TypeDecl.hs revision 6e6ba3ab90205840b9c0ea408befaed7d1d7b80b
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/TypeDecl.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2003
analyse type decls
module HasCASL.TypeDecl where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation(item)
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.Le
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
import Common.Lib.Parsec
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Error
import Common.Result
import Common.PrettyPrint
import HasCASL.TypeAna
compatibleTypeDefn :: TypeDefn -> TypeDefn -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
compatibleTypeDefn d1 d2 i =
if case (d1, d2) of
(TypeVarDefn, TypeVarDefn) -> True
(TypeVarDefn, _) -> False
(_, TypeVarDefn) -> False
_ -> True
then [] else [mkDiag Error "incompatible redeclaration of type" i]
addTypeKind :: TypeDefn -> Id -> Kind -> State Env ()
addTypeKind d i k =
do tk <- getTypeMap
case Map.lookup i tk of
Nothing -> putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo k [] [] d) tk
Just (TypeInfo ok ks sups defn) ->
do checkKinds (posOfId i) k ok
if any (==k) (ok:ks)
then addDiag $ mkDiag Warning
"redeclared type" i
else putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo ok
(k:ks) sups defn) tk
addSuperType :: Type -> Id -> State Env ()
addSuperType t i =
do tk <- getTypeMap
case Map.lookup i tk of
Nothing -> return () -- previous error
Just (TypeInfo ok ks sups defn) ->
putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo ok ks (t:sups) defn)
anaTypeItem :: GenKind -> Instance -> TypeItem -> State Env ()
anaTypeItem _ inst (TypeDecl pats kind _) =
do k <- anaKind kind
let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
appendDiags ds
mapM_ (anaTypeId NoTypeDefn inst kind) is
anaTypeItem _ inst (SubtypeDecl pats t _) =
do sup <- anaType t
let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
appendDiags ds
mapM_ (anaTypeId NoTypeDefn inst star) is
mapM_ (addSuperType t) is
anaTypeItem _ inst (IsoDecl pats _) =
do let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
appendDiags ds
mapM_ (anaTypeId NoTypeDefn inst star) is
mapM_ ( \ i -> mapM_ (addSuperType (TypeName i star 0)) is) is
anaTypeItem _ inst (SubtypeDefn pat v t f ps) =
do (mk, newT) <- anaType t
k <- case mk of
Nothing -> return star
Just k -> do checkKinds (posOfType t) k star
return k
addDiag $ Diag Warning ("unchecked formula '" ++ showPretty f "'")
$ firstPos [v] ps
let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
appendDiags ds
case m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just i -> do anaTypeId (Supertype v newT $ item f)
inst k i
addSuperType newT i
anaTypeItem _ inst (AliasType pat mk sc _) =
do (ik, newPty) <- anaPseudoType mk sc
let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
appendDiags ds
case (m, ik) of
(Just i, Just ki) -> anaTypeId (AliasTypeDefn newPty) inst ki i
_ -> return ()
anaTypeItem gk inst (Datatype d) = anaDatatype gk inst d
anaDatatype :: GenKind -> Instance -> DatatypeDecl -> State Env ()
anaDatatype genKind inst (DatatypeDecl pat kind _alts derivs ps) =
do k <- anaKind kind
checkKinds (firstPos [pat] ps) k star
case derivs of
Just c -> do (dk, _) <- anaClass c
checkKinds (posOfClass c) dk star
Nothing -> return ()
let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
appendDiags ds
case m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just i ->
do -- newAlts <- anaAlts i alts
anaTypeId (DatatypeDefn genKind) inst k i
-- TO DO analyse alternatives and add them to Datatype Defn
-- anaAlts :: Id ->
anaPseudoType :: Maybe Kind -> TypeScheme -> State Env (Maybe Kind, TypeScheme)
anaPseudoType mk (TypeScheme tArgs (q :=> ty) p) =
do k <- case mk of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just j -> fmap Just $ anaKind j
tm <- getTypeMap -- save global variables
