SymbolMapAnalysis.hs revision f64c84f2233deb2265be96cd8f5c4fe09d695db9
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
The symbol map analysis for the HasCASL logic
(adapted from CASL version r1.8 of 24.1.2004)
module HasCASL.SymbolMapAnalysis
( inducedFromMorphism
, inducedFromToMorphism
, cogeneratedSign
, generatedSign
) where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.AsToLe
import HasCASL.Symbol
import HasCASL.Morphism
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Lib.State
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Data.Maybe
inducedFromMorphism :: RawSymbolMap -> Env -> Result Morphism
inducedFromMorphism rmap sigma = do
-- first check: do all source raw symbols match with source signature?
let syms = symOf sigma
srcTypeMap = typeMap sigma
incorrectRsyms = Map.foldWithKey
(\rsy _ -> if Set.any (matchesND rsy) syms
then id
else Set.insert rsy)
matchesND rsy sy =
sy `matchSymb` rsy &&
case rsy of
ASymbol _ -> True
-- unqualified raw symbols need some matching symbol
-- that is not directly mapped
_ -> Map.lookup (ASymbol sy) rmap == Nothing
-- ... if not, generate an error
if Set.isEmpty incorrectRsyms then return () else
pplain_error ()
(ptext "the following symbols:"
<+> printText incorrectRsyms
$$ ptext "are already mapped directly or do not match with signature"
$$ printText sigma)
$ posOfId $ rawSymName $ Set.findMin incorrectRsyms
-- compute the sort map (as a Map)
myTypeIdMap <- foldr
(\ (s, ti) m ->
do s' <- typeFun rmap s (typeKind ti)
m1 <- m
return $ Map.insert s s' m1)
(return Map.empty) $ Map.toList srcTypeMap
-- compute the op map (as a Map)
op_Map <- Map.foldWithKey (opFun rmap srcTypeMap myTypeIdMap)
(return Map.empty) (assumps sigma)
-- compute target signature
let tarTypeMap = Map.foldWithKey ( \ i k m ->
Map.insert (Map.findWithDefault i i myTypeIdMap)
k m)
Map.empty srcTypeMap
sigma' = Map.foldWithKey (mapOps myTypeIdMap op_Map) sigma
{ typeMap = tarTypeMap, assumps = Map.empty }
$ assumps sigma
-- return assembled morphism
Result (envDiags sigma') $ Just ()
return $ (mkMorphism sigma sigma' {envDiags = []})
{ typeIdMap = myTypeIdMap
, funMap = op_Map }
-- to a Fun_map, add evering resulting from mapping (id,ots) according to rmap
opFun :: RawSymbolMap -> TypeMap -> IdMap -> Id -> OpInfos
-> Result FunMap -> Result FunMap
opFun rmap tm type_Map i ots m =
-- first consider all directly mapped profiles
let (ots1,m1) = foldr (directOpMap rmap tm type_Map i) (Set.empty,m)
$ opInfos ots
-- now try the remaining ones with (un)kinded raw symbol
in case (Map.lookup (AKindedId SK_op i) rmap,Map.lookup (AnID i) rmap) of
(Just rsy1, Just rsy2) ->
do m' <- m
pplain_error m'
(ptext "Operation" <+> printText i
<+> ptext "is mapped twice:"
<+> printText rsy1 <+> ptext "," <+> printText rsy2
(Just rsy, Nothing) ->
Set.fold (insertmapOpSym tm type_Map i rsy) m1 ots1
(Nothing, Just rsy) ->
Set.fold (insertmapOpSym tm type_Map i rsy) m1 ots1
-- Anything not mapped explicitly is left unchanged
(Nothing,Nothing) -> Set.fold (unchangedOpSym type_Map i) m1 ots1
-- try to map an operation symbol directly
-- collect all opTypes that cannot be mapped directly
directOpMap :: RawSymbolMap -> TypeMap -> IdMap -> Id -> OpInfo
-> (Set.Set TySc, Result FunMap) -> (Set.Set TySc, Result FunMap)
directOpMap rmap tm type_Map i oi (ots,m) = let ot = TySc $ opType oi in
case Map.lookup (ASymbol (idToOpSymbol i ot)) rmap of
Just rsy ->
(ots,insertmapOpSym tm type_Map i rsy ot m)
Nothing -> (Set.insert ot ots,m)
-- map op symbol (id,ot) to raw symbol rsy
mapOpSym :: TypeMap -> IdMap -> Id -> TySc -> RawSymbol
-> Result (Id, TySc)
mapOpSym tm type_Map i ot rsy = let sc1@(TySc sc) = mapTySc type_Map ot in
case rsy of
ASymbol (Symbol id' (OpAsItemType sc2@(TySc ot'))) ->
