TypeDecl.hs revision d17834302eaa101395b4b806cd73670fd864445f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
analyse type decls
module HasCASL.TypeDecl where
import Data.Maybe
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Lib.State
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.DataAna
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.TypeCheck
idsToTypePatterns :: [Maybe (Id, [TypeArg])] -> [TypePattern]
idsToTypePatterns mis = map ( \ (i, as) -> TypePattern i as [] )
$ catMaybes mis
anaFormula :: GlobalAnnos -> Annoted Term -> State Env (Maybe (Annoted Term))
anaFormula ga at =
do mt <- resolveTerm ga (Just logicalType) $ item at
return $ case mt of Nothing -> Nothing
Just e -> Just at { item = e }
anaVars :: Vars -> Type -> Result [VarDecl]
anaVars (Var v) t = return [VarDecl v t Other []]
anaVars (VarTuple vs _) t =
case unalias t of
ProductType ts _ ->
if length ts == length vs then
let lrs = zipWith anaVars vs ts
lms = map maybeResult lrs in
if all isJust lms then
return $ concatMap fromJust lms
else Result (concatMap diags lrs) Nothing
else Result [mkDiag Error "wrong arity" t] Nothing
_ -> Result [mkDiag Error "product type expected" t] Nothing
mapAnMaybe :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [Annoted a] -> m [Annoted b]
mapAnMaybe f al =
do il <- mapAnM f al
return $ map ( \ a -> a { item = fromJust $ item a }) $
filter (isJust . item) il
anaTypeItems :: GlobalAnnos -> GenKind -> Instance -> [Annoted TypeItem]
-> State Env [Annoted TypeItem]
anaTypeItems ga gk inst l = do
ul <- mapAnMaybe ana1TypeItem l
let tys = map ( \ (Datatype d) -> dataPatToType d) $
filter ( \ t -> case t of
Datatype _ -> True
_ -> False) $ map item ul
rl <- mapAnM (anaTypeItem ga gk inst tys) ul
addDataSen tys
return rl
addDataSen :: [DataPat] -> State Env ()
addDataSen tys = do
tm <- gets typeMap
let tis = map ( \ (i, _, _) -> i) tys
ds = foldr ( \ i dl -> case Map.lookup i tm of
Nothing -> dl
Just ti -> case typeDefn ti of
DatatypeDefn dd -> dd : dl
_ -> dl) [] tis
sen = NamedSen ("ga_" ++ showSepList (showString "_") showId tis "")
$ DatatypeSen ds
if null tys then return () else appendSentences [sen]
ana1TypeItem :: TypeItem -> State Env (Maybe TypeItem)
ana1TypeItem (Datatype d) =
do md <- ana1Datatype d
return $ fmap Datatype md
ana1TypeItem t = return $ Just t
-- | analyse a 'TypeItem'
anaTypeItem :: GlobalAnnos -> GenKind -> Instance -> [DataPat] -> TypeItem
-> State Env TypeItem
anaTypeItem _ _ inst _ (TypeDecl pats kind ps) =
do ak <- anaKind kind
let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
addDiags ds
mis <- mapM (addTypePattern NoTypeDefn inst ak) is
return $ TypeDecl (idsToTypePatterns mis) ak ps
anaTypeItem _ _ inst _ (SubtypeDecl pats t ps) =
do let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
addDiags ds
mis <- mapM (addTypePattern NoTypeDefn inst star) is
let newPats = idsToTypePatterns mis
mt <- anaStarType t
case mt of
Nothing -> return $ TypeDecl newPats star ps
Just newT -> do mapM_ (addSuperType newT) $ map fst is
return $ SubtypeDecl newPats newT ps
anaTypeItem _ _ inst _ (IsoDecl pats ps) =
do let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
js = map fst is
addDiags ds
mis <- mapM (addTypePattern NoTypeDefn inst star) is
mapM_ ( \ i -> mapM_ (addSuperType (TypeName i star 0)) js) js
return $ IsoDecl (idsToTypePatterns mis) ps
anaTypeItem ga _ inst _ (SubtypeDefn pat v t f ps) =
do let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
addDiags ds
case m of
Nothing -> return $ SubtypeDefn pat v t f ps
Just (i, as) -> do
tm <- gets typeMap
