TypeCheck.hs revision dbdb6f53350168e321097373903da2aa2e29b049
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : type checking terms and program equations
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
type inference based on
Principal Type Schemes for Functional Programs with Overloading and
Subtyping, Geoffrey S. Smith, Science of Computer Programming 23(2-3),
pp. 197-226, December 1994
module HasCASL.TypeCheck
( typeCheck
, resolveTerm
) where
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.FoldType
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.PrintLe
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.MixAna
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.MapTerm
import HasCASL.FoldTerm
import HasCASL.Constrain
import HasCASL.ProgEq
import HasCASL.MinType
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Lib.State
import Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
substTerm :: Subst -> Term -> Term
substTerm s = mapTerm (id, subst s)
-- | mixfix and type resolution
resolveTerm :: Maybe Type -> Term -> State Env (Maybe Term)
resolveTerm mt trm = do
mtrm <- resolve trm
case mtrm of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just t -> typeCheck mt t
-- | get a constraint from a type argument instantiated with a type
mkConstraint :: (Type, VarKind) -> Constrain
mkConstraint (ty, vk) = case vk of
MissingKind -> error "mkConstraint"
VarKind k -> Kinding ty k
Downset super -> Subtyping ty super
instantiate :: [Type] -> TypeScheme
-> State Env (Maybe (Type, [(Type, VarKind)]))
instantiate tys sc@(TypeScheme tArgs t _) =
if null tys || length tys /= length tArgs then
if null tys then fmap Just $ toEnvState $ freshInst sc
else do
addDiags [mkDiag Hint ("for type scheme '" ++
showDoc t "' wrong length of instantiation list") tys]
return Nothing
else let s = Map.fromList $ zip [-1, -2..] tys
in return $ Just
(substGen s t, zip tys $ map (substTypeArg s) tArgs)
instOpInfo :: [Type] -> OpInfo
-> State Env (Maybe (Type, [Type], Constraints, OpInfo))
instOpInfo tys oi = do
m <- instantiate tys $ opType oi
return $ case m of
Just (ty, cl) ->
Just (ty, map fst cl, Set.fromList $ map mkConstraint cl, oi)
Nothing -> Nothing
checkList :: Bool -> [Maybe Type] -> [Term]
-> State Env [(Subst, Constraints, [Type], [Term])]
checkList isP mtys trms = case (mtys, trms) of
(ty : rty, trm : rt) -> do
fts <- infer isP ty trm >>= reduce
combs <- mapM ( \ (sf, cs, tyf, tf) -> do
vs <- gets localVars
putLocalVars $ substVarTypes sf vs
rts <- checkList isP (map (fmap (subst sf)) rty) rt
putLocalVars vs
return $ map ( \ (sr, cr, tys, tts) ->
(compSubst sf sr,
substC sr cs `joinC` cr,
subst sr tyf : tys,
tf : tts)) rts) fts
return $ concat combs
_ -> return [(eps, noC, [], [])]
-- | reduce a substitution
reduce :: [(Subst, Constraints, Type, Term)]
-> State Env [(Subst, Constraints, Type, Term)]
reduce alts = do
te <- get
combs <- mapM ( \ (s, cr, ty, tr) -> do
Result ds mc <- toEnvState $ shapeRel te $ joinC cr
$ fromTypeVars $ localTypeVars te
addDiags $ map (improveDiag tr) ds
return $ case mc of
Nothing -> []
Just (cs, qs, trel) -> let
s1 = compSubst s cs
ms = monoSubsts
(Rel.transClosure $ Rel.union (fromTypeMap $ typeMap te)
$ trel) (subst cs ty)
s2 = compSubst s1 ms
in [(s2, substC ms $ foldr ( \ (a, t) -> insertC
(Subtyping a t))
qs $ Rel.toList trel, subst s2 ty,
substTerm s2 tr)]) alts
return $ concat combs
-- | type checking a term
typeCheck :: Maybe Type -> Term -> State Env (Maybe Term)
typeCheck mt trm =
do alts <- infer False mt trm >>= reduce
te <- get
let p = getRange trm
ga = globAnnos te
if null alts then
do addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Error "no typing for" trm]
return Nothing
else if null $ tail alts then do
let (_, cs, ty, t) = head alts
(ds, rcs) = simplify te cs
es = map ( \ d -> d {diagKind = Hint, diagPos = p}) ds
tys = getAllVarTypes t
addDiags es
if Set.null rcs then return ()
else addDiags [(mkDiag Error ("in term '"
++ showGlobalDoc ga t "' of type '"
++ showDoc ty "'\n unresolved constraints")
rcs){diagPos = p}]
if null tys then return ()
else addDiags [(mkDiag Error ("in term '"
++ showGlobalDoc ga t
"'\n are uninstantiated type variables")
$ Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map
(Set.fromList . map (fst . snd) .