if isUnifiable tm 0 sc ot'
then return (id', sc2)
else pplain_error (i, sc1)
(ptext "Operation symbol " <+> printText (idToOpSymbol i sc1)
<+> ptext "is mapped to type" <+> printText ot'
<+> ptext "but should be mapped to type" <+>
printText sc
AnID id' -> return (id', sc1)
AKindedId SK_op id' -> return (id', sc1)
_ -> pplain_error (i, sc1)
(ptext "Operation symbol " <+> printText (idToOpSymbol i sc1)
<+> ptext" is mapped to symbol of wrong kind:"
<+> printText rsy)
-- insert mapping of op symbol (id, ot) to raw symbol rsy into m
insertmapOpSym :: TypeMap -> IdMap -> Id -> RawSymbol -> TySc
-> Result FunMap -> Result FunMap
insertmapOpSym tm type_Map i rsy ot m = do
m1 <- m
(id',kind') <- mapOpSym tm type_Map i ot rsy
return (Map.insert (i, ot) (id',kind') m1)
-- insert mapping of op symbol (id,ot) to itself into m
unchangedOpSym :: IdMap -> Id -> TySc -> Result FunMap -> Result FunMap
unchangedOpSym type_Map i ot m = do
m1 <- m
return (Map.insert (i, ot) (i, mapTySc type_Map ot) m1)
-- map the ops in the source signature
mapOps :: IdMap -> FunMap -> Id -> OpInfos -> Env -> Env
mapOps type_Map op_Map i ots e =
foldr ( \ ot e' ->
let sc = TySc $ opType ot
(id', TySc sc') = Map.findWithDefault (i, mapTySc type_Map sc)
(i, sc) op_Map
in execState (addOpId id' sc' [] (NoOpDefn Op)) e')
e $ opInfos ots
-- | compute type mapping
typeFun :: RawSymbolMap -> Id -> Kind -> Result Id
typeFun rmap s k = do
let rsys = Set.unions $ map (Set.maybeToSet . (\x -> Map.lookup x rmap))
[ASymbol $ idToTypeSymbol s k, AnID s, AKindedId SK_type s]
-- rsys contains the raw symbols to which s is mapped to
case Set.size rsys of
0 -> return s -- use default = identity mapping
1 -> return $ rawSymName $ Set.findMin rsys -- take the unique rsy
_ -> pplain_error s -- ambiguity! generate an error
(ptext "type: " <+> printText s
<+> ptext "mapped ambiguously:" <+> printText rsys)
-- Some auxiliary functions for inducedFromToMorphism
testMatch :: RawSymbolMap -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
testMatch rmap sym1 sym2 =
Map.foldWithKey match1 True rmap
match1 rsy1 rsy2 b = b && ((sym1 `matchSymb` rsy1) <= (sym2 `matchSymb`rsy2))
canBeMapped :: RawSymbolMap -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
canBeMapped rmap sym1@(Symbol {symbType = TypeAsItemType _k1})
sym2@(Symbol {symbType = TypeAsItemType _k2}) =
testMatch rmap sym1 sym2
canBeMapped rmap sym1@(Symbol {symbType = OpAsItemType _ot1})
sym2@(Symbol {symbType = OpAsItemType _ot2}) =
testMatch rmap sym1 sym2
canBeMapped _ _ _ = False
preservesName :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
preservesName sym1 sym2 = symName sym1 == symName sym2
-- try to extend a symbol map with a yet unmapped symbol
extendSymbMap :: TypeMap -> SymbolMap -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Maybe SymbolMap
extendSymbMap tm akmap sym1 sym2 =
if case symbType sym1 of
TypeAsItemType k1 -> case symbType sym2 of
TypeAsItemType k2 -> rawKind k1 == rawKind k2
_ -> False
OpAsItemType sc1@(TySc _) -> case symbType sym2 of
OpAsItemType (TySc ot2) ->
let TySc sc2 =
mapTySc (Map.foldWithKey ( \ s1 s2 m ->
Map.insert (symName s1) (symName s2) m)
Map.empty akmap) sc1
in isUnifiable tm 0 ot2 sc2
_ -> False
_ -> False
then Just $ Map.insert sym1 sym2 akmap
else Nothing
-- Type for posmap
-- Each symbol is mapped to the set symbols it possibly can be mapped to
-- Additionally, we store a flag meaning "no default map" and the
-- cardinality of the symobl set
-- For efficiency reasons, we also carry around an indexing of posmap
-- according to the pairs (flag,cardinality). Since several symbols
-- may lead to the same pair, we have to associate a list of symbols
-- (and corresponding symbol sets) with each pair.
-- Hence, PosMap really is a pair to two maps.
type PosMap = (Map.Map Symbol (SymbolSet,(Bool,Int)),
Map.Map (Bool,Int) [(Symbol,SymbolSet)])
-- Some basic operations on PosMap
-- postpone entries with no default mapping and size > 1
postponeEntry :: Symbol -> SymbolSet -> Bool
postponeEntry sym symset =
not $ Set.any (preservesName sym) symset && Set.size symset > 1
removeFromPosmap :: Symbol -> (Bool,Int) -> PosMap -> PosMap
removeFromPosmap sym card (posmap1,posmap2) =
(Map.delete sym posmap1,
Map.update removeSym1 card posmap2)
removeSym [] = []
removeSym ((x,y):l) = if x==sym then l else (x,y):removeSym l
removeSym1 l = case removeSym l of
[] -> Nothing
l1 -> Just l1
addToPosmap :: Symbol -> SymbolSet -> PosMap -> PosMap
addToPosmap sym symset (posmap1,posmap2) =
(Map.insert sym (symset,card) posmap1,
Map.listInsert card (sym,symset) posmap2)
where card = (postponeEntry sym symset,Set.size symset)
-- restrict posmap such that each symbol from symset1 is only mapped
-- to symbols from symset2
restrictPosMap :: SymbolSet -> SymbolSet -> PosMap -> PosMap
restrictPosMap symset1 symset2 posmap =
Set.fold restrictPosMap1 posmap symset1
restrictPosMap1 sym1 pm@(posmap1,_) =
case Map.lookup sym1 posmap1 of
Nothing -> pm
Just (symset,card) ->
addToPosmap sym1 (symset `Set.intersection` symset2)
$ removeFromPosmap sym1 card posmap
-- the main function
inducedFromToMorphism :: RawSymbolMap -> Env -> Env -> Result Morphism
inducedFromToMorphism rmap sigma1 sigma2 = do
--debug 3 ("rmap",rmap)
-- 1. use rmap to get a renaming...
mor1 <- inducedFromMorphism rmap sigma1
-- 1.1 ... is the renamed source signature contained in the target signature?
--debug 3 ("mtarget mor1",mtarget mor1)
--debug 3 ("sigma2",sigma2)
if isSubEnv (mtarget mor1) sigma2
-- yes => we are done
then return (mor1 {mtarget = sigma2})
-- no => OK, we've to take the hard way
else do -- 2. Compute initial posmap, using all possible mappings of symbols
let symset1 = symOf sigma1
symset2 = symOf sigma2
addCard sym s = (s,(postponeEntry sym s,Set.size s))
ins1 sym = Map.insert sym
(addCard sym $ Set.filter (canBeMapped rmap sym) symset2)
posmap1 = Set.fold ins1 Map.empty symset1
ins2 sym1 (symset,card) = Map.listInsert card (sym1,symset)
posmap2 = Map.foldWithKey ins2 Map.empty posmap1
posmap = (posmap1,posmap2)
case Map.lookup (True,0) posmap2 of
Nothing -> return ()
Just syms -> pfatal_error
(ptext "No symbol mapping for "
<+> printText (Set.fromList $ map fst syms)) nullPos
-- 3. call recursive function with empty akmap and initial posmap
smap <- tryToInduce sigma1 sigma2 Map.empty posmap
smap1 <- case smap of
Nothing -> fail "No signature morphism for symbol map"
Just x -> return x
-- 9./10. compute and return the resulting morphism
symbMapToMorphism sigma1 sigma2 smap1
-- 4. recursive depth first function
-- ambiguous map leads to fatal error (similar to exception)
tryToInduce :: Env -> Env -> SymbolMap -> PosMap -> Result (Maybe SymbolMap)
tryToInduce sigma1 sigma2 akmap (posmap1, posmap2) = do
--debug 5 ("akmap",akmap)
--debug 6 ("posmap",(posmap1,posmap2))
if Map.isEmpty posmap2 then return $ Just akmap -- 4a.