newAs <- mapM anaTypeVarDecl as
mt <- anaStarType t
let nAs = catMaybes newAs
newPat = TypePattern i nAs []
case mt of
Nothing -> return $ SubtypeDefn newPat v t f ps
Just ty -> do
let newPty = TypeScheme nAs ty []
fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs star
Result es mvds = anaVars v ty
addDiags es
checkUniqueTypevars nAs
if cyclicType i ty then do
addDiags [mkDiag Error
"illegal recursive subtype definition" ty]
return $ SubtypeDefn newPat v ty f ps
else case mvds of
Nothing -> return $ SubtypeDefn
newPat v ty f ps
Just vds -> do
checkUniqueVars vds
ass <- gets assumps
mapM_ addVarDecl vds
mf <- anaFormula ga f
putTypeMap tm
putAssumps ass
case mf of
Nothing -> do
addTypeId True
newPty) inst
fullKind i
return $ AliasType
(Just fullKind)
newPty ps
Just newF -> do
addTypeId True
(Supertype v newPty
$ item newF)
inst fullKind i
addSuperType ty i
return $ SubtypeDefn
newPat v ty
newF ps
anaTypeItem _ _ inst _ t@(AliasType pat mk sc ps) =
do let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
addDiags ds
case m of
Nothing -> return t
Just (i, as) -> do
tm <- gets typeMap
newAs <- mapM anaTypeVarDecl as
(ik, mt) <- anaPseudoType mk sc
putTypeMap tm
let nAs = catMaybes newAs
newPat = TypePattern i nAs []
case mt of
Nothing -> return $ AliasType newPat mk sc ps
Just newSc@(TypeScheme args ty qs) ->
if cyclicType i ty then
do addDiags [mkDiag Error
"illegal recursive type synonym" ty]
return $ AliasType newPat mk newSc ps
else do
let allArgs = nAs++args
fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs ik
allSc = TypeScheme allArgs ty qs
checkUniqueTypevars allArgs
gPty <- fromResult $ const $ generalize allSc
case gPty of
Nothing -> return $ AliasType
(TypePattern i [] [])
(Just fullKind) allSc ps
Just newPty -> do
addTypeId True (AliasTypeDefn newPty)
inst fullKind i
return $ AliasType (TypePattern i [] [])
(Just fullKind) newPty ps
anaTypeItem _ gk inst tys (Datatype d) =
do newD <- anaDatatype gk inst tys d
return $ Datatype newD
cyclicType :: Id -> Type -> Bool
cyclicType i ty = Set.member i $ idsOf (==0) ty
ana1Datatype :: DatatypeDecl -> State Env (Maybe DatatypeDecl)
ana1Datatype (DatatypeDecl pat kind alts derivs ps) =
do k <- anaKind kind
addDiags $ checkKinds pat star k
cm <- gets classMap
let rms = map ( \ c -> anaClassId c cm) derivs
jcs = catMaybes $ map maybeResult rms
newDerivs = foldr( \ ck l -> case ck of
ClassKind ci _ -> ci:l
_ -> l) [] jcs
Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
addDiags (ds ++ concatMap diags rms)
addDiags $ concatMap (checkKinds pat star) jcs
case m of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (i, as) -> do
tm <- gets typeMap
newAs <- mapM anaTypeVarDecl as
putTypeMap tm
let nAs = catMaybes newAs
fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs k
checkUniqueTypevars nAs
mi <- addTypeId False PreDatatype Plain fullKind i
return $ case mi of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ -> Just $ DatatypeDecl (TypePattern i nAs [])
k alts newDerivs ps
dataPatToType :: DatatypeDecl -> DataPat
dataPatToType (DatatypeDecl (TypePattern i nAs _) k _ _ _) =
(i, nAs, k)
dataPatToType _ = error "dataPatToType"
-- | add a supertype to a given type id
addSuperType :: Type -> Id -> State Env ()
addSuperType t i =
do tm <- gets typeMap
case Map.lookup i tm of
Nothing -> return () -- previous error
Just ti@(TypeInfo ok ks sups defn) ->
if isTypeVarDefn ti then
addDiags[mkDiag Error "illegal supertype for variable" t]
else if any (== t) sups then
addDiags[mkDiag Hint "repeated supertype" t]
else putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo ok ks (t:sups) defn) tm
addDataSubtype :: DataPat -> Type -> State Env ()
addDataSubtype dt st =
case st of
TypeName i _ _ -> addSuperType (typeIdToType dt) i
_ -> addDiags [mkDiag Warning "data subtype ignored" st]
-- | analyse a 'DatatypeDecl'
anaDatatype :: GenKind -> Instance -> [DataPat]
-> DatatypeDecl -> State Env DatatypeDecl
anaDatatype genKind inst tys
d@(DatatypeDecl (TypePattern i nAs _) k alts _ _) =
do let dt = dataPatToType d
fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs k
tm <- gets typeMap
mapM_ (addTypeVarDecl False) nAs
mNewAlts <- fromResult (anaAlts tys dt (map item alts) . typeMap)
putTypeMap tm
case mNewAlts of
Nothing -> return d
Just newAlts -> do
mapM_ (addDataSubtype dt) $ foldr
( \ (Construct mc ts _ _) l -> case mc of
Nothing -> ts ++ l
Just _ -> l) [] newAlts
mapM_ ( \ (Construct mc tc p sels) -> case mc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just c -> do
let ty = TypeScheme nAs (getConstrType dt p tc) []
msc <- fromResult $ const $ generalize ty
case msc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just sc -> do
addOpId c sc [] (ConstructData i)
mapM_ ( \ (Select ms ts pa) -> case ms of
Just s -> do
ssc <- fromResult $ const $ getSelType dt pa ts
case ssc of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just selSc -> addOpId s selSc []
$ SelectData [ConstrInfo c sc] i
Nothing -> return Nothing) $ concat sels) newAlts
let de = DataEntry Map.empty i genKind nAs newAlts
addTypeId True (DatatypeDefn de) inst fullKind i
appendSentences $ makeDataSelEqs de k
return d
anaDatatype _ _ _ _ = error "anaDatatype (not preprocessed)"
-- | analyse a pseudo type (represented as a 'TypeScheme')
anaPseudoType :: Maybe Kind -> TypeScheme -> State Env (Kind, Maybe TypeScheme)
anaPseudoType mk (TypeScheme tArgs ty p) =
do k <- case mk of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just j -> fromResult $ anaKindM j
tm <- gets typeMap -- save global variables
mapM_ anaTypeVarDecl tArgs
mp <- fromResult (anaType (k, ty) . typeMap)
putTypeMap tm -- forget local variables
case mp of
Nothing -> return (star, Nothing)
Just (sk, newTy) -> do
let newK = typeArgsListToKind tArgs sk
case k of
Nothing -> return ()
Just j -> addDiags $ checkKinds ty j newK
return (newK, Just $ TypeScheme tArgs newTy p)
-- | add a type pattern
addTypePattern :: TypeDefn -> Instance -> Kind -> (Id, [TypeArg])
-> State Env (Maybe (Id, [TypeArg]))
addTypePattern defn inst kind (i, as) =
do tm <- gets typeMap
newAs <- mapM anaTypeVarDecl as
let nAs = catMaybes newAs
fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs kind
putTypeMap tm
checkUniqueTypevars nAs
mId <- addTypeId True defn inst fullKind i
return $ case mId of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just newId -> Just (newId, nAs)
-- | convert type patterns
convertTypePatterns :: [TypePattern] -> Result [(Id, [TypeArg])]
convertTypePatterns [] = Result [] $ Just []
convertTypePatterns (s:r) =
let Result d m = convertTypePattern s
Result ds (Just l) = convertTypePatterns r
in case m of
Nothing -> Result (d++ds) $ Just l
Just i -> Result (d++ds) $ Just (i:l)
illegalTypePattern, illegalTypePatternArg, illegalTypeId
:: TypePattern -> Result a
illegalTypePattern tp = fatal_error ("illegal type pattern: " ++
showPretty tp "") $ getMyPos tp
illegalTypePatternArg tp = fatal_error ("illegal type pattern argument: " ++
showPretty tp "") $ getMyPos tp
illegalTypeId tp = fatal_error ("illegal type pattern identifier: " ++
showPretty tp "") $ getMyPos tp
-- | convert a 'TypePattern'