leaves (> 0)) tys)
{diagPos = p}]
return $ Just t
else let alts3 = filter ( \ (_, cs, _, _) ->
Set.null $ snd $ simplify te cs) alts
falts = typeNub te q2p alts3 in
if null falts then do
addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Error
"no constraint resolution for" trm]
addDiags $ map (\ (_, cs, _, _) -> (mkDiag Hint
"simplification failed for" cs){diagPos = p}) alts
return Nothing
else if null $ tail falts then
let (_, _, _, t) = head falts in
return $ Just t
do addDiags [Diag Error
("ambiguous typings\n " ++
showSepList ("\n " ++)
( \ (n, t) -> shows n . (". " ++) . showDoc t)
(zip [1..(5::Int)] $ map ( \ (_,_,_,t) ->
t) falts) "")
return Nothing
freshTypeVar :: Term -> State Env Type
freshTypeVar t =
do (var, c) <- toEnvState $ freshVar $ Id [] [] $ getRange t
return $ TypeName var rStar c
substVarTypes :: Subst -> Map.Map Id VarDefn -> Map.Map Id VarDefn
substVarTypes s = Map.map ( \ (VarDefn t) -> VarDefn $ subst s t)
warnEmpty :: Maybe Type -> Term -> [a] -> State Env ()
warnEmpty mt trm res = do
ga <- gets globAnnos
if null res then addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Hint ("untypeable term" ++
case mt of
Nothing -> ""
Just ty -> " (with type: " ++ showGlobalDoc ga ty ")") trm]
else return ()
-- | infer type of application, consider lifting for lazy types
inferAppl :: Bool -> Range -> Maybe Type -> Term -> Term
-> State Env [(Subst, Constraints, Type, Term)]
inferAppl isP ps mt t1 t2 = do
aty <- case t2 of
TupleTerm [] _ -> return unitType
_ -> freshTypeVar t2
rty <- case mt of
Nothing -> freshTypeVar t1
Just ty -> return ty
let mfrty = Just $ mkFunArrType aty PFunArr rty
mlrty = Just $ TypeAppl lazyTypeConstr rty
ops <- infer isP mfrty t1 >>= reduce
lops <- case t2 of
TupleTerm [] _ -> do
laps <- infer isP mlrty t1 >>= reduce
if null ops then warnEmpty mlrty t1 laps else return ()
return laps
_ -> do
warnEmpty mfrty t1 ops
return []
let allOps = ops ++ lops
if null allOps then return [] else do
e <- get
combs <- mapM ( \ (sf, cf, funty, tf) -> do
let (sfty, frty) = case getTypeAppl funty of
(topTy, [paty, prty]) |
lesserType e topTy $ toFunType PFunArr ->
(paty, prty)
(topTy, [prty]) |
lesserType e topTy lazyTypeConstr ->
(unitType, prty)
_ -> (subst sf aty, subst sf rty)
msfty = Just sfty
vs <- gets localVars
putLocalVars $ substVarTypes sf vs
args <- infer isP msfty t2 >>= reduce
warnEmpty msfty t2 args
putLocalVars vs
let combs2 = map ( \ (sa, ca, _, ta) ->
let sr = compSubst sf sa
nTy = subst sa frty in
[(sr, joinC ca $ substC sa cf, nTy,
TypedTerm (ApplTerm tf
(mkTypedTerm ta $ subst sa sfty) ps)
Inferred nTy ps)]) args
return $ concat combs2) allOps
return $ concat combs