else do
--debug 7 ("posmap'",posmap')
--debug 8 ("sym1",sym1)
akmap1 <- tryToInduce1 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap' sym1 symset1
if isNothing akmap1
-- 6. no map for symset1, hence try symset2
then tryToInduce1 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap' sym1 symset2
else return akmap1 -- otherwise, use symset1 only
-- 4b. take symbol with minimal remaining values (MRV)
(card,(sym1,symset):_symsets) = Map.findMin posmap2
(symset1,symset2) = Set.partition (preservesName sym1) symset
posmap' = removeFromPosmap sym1 card (posmap1,posmap2)
-- 5. to 7.
tryToInduce1 :: Env -> Env -> SymbolMap -> PosMap -> Symbol
-> SymbolSet -> Result (Maybe SymbolMap)
tryToInduce1 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap sym1 symset =
Set.fold (tryToInduce2 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap sym1)
(return Nothing) symset
tryToInduce2 :: Env -> Env -> SymbolMap -> PosMap -> Symbol
-> Symbol -> Result (Maybe SymbolMap) -> Result (Maybe SymbolMap)
tryToInduce2 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap sym1 sym2 akmapSoFar = do
-- 5.1. to 5.3. consistency check
akmapSoFar1 <- akmapSoFar
akmap' <- case extendSymbMap (typeMap sigma1) akmap sym1 sym2 of
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- constraint propagation
Just akmap1 -> tryToInduce sigma1 sigma2 akmap1 posmap
-- 6./7. uniqueness check
case (akmap',akmapSoFar1) of
(Nothing,Nothing) -> return Nothing
(Just smap,Nothing) -> return (Just smap)
(Nothing,Just smap) -> return (Just smap)
(Just smap1,Just smap2) ->
fail $ shows
(ptext "Ambiguous symbol map" $$
ptext "Map1" <+> printText smap1 $$
ptext "Map2" <+> printText smap2)
generatedSign :: SymbolSet -> Env -> Result Morphism
generatedSign sys sigma = do
if not (sys `Set.subset` symset) -- 2.
then pfatal_error
(ptext "Revealing: The following symbols"
<+> printText(sys Set.\\ symset)
<+> ptext "are not in the signature") nullPos
else return $ embedMorphism sigma2 sigma -- 7.
symset = symOf sigma -- 1.
sigma2 = Set.fold revealSym initialEnv sys -- 4.
revealSym sy sigma1 = case symbType sy of -- 4.1.
TypeAsItemType k -> -- 4.1.1.
sigma1 {typeMap = Map.insert (symName sy) (TypeInfo k [] []
NoTypeDefn) $ typeMap sigma1}
OpAsItemType (TySc ot) -> -- 4.1.2./4.1.3.
execState (addOpId (symName sy) ot [] (NoOpDefn Op)) sigma1
_ -> sigma1
cogeneratedSign :: SymbolSet -> Env -> Result Morphism
cogeneratedSign symset sigma = do
if not (symset `Set.subset` symset0) -- 2.
then pfatal_error
(ptext "Hiding: The following symbols"
<+> printText(symset Set.\\ symset0)
<+> ptext "are not in the signature") nullPos
else generatedSign symset1 sigma -- 4./5.
symset0 = symOf sigma -- 1.
symset1 = Set.fold revealSym symset0 symset -- 3.
revealSym sy symset2 = Set.delete sy symset2