Term.hs revision d046de48e620a7233d0dc2a687fc84b82c089887
module Term where
import Char (isLower)
import Id
import Type
-- symbols uniquely identify signature items
data Symb = Symb { symbId :: Id
, symbType :: Type
deriving (Eq, Ord)
showSymb :: Symb -> ShowS
showSymb (Symb i Unknown) = shows i
showSymb (Symb i Sort) = shows i
showSymb (Symb i (PartialType v)) =
showSign i . showSignStr (colonChar:partialSuffix) . shows v
showSymb (Symb i t) = showSign i . showSignStr [colonChar] . shows t
instance Show Symb where
showsPrec _ = showSymb
-- try to reconstruct notation of (nested) declaration
type DeclNotation = Keyword
-- "sort s" -> previous keyword(s) = "sort")
-- "sorts s; t" -> previous keyword(t) = ";")
-- "sorts s, t" -> previous keyword(t) = ",")
-- for iso-decl or subsort-decl PreviousKeyword could be "<" or "="
type Anno = String
showAnno an = showSepList (showString "") showString an
-- declaration of a variable or operation
data Decl = Decl { symb :: Symb
, nota :: DeclNotation
, declAn :: [Anno]
showDecl (Decl s n an) =
shows n . showChar ' '
. showSymb s
. showAnno an
showShortDecl (Decl s _ _) = showSymb s
instance Show Decl where
showsPrec _ = showShortDecl
showList = showSepList (showChar ';') shows
-- for faster lookup
type DeclLevel = Int
-- 0 -> sign, 1 -> var, ... local vars
-- may be only the result typ of an op needs to be inferred?
data QualKind = UserGiven | Inferred
deriving (Show,Eq)
varStr = "var"
opStr = "op"
predStr = "pred"
equivStr = "<=>"
equalStr = "="
-- application of a variable or operation
data QualId = QualId Symb DeclLevel QualKind deriving (Eq)
showShortQualId(QualId s n UserGiven) =
showParen True ((if n == 1 then showSignStr varStr
else if isPredicate (symbType s) then showSignStr predStr
else showSignStr opStr)
. showSymb s)
showShortQualId(QualId s _ _) = showSymb s
instance Show QualId where
showsPrec _ = showShortQualId
-- synonym
type VarDecl = Decl
data Totality = Partial | Total deriving (Show,Eq)
exStr = "exists"
allStr = "forall"
lamStr = "lambda"
middleDotStr = "\183"
dotChar = '.'
-- maybe also Ids or keywords
data Binder = Lambda Totality | ArgDecl | SupersortVar
| Forall
| Exists | ExistsUnique
deriving (Eq)
showBinder (Lambda Partial) = showSignStr lamStr
showBinder (Lambda Total) = showSignStr (lamStr ++ totalSuffix)
showBinder ArgDecl = showSignStr "(...):"
showBinder SupersortVar = showSignStr "{....}"
showBinder Forall = showSignStr allStr
showBinder Exists = showSignStr exStr
showBinder ExistsUnique = showSignStr (exStr ++ totalSuffix)
instance Show Binder where
showsPrec _ = showBinder
asStr = "as"
inStr = "in"
data TypeOp = OfType | AsType | InType deriving (Eq)
showTypeOp OfType = showSignStr [colonChar]
showTypeOp AsType = showSignStr asStr
showTypeOp InType = showSignStr inStr
instance Show TypeOp where
showsPrec _ = showTypeOp
-- one type for terms and formulae
-- op or var possibly applied to no arguments (base-case)
-- only the top-level term may be annotated with (non-empty) annotations
-- MixTerm is only used between parsing and static analysis
-- as first term of an Application
data Term = BaseName QualId
| Application Term [Term] [Keyword] -- notation hint
| Binding Binder [VarDecl] Term
| Typed Term TypeOp Type
| Annotated Term [Anno]
| MixTerm
showTerm (BaseName q) = showShortQualId q
showTerm (Application MixTerm ts [op, cl]) =
shows op . showSepList (showChar ',') shows ts . shows cl
showTerm (Application MixTerm ts []) =
showSepList (showString "") showSign ts
showTerm (Application t ts _) = shows t . showParen True (shows ts)
showTerm (Binding ArgDecl decls (Typed term co t)) =
showParen (not (null decls)) (shows decls)
. showSignStr
(if isPartialFunType t then colonChar:partialSuffix
else [colonChar])
. showSign t . showSignStr equalStr . showSign term
showTerm (Binding SupersortVar decls term) =
showSignStr "{" . showSign decls . showSignStr middleDotStr
. showSign term . showString "}"
showTerm (Binding (Lambda Total) decls term) =
showSignStr lamStr . showSign decls
. showSignStr (middleDotStr ++ totalSuffix) . shows term
showTerm (Binding b decls term) =
showBinder b . showSign decls
. showSignStr middleDotStr . shows term
showTerm (Typed MixTerm op t) = showTypeOp op . shows t
showTerm (Typed term op t) = showSign term . showTypeOp op . shows t
showTerm (Annotated t an) = shows t . showAnno an
showTerm MixTerm = showString "!MIX!"
instance Show Term where
showsPrec _ = showTerm
showList = showSepList (showChar ',') shows
isBaseName (BaseName _) = True
isBaseName _ = False