TypeDecl.hs revision 441b53bd9480b058a6a8be774a5b8a37881f4b8b
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/TypeDecl.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2003
analyse type decls
module HasCASL.TypeDecl where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation(item)
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.ClassDecl
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.Le
import Data.Maybe
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Lib.Parsec
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Error
import Common.Result
import Common.PrettyPrint
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.DataAna
import HasCASL.Reader
import HasCASL.Unify
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- analyse types as state
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
fromReadR :: a -> ReadR (ClassMap, TypeMap) a -> State Env a
fromReadR a r = toState a ( \ e -> (classMap e, typeMap e)) r
anaTypeS :: (Kind, Type) -> State Env (Kind, Type)
anaTypeS kt = fromReadR kt $ anaType kt
-- check with merge
compatibleTypeDefn :: TypeDefn -> TypeDefn -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
compatibleTypeDefn d1 d2 i =
if case (d1, d2) of
(TypeVarDefn, TypeVarDefn) -> True
(TypeVarDefn, _) -> False
(_, TypeVarDefn) -> False
_ -> True
then [] else [mkDiag Error "incompatible redeclaration of type" i]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- storing type ids with their kind and definition
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | store a complete type map
putTypeMap :: TypeMap -> State Env ()
putTypeMap tk = do { e <- get; put e { typeMap = tk } }
-- | store type id and check the kind
addTypeId :: TypeDefn -> Instance -> Kind -> Id -> State Env ()
-- type args not yet considered for kind construction
addTypeId defn _ kind i@(Id ts _ _) =
do nk <- toState kind classMap $ expandKind kind
let n = length $ filter isPlace ts
if n <= kindArity TopLevel nk then
addTypeKind defn i kind
else addDiag $ mkDiag Error "wrong arity of" i
-- | store prefix type ids both with and without following places
addTypeKind :: TypeDefn -> Id -> Kind -> State Env ()
addTypeKind d i k =
if isPrefix i then do addSingleTypeKind d i k
addSingleTypeKind d (stripFinalPlaces i) k
else addSingleTypeKind d i k
-- | store type as is
addSingleTypeKind :: TypeDefn -> Id -> Kind -> State Env ()
addSingleTypeKind d i k =
do tk <- gets typeMap
case Map.lookup i tk of
Nothing -> putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo k [] [] d) tk
Just (TypeInfo ok ks sups defn) ->
-- check with merge
do checkKindsS i k ok
if any (==k) (ok:ks)
then addDiag $ mkDiag Warning
"redeclared type" i
else putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo ok
(k:ks) sups defn) tk
-- | add a supertype to a given type id
addSuperType :: Type -> Id -> State Env ()
addSuperType t i =
do tk <- gets typeMap
case Map.lookup i tk of
Nothing -> return () -- previous error
Just (TypeInfo ok ks sups defn) ->
putTypeMap $ Map.insert i
(TypeInfo ok ks (t:sups) defn)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- analyse type items
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaTypeItem :: GenKind -> Instance -> TypeItem -> State Env ()
anaTypeItem _ inst (TypeDecl pats kind _) =
do anaKindS kind
let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
appendDiags ds
mapM_ (addTypeId NoTypeDefn inst kind) is
anaTypeItem _ inst (SubtypeDecl pats t _) =
do anaTypeS (star, t)
let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
appendDiags ds
mapM_ (addTypeId NoTypeDefn inst star) is
mapM_ (addSuperType t) is
anaTypeItem _ inst (IsoDecl pats _) =
do let Result ds (Just is) = convertTypePatterns pats
appendDiags ds
mapM_ (addTypeId NoTypeDefn inst star) is
mapM_ ( \ i -> mapM_ (addSuperType (TypeName i star 0)) is) is
anaTypeItem _ inst (SubtypeDefn pat v t f ps) =
do (k, newT) <- anaTypeS (star, t)
checkKindsS t star k
addDiag $ Diag Warning ("unchecked formula '" ++ showPretty f "'")
$ firstPos [v] ps
let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
appendDiags ds
case m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just i -> do addTypeId (Supertype v newT $ item f)
inst k i
addSuperType newT i
anaTypeItem _ inst (AliasType pat mk sc _) =
do (ik, newPty) <- anaPseudoType mk sc
let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
appendDiags ds
case m of
Just i -> addTypeId (AliasTypeDefn newPty) inst ik i
_ -> return ()
anaTypeItem gk inst (Datatype d) = anaDatatype gk inst d
anaDatatype :: GenKind -> Instance -> DatatypeDecl -> State Env ()
anaDatatype genKind inst (DatatypeDecl pat kind alts derivs _) =
do k <- anaKindS kind
checkKindsS pat star k
case derivs of
Just c -> do (dk, _) <- anaClassS (star, c)
checkKindsS c star dk
Nothing -> return ()
let Result ds m = convertTypePattern pat
appendDiags ds
