TypeAna.hs revision b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1ed
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
analyse classes and types
module HasCASL.TypeAna where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Unify
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Data.List as List
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- kind analysis
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaKindM :: Kind -> Env -> Result Kind
anaKindM k env =
case k of
MissingKind -> mkError "missing kind" k
Downset v t _ ps -> do (rk, newT) <- anaType (Nothing, t) (typeMap env)
let ds = unboundTypevars [] newT
if null ds then
return $ Downset v newT rk ps
else Result ds Nothing
ClassKind ci _ -> anaClassId ci (classMap env)
Intersection ks ps -> do newKs <- mapM ( \ ek -> anaKindM ek env) ks
if null newKs then return k
else let ds = checkIntersection
(rawKind $ head newKs)
$ tail newKs
in if null ds then
return $ if isSingle newKs
then head newKs
else Intersection newKs ps
else Result ds Nothing
FunKind k1 k2 ps -> do k3 <- anaKindM k1 env
k4 <- anaKindM k2 env
return $ FunKind k3 k4 ps
ExtKind ek v ps -> do nk <- anaKindM ek env
return $ ExtKind nk v ps
data ApplMode = OnlyArg | TopLevel
getIdType :: Id -> TypeMap -> Result Type
getIdType i tm = do
k <- getIdKind tm i
return $ TypeName i k $ case Map.lookup i tm of
Just (TypeInfo _ _ _ (TypeVarDefn c)) -> c
_ -> 0
mkTypeConstrAppls :: ApplMode -> Type -> TypeMap -> Result Type
mkTypeConstrAppls m ty tm = case ty of
TypeName _ _ _ -> return ty
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> do
t3 <- mkTypeConstrAppls m t1 tm
t4 <- mkTypeConstrAppls OnlyArg t2 tm
return $ TypeAppl t3 t4
TypeToken tt -> getIdType (simpleIdToId tt) tm
BracketType b ts ps -> do
args <- mapM (\ trm -> mkTypeConstrAppls m trm tm) ts
case args of
[] -> case b of
Parens -> return logicalType
_ -> let i = Id (mkBracketToken b ps) [] []
in getIdType i tm
[x] -> case b of
Parens -> return x
_ -> do let [o,c] = mkBracketToken b ps
i = Id [o, Token place $ firstPos args ps
, c] [] []
t <- getIdType i tm
if isPlaceType (head ts) then return t
else return $ TypeAppl t x
_ -> mkError "illegal type" ty
MixfixType [] -> error "mkTypeConstrAppl (MixfixType [])"
MixfixType (f:a) -> case (f, a) of
(TypeToken t, [BracketType Squares as@(_:_) ps]) -> do
mis <- mapM mkTypeCompId as
getIdType (Id [t] mis ps) tm
_ -> do newF <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel f tm
nA <- mapM ( \ t -> mkTypeConstrAppls OnlyArg t tm) a
return $ foldl1 TypeAppl $ newF : nA
KindedType t k p -> do
newT <- mkTypeConstrAppls m t tm
return $ KindedType newT k p
LazyType t p -> do
newT <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t tm
return $ LazyType newT p
ProductType ts ps -> if all isPlaceType ts && length ts == 2 then
getIdType productId tm else do
mTs <- mapM (\ t -> mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t tm) ts
return $ mkProductType mTs ps
FunType t1 a t2 ps -> if isPlaceType t1 && isPlaceType t2 then
getIdType (arrowId a) tm else do
newT1 <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t1 tm
newT2 <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t2 tm
