TypeDecl.hs revision 68f35b7456a459f908662eb25dacfe9340c1c52a
1N/A{- |
1N/AModule : $Header$
1N/ACopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
1N/ALicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
1N/AMaintainer : maeder@tzi.de
1N/AStability : provisional
1N/APortability : portable
1N/Aanalyse type decls
1N/Amodule HasCASL.TypeDecl where
1N/Aimport Data.Maybe
1N/Aimport Common.Lexer
1N/Aimport Common.Id
1N/Aimport Common.AS_Annotation
1N/Aimport Common.Lib.State
1N/Aimport qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
1N/Aimport Common.Result
1N/Aimport Common.GlobalAnnotations
1N/Aimport HasCASL.As
1N/Aimport HasCASL.Le
1N/Aimport HasCASL.ClassAna
1N/Aimport HasCASL.AsUtils
1N/Aimport HasCASL.TypeAna
1N/Aimport HasCASL.DataAna
1N/Aimport HasCASL.VarDecl
1N/Aimport HasCASL.TypeCheck
1N/AidsToTypePatterns :: [Maybe (Id, [TypeArg])] -> [TypePattern]
1N/AidsToTypePatterns mis = map ( \ (i, tArgs) -> TypePattern i tArgs [] )
1N/A $ catMaybes mis
1N/AanaFormula :: GlobalAnnos -> Annoted Term -> State Env (Maybe (Annoted Term))
1N/AanaFormula ga at =
1N/A do mt <- resolveTerm ga (Just unitType) $ item at
1N/A return $ case mt of Nothing -> Nothing
1N/A Just e -> Just at { item = e }
1N/AanaVars :: Vars -> Type -> Result [VarDecl]
1N/AanaVars (Var v) t = return [VarDecl v t Other []]
1N/AanaVars (VarTuple vs _) t =
1N/A case unalias t of
1N/A ProductType ts _ ->
1N/A if length ts == length vs then
1N/A let lrs = zipWith anaVars vs ts
1N/A lms = map maybeResult lrs in
1N/A if all isJust lms then
1N/A return $ concatMap fromJust lms
1N/A else Result (concatMap diags lrs) Nothing
1N/A else mkError "wrong arity" t
1N/A _ -> mkError "product type expected" t
1N/AmapAnMaybe :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [Annoted a] -> m [Annoted b]
1N/AmapAnMaybe f al =
1N/A do il <- mapAnM f al
1N/A return $ map ( \ a -> replaceAnnoted (fromJust $ item a) a) $
1N/A filter (isJust . item) il
1N/AanaTypeItems :: GlobalAnnos -> GenKind -> Instance -> [Annoted TypeItem]
1N/A -> State Env [Annoted TypeItem]
1N/AanaTypeItems ga gk inst l = do
1N/A ul <- mapAnMaybe ana1TypeItem l
1N/A let tys = map ( \ (Datatype d) -> dataPatToType d) $
1N/A filter ( \ t -> case t of
1N/A Datatype _ -> True
1N/A _ -> False) $ map item ul
1N/A rl <- mapAnMaybe (anaTypeItem ga gk inst tys) ul
1N/A addDataSen tys
1N/A return rl
1N/AaddDataSen :: [DataPat] -> State Env ()
1N/AaddDataSen tys = do
1N/A tm <- gets typeMap
1N/A let tis = map ( \ (i, _, _) -> i) tys
1N/A ds = foldr ( \ i dl -> case Map.lookup i tm of
1N/A Nothing -> dl
1N/A Just ti -> case typeDefn ti of
1N/A DatatypeDefn dd -> dd : dl
1N/A _ -> dl) [] tis
1N/A sen = NamedSen ("ga_" ++ showSepList (showString "_") showId tis "")
1N/A True $ DatatypeSen ds
1N/A if null tys then return () else appendSentences [sen]
1N/Aana1TypeItem :: TypeItem -> State Env (Maybe TypeItem)
1N/Aana1TypeItem (Datatype d) =
1N/A do md <- ana1Datatype d
1N/A return $ fmap Datatype md
1N/Aana1TypeItem t = return $ Just t
1N/A-- | analyse a 'TypeItem'
1N/AanaTypeItem :: GlobalAnnos -> GenKind -> Instance -> [DataPat] -> TypeItem
1N/A -> State Env (Maybe TypeItem)
1N/AanaTypeItem _ _ inst _ (TypeDecl pats kind ps) =
1N/A do cm <- gets classMap
1N/A let Result cs (Just rrk) = anaKindM kind cm
