Subst.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : substitution of terms
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
substitution and let-reduction of terms
module HasCASL.Subst where
-- import qualified Data.Graph.Analysis.Algorithms.Common() as DGAAC
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.FoldTerm
import HasCASL.Le
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe
-- * Datatypes for substitution and some preliminaries
-- | The constants for which terms can be substituted
data SubstConst = SConst Id TypeScheme
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type SubstType = Id
{- | Type for the SubstRules.
The status entry signals if the use of this substitution will trigger
a failure or not. This mechanism is used to detect if variable capturing
will occur. -}
data SRule a = Blocked a | Ready a deriving Show
scName :: SubstConst -> String
scName (SConst n _) = show n
newtype Subst =
Subst ( Map.Map SubstConst (SRule Term) -- the const->term mapping
, Map.Map SubstType (SRule Type) {- the const->type mapping
if a constant c occurs in the term t of a
const-term mapping (c',t) then c' is entered in the
by this mapping corresponding set s: (c, insert c' s) -}
, Map.Map SubstConst (Set.Set SubstConst)) deriving Show
emptySubstitution :: Subst
emptySubstitution = Subst (Map.empty, Map.empty, Map.empty)
size :: Subst -> Int
size (Subst (m, t, _)) = Map.size m + Map.size t
isBlocked :: SRule a -> Bool
isBlocked (Ready _) = False
isBlocked _ = True
ruleContent :: SRule a -> a
ruleContent (Ready x) = x
ruleContent (Blocked x) = x
blockRule :: SRule a -> SRule a
blockRule (Ready x) = Blocked x
blockRule x = x
{- | Mark all mappings to terms which contain a var from the given scope
as blocked. -}
inScope :: [SubstConst] -> Subst -> Subst
inScope scs (Subst (m, t, br)) =
-- constants to block
cb = Set.unions $ Map.elems $ Map.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> elem k scs) br
-- map after removal of the blocked constants
nbr = Map.filter (not . Set.null)
$ (flip Set.difference $ Set.fromList scs) br
-- blockfunction
blf c v = if Set.member c cb then blockRule v else v
in Subst (Map.mapWithKey blf m, t, nbr)
mkSConst :: Id -> TypeScheme -> SubstConst
mkSConst = SConst
mkSVar :: Id -> Type -> SubstConst
mkSVar n = SConst n . simpleTypeScheme
mkSRule :: a -> SRule a
mkSRule = Ready
toSConst :: Term -> Maybe SubstConst
toSConst (QualVar vd) = Just $ toSC vd
toSConst (QualOp _ n ts _ _ _) = Just $ toSC (n, ts)
toSConst _ = Nothing
substFromEqs :: [(Term, Term)] -> Subst
substFromEqs eqs =
let f sb (t1, t2) = case toSConst t1 of
Nothing -> sb
Just sc -> addTerm sb sc t2
in foldl f emptySubstitution eqs
substFromTermMap :: [(SubstConst, Term)] -> Subst
substFromTermMap = foldl (uncurry . addTerm) emptySubstitution
termEmpty :: Subst -> Bool
termEmpty (Subst (m, _, _)) = Map.null m
typeEmpty :: Subst -> Bool
typeEmpty (Subst (_, m, _)) = Map.null m
lookupTerm :: Subst -> SubstConst -> Maybe (SRule Term)
lookupTerm (Subst (m, _, _)) k = Map.lookup k m
lookupType :: Subst -> SubstType -> Maybe (SRule Type)
lookupType (Subst (_, t, _)) k = Map.lookup k t
addTerm :: Subst -> SubstConst -> Term -> Subst
addTerm (Subst (m, t, br)) k v =
let nm = Map.insert k (mkSRule v) m
f x = (toSC x, Set.singleton k)
g x = (fromJust $ toSConst x, Set.singleton k)
s = f (freeVars v) `Set.union` g (opsInTerm v)
nbr = Map.fromList $ Set.toList s
in Subst (nm, t, Map.unionWith Set.union br nbr)
removeTerm :: Subst -> SubstConst -> Subst
removeTerm (Subst (m, t, br)) k =
Subst ( Map.delete k m, t
, Map.filter (not . Set.null) $ (Set.delete k) br)
addType :: Subst -> SubstType -> Type -> Subst
addType (Subst (m, t, br)) k v = Subst (m, Map.insert k (mkSRule v) t, br)
removeType :: Subst -> SubstType -> Subst
removeType (Subst (m, t, br)) k = Subst (m, Map.delete k t, br)
class LookupSubst a b where
lookupS :: Subst -> a -> Maybe (SRule b)
class SCLike a where
toSC :: a -> SubstConst
class STLike a where
toST :: a -> SubstType
class Substable a where
subst :: Subst -> a -> a
instance LookupSubst Term Term where
lookupS s x = case toSConst x of
Just sc -> lookupTerm s sc
_ -> Nothing
instance SCLike a => LookupSubst a Term where
lookupS s x = lookupTerm s $ toSC x
instance STLike a => LookupSubst a Type where
