Unify.hs revision 04dada28736b4a237745e92063d8bdd49a362deb
{- > HetCATS/HasCASL/Unify.hs
> $Id$
> Authors: Christian Maeder
> Year: 2003
substitution and unification of types
module HasCASL.Unify where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.PrintAs
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.Le
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
unifiable :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme -> State Env Bool
unifiable sc1 sc2 =
do tm <- getTypeMap
c <- getCounter
let Result ds mm = evalState (unifIable tm sc1 sc2) c
appendDiags ds
return $ isJust mm
isUnifiable :: TypeMap -> Int -> TypeScheme -> TypeScheme -> Bool
isUnifiable tm c sc1 sc2 = isJust $ maybeResult $
evalState (unifIable tm sc1 sc2) c
unifIable :: TypeMap -> TypeScheme -> TypeScheme -> State Int (Result Subst)
unifIable tm sc1 sc2 =
do t1 <- freshInst sc1
t2 <- freshInst sc2
return $ unify tm t1 t2
freshInst :: TypeScheme -> State Int Type
freshInst (TypeScheme tArgs (_ :=> t) _) =
do c <- get
put (c + length tArgs)
return $ subst (mkSubst tArgs c) t
type Subst = Map.Map TypeArg Type
instance Ord TypeArg where
TypeArg v1 k1 _ _ <= TypeArg v2 k2 _ _
= (v1, k1) <= (v2, k2)
instance Ord Kind where
-- only for expanded kinds
ExtClass _ _ _ <= KindAppl _ _ _ = True
ExtClass _ _ _ <= ExtClass _ _ _ = True
KindAppl _ _ _ <= ExtClass _ _ _ = False
KindAppl k1 k2 _ <= KindAppl k3 k4 _ = (k1, k2) <= (k3, k4)
mkSubst :: [TypeArg] -> Int -> Subst
mkSubst [] _ = Map.empty
mkSubst (tv@(TypeArg _ k _ _):r) i =
let tId = simpleIdToId $ mkSimpleId ("_var_" ++ show i)
in Map.insert tv (TypeName tId k 1) $ mkSubst r (i+1)
class Unifiable a where
subst :: Subst -> a -> a
unify :: TypeMap -> a -> a -> Result Subst
instance Unifiable Type where
subst m t = case t of
TypeName i k _ ->
case Map.lookup (TypeArg i k Other []) m of
Just s -> s
_ -> t
TypeAppl t1 t2 ->
TypeAppl (subst m t1) (subst m t2)
TypeToken _ -> t
BracketType b l ps ->
BracketType b (map (subst m) l) ps
KindedType tk k ps ->
KindedType (subst m tk) k ps
MixfixType l -> MixfixType $ map (subst m) l
LazyType tl ps -> LazyType (subst m tl) ps
ProductType l ps -> ProductType (map (subst m) l) ps
FunType t1 a t2 ps -> FunType (subst m t1) a (subst m t2) ps
-- lookup type aliases
unify tm t1@(TypeName i1 k1 v1) t2@(TypeName i2 k2 v2) =
if i1 == i2 then return $ Map.empty
else if v1 > 0 then return $
Map.single (TypeArg i1 k1 Other []) t2
else if v2 > 0 then return $
Map.single (TypeArg i2 k2 Other []) t1
else let (a1, b1) = expandAlias tm t1
(a2, b2) = expandAlias tm t2 in
if b1 || b2 then unify tm a1 a2
else Result [mkDiag Hint
("type '" ++ showId i1
"' is not unifiable with") i2]
unify tm t1@(TypeName i1 k1 v1) t2@(TypeAppl _ _) =
if v1 > 0 then
if i1 `occursIn` t2 then
Result [mkDiag Hint
("var '" ++ showId i1
"' occurs in") t2] Nothing
else return $
Map.single (TypeArg i1 k1 Other []) t2
else let (a1, b1) = expandAlias tm t1 in
if b1 then unify tm a1 t2
else Result
[mkDiag Hint
("type '" ++ showId i1
"' is not unifiable with") t2] Nothing
unify tm t2@(TypeAppl _ _) t1@(TypeName _ _ _) = unify tm t1 t2
unify tm t12@(TypeAppl t1 t2) t34@(TypeAppl t3 t4) =
let (ta, a) = expandAlias tm t12
(tb, b) = expandAlias tm t34 in
if a || b then unify tm ta tb
else unify tm (t1, t2) (t3, t4)
unify tm (ProductType p1 _) (ProductType p2 _) = unify tm p1 p2
unify tm (FunType t1 _ t2 _) (FunType t3 _ t4 _) =
unify tm (t1, t2) (t3, t4)
unify tm t1 (LazyType t2 _) = unify tm t1 t2
unify tm (LazyType t1 _) t2 = unify tm t1 t2
unify tm t1 (KindedType t2 _ _) = unify tm t1 t2
unify tm (KindedType t1 _ _) t2 = unify tm t1 t2
unify _ t1 t2 = Result [mkDiag Hint
("type '" ++ showPretty t1
"' is not unifiable with") t2] Nothing
instance (Unifiable a, Unifiable b) => Unifiable (a, b) where
subst s (t1, t2) = (subst s t1, subst s t2)
unify tm (t1, t2) (t3, t4) =
let r1@(Result _ m1) = unify tm t1 t3 in
case m1 of
Nothing -> r1
Just s1 -> let r2@(Result _ m2) =
unify tm (subst s1 t2) (subst s1 t4) in
case m2 of
Nothing -> r2
Just s2 -> return $
(Map.map (subst s2) s1
`Map.union` s2)
instance (PrettyPrint a, PosItem a, Unifiable a) => Unifiable [a] where
subst s = map (subst s)
unify _ [] [] = return $ Map.empty
unify tm (a1:r1) (a2:r2) = unify tm (a1, r1) (a2, r2)
unify tm [] l = unify tm l []
unify _ (a:_) [] = Result [mkDiag Hint
("unification failed at") a] Nothing
occursIn :: TypeId -> Type -> Bool
occursIn i t =
case t of
TypeName j _ _ -> i == j
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> occursIn i t1 || occursIn i t2
TypeToken tk -> i == simpleIdToId tk
BracketType _ l _ -> any (occursIn i) l
KindedType tk _ _ -> occursIn i tk
MixfixType l -> any (occursIn i) l
LazyType tl _ -> occursIn i tl
ProductType l _ -> any (occursIn i) l
FunType t1 _ t2 _ -> occursIn i t1 || occursIn i t2
expandAlias :: TypeMap -> Type -> (Type, Bool)
expandAlias tm t =
let (ps, as, ta, b) = expandAliases tm t in
if b && length ps == length as then
(subst (Map.fromList (zip ps $ reverse as)) ta, b)
else (t, False)
expandAliases :: TypeMap -> Type -> ([TypeArg], [Type], Type, Bool)
expandAliases tm t@(TypeName i _ _) =
case Map.lookup i tm of
Just (TypeInfo _ _ _
(AliasTypeDefn (TypeScheme l (_ :=> ts) _))) ->
(l, [], ts, True)
_ -> ([], [], t, False)
expandAliases tm t@(TypeAppl t1 t2) =
let (ps, as, ta, b) = expandAliases tm t1 in
if b then
(ps, t2:as, ta, b) -- reverse later on
else ([], [], t, False)
expandAliases _ t = ([], [], t, False)