convertTypePattern :: TypePattern -> Result (Id, [TypeArg])
convertTypePattern (TypePattern t as _) = return (t, as)
convertTypePattern tp@(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then illegalTypePattern tp
else return (simpleIdToId t, [])
convertTypePattern tp@(MixfixTypePattern
[ra, ri@(TypePatternToken inTok), rb]) =
if head (tokStr inTok) `elem` signChars
then let inId = Id [Token place $ getMyPos ra, inTok,
Token place $ getMyPos rb] [] [] in
case (ra, rb) of
(TypePatternToken (Token "__" _),
TypePatternToken (Token "__" _)) -> return (inId, [])
_ -> do a <- convertToTypeArg ra
b <- convertToTypeArg rb
return (inId, [a, b])
else case ra of
TypePatternToken t1 -> do
a <- convertToTypeArg ri
b <- convertToTypeArg rb
return (simpleIdToId t1, [a, b])
_ -> illegalTypePattern tp
convertTypePattern tp@(MixfixTypePattern (TypePatternToken t1 : rp)) =
if isPlace t1 then
case rp of
[TypePatternToken inId, TypePatternToken t2] ->
if isPlace t2 && head (tokStr inId) `elem` signChars
then return (Id [t1,inId,t2] [] [], [])
else illegalTypePattern tp
_ -> illegalTypePattern tp
else case rp of
[BracketTypePattern Squares as@(_:_) ps] -> do
is <- mapM convertToId as
return (Id [t1] is ps, [])
_ -> do as <- mapM convertToTypeArg rp
return (simpleIdToId t1, as)
convertTypePattern (BracketTypePattern bk [ap] ps) =
case bk of
Parens -> convertTypePattern ap
_ -> let (o, c) = getBrackets bk
tid = Id [Token o $ head ps, Token place $ getMyPos ap,
Token c $ last ps] [] [] in
case ap of
TypePatternToken t -> if isPlace t then
return (tid, [])
else return (tid, [TypeArg (simpleIdToId t) MissingKind Other []])
_ -> do a <- convertToTypeArg ap
return (tid, [a])
convertTypePattern tp = illegalTypePattern tp
convertToTypeArg :: TypePattern -> Result TypeArg
convertToTypeArg tp@(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then illegalTypePatternArg tp
else return $ TypeArg (simpleIdToId t) MissingKind Other []
convertToTypeArg (TypePatternArg a _) = return a
convertToTypeArg (BracketTypePattern Parens [tp] _) = convertToTypeArg tp
convertToTypeArg tp = illegalTypePatternArg tp
convertToId :: TypePattern -> Result Id
convertToId tp@(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then illegalTypeId tp
else return $ Id [t] [] []
convertToId (MixfixTypePattern []) = error "convertToId: MixfixTypePattern []"
convertToId (MixfixTypePattern (hd:tps)) =
if null tps then convertToId hd
else do
let (toks, comps) = break ( \ p ->
case p of BracketTypePattern Squares (_:_) _ -> True
_ -> False) tps
ts <- mapM convertToToks (hd:toks)
(is, ps) <- if null comps then return ([], [])
else convertToIds $ head comps
pls <- if null comps then return []
else mapM convertToPlace $ tail comps
return $ Id (concat ts ++ pls) is ps
convertToId tp = do
ts <- convertToToks tp
return $ Id ts [] []
convertToIds :: TypePattern -> Result ([Id], [Pos])
convertToIds (BracketTypePattern Squares tps@(_:_) ps) = do
is <- mapM convertToId tps
return (is, ps)
convertToIds tp = illegalTypeId tp
convertToToks :: TypePattern -> Result [Token]
convertToToks (TypePatternToken t) = return [t]
convertToToks (BracketTypePattern bk [tp] ps) = case bk of
Parens -> illegalTypeId tp
_ -> do let [o,c] = mkBracketToken bk ps
ts <- convertToToks tp
return (o : ts ++ [c])
convertToToks(MixfixTypePattern tps) = do
ts <- mapM convertToToks tps
return $ concat ts
convertToToks tp = illegalTypeId tp
convertToPlace :: TypePattern -> Result Token
convertToPlace tp@(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then return t
else illegalTypeId tp
convertToPlace tp = illegalTypeId tp