getAllVarTypes :: Term -> [Type]
getAllVarTypes = filter (not . null . leaves (> 0)) . getAllTypes
mkTypedTerm :: Term -> Type -> Term
mkTypedTerm trm ty = case trm of
TupleTerm ts ps | not (null ts) -> let
n = length ts
(topTy, tArgs) = getTypeAppl ty
in if n > 1 && topTy == toProdType n nullRange
&& length tArgs == n then
TupleTerm (zipWith mkTypedTerm ts tArgs) ps
else TypedTerm trm Inferred ty ps
_ -> TypedTerm trm Inferred ty nullRange
-- | infer type of term (or a pattern if the Bool is True)
infer :: Bool -> Maybe Type -> Term
-> State Env [(Subst, Constraints, Type, Term)]
infer isP mt trm = do
e <- get
let tm = typeMap e
as = assumps e
bs = binders e
vs = localVars e
ga = globAnnos e
case trm of
qv@(QualVar (VarDecl _ ty _ ps)) -> return $
case mt of
Nothing -> [(eps, noC, ty, qv)]
Just inTy -> [(eps, insertC (Subtyping ty inTy) noC,
inTy, TypedTerm qv Inferred inTy ps)]
QualOp br i sc tys k ps -> do
ms <- instOpInfo tys OpInfo { opType = sc
, opAttrs = Set.empty
, opDefn = NoOpDefn br }
return $ case ms of
Nothing -> []
Just (ty, inst, cs, _) ->
let qv = TypedTerm (QualOp br i sc inst k ps)
Inferred ty ps
in case mt of
Nothing -> [(eps, cs, ty, qv)]
Just inTy -> [(eps, insertC (Subtyping ty inTy) cs,
inTy, TypedTerm qv Inferred inTy ps)]
ResolvedMixTerm i tys ts ps -> case (Map.lookup i bs, ts) of
(Just j, hd : rt@(_ : _)) -> case reverse rt of
lt : ft -> infer isP mt $ ResolvedMixTerm j tys
(reverse $ LambdaTerm [hd] Partial lt ps : ft) ps
[] -> error "ResolvedMixTerm: binder"
_ ->
if null ts then case Map.lookup i vs of
Just (VarDefn t) ->
infer isP mt $ QualVar $ VarDecl i t Other ps
Nothing -> do
insts <- mapM (instOpInfo tys) $ Set.toList
$ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty i as
let ls = map ( \ (ty, is, cs, oi) ->
(eps, ty, is, case mt of
Just inTy -> insertC (Subtyping ty inTy) cs
Nothing -> cs, oi)) $ catMaybes insts
if null ls then
addDiags [mkDiag Hint "no type found for" i]
else return ()
return $ map
( \ (s, ty, is, cs, oi) ->
let od = opDefn oi
br = case od of
NoOpDefn v -> v
Definition v _ -> v
_ -> Op
ik = if null tys then Infer else UserGiven
in (s, cs, ty, case opType oi of
sc@(TypeScheme [] _ _) ->
QualOp br (PolyId i [] ps) sc [] ik ps
sc -> TypedTerm (QualOp br (PolyId i [] ps)
sc is ik ps)
Inferred ty ps)) ls
else inferAppl isP ps mt (ResolvedMixTerm i tys [] ps)
$ mkTupleTerm ts ps
ApplTerm t1 t2 ps -> inferAppl isP ps mt t1 t2
TupleTerm ts ps -> if null ts then return
[(eps, case mt of
Nothing -> noC
Just ty -> insertC (Subtyping unitType ty) noC,
unitType, trm)]
else do
ls <- checkList isP (map (const Nothing) ts) ts
return $ map ( \ (su, cs, tys, trms) ->
