TypeCheck.hs revision 0df692ce8b9293499b2e1768458613a63e7b5cd0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : All rights reserved.
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
type inference
module HasCASL.TypeCheck where
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.MixAna
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Lib.State
import Data.Maybe
aVar :: Id
aVar = simpleIdToId $ mkSimpleId "a"
aType :: Type
aType = TypeName aVar star 1
bindA :: Type -> TypeScheme
bindA ty = TypeScheme [TypeArg aVar star Other []] ([] :=> ty) []
eqType, logType, defType, notType, ifType :: TypeScheme
eqType = bindA $
FunType (ProductType [aType, aType] [])
PFunArr logicalType []
logType = simpleTypeScheme $
FunType (ProductType [logicalType, logicalType] [])
PFunArr logicalType []
defType = bindA $ FunType aType PFunArr logicalType []
notType = simpleTypeScheme $ FunType logicalType PFunArr logicalType []
ifType = bindA $
FunType (ProductType [logicalType, aType, aType] [])
PFunArr aType []
bList :: [(Id, TypeScheme)]
bList = (defId, defType) : (notId, notType) : (ifThenElse, ifType) :
map ( \ e -> (e, eqType)) [eqId, exEq] ++
map ( \ o -> (o, logType)) [andId, orId, eqvId, implId]
addUnit :: TypeMap -> TypeMap
addUnit = let TypeName i k _ = logicalType in
Map.insertWith ( \ _ old -> old) i
(TypeInfo k [] [] NoTypeDefn)
addOps :: Assumps -> Assumps
addOps as = foldr ( \ (i, sc) m ->
Map.insertWith ( \ _ old -> old) i
(OpInfos [OpInfo sc [] NoOpDefn]) m) as bList
resolveTerm :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Type -> Term -> State Env (Maybe Term)
resolveTerm ga mt trm = do
mtrm <- resolve ga trm
case mtrm of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just t -> typeCheck mt t
mUnifySc :: Maybe Type -> OpInfo
-> State Env (Maybe (Subst, Type, OpInfo))
mUnifySc mt oi = do
tm <- gets typeMap
ty <- toEnvState $ freshInst $ opType oi
let Result ds ms = mUnify tm mt ty
addDiags ds
case ms of Nothing -> return Nothing
Just s -> return $ Just (s, subst s ty, oi)
checkList :: [Type] -> [Term] -> State Env [(Subst, [Type], [Term])]
checkList [] [] = return [(eps, [], [])]
checkList (ty : rty) (trm : rt) = do
fts <- infer (Just ty) trm
combs <- mapM ( \ (sf, tyf, tf) -> do
rts <- checkList (map (subst sf) rty) rt
mapM ( \ (sr, tys, tts) ->
return (compSubst sf sr,
subst sr tyf : tys,
tf : tts)) rts) fts
return $ concat combs
checkList _ _ = error "checkList"
typeCheck :: Maybe Type -> Term -> State Env (Maybe Term)
typeCheck mt trm =
do alts <- infer mt trm
if null alts then
do addDiags [mkDiag Error "no typing for" trm]
return Nothing
else if null $ tail alts then
let (_,_,t) = head alts in
return $ Just t
else do addDiags [Diag Error
("ambiguous typings \n\t" ++
showSepList (showString "\n\t")
showPretty (take 5 $ map ( \ (_,_,t) -> t) alts) "")
$ posOfTerm trm]
return Nothing
freshTypeVar :: State Env Type
freshTypeVar = do var <- toEnvState freshVar
return $ TypeName var star 1
freshVars :: [a] -> State Env [Type]
freshVars l = mapM (const freshTypeVar) l
