TypeRel.hs revision 722e8a91f69209ba0e99bf799c4989801d78cf16
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : compute subtype dependencies
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
compute subtype dependencies
module HasCASL.TypeRel where
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.DataAna
import Debug.Trace
typeRel :: TypeMap -> Rel.Rel Id
typeRel = Rel.irreflex . Rel.transClosure . Map.foldWithKey ( \ i ti r ->
Set.fold (Rel.insert i) r $ superTypes ti) Rel.empty
getRawKind :: TypeMap -> Id -> RawKind
getRawKind tm i = typeKind $
Map.findWithDefault (error $ showId i " not found in type map") i tm
-- | make a polymorphic function from a to b
mkInjOrProjType :: Arrow -> TypeScheme
mkInjOrProjType arr =
TypeScheme [aTypeArg, bTypeArg] (mkFunArrType aType arr bType) nullRange
mkInjOrProj :: Arrow -> Set.Set OpInfo
mkInjOrProj arr = Set.singleton OpInfo
{ opType = mkInjOrProjType arr
, opAttrs = Set.empty
, opDefn = NoOpDefn Fun }
subtRelName :: Id
subtRelName = mkId [genToken "subt"]
subtRelType :: TypeScheme
subtRelType = TypeScheme [aTypeArg, bTypeArg]
(mkFunArrType (mkProductType [aType, bType]) PFunArr unitType) nullRange
subtRel :: Set.Set OpInfo
subtRel = Set.singleton OpInfo
{ opType = subtRelType
, opAttrs = Set.empty
, opDefn = NoOpDefn Fun }
subtAxioms :: TypeMap -> [Named Sentence]
subtAxioms tm = map (subtAx tm) . Rel.toList $ typeRel tm
subtAx :: TypeMap -> (Id, Id) -> Named Sentence
subtAx tm (i1, i2) = let
e1 = Map.findWithDefault (error "TypeRel.subtAx1") i1 tm
e2 = Map.findWithDefault (error "TypeRel.subtAx2") i2 tm
ps = nullRange
txt = shows i1 "_<_" ++ show i2
in makeNamed ("ga_subt_" ++ txt)
$ Formula $ case (typeKind e1, typeKind e2) of
(ClassKind (), ClassKind ()) -> let
t1 = toType i1
t2 = toType i2
x1 = stringToId "x"
x2 = stringToId "y"
v1 = mkVarDecl x1 t1
v2 = mkVarDecl x2 t2
in mkForall (map GenVarDecl [v1, v2])
$ mkTerm subtRelName subtRelType [t1, t2] ps
$ TupleTerm [QualVar v1, QualVar v2] ps
_ -> trace (show $ "higher kinds not yet supported " ++ txt)
$ unitTerm trueId ps