TypeMixAna.hs revision 3f69b6948966979163bdfe8331c38833d5d90ecd
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
analyse mixfix types
module HasCASL.TypeMixAna (mkTypeConstrAppl) where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.PrintAs ()
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
-- | resolve parsed mixfix type to type applications with dummy kinds
mkTypeConstrAppl :: Type -> Result Type
mkTypeConstrAppl = mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel
-- | construct application differently for left and right arguments
data ApplMode = TopLevel | OnlyArg
-- | manual mixfix resolution of parsed types
mkTypeConstrAppls :: ApplMode -> Type -> Result Type
mkTypeConstrAppls m ty = case ty of
TypeName _ _ _ -> return ty
TypeToken tt -> return $ toType $ simpleIdToId tt
BracketType b ts ps -> do
args <- mapM (\ trm -> mkTypeConstrAppls m trm) ts
case args of
[] -> case b of
Parens -> return unitType
_ -> return $ toType $ mkId $ mkBracketToken b ps
[x] -> case b of
Parens -> return x
_ -> do let [o,c] = mkBracketToken b ps
t = toType $ mkId
[o, Token place $ firstPos args ps, c]
if isPlaceType (head ts) then return t
else return $ TypeAppl t x
_ -> mkError "illegal type" ty
MixfixType [] -> error "mkTypeConstrAppl (MixfixType [])"
MixfixType (f:a) -> case (f, a) of
(TypeToken t, [BracketType Squares as@(_:_) ps]) -> do
mis <- mapM mkTypeCompId as
return $ toType $ Id [t] mis ps
_ -> do newF <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel f
nA <- mapM ( \ t -> mkTypeConstrAppls OnlyArg t) a
return $ foldl1 TypeAppl $ newF : nA
KindedType t k p -> do
newT <- mkTypeConstrAppls m t
return $ KindedType newT k p
_ -> case getTypeAppl ty of
(top@(TypeName i _ _), ts) -> let n = length ts in
if i == lazyTypeId && n == 1 then do
newT <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel $ head ts
return $ mkLazyType newT
else if i == productId n then
if all isPlaceType ts then
return top else do
mTs <- mapM (mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel) ts
return $ mkProductType mTs
else if n == 2 && isArrow i then
if all isPlaceType ts then
return top else do
mTs <- mapM (mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel) ts
return $ mkTypeAppl top mTs
else error "mkTypeConstrAppls"
_ -> error $ "mkTypeConstrAppls " ++ showDoc ty "\n" ++ show ty
isPlaceType :: Type -> Bool
isPlaceType ty = case ty of
TypeToken t -> isPlace t
_ -> False
mkTypeCompId :: Type -> Result Id
mkTypeCompId ty = case ty of
TypeToken t -> if isPlace t then mkError "unexpected place" t
else return $ Id [t] [] nullRange
MixfixType [] -> error "mkTypeCompId: MixfixType []"
MixfixType (hd:tps) ->
if null tps then mkTypeCompId hd
else do
let (toks, comps) = break ( \ p ->
case p of BracketType Squares (_:_) _ -> True
_ -> False) tps
mts <- mapM mkTypeCompToks (hd:toks)
(mis, ps) <- if null comps then return ([], nullRange)
else mkTypeCompIds $ head comps
pls <- if null comps then return []
else mapM mkTypeIdPlace $ tail comps
return $ Id (concat mts ++ pls) mis ps
_ -> do ts <- mkTypeCompToks ty
return $ Id ts [] nullRange
mkTypeCompIds :: Type -> Result ([Id], Range)
mkTypeCompIds ty = case ty of
BracketType Squares tps@(_:_) ps -> do
mis <- mapM mkTypeCompId tps
return (mis, ps)
_ -> mkError "no compound list for type id" ty
mkTypeCompToks :: Type -> Result [Token]
mkTypeCompToks ty = case ty of
TypeToken t -> return [t]
BracketType bk [tp] ps -> case bk of
Parens -> mkError "no type id" ty
_ -> do let [o,c] = mkBracketToken bk ps
mts <- mkTypeCompToks tp
return (o : mts ++ [c])
MixfixType tps -> do
mts <- mapM mkTypeCompToks tps
return $ concat mts
_ -> mkError "no type tokens" ty
mkTypeIdPlace :: Type -> Result Token
mkTypeIdPlace ty = case ty of
TypeToken t -> if isPlace t then return t
else mkError "no place" t
_ -> mkError "no place" ty