let nTy = mkProductTypeWithRange tys ps in
(su, case mt of
Nothing -> cs
Just ty -> insertC (Subtyping nTy
$ subst su ty) cs, nTy,
mkTupleTerm trms ps)) ls
TypedTerm t qual ty ps -> do
case qual of
InType -> do
vTy <- freshTypeVar t
rs <- infer False Nothing t
return $ map ( \ (s, cs, typ, tr) ->
let sTy = subst s ty in
(s, insertC (Subtyping sTy vTy)
$ insertC (Subtyping typ vTy)
$ case mt of
Nothing -> cs
Just jTy -> insertC (Subtyping (subst s jTy)
unitType) cs,
TypedTerm tr qual sTy ps)) rs
AsType -> do
vTy <- freshTypeVar t
rs <- infer False Nothing t
return $ map ( \ (s, cs, typ, tr) ->
let sTy = subst s ty in
(s, insertC (Subtyping sTy vTy)
$ insertC (Subtyping typ vTy)
$ case mt of
Nothing -> cs
Just jTy -> insertC (Subtyping sTy
$ subst s jTy) cs,
sTy, TypedTerm tr qual sTy ps)) rs
_ -> do
let decl = case t of
ResolvedMixTerm _ tys ts _
| isP && null tys && null ts && qual == OfType
-> True
_ -> False
rs <- infer isP (if decl then Nothing else Just ty) t
return $ map ( \ (s, cs, _, tr) ->
let sTy = subst s ty in
(s, case mt of
Nothing -> cs
Just jTy -> insertC (Subtyping sTy
$ subst s jTy) cs,
sTy, case tr of
QualVar (VarDecl vp _ po _)
| decl -- shadow
-> QualVar (VarDecl vp sTy po ps)
_ -> if (qual == Inferred || case tr of
QualVar _ -> True
QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _ -> True
TypedTerm _ OfType _ _ -> True
_ -> False)
&& maybe False (eqStrippedType sTy)
(getTypeOf tr)
then tr
else TypedTerm tr qual sTy ps)) rs
QuantifiedTerm quant decls t ps -> do
mapM_ addGenVarDecl decls
rs <- infer False (Just unitType) t
putLocalVars vs
putTypeMap tm
return $ map ( \ (s, cs, typ, tr) ->
(s, case mt of
Nothing -> cs
Just ty -> insertC (Subtyping (subst s ty)
unitType) cs,
typ, QuantifiedTerm quant decls tr ps)) rs
LambdaTerm pats part resTrm ps -> do
pvs <- mapM freshTypeVar pats
rty <- freshTypeVar resTrm
let myty = getFunType rty part pvs
ls <- checkList True (map Just pvs) pats
rs <- mapM ( \ ( s, cs, _, nps) -> do
mapM_ (addLocalVar True) $ concatMap extractVars nps
es <- infer False (Just $ subst s rty) resTrm
putLocalVars vs
return $ map ( \ (s2, cr, _, rtm) ->
let s3 = compSubst s s2
typ = subst s3 myty in
(s3, joinC (substC s2 cs) $
case mt of
Nothing -> cr
Just ty -> insertC (Subtyping typ
$ subst s3 ty) cr,
typ, TypedTerm
(LambdaTerm nps part rtm ps)
Inferred typ ps)) es) ls
return $ concat rs
CaseTerm ofTrm eqs ps -> do
ts <- infer False Nothing ofTrm
rty <- case mt of
Nothing -> freshTypeVar trm
Just ty -> return ty
if null ts then addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Hint
"unresolved of-term in case" ofTrm]
else return ()
rs <- mapM ( \ (s1, cs, oty, otrm) -> do