return $ FunType newT1 a newT2 ps
ExpandedType _ t2 -> mkTypeConstrAppls m t2 tm
isPlaceType :: Type -> Bool
isPlaceType ty = case ty of
TypeToken t -> isPlace t
_ -> False
mkTypeCompId :: Type -> Result Id
mkTypeCompId ty = case ty of
TypeToken t -> if isPlace t then mkError "unexpected place" t
else return $ Id [t] [] []
MixfixType [] -> error "mkTypeCompId: MixfixType []"
MixfixType (hd:tps) ->
if null tps then mkTypeCompId hd
else do
let (toks, comps) = break ( \ p ->
case p of BracketType Squares (_:_) _ -> True
_ -> False) tps
mts <- mapM mkTypeCompToks (hd:toks)
(mis, ps) <- if null comps then return ([], [])
else mkTypeCompIds $ head comps
pls <- if null comps then return []
else mapM mkTypeIdPlace $ tail comps
return $ Id (concat mts ++ pls) mis ps
_ -> do ts <- mkTypeCompToks ty
return $ Id ts [] []
mkTypeCompIds :: Type -> Result ([Id], [Pos])
mkTypeCompIds ty = case ty of
BracketType Squares tps@(_:_) ps -> do
mis <- mapM mkTypeCompId tps
return (mis, ps)
_ -> mkError "no compound list for type id" ty
mkTypeCompToks :: Type -> Result [Token]
mkTypeCompToks ty = case ty of
TypeToken t -> return [t]
BracketType bk [tp] ps -> case bk of
Parens -> mkError "no type id" ty
_ -> do let [o,c] = mkBracketToken bk ps
mts <- mkTypeCompToks tp
return (o : mts ++ [c])
MixfixType tps -> do
mts <- mapM mkTypeCompToks tps
return $ concat mts
_ -> mkError "no type tokens" ty
mkTypeIdPlace :: Type -> Result Token
mkTypeIdPlace ty = case ty of
TypeToken t -> if isPlace t then return t
else mkError "no place" t
_ -> mkError "no place" ty
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- compare types
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
getKindAppl :: Kind -> [a] -> [(Kind, [Kind])]
getKindAppl k args = if null args then [(k, [])] else
case k of
FunKind k1 k2 _ -> let ks = getKindAppl k2 (tail args)
in map ( \ (rk, kargs) -> (rk, k1 : kargs)) ks
Intersection l _ ->
concatMap (flip getKindAppl args) l
ExtKind ek _ _ -> getKindAppl ek args
ClassKind _ ck -> getKindAppl ck args
Downset _ _ dk _ -> getKindAppl dk args
_ -> error ("getKindAppl " ++ show k)
getTypeAppl :: TypeMap -> Type -> (Type, [Type])
getTypeAppl tm ty = let (t, args) = getTyAppl ty in
(t, reverse args) where
getTyAppl typ = case typ of
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> let (t, args) = getTyAppl t1 in (t, t2 : args)
ExpandedType _ t -> getTyAppl t
LazyType t _ -> getTyAppl t
KindedType t _ _ -> getTyAppl t
ProductType ts ps ->
let Result _ mk = getIdKind tm productId
in case mk of
Just k ->
let rk = toIntersection (map fst $ getKindAppl k [typ,typ]) ps
in case ts of
[t1,t2] -> (TypeName productId k 0, [t2, t1])
[] -> (TypeName productId rk 0, [])
[_] -> error "getTyAppl productType"
t:rt -> (TypeName productId k 0, [ProductType rt ps, t])
_ -> error "getTyAppl productId"
FunType t1 a t2 _ ->
let i = arrowId a
Result _ mk = getIdKind tm i in
case mk of
Just k -> (TypeName i k 0, [t2, t1])
_ -> error "getTyAppl arrowId"
_ -> (typ, [])
mkTypeAppl :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
mkTypeAppl t as =
if null as then t else mkTypeAppl (TypeAppl t $ head as) $ tail as
