TypeAna.hs revision 078dd2f6a402c8d9804616dc9616b27ce380a2ea
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/TypeAna.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2003
analyse given classes and types
module TypeAna where
import As
import AsUtils
import GlobalAnnotationsFunctions(emptyGlobalAnnos)
import Id
import Le
import List(nub)
import Maybe
import MonadState
import Pretty
import PrettyPrint
import PrintAs()
import FiniteMap
import Result
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- analyse class
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaClassName :: Bool -> ClassName -> State Env (Result [ClassName])
-- True: declare the class
anaClassName b ci =
do ce <- getClassEnv
if isJust $ lookupFM ce ci then return $ return [ci]
else if b then
do putClassEnv $ defCEntry ce ci [] universe
return $ return [ci]
return $ plain_error []
("undeclared class '" ++ tokStr ci ++ "'")
(tokPos ci)
anaClass :: Bool -> Class -> State Env Class
anaClass b c@(As.Intersection cs ps) =
if null cs
do if null ps then return () -- no warning
else appendDiags [Diag Warning
"redundant universe class"
(head ps)]
return c
do Result ds (Just l) <- anaList (anaClassName (b && null (tail cs))) cs
appendDiags ds
return $ Intersection (nub $ concat l) ps
anaClass _ (Downset t) =
do newT <- anaType t
return $ Downset newT
anaClassAppl :: Class -> State Env Class
anaClassAppl c = anaClass False c
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- analyse kind
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaKind :: Kind -> State Env Kind
anaKind (Kind args c p) =
do ca <- anaClassAppl c
newArgs <- mapM anaProdClass args
return $ Kind newArgs ca p
anaExtClass :: ExtClass -> State Env ExtClass
anaExtClass (ExtClass c v p) =
do ca <- anaClassAppl c
return $ ExtClass ca v p
anaExtClass (KindArg k) =
do n <- anaKind k
return $ KindArg n
anaProdClass :: ProdClass -> State Env ProdClass
anaProdClass (ProdClass l p) =
do cs <- mapM anaExtClass l
return $ ProdClass cs p
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- analyse type
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
checkTypeKind :: Id -> Kind -> State Env [Diagnosis]
checkTypeKind i k =
do tk <- getTypeKinds
case lookupFM tk i of
Nothing -> return [Diag Error
("unknown type '" ++ showId i "'")
(posOfId i)]
Just k2 -> if eqKind k2 k
then return []
else return [Diag Error
("incompatible type kinds\n" ++
indent 2 (showPretty k .
showChar '\n' .
showPretty k2) "")
(posOfKind k)]
anaTypeId :: Id -> State Env Type
anaTypeId i =
do tk <- getTypeKinds
case lookupFM tk i of
Nothing -> do
appendDiags [Diag Error
("unidentified type '" ++ showId i "'")
(posOfId i)]
return (TypeConstrAppl i 0 nullKind [] [])
Just k -> return $ TypeConstrAppl i 0 k [] []
anaType :: Type -> State Env Type
anaType (t@(TypeConstrAppl i v k ts _)) =
let e1 = if length ts > kindArity k then
[Diag Error ("too many type arguments:\n" ++
indent 2 (showPretty t) "")
(posOfType t)] else []
e2 = if v > 0 then
[Diag Error
("too many type arguments:\n" ++
indent 2 (showPretty t) "")
(posOfType t)] else []
in do ds <- checkTypeKind i k
appendDiags $ e1 ++ e2 ++ ds
return t
anaType (TypeToken t) =
anaTypeId $ simpleIdToId t
anaType (BracketType Parens ts ps) =
do newTs <- mapM anaType ts
return $ ProductType newTs ps
anaType (BracketType b ts ps) =
let toks@[o,c] = mkBracketToken b ps
i = if null ts then Id toks [] []
else Id [o, Token place $ posOfType $ head ts, c] [] []
do newT <- anaTypeId i
if null ts then return newT
else do args <- mapM anaType ts
case newT of
TypeConstrAppl _ _ k _ _ ->
do if kindArity k < length args then
appendDiags [Diag Error
("too many arguments for '"
++ showId i "'")
$ posOfId i]
else return ()
return $ TypeConstrAppl i 0 k args []
_ -> return $ TypeConstrAppl i 0
(replicate (length args) extUniverse)
[] ] universe []) args []
anaType(KindedType t k ps) =
do newK <- anaKind k
newT <- anaType t
-- getKind of t and compare it with k
return $ KindedType newT newK ps
anaType (MixfixType ts) =
do (f:as) <- mapM anaType ts
return $ case f of
TypeConstrAppl i g k bs _ ->
TypeConstrAppl i g k (bs ++ as) []
_ -> MixfixType (f:as)
anaType (LazyType t p) =
do newT <- anaType t
return $ LazyType newT p
anaType (ProductType ts ps) =
do newTs <- mapM anaType ts
return $ ProductType newTs ps
anaType (FunType t1 a t2 ps) =
do newT1 <- anaType t1
newT2 <- anaType t2
return $ FunType newT1 a newT2 ps
mkBracketToken :: BracketKind -> [Pos] -> [Token]
mkBracketToken k ps =
if null ps then error "mkBracketToken"
else zipWith Token (getBrackets k) [head ps, last ps]
getBrackets :: BracketKind -> [String]
getBrackets k =
case k of Parens -> ["(", ")"]
Squares -> ["[", "]"]
Braces -> ["{", "}"]
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
showPretty :: PrettyPrint a => a -> ShowS
showPretty = showString . render . printText0 emptyGlobalAnnos
posOfKind :: Kind -> Pos
posOfKind (Kind l c ps) =
if null l then posOfClass c
else if null ps then posOfProdClass $ head l
else head ps
posOfProdClass :: ProdClass -> Pos
posOfProdClass (ProdClass s ps) =
if null s then if null ps then nullPos else head ps
else posOfExtClass $ head s
posOfExtClass :: ExtClass -> Pos
posOfExtClass (ExtClass c _ _) = posOfClass c
posOfExtClass (KindArg k) = posOfKind k
posOfClass :: Class -> Pos
posOfClass (Downset t) = posOfType t
posOfClass (Intersection is ps) =
if null ps then if null is then nullPos else tokPos $ head is
else head ps
eqKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
eqKind (Kind p1 c1 _) (Kind p2 c2 _) =
eqListBy eqProdClass p1 p2 && eqClass c1 c2
eqListBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
eqListBy _ [] [] = True
eqListBy f (h1:t1) (h2:t2) = f h1 h2 && eqListBy f t1 t2
eqListBy _ _ _ = False
eqProdClass :: ProdClass -> ProdClass -> Bool
eqProdClass (ProdClass s1 _) (ProdClass s2 _) =
eqListBy eqExtClass s1 s2
eqExtClass :: ExtClass -> ExtClass -> Bool
eqExtClass (ExtClass c1 v1 _) (ExtClass c2 v2 _) =
eqClass c1 c2 && v1 == v2
eqExtClass (KindArg k1) (KindArg k2) = eqKind k1 k2
eqExtClass _ _ = False
eqClass :: Class -> Class -> Bool
eqClass(Intersection i1 _) (Intersection i2 _) = i1 == i2
eqClass (Downset t1) (Downset t2) = eqType t1 t2
eqClass _ _ = False
eqType :: Type -> Type -> Bool
eqType = error "eqType nyi"