es <- inferCaseEqs oty (subst s1 rty) eqs
return $ map ( \ (s2, cr, _, ty, nes) ->
(compSubst s1 s2,
substC s2 cs `joinC` cr, ty,
TypedTerm (CaseTerm otrm nes ps)
Inferred ty ps)) es) ts
return $ concat rs
LetTerm br eqs inTrm ps -> do
es <- inferLetEqs eqs
rs <- mapM ( \ (s1, cs, _, nes) -> do
mapM_ (addLocalVar True) $ concatMap
( \ (ProgEq p _ _) -> extractVars p) nes
ts <- infer False mt inTrm
return $ map ( \ (s2, cr, ty, nt) ->
(compSubst s1 s2,
substC s2 cs `joinC` cr,
ty, LetTerm br nes nt ps)) ts) es
putLocalVars vs
return $ concat rs
AsPattern (VarDecl v _ ok qs) pat ps -> do
pats <- infer True mt pat
return $ map ( \ (s1, cs, t1, p1) -> (s1, cs, t1,
AsPattern (VarDecl v t1 ok qs) p1 ps)) pats
_ -> do ty <- freshTypeVar trm
addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Error "unexpected term" trm]
return [(eps, noC, ty, trm)]
inferLetEqs :: [ProgEq] -> State Env [(Subst, Constraints, [Type], [ProgEq])]
inferLetEqs es = do
let pats = map (\ (ProgEq p _ _) -> p) es
trms = map (\ (ProgEq _ t _) -> t) es
qs = map (\ (ProgEq _ _ q) -> q) es
do vs <- gets localVars
newPats <- checkList True (map (const Nothing) pats) pats
combs <- mapM ( \ (sf, pcs, tys, pps) -> do
mapM_ (addLocalVar True) $ concatMap extractVars pps
newTrms <- checkList False (map Just tys) trms
return $ map ( \ (sr, tcs, tys2, tts ) ->
(compSubst sf sr,
joinC tcs $ substC sr pcs, tys2,
zipWith3 ( \ p t q -> ProgEq (substTerm sr p) t q)
pps tts qs)) newTrms) newPats
putLocalVars vs
return $ concat combs
inferCaseEq :: Type -> Type -> ProgEq
-> State Env [(Subst, Constraints, Type, Type, ProgEq)]
inferCaseEq pty tty (ProgEq pat trm ps) = do
pats1 <- infer True (Just pty) pat >>= reduce
e <- get
let pats = filter ( \ (_, _, _, p) -> isPat e p) pats1
ga = globAnnos e
if null pats then addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Hint
"unresolved case pattern" pat]
else return ()
vs <- gets localVars
es <- mapM ( \ (s, cs, ty, p) -> do
mapM_ (addLocalVar True) $ extractVars p
ts <- infer False (Just $ subst s tty) trm >>= reduce
putLocalVars vs
return $ map ( \ (st, cr, tyt, t) ->
(compSubst s st,
substC st cs `joinC` cr,
subst st ty, tyt,
ProgEq p t ps)) ts) pats
return $ concat es
inferCaseEqs :: Type -> Type -> [ProgEq]
-> State Env [(Subst, Constraints, Type, Type, [ProgEq])]
inferCaseEqs pty tTy [] = return [(eps, noC, pty, tTy, [])]
inferCaseEqs pty tty (eq:eqs) = do
fts <- inferCaseEq pty tty eq
rs <- mapM (\ (s, cs, pty1, tty1, ne) -> do
rts <- inferCaseEqs pty1 tty1 eqs
return $ map ( \ (s2, cr, pty2, tty2, nes) ->
(compSubst s s2,
substC s2 cs `joinC` cr,
pty2, tty2, ne:nes)) rts) fts
return $ concat rs