infer :: Maybe Type -> Term -> State Env [(Subst, Type, Term)]
infer mt trm = do
tm <- gets typeMap
as <- gets assumps
case trm of
QualVar v t ps -> do
let Result ds ms = mUnify tm mt t
addDiags ds
case ms of
Nothing -> return []
Just s -> let ty = (subst s t) in
return [(s, ty, QualVar v ty ps)]
QualOp io sc ps -> do
ty <- toEnvState $ freshInst sc
let Result ds ms = mUnify tm mt ty
addDiags ds
case ms of
Nothing -> return []
Just s -> return [(s, subst s ty, QualOp io sc ps)]
ResolvedMixTerm i ts ps ->
if null ts then do
let ois = opInfos $ Map.findWithDefault (OpInfos []) i as
mls <- mapM (mUnifySc mt) ois
let ls = catMaybes mls
if null ls then do addDiags [mkDiag Error "no match for" i]
return []
else return $ map ( \ (s, ty, oi) ->
case opDefn oi of
VarDefn -> (s, ty, QualVar i ty ps)
_ -> (s, ty, QualOp (InstOpId i [] [])
(opType oi) ps)) ls
else infer mt $ ApplTerm (ResolvedMixTerm i [] ps)
(if isSingle ts then head ts else TupleTerm ts ps) ps
ApplTerm t1 t2 ps -> do
aty <- freshTypeVar
rty <- case mt of
Nothing -> freshTypeVar
Just ty -> return ty
ops <- infer (Just $ FunType aty PFunArr rty []) t1
combs <- mapM ( \ (sf, _, tf) -> do
args <- infer (Just $ subst sf aty) t2
return $ map ( \ (sa, _, ta) ->
(compSubst sf sa,
subst sa (subst sf rty),
ApplTerm tf ta ps)) args) ops
let res = concat combs
if null res then
do addDiags [mkDiag Error "no type match for" trm]
return res
else return res
TupleTerm ts ps -> do
vs <- freshVars ts
let pt = ProductType vs []
Result ds ms = mUnify tm mt pt
addDiags ds
case ms of
Nothing -> return []
Just s -> do
ls <- checkList (subst s vs) ts
return $ map ( \ (su, tys, trms) ->
(compSubst s su, ProductType tys ps,
TupleTerm trms ps)) ls
TypedTerm t qual ty ps -> do
case qual of
OfType -> do
let Result ds ms = mUnify tm mt ty
addDiags ds
case ms of
Nothing -> return []
Just s -> do
rs <- infer (Just $ subst s ty) t
return $ map ( \ (s2, typ, tr) ->
(compSubst s s2, typ,
TypedTerm tr qual ty ps)) rs
InType -> do
let Result ds ms = mUnify tm mt logicalType
addDiags ds
case ms of
Nothing -> return []
Just s -> do
rs <- infer Nothing t
return $ map ( \ (s2, _, tr) ->
(compSubst s s2, logicalType,
TypedTerm tr qual ty ps)) rs
AsType -> do
let Result ds ms = mUnify tm mt ty
addDiags ds
case ms of
Nothing -> return []
Just s -> do
rs <- infer Nothing t
return $ map ( \ (s2, _, tr) ->
(compSubst s s2, subst s2 ty,
TypedTerm tr qual ty ps)) rs
QuantifiedTerm quant decls t ps -> do
mapM_ addGenVarDecl decls
let Result ds ms = mUnify tm mt logicalType
addDiags ds
case ms of
Nothing -> return []
Just _ -> do
rs <- infer (Just logicalType) t
putAssumps as
return $ map ( \ (s, typ, tr) ->
(s, typ, QuantifiedTerm quant decls tr ps)) rs
_ -> do ty <- freshTypeVar
return [(eps, ty, trm)]
Quantifier [GenVarDecl] Term [Pos]
-- pos quantifier, ";"s, dot
-- only "forall" may have a TypeVarDecl
| LambdaTerm [Pattern] Partiality Term [Pos]
-- pos "\", dot (plus "!")
| CaseTerm Term [ProgEq] [Pos]
-- pos "case", "of", "|"s
| LetTerm [ProgEq] Term [Pos]