case m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just i ->
do let dt = TypeName i k 0
newAlts <- fromReadR [] $ anaAlts dt
$ map item alts
mapM_ ( \ (Construct c tc p sels) -> do
addOpId c (simpleTypeScheme $
getConstrType dt p tc)
[] (ConstructData i)
mapM_ ( \ (Select s ts pa) ->
addOpId s (simpleTypeScheme $
getSelType dt pa ts)
[] (SelectData [c] i)
) sels) newAlts
addTypeId (DatatypeDefn genKind [] newAlts) inst k i
anaPseudoType :: Maybe Kind -> TypeScheme -> State Env (Kind, TypeScheme)
anaPseudoType mk (TypeScheme tArgs (q :=> ty) p) =
do k <- case mk of
Nothing -> return star
Just j -> anaKindS j
tm <- gets typeMap -- save global variables
mapM_ anaTypeVarDecl tArgs
(sk, newTy) <- anaTypeS (k, ty)
let newPty = TypeScheme tArgs (q :=> newTy) p
newK = typeArgsListToKind tArgs sk
case mk of
Nothing -> return ()
Just j -> checkKindsS ty j newK
putTypeMap tm -- forget local variables
return (newK, newPty)
typeArgsListToKind :: [TypeArg] -> Kind -> Kind
typeArgsListToKind tArgs k =
if null tArgs then k
else typeArgsListToKind (init tArgs)
(KindAppl (typeArgToKind $ last tArgs) k [])
typeArgToKind :: TypeArg -> Kind
typeArgToKind (TypeArg _ k _ _) = k
anaTypeVarDecl :: TypeArg -> State Env ()
anaTypeVarDecl(TypeArg t k _ _) =
do nk <- anaKindS k
addTypeId TypeVarDefn Plain nk t
kindArity :: ApplMode -> Kind -> Int
kindArity m (KindAppl k1 k2 _) =
case m of
TopLevel -> kindArity OnlyArg k1 +
kindArity TopLevel k2
OnlyArg -> 1
kindArity m (ExtClass _ _ _) = case m of
TopLevel -> 0
OnlyArg -> 1
convertTypePatterns :: [TypePattern] -> Result [Id]
convertTypePatterns [] = Result [] $ Just []
convertTypePatterns (s:r) =
let Result d m = convertTypePattern s
Result ds (Just l) = convertTypePatterns r
in case m of
Nothing -> Result (d++ds) $ Just l
Just i -> Result (d++ds) $ Just (i:l)
convertTypePattern, makeMixTypeId :: TypePattern -> Result Id
convertTypePattern (TypePattern t _ _) = return t
convertTypePattern(TypePatternToken t) =
if isPlace t then fatal_error ("illegal type '__'") (tokPos t)
else return $ (simpleIdToId t)
convertTypePattern t =
if {- hasPlaces t && -} hasTypeArgs t then
fatal_error ( "arguments in type patterns not yet supported")
-- "illegal mix of '__' and '(...)'"
(posOfTypePattern t)
else makeMixTypeId t
-- TODO trailing places are not necessary for curried kinds
-- and should be ignored to avoid different Ids "Pred" and "Pred__"
typePatternToTokens :: TypePattern -> [Token]
typePatternToTokens (TypePattern ti _ _) = getPlainTokenList ti
typePatternToTokens (TypePatternToken t) = [t]
typePatternToTokens (MixfixTypePattern ts) = concatMap typePatternToTokens ts
typePatternToTokens (BracketTypePattern pk ts ps) =
let tts = map typePatternToTokens ts
expanded = concat $ expandPos (:[]) (getBrackets pk) tts ps in
case pk of
Parens -> if length tts == 1 &&
length (head tts) == 1 then head tts
else expanded
_ -> expanded
typePatternToTokens (TypePatternArg (TypeArg v _ _ _) _) =
[Token "__" (posOfId v)]
-- compound Ids not supported yet
getToken :: GenParser Token st Token
getToken = token tokStr tokPos Just
parseTypePatternId :: GenParser Token st Id
parseTypePatternId =
do ts <- many1 getToken
return $ Id ts [] []
makeMixTypeId t =
case parse parseTypePatternId "" (typePatternToTokens t) of
Left err -> fatal_error (showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error"
"expecting" "unexpected" "end of input"
(errorMessages err))
(errorPos err)
Right x -> return x
hasPlaces, hasTypeArgs :: TypePattern -> Bool
hasPlaces (TypePattern _ _ _) = False
hasPlaces (TypePatternToken t) = isPlace t
hasPlaces (MixfixTypePattern ts) = any hasPlaces ts
hasPlaces (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = any hasPlaces ts
hasPlaces (TypePatternArg _ _) = False
hasTypeArgs (TypePattern _ _ _) = True
hasTypeArgs (TypePatternToken _) = False
hasTypeArgs (MixfixTypePattern ts) = any hasTypeArgs ts
hasTypeArgs (BracketTypePattern _ ts _) = any hasTypeArgs ts
hasTypeArgs (TypePatternArg _ _) = True
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- for storing selectors and constructors
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | store assumptions
putAssumps :: Assumps -> State Env ()
putAssumps as = do { e <- get; put e { assumps = as } }
unifiable :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme -> State Env Bool
unifiable sc1 sc2 =
do tm <- gets typeMap
c <- gets counter
let Result ds mm = evalState (unifIable tm sc1 sc2) c
appendDiags ds
return $ isJust mm
-- | storing an operation
addOpId :: UninstOpId -> TypeScheme -> [OpAttr] -> OpDefn -> State Env ()
addOpId i sc attrs defn =
do as <- gets assumps
let l = Map.findWithDefault [] i as
if sc `elem` map opType l then
addDiag $ mkDiag Warning
"repeated value" i
else do bs <- mapM (unifiable sc) $ map opType l
if or bs then addDiag $ mkDiag Error
"illegal overloading of" i
else putAssumps $ Map.insert i
(OpInfo sc attrs defn : l ) as