v (simpleTypeScheme t) [] VarDefn
return $ fmap (const vd) newV
-- | get the variable
getVar :: VarDecl -> Id
getVar(VarDecl v _ _ _) = v
-- | check uniqueness of variables
checkUniqueVars :: [VarDecl] -> State Env ()
checkUniqueVars = addDiags . checkUniqueness . map getVar
-- | check uniqueness of type variables
checkUniqueTypevars :: [TypeArg] -> State Env ()
checkUniqueTypevars = addDiags . checkUniqueness
. map getTypeVar
-- | filter out assumption
filterAssumps :: (OpInfo -> Bool) -> Assumps -> Assumps
filterAssumps p =
Map.filter (not . null . opInfos) . (OpInfos . filter p . opInfos)