1N/A Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
1N/A addDiags $ cs ++ ds
1N/A let (rk, ak) = if null cs then (rrk, kind) else (star, star)
1N/A mis <- mapM (addTypePattern NoTypeDefn inst (rk, [ak])) is
1N/A let newPats = idsToTypePatterns mis
1N/A return $ if null newPats then Nothing else
1N/A Just $ TypeDecl newPats ak ps
1N/AanaTypeItem _ _ inst _ (SubtypeDecl pats t ps) =
1N/A do let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
1N/A addDiags ds
1N/A te <- get
1N/A let Result es mp = anaTypeM (Nothing, t) te
1N/A case mp of
1N/A Nothing -> do
1N/A mis <- mapM (addTypePattern NoTypeDefn inst (star, [star])) is
1N/A let newPats = idsToTypePatterns mis
1N/A if null newPats then return Nothing else case t of
1N/A TypeToken tt -> do
1N/A let tid = simpleIdToId tt
1N/A newT = TypeName tid star 0
1N/A addTypeId False NoTypeDefn inst star star tid
1N/A mapM_ (addSuperType newT) $ map fst is
1N/A return $ Just $ SubtypeDecl newPats newT ps
1N/A _ -> do
1N/A addDiags es
1N/A return $ Just $ TypeDecl newPats star ps
1N/A Just (ak, newT) -> do
1N/A mis <- mapM (addTypePattern NoTypeDefn inst ak) is
1N/A let newPats = idsToTypePatterns mis
1N/A mapM_ (addSuperType newT) $ map fst is
1N/A return $ if null newPats then Nothing else
1N/A Just $ SubtypeDecl newPats newT ps
1N/AanaTypeItem _ _ inst _ (IsoDecl pats ps) =
1N/A do let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
1N/A js = map fst is
1N/A addDiags ds
1N/A mis <- mapM (addTypePattern NoTypeDefn inst (star, [star])) is
1N/A mapM_ ( \ i -> mapM_ (addSuperType (TypeName i star 0)) js) js
1N/A return $ if null mis then Nothing else
1N/A Just $ IsoDecl (idsToTypePatterns mis) ps
1N/AanaTypeItem ga _ inst _ (SubtypeDefn pat v t f ps) =
1N/A do let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
1N/A addDiags ds
1N/A case m of
1N/A Nothing -> return Nothing
1N/A Just (i, tArgs) -> do
1N/A tvs <- gets localTypeVars
1N/A newAs <- mapM anaddTypeVarDecl tArgs
1N/A mt <- anaStarType t
1N/A let nAs = catMaybes newAs
1N/A newPat = TypePattern i nAs []
1N/A case mt of
1N/A Nothing -> do
1N/A putLocalTypeVars tvs
1N/A return Nothing
1N/A Just ty -> do
1N/A newPty <- generalizeS $ TypeScheme nAs ty []
1N/A let fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs star
1N/A rk <- anaKind fullKind
1N/A let Result es mvds = anaVars v $ monoType ty
1N/A altDecl = Just $ AliasType newPat (Just fullKind)
1N/A newPty ps
1N/A altAct = do
1N/A putLocalTypeVars tvs
1N/A addTypeId True (AliasTypeDefn newPty) inst
1N/A rk fullKind i
1N/A return altDecl
1N/A addDiags es
1N/A if cyclicType i ty then do
1N/A addDiags [mkDiag Error
1N/A "illegal recursive subtype definition" ty]
1N/A putLocalTypeVars tvs
1N/A return Nothing
1N/A else case mvds of
1N/A Nothing -> altAct
1N/A Just vds -> do
1N/A checkUniqueVars vds
1N/A vs <- gets localVars
1N/A mapM_ (addLocalVar True) vds
1N/A mf <- anaFormula ga f
1N/A putLocalVars vs
1N/A case mf of
1N/A Nothing -> altAct
1N/A Just newF -> do
1N/A addTypeId True (Supertype v newPty
1N/A $ item newF)
1N/A inst rk fullKind i
1N/A addSuperType ty i
1N/A putLocalTypeVars tvs
1N/A return $ Just $ SubtypeDefn newPat v ty
1N/A newF ps
1N/AanaTypeItem _ _ inst _ (AliasType pat mk sc ps) =
1N/A do let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
1N/A addDiags ds
1N/A case m of
1N/A Nothing -> return Nothing
1N/A Just (i, tArgs) -> do
1N/A tvs <- gets localTypeVars -- save variables
1N/A newAs <- mapM anaddTypeVarDecl tArgs
1N/A (ik, mt) <- anaPseudoType mk sc
1N/A let nAs = catMaybes newAs
1N/A case mt of
1N/A Nothing -> do putLocalTypeVars tvs
1N/A return Nothing
1N/A Just (TypeScheme args ty qs) ->
1N/A if cyclicType i ty then
1N/A do addDiags [mkDiag Error
1N/A "illegal recursive type synonym" ty]
1N/A putLocalTypeVars tvs
1N/A return Nothing
1N/A else do
1N/A let allArgs = nAs++args
1N/A fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs ik
1N/A allSc = TypeScheme allArgs ty qs
1N/A rk <- anaKind fullKind
1N/A newPty <- generalizeS allSc
1N/A putLocalTypeVars tvs
1N/A b <- addTypeId True (AliasTypeDefn newPty)
1N/A inst rk fullKind i
1N/A return $ if b then Just $ AliasType
1N/A (TypePattern i [] [])
1N/A (Just fullKind) newPty ps
1N/A else Nothing
1N/AanaTypeItem _ gk inst tys (Datatype d) =
1N/A do mD <- anaDatatype gk inst tys d
1N/A case mD of
1N/A Nothing -> return Nothing
1N/A Just newD -> return $ Just $ Datatype newD
1N/Aana1Datatype :: DatatypeDecl -> State Env (Maybe DatatypeDecl)
1N/Aana1Datatype (DatatypeDecl pat kind alts derivs ps) =
1N/A do cm <- gets classMap
1N/A let Result cs (Just rk) = anaKindM kind cm
1N/A k = if null cs then kind else star
1N/A addDiags $ checkKinds pat star rk ++ cs
1N/A let rms = map ( \ c -> anaKindM (ClassKind c) cm) derivs
1N/A mcs = map maybeResult rms
1N/A jcs = catMaybes mcs
1N/A newDerivs = map fst $ filter (isJust . snd) $ zip derivs mcs
1N/A Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
1N/A addDiags (ds ++ concatMap diags rms)
1N/A addDiags $ concatMap (checkKinds pat star) jcs
1N/A case m of
1N/A Nothing -> return Nothing
1N/A Just (i, tArgs) -> do
1N/A tvs <- gets localTypeVars
1N/A newAs <- mapM anaddTypeVarDecl tArgs
1N/A putLocalTypeVars tvs
1N/A let nAs = catMaybes newAs
1N/A fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs k
1N/A addDiags $ checkUniqueTypevars nAs
1N/A frk <- anaKind fullKind
1N/A b <- addTypeId False PreDatatype Plain frk fullKind i
1N/A return $ if b then Just $ DatatypeDecl
1N/A (TypePattern i nAs []) k alts newDerivs ps else Nothing
1N/AdataPatToType :: DatatypeDecl -> DataPat
1N/AdataPatToType (DatatypeDecl (TypePattern i nAs _) k _ _ _) =
1N/A (i, nAs, k)
1N/AdataPatToType _ = error "dataPatToType"
1N/A-- | add a supertype to a given type id
1N/AaddSuperType :: Type -> Id -> State Env ()
1N/AaddSuperType t i =
1N/A do tm <- gets typeMap
1N/A case Map.lookup i tm of
1N/A Nothing -> return () -- previous error
1N/A Just (TypeInfo ok ks sups defn) ->
1N/A if any (== t) sups then
1N/A addDiags[mkDiag Hint "repeated supertype" t]
else putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo ok ks (t:sups) defn) tm
addDataSubtype :: DataPat -> Type -> State Env ()
addDataSubtype dt st =
case st of
TypeName i _ _ -> addSuperType (typeIdToType dt) i
_ -> addDiags [mkDiag Warning "data subtype ignored" st]
-- | analyse a 'DatatypeDecl'
anaDatatype :: GenKind -> Instance -> [DataPat]
-> DatatypeDecl -> State Env (Maybe DatatypeDecl)
anaDatatype genKind inst tys
d@(DatatypeDecl (TypePattern i nAs _) k alts _ _) =
do let dt = dataPatToType d
fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs k
tvs <- gets localTypeVars
mapM_ (addTypeVarDecl False) nAs
mNewAlts <- fromResult $ anaAlts tys dt (map item alts)
case mNewAlts of
Nothing -> do
putLocalTypeVars tvs
return Nothing
Just newAlts -> do
mapM_ (addDataSubtype dt) $ foldr
( \ (Construct mc ts _ _) l -> case mc of
Nothing -> ts ++ l
Just _ -> l) [] newAlts
mapM_ ( \ (Construct mc tc p sels) -> case mc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just c -> do
let ty = TypeScheme nAs (getConstrType dt p tc) []
sc <- generalizeS ty
addOpId c sc [] (ConstructData i)
mapM_ ( \ (Select ms ts pa) -> case ms of
Just s -> addOpId s (getSelType dt pa ts) []
$ SelectData [ConstrInfo c sc] i
Nothing -> return False) $ concat sels) newAlts
let de = DataEntry Map.empty i genKind nAs newAlts
rk <- anaKind fullKind
addTypeId True (DatatypeDefn de) inst rk fullKind i
appendSentences $ makeDataSelEqs de k
putLocalTypeVars tvs
return $ Just d
anaDatatype _ _ _ _ = error "anaDatatype (not preprocessed)"
-- | analyse a pseudo type (represented as a 'TypeScheme')
anaPseudoType :: Maybe Kind -> TypeScheme -> State Env (Kind, Maybe TypeScheme)
anaPseudoType mk (TypeScheme tArgs ty p) =
do cm <- gets classMap
let k = case mk of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just j -> let Result cs (Just rk) = anaKindM j cm
in Just $ if null cs then j else rk
nAs <- mapM anaddTypeVarDecl tArgs
let ntArgs = catMaybes nAs
mp <- anaType (Nothing, ty)
case mp of
Nothing -> return (star, Nothing)
Just ((_, sks), newTy) -> case sks of
[sk] -> do
let newK = typeArgsListToKind ntArgs sk
irk <- anaKind newK
case k of
Nothing -> return ()
Just j -> do grk <- anaKind j
addDiags $ checkKinds ty grk irk
return (newK, Just $ TypeScheme ntArgs newTy p)
_ -> return (star, Nothing)
-- | add a type pattern
addTypePattern :: TypeDefn -> Instance -> (RawKind, [Kind])
-> (Id, [TypeArg]) -> State Env (Maybe (Id, [TypeArg]))
addTypePattern defn inst (_, ks) (i, tArgs) =
nonUniqueKind ks i $ \ kind -> do
tvs <- gets localTypeVars
newAs <- mapM anaddTypeVarDecl tArgs
let nAs = catMaybes newAs
fullKind = typeArgsListToKind nAs kind
putLocalTypeVars tvs
addDiags $ checkUniqueTypevars nAs
frk <- anaKind fullKind
b <- addTypeId True defn inst frk fullKind i
return $ if b then Just (i, nAs) else Nothing
-- | convert type patterns
convertTypePatterns :: [TypePattern] -> Result [(Id, [TypeArg])]
convertTypePatterns [] = Result [] $ Just []
convertTypePatterns (s:r) =
let Result d m = convertTypePattern s
Result ds (Just l) = convertTypePatterns r
in case m of
Nothing -> Result (d++ds) $ Just l
Just i -> Result (d++ds) $ Just (i:l)
illegalTypePattern, illegalTypePatternArg, illegalTypeId
:: TypePattern -> Result a
illegalTypePattern tp = mkError "illegal type pattern" tp
illegalTypePatternArg tp = mkError "illegal type pattern argument" tp
illegalTypeId tp = mkError "illegal type pattern identifier" tp
-- | convert a 'TypePattern'
convertTypePattern :: TypePattern -> Result (Id, [TypeArg])
convertTypePattern (TypePattern t as _) = return (t, as)
convertTypePattern tp@(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then illegalTypePattern tp
else return (simpleIdToId t, [])
convertTypePattern tp@(MixfixTypePattern