cyclicType :: Id -> Type -> Bool
cyclicType i ty = Set.member i $ idsOf (==0) ty
lesserType :: TypeMap -> Type -> Type -> Bool
lesserType tm t1 t2 = case (t1, t2) of
(ExpandedType _ t, _) -> lesserType tm t t2
(_, ExpandedType _ t) -> lesserType tm t1 t
(LazyType t _, _) -> lesserType tm t t2
(_, LazyType t _) -> lesserType tm t1 t
(KindedType t _ _, _) -> lesserType tm t t2
(_, KindedType t _ _) -> lesserType tm t1 t
(ProductType ts1 _, ProductType ts2 _) ->
if length ts1 == length ts2 then
and $ zipWith (lesserType tm) ts1 ts2
else False
(FunType ta1 a1 tr1 _, FunType ta2 a2 tr2 _) ->
(case (a1, a2) of
(ContFunArr, _) -> True
(_, PFunArr) -> True
(PContFunArr, FunArr) -> False
(FunArr, PContFunArr) -> False
_ -> a1 == a2) && lesserType tm tr1 tr2 && lesserType tm ta2 ta1
_ -> let (top1, as1) = getTypeAppl tm t1
(top2, as2) = getTypeAppl tm t2 in
case (top1, top2) of
(TypeName i1 k1 _, TypeName i2 k2 _) ->
let rk = rawKind k1
kindArgs k as = if null as then []
else case k of
FunKind ka kr _ -> ka : kindArgs kr (tail as)
_ -> []
kas = kindArgs rk as1
ts1 = filter (not . cyclicType i1) $ superTypes
$ Map.findWithDefault starTypeInfo i1 tm
l1 = length as1
in if i1 == i2 then
if rawKind k2 == rk && l1 == length as2
&& length kas == l1 then
and $ zipWith (\ k (ta1, ta2) ->
let b1 = lesserType tm ta1 ta2
b2 = lesserType tm ta2 ta1
in case k of
ExtKind _ CoVar _ -> b1
ExtKind _ ContraVar _ -> b2
_ -> b1 && b2) kas
$ zip as1 as2
else error ("lesserType: expected length " ++
shows l1 " and kind " ++
showPretty rk "")
else any (\ st -> lesserType tm (mkTypeAppl st as1) t2) ts1
_ -> error ("lesserType: " ++ showPretty top1 " < "
++ showPretty top2 "")
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- compare kinds
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
lesserKind :: TypeMap -> Kind -> Kind -> Bool
lesserKind tm k1 k2 =
case (k1, k2) of
(MissingKind, _) -> error "lesserKind1"
(_, MissingKind) -> error "lesserKind2"
(_, Intersection l2@(_:_) _) -> and $ map (lesserKind tm k1) l2
(Intersection l1@(_:_) _, _) -> or $ map (flip (lesserKind tm) k2) l1
(ExtKind ek1 v1 _, ExtKind ek2 v2 _) ->
(v1 == v2) && lesserKind tm ek1 ek2
(_, ExtKind ek2 _ _) -> lesserKind tm k1 ek2
(ExtKind _ _ _, _) -> False
(Intersection [] _, Intersection [] _) -> True
(Intersection [] _, _) -> False
(Downset _ t1 k _, Downset _ t2 _ _) -> lesserType tm t1 t2
|| lesserKind tm k k2
(Downset _ _ k _, _) -> lesserKind tm k k2
(ClassKind c1 k, ClassKind c2 _) -> c1 == c2 || lesserKind tm k k2
(ClassKind _ k, _) -> lesserKind tm k k2
(FunKind ek rk _, FunKind ek2 rk2 _) ->
lesserKind tm rk rk2 && lesserKind tm ek2 ek
(FunKind _ _ _, _) -> False
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- infer kind
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
checkMaybeKinds :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) =>
TypeMap -> a -> Maybe Kind -> Kind -> Result Kind
checkMaybeKinds tm a mk1 k2 =
case mk1 of
Nothing -> return k2
Just k1 -> if lesserKind tm k1 k2 then return k1
else if lesserKind tm k2 k1 then return k2
else Result (diffKindDiag a k1 k2) Nothing
checkFunKind :: Maybe Kind -> Type -> Type -> Kind -> TypeMap -> Result Kind
