TypeAna.hs revision b49276c9f50038e0bd499ad49f7bd6444566a834
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/TypeAna.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2003
analyse given classes and types
module HasCASL.TypeAna where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.Le
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
import HasCASL.PrintAs(showPretty)
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Result
data ApplMode = OnlyArg | TopLevel
mkTypeConstrAppls :: ApplMode -> Type -> State Env Type
mkTypeConstrAppls _ t@(TypeName _ _ _) =
return t
mkTypeConstrAppls m (TypeAppl t1 t2) =
do t3 <- mkTypeConstrAppls m t1
t4 <- mkTypeConstrAppls OnlyArg t2
return $ TypeAppl t3 t4
mkTypeConstrAppls _ (TypeToken t) =
do let i = simpleIdToId t
tk <- getTypeMap
let m = getKind tk i
c = if isTypeVar tk i then 1 else 0
case m of
Just k -> return $ TypeName i k c
_ -> return $ TypeToken t
mkTypeConstrAppls m t@(BracketType b ts ps) =
do args <- mapM (mkTypeConstrAppls m) ts
let toks@[o,c] = mkBracketToken b ps
i = if null ts then Id toks [] []
else Id [o, Token place $ posOfType $ head ts, c] [] []
tk <- getTypeMap
let mk = getKind tk i
n = case mk of Just k -> TypeName i k 0
_ -> t
ds = [Diag Error ("illegal type: " ++ showPretty t "")
$ posOfType t]
if null ts then return n
else if null $ tail ts
then return $ case b of
Parens -> head args
_ -> TypeAppl n (head args)
else do case m of
TopLevel -> appendDiags ds
OnlyArg -> case b of
Parens -> return ()
_ -> appendDiags ds
return $ BracketType b args ps
mkTypeConstrAppls _ (MixfixType []) = error "mkTypeConstrAppl (MixfixType [])"
mkTypeConstrAppls _ (MixfixType (f:a)) =
do newF <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel f
newA <- mapM (mkTypeConstrAppls OnlyArg) a
return $ foldl1 TypeAppl $ newF : newA
mkTypeConstrAppls m (KindedType t k p) =
do newT <- mkTypeConstrAppls m t
return $ KindedType newT k p
mkTypeConstrAppls _ (LazyType t p) =
do newT <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t
return $ LazyType newT p
mkTypeConstrAppls _ (ProductType ts ps) =
do newTs <- mapM (mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel) ts
return $ ProductType newTs ps
mkTypeConstrAppls _ (FunType t1 a t2 ps) =
do newT1 <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t1
newT2 <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t2
return $ FunType newT1 a newT2 ps
expandApplKind :: ClassMap -> Class -> Kind
expandApplKind cMap c =
case c of
Intersection (a:_) _ ->
case anaClassId cMap a of
Just k -> case k of
ExtClass c2 _ _ -> expandApplKind cMap c2
_ -> k
_ -> error "expandKind"
_ -> star
inferKind :: Type -> State Env (Maybe Kind)
inferKind (TypeName i k _) = do mk <- getIdKind i
return $ case mk of
Nothing -> Just k
_ -> mk
inferKind (TypeAppl t1 t2) =
do m1 <- inferKind t1
case m1 of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just mk1 ->
case mk1 of
KindAppl k1 k2 _ -> do checkKind t2 k1
return $ Just k2
ExtClass c _ _ ->
do cMap <- getClassMap
case expandApplKind cMap c of
KindAppl k1 k2 _ -> do checkKind t2 k1
return $ Just k2
_ -> do addDiag $ wrongKind t1
return Nothing
inferKind (FunType t1 _ t2 _) =
do checkKind t1 star
checkKind t2 star
return $ Just star
inferKind (ProductType ts _) =
do ms <- mapM inferKind ts
let ns = map ( \ (Just x, y) -> (x, y))
$ filter (isJust . fst) $ zip ms ts
es = map (wrongKind . snd) $
filter (not . eqKind star . fst) ns
appendDiags es
return $ Just star
inferKind (LazyType t _) =
do checkKind t star
return $ Just star
inferKind (TypeToken t) = getIdKind (simpleIdToId t)
inferKind (KindedType t k _) =
do checkKind t k
return $ Just k
inferKind t@(MixfixType _) =
do unresolvedType t
return Nothing
inferKind t =
do unresolvedType t
return Nothing
checkKind :: Type -> Kind -> State Env ()
checkKind t j = do
m <- inferKind t
case m of
Nothing -> return ()
Just k -> do cMap <- getClassMap
if eqKind (expandKind cMap k) $ expandKind cMap j
then return ()
else addDiag $ wrongKind t
noGroundType, wrongKind :: Type -> Diagnosis
noGroundType t = mkDiag Error "no ground type" t
wrongKind t = mkDiag Error "incompatible kind of type" t
unresolvedType :: Type -> State Env ()
unresolvedType = addDiag . mkDiag Error "unresolved type"
getIdKind :: Id -> State Env (Maybe Kind)
getIdKind i =
do tk <- getTypeMap
let m = getKind tk i
case m of
Nothing -> do addDiag $ mkDiag Error "undeclared type" i
return Nothing
Just k -> return $ Just k
getKind :: TypeMap -> Id -> Maybe Kind
getKind tk i =
case Map.lookup i tk of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (TypeInfo k _ _ _) -> Just k
isTypeVar :: TypeMap -> Id -> Bool
isTypeVar tk i =
case Map.lookup i tk of
Just (TypeInfo _ _ _ TypeVarDefn) -> True
_ -> False
anaType :: Type -> State Env (Maybe Kind, Type)
anaType t =
do newT <- mkTypeConstrAppls TopLevel t
k <- inferKind newT
return (k, newT)
mkBracketToken :: BracketKind -> [Pos] -> [Token]
mkBracketToken k ps =
if null ps then mkBracketToken k [nullPos]
else zipWith Token (getBrackets k) [head ps, last ps]
getBrackets :: BracketKind -> [String]
getBrackets k =
case k of Parens -> ["(", ")"]
Squares -> ["[", "]"]
Braces -> ["{", "}"]