[ra, ri@(TypePatternToken inTok), rb]) =
if head (tokStr inTok) `elem` signChars
then let inId = Id [Token place $ get_pos ra, inTok,
Token place $ get_pos rb] [] [] in
case (ra, rb) of
(TypePatternToken (Token "__" _),
TypePatternToken (Token "__" _)) -> return (inId, [])
_ -> do a <- convertToTypeArg ra
b <- convertToTypeArg rb
return (inId, [a, b])
else case ra of
TypePatternToken t1 -> do
a <- convertToTypeArg ri
b <- convertToTypeArg rb
return (simpleIdToId t1, [a, b])
_ -> illegalTypePattern tp
convertTypePattern tp@(MixfixTypePattern (TypePatternToken t1 : rp)) =
if isPlace t1 then
case rp of
[TypePatternToken inId, TypePatternToken t2] ->
if isPlace t2 && head (tokStr inId) `elem` signChars
then return (Id [t1,inId,t2] [] [], [])
else illegalTypePattern tp
_ -> illegalTypePattern tp
else case rp of
[BracketTypePattern Squares as@(_:_) ps] -> do
is <- mapM convertToId as
return (Id [t1] is ps, [])
_ -> do as <- mapM convertToTypeArg rp
return (simpleIdToId t1, as)
convertTypePattern (BracketTypePattern bk [ap] ps) =
case bk of
Parens -> convertTypePattern ap
_ -> let (o, c) = getBrackets bk
tid = Id [Token o ps, Token place $ get_pos ap,
Token c ps] [] [] in
case ap of
TypePatternToken t -> if isPlace t then
return (tid, [])
else return (tid, [TypeArg (simpleIdToId t) MissingKind Other []])
_ -> do a <- convertToTypeArg ap
return (tid, [a])
convertTypePattern tp = illegalTypePattern tp
convertToTypeArg :: TypePattern -> Result TypeArg
convertToTypeArg tp@(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then illegalTypePatternArg tp
else return $ TypeArg (simpleIdToId t) MissingKind Other []
convertToTypeArg (TypePatternArg a _) = return a
convertToTypeArg (BracketTypePattern Parens [tp] _) = convertToTypeArg tp
convertToTypeArg tp = illegalTypePatternArg tp
convertToId :: TypePattern -> Result Id
convertToId tp@(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then illegalTypeId tp
else return $ Id [t] [] []
convertToId (MixfixTypePattern []) = error "convertToId: MixfixTypePattern []"
convertToId (MixfixTypePattern (hd:tps)) =
if null tps then convertToId hd
else do
let (toks, comps) = break ( \ p ->
case p of BracketTypePattern Squares (_:_) _ -> True
_ -> False) tps
ts <- mapM convertToToks (hd:toks)
(is, ps) <- if null comps then return ([], [])
else convertToIds $ head comps
pls <- if null comps then return []
else mapM convertToPlace $ tail comps
return $ Id (concat ts ++ pls) is ps
convertToId tp = do
ts <- convertToToks tp
return $ Id ts [] []
convertToIds :: TypePattern -> Result ([Id], [Pos])
convertToIds (BracketTypePattern Squares tps@(_:_) ps) = do
is <- mapM convertToId tps
return (is, ps)
convertToIds tp = illegalTypeId tp
convertToToks :: TypePattern -> Result [Token]
convertToToks (TypePatternToken t) = return [t]
convertToToks (BracketTypePattern bk [tp] ps) = case bk of
Parens -> illegalTypeId tp
_ -> do let [o,c] = mkBracketToken bk ps
ts <- convertToToks tp
return (o : ts ++ [c])
convertToToks(MixfixTypePattern tps) = do
ts <- mapM convertToToks tps
return $ concat ts
convertToToks tp = illegalTypeId tp
convertToPlace :: TypePattern -> Result Token
convertToPlace tp@(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then return t
else illegalTypeId tp
convertToPlace tp = illegalTypeId tp