mapM_ anaTypeVarDecl tArgs
(ik, newTy) <- anaType ty
let newPty = TypeScheme tArgs (q :=> newTy) p
sik <- case ik of
Nothing -> return k
Just sk -> do let newK = typeArgsListToKind tArgs sk
case k of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ki -> checkKinds (posOfType ty) ki newK
return $ Just newK
putTypeMap tm -- forget local variables
return (sik, newPty)
typeArgsListToKind :: [TypeArg] -> Kind -> Kind
typeArgsListToKind tArgs k =
if null tArgs then k
else typeArgsListToKind (init tArgs)
(KindAppl (typeArgToKind $ last tArgs) k [])
typeArgToKind :: TypeArg -> Kind
typeArgToKind (TypeArg _ k _ _) = k
anaTypeVarDecl :: TypeArg -> State Env ()
anaTypeVarDecl(TypeArg t k _ _) =
do nk <- anaKind k
addTypeKind TypeVarDefn t nk
kindArity :: ApplMode -> Kind -> Int
kindArity m (KindAppl k1 k2 _) =
case m of
TopLevel -> kindArity OnlyArg k1 +
kindArity TopLevel k2
OnlyArg -> 1
kindArity m (ExtClass _ _ _) = case m of
TopLevel -> 0
OnlyArg -> 1
anaTypeId :: TypeDefn -> Instance -> Kind -> Id -> State Env ()
-- type args not yet considered for kind construction
anaTypeId defn _ kind i@(Id ts _ _) =
do cMap <- getClassMap
let n = length $ filter isPlace ts
nk = expandKind cMap kind
if n <= kindArity TopLevel nk then
addTypeKind defn i kind
else addDiag $ mkDiag Error "wrong arity of" i
convertTypePatterns :: [TypePattern] -> Result [Id]
convertTypePatterns [] = Result [] $ Just []
convertTypePatterns (s:r) =
let Result d m = convertTypePattern s
Result ds (Just l) = convertTypePatterns r
in case m of
Nothing -> Result (d++ds) $ Just l
Just i -> Result (d++ds) $ Just (i:l)
convertTypePattern, makeMixTypeId :: TypePattern -> Result Id
convertTypePattern (TypePattern t _ _) = return t
convertTypePattern(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then fatal_error ("illegal type '__'") (tokPos t)
else return $ (simpleIdToId t)
convertTypePattern t =
if {- hasPlaces t && -} hasTypeArgs t then
fatal_error ( "arguments in type patterns not yet supported")
-- "illegal mix of '__' and '(...)'"
(posOfTypePattern t)
else makeMixTypeId t
-- TODO trailing places are not necessary for curried kinds
-- and should be ignored to avoid different Ids "Pred" and "Pred__"
typePatternToTokens :: TypePattern -> [Token]
typePatternToTokens (TypePattern ti _ _) = getTokenList place ti
typePatternToTokens (TypePatternToken t) = [t]
typePatternToTokens (MixfixTypePattern ts) = concatMap typePatternToTokens ts
typePatternToTokens (BracketTypePattern pk ts ps) =
let tts = map typePatternToTokens ts
expand = expandPos (:[]) in
case pk of
Parens -> if length tts == 1 &&
length (head tts) == 1 then head tts
else concat $ expand "(" ")" tts ps
Squares -> concat $ expand "[" "]" tts ps
Braces -> concat $ expand "{" "}" tts ps
typePatternToTokens (TypePatternArg (TypeArg v _ _ _) _) =
[Token "__" (posOfId v)]
-- compound Ids not supported yet
getToken :: GenParser Token st Token
getToken = token tokStr tokPos Just
parseTypePatternId :: GenParser Token st Id
parseTypePatternId =
do ts <- many1 getToken
return $ Id ts [] []
makeMixTypeId t =
case parse parseTypePatternId "" (typePatternToTokens t) of
Left err -> fatal_error (showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error"
"expecting" "unexpected" "end of input"
(errorMessages err))
(errorPos err)
Right x -> return x
hasPlaces, hasTypeArgs :: TypePattern -> Bool
hasPlaces (TypePattern _ _ _) = False
hasPlaces (TypePatternToken t) = isPlace t
hasPlaces (MixfixTypePattern ts) = any hasPlaces ts
hasPlaces (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = any hasPlaces ts
hasPlaces (TypePatternArg _ _) = False
hasTypeArgs (TypePattern _ _ _) = True
hasTypeArgs (TypePatternToken _) = False
hasTypeArgs (MixfixTypePattern ts) = any hasTypeArgs ts
hasTypeArgs (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = any hasTypeArgs ts
hasTypeArgs (TypePatternArg _ _) = True