checkFunKind mk t1 t2 k1 tm =
case k1 of
FunKind fk ak _ -> do
inferKind (Just fk) t2 tm
checkMaybeKinds tm (TypeAppl t1 t2) mk ak
Intersection l@(_:_) ps -> do
ml <- mapM ( \ k -> checkFunKind mk t1 t2 k tm) l
return $ toIntersection ml ps
ClassKind _ k -> checkFunKind mk t1 t2 k tm
Downset _ _ k _ -> checkFunKind mk t1 t2 k tm
ExtKind k _ _ -> checkFunKind mk t1 t2 k tm
_ -> mkError "unexpected type argument" t2
inferKind :: Maybe Kind -> Type -> TypeMap -> Result Kind
inferKind mk ty tm = case ty of
TypeName i _ _ -> do
m <- getIdKind tm i
checkMaybeKinds tm i mk m
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> do
k1 <- inferKind Nothing t1 tm
checkFunKind mk t1 t2 k1 tm
ExpandedType _ t1 -> inferKind mk t1 tm
FunType t1 a t2 _ -> do
let i = arrowId a
fk <- getIdKind tm i
let tn = TypeName i fk 0
inferKind mk (TypeAppl (TypeAppl tn t1) t2) tm
ProductType ts _ -> if null ts then checkMaybeKinds tm ty mk star else
do pk <- getIdKind tm productId
let tn = TypeName productId pk 0
mkAppl [t1] = t1
mkAppl (t1:tr) = TypeAppl (TypeAppl tn t1) $ mkAppl tr
mkAppl [] = error "inferKind: mkAppl"
inferKind mk (mkAppl ts) tm
LazyType t _ -> inferKind mk t tm
KindedType t k _ -> do
mk2 <- inferKind (Just k) t tm
checkMaybeKinds tm t mk mk2
_ -> mkError "unresolved type" ty
getIdKind :: TypeMap -> Id -> Result Kind
getIdKind tm i = case Map.lookup i tm of
Nothing -> mkError "unknown type" i
Just (TypeInfo rk l _ _) -> return $
if null l then rk else
if isSingle l then head l else Intersection l []
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaType :: (Maybe Kind, Type) -> TypeMap -> Result (Kind, Type)
anaType (mk, t) tm =
do nt <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t tm
let newTy = expandAlias tm nt
newk <- inferKind mk newTy tm
return (newk, newTy)
anaStarTypeR :: Type -> TypeMap -> Result (Kind, Type)
anaStarTypeR t = anaType (Just star, t)
mkGenVars :: [TypeArg] -> Type -> Type
mkGenVars fvs newTy =
let ts = zipWith ( \ (TypeArg i k _ _) n ->
TypeName i k n) fvs [-1, -2..]
m = Map.fromList $ zip fvs ts
in repl m newTy
generalize :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
generalize (TypeScheme args ty p) =
let fvs = leaves (> 0) ty
ts = zipWith ( \ (v, TypeArg i k _ _) n ->
(v, TypeName i k n)) fvs [-1, -2..]
newTy = subst (Map.fromList ts) ty
newArgs = map snd fvs
in if null $ newArgs List.\\ args then TypeScheme args newTy p
else TypeScheme newArgs newTy p
-- | check for unbound type variables
unboundTypevars :: [TypeArg] -> Type -> [Diagnosis]
unboundTypevars args ty =
let restVars = map snd (leaves (> 0) ty) List.\\ args in
if null restVars then []
else [mkDiag Error ("unbound type variable(s)\n "
++ showSepList ("," ++) showPretty
restVars " in") ty]
generalizable :: TypeScheme -> [Diagnosis]
generalizable (TypeScheme args ty _) =
(if null args then [] else unboundTypevars args ty)
++ checkUniqueTypevars args
-- | check uniqueness of type variables
checkUniqueTypevars :: [TypeArg] -> [Diagnosis]
checkUniqueTypevars = checkUniqueness . map getTypeVar
mkBracketToken :: BracketKind -> [Pos] -> [Token]
mkBracketToken k ps =
map ( \ s -> Token s ps) $ (\ (o,c) -> [o,c]) $ getBrackets k