lookupS s x = lookupType s $ toST x
instance SCLike SubstConst where
toSC = id
instance SCLike VarDecl where
toSC (VarDecl n typ _ _) = mkSVar n typ
instance SCLike (Id, OpInfo) where
toSC (n, inf) = mkSConst n $ opType inf
instance SCLike (PolyId, TypeScheme) where
toSC (PolyId n _ _, typs) = mkSConst n typs
instance SCLike (Id, TypeScheme) where
toSC (n, typs) = mkSConst n typs
instance STLike TypeArg where
toST = typevarId
-- -- class functions
addC :: SCLike a => Subst -> a -> Term -> Subst
addC s k = addTerm s (toSC k)
removeC :: SCLike a => Subst -> a -> Subst
removeC s k = removeTerm s (toSC k)
removeListC :: SCLike a => Subst -> [a] -> Subst
removeListC = foldl removeC
addT :: STLike a => Subst -> a -> Type -> Subst
addT s k = addType s (toST k)
removeT :: STLike a => Subst -> a -> Subst
removeT s k = removeType s (toST k)
removeListT :: STLike a => Subst -> [a] -> Subst
removeListT = foldl removeT
lookupContent :: LookupSubst a b => Subst -> a -> Maybe b
lookupContent s k = fmap ruleContent $ lookupS s k
-- -- other functions
typevarId :: TypeArg -> Id
typevarId (TypeArg n _ _ _ _ _ _) = n
-- * Substitution
for let reduction:
forall x:A. let y:A = x in exists x:A. x = y
or let expanded
for beta reduction
forall x:A. ( \y:A . exists x:A. x = y ) x
The obvious solution is variable renaming of the bound vars by
the inner binder, here, e.g., exists x:A -> exists x':A .
Another solution is signaling an error in the subst function,
whenever a substitution will cause variable capturing.
We implement the second solution.
substWithDefault :: (LookupSubst a b, Show a) => Subst -> b -> a -> b
substWithDefault s dfault x =
case lookupS s x of
Nothing -> dfault
Just mp -> if isBlocked mp then error $ "substWithDefault: Rule for "
++ show x ++ " is blocked!"
else ruleContent mp
instance Substable Type where
subst _ t = t
instance Substable Term where
subst s t
| termEmpty s = t
| otherwise =
case t of
qv@(QualVar v) -> substWithDefault s qv v
qo@(QualOp _ n typ _ _ _) -> substWithDefault s qo (n, typ)
ApplTerm t1 t2 rg -> ApplTerm (subst s t1) (subst s t2) rg
TupleTerm l rg -> TupleTerm (map (subst s) l) rg
TypedTerm term tq typ rg ->
TypedTerm (subst s term) tq (subst s typ) rg
p@(AsPattern {}) -> p
QuantifiedTerm q vars term rg ->
let (vds, tvs) = splitVars vars
scs = map toSC vds
s' = inScope scs $ removeListT (removeListC s scs) tvs
in QuantifiedTerm q vars (subst s' term) rg
LambdaTerm varPatts p term rg ->
let bvars = map toSC
$ Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map freeVars varPatts
s' = inScope bvars $ removeListC s bvars
in LambdaTerm varPatts p (subst s' term) rg
LetTerm lb eqs term rg ->
let (eqs', s') = substLetEqs s eqs
in LetTerm lb eqs' (subst s' term) rg
CaseTerm term eqs rg ->
CaseTerm (subst s term) (substCaseEqs s eqs) rg
_ -> t
substLetEqs :: Subst -> [ProgEq] -> ([ProgEq], Subst)
substLetEqs s eqs = runState (mapM substLetEq eqs) s
substLetEq :: ProgEq -> State Subst ProgEq
substLetEq (ProgEq lh rh rg) = do
s <- get
let scs = map toSC (Set.toList $ freeVars lh)
++ mapMaybe toSConst (Set.toList $ opsInTerm lh)
The ops contain also constructors which are used to form patterns.
These constructors shouldn't be substituted at all, so it should
be no problem if we remove them from the substitution. -}
put $ inScope scs $ removeListC s scs
return (ProgEq lh (subst s rh) rg)
substCaseEqs :: Subst -> [ProgEq] -> [ProgEq]
substCaseEqs s = map $ substCaseEq s
substCaseEq :: Subst -> ProgEq -> ProgEq
substCaseEq s (ProgEq lh rh rg) =
let bvars = map toSC $ Set.toList $ freeVars lh
in ProgEq lh (subst (inScope bvars $ removeListC s bvars) rh) rg
-- * Substitution for let reduction
-- | substitutes the symbols, bound by progeqs, in the term
substEqs :: Term -> [ProgEq] -> ReductionResult Term
{- evil hack to use the reduction type as it is also for building
the substitution. This leads to the fact that a successful reduction
will be given a notreduced flag!
TODO: remove this evil hack -}
substEqs t eqs = toReduced $ (`subst` t) <$>
redFold substFromEq emptySubstitution eqs
{- substEqs t eqs = error $ (show t) ++ "\n\n\n"
++ let redd = redFold substFromEq emptySubstitution eqs
in (show $ getResult redd) ++ (show $ getResultType redd)
substEqs t eqs = (\x -> error $ show x) <$> redFold substFromEq emptySubstitution eqs -}
substFