Symbol.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
HasCASL analysed symbols of a signature
module HasCASL.Symbol where
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.PrintLe()
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.RawSym
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
instance PosItem Symbol where
getRange = getRange . symName
checkSymbols :: SymbolSet -> SymbolSet -> Result a -> Result a
checkSymbols s1 s2 r =
let s = foldr ( \ e2 d ->
Set.filter (not . matchSymb e2 . ASymbol) d)
s1 $ Set.toList s2 in
if Set.null s then r else
Result [mkDiag Error "unknown symbols" s] Nothing
dependentSyms :: Symbol -> Env -> SymbolSet
dependentSyms sym sig =
Set.fold ( \ op se ->
if Set.member sym $ subSymsOf op then
Set.insert op se else se) Set.empty $ symOf sig
hideRelSymbol :: Symbol -> Env -> Env
hideRelSymbol sym sig =
hideSymbol sym $ Set.fold hideSymbol sig $ dependentSyms sym sig
hideSymbol :: Symbol -> Env -> Env
hideSymbol sym sig =
let i = symName sym
tm = typeMap sig
as = assumps sig in
case symType sym of
ClassAsItemType _ -> sig
TypeAsItemType _ -> sig { typeMap =
Map.delete i tm }
OpAsItemType ot ->
let OpInfos os = Map.findWithDefault (OpInfos []) i as
rs = filter (not . (== ot) . opType) os
in sig { assumps = if null rs then Map.delete i as
else Map.insert i (OpInfos rs) as }
plainHide :: SymbolSet -> Env -> Env
plainHide syms sigma =
let (opSyms, otherSyms) = Set.partition (\ sy -> case symType sy of
OpAsItemType _ -> True
_ -> False) syms
in Set.fold hideSymbol (Set.fold hideSymbol sigma otherSyms) opSyms
-- | type ids within a type
subSyms :: Env -> Type -> SymbolSet
subSyms e t = case t of
TypeName i k n ->
if n == 0 then if i == unitTypeId || i == lazyTypeId ||
isArrow i || isProductId i then Set.empty
else Set.singleton $ idToTypeSymbol e i k
else Set.empty
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> Set.union (subSyms e t1) (subSyms e t2)
ExpandedType _ t1 -> subSyms e t1
KindedType tk _ _ -> subSyms e tk
_ -> error ("subSyms: " ++ show t)
subSymsOf :: Symbol -> SymbolSet
subSymsOf sy = case symType sy of
OpAsItemType (TypeScheme _ ty _) -> subSyms (symEnv sy) ty
_ -> Set.empty
closeSymbSet :: SymbolSet -> SymbolSet
closeSymbSet s = Set.unions (s : map subSymsOf (Set.toList s))
symOf :: Env -> SymbolSet
symOf sigma =
let classes = Map.foldWithKey ( \ i ks ->
Set.insert $ idToClassSymbol sigma i $ rawKind ks)
Set.empty $ classMap sigma
types = Map.foldWithKey ( \ i ti ->
Set.insert $ idToTypeSymbol sigma i $ typeKind ti)
classes $ typeMap sigma
ops = Map.foldWithKey ( \ i ts s ->
foldr ( \ t ->
Set.insert $ idToOpSymbol sigma i $
opType t) s $ opInfos ts)
types $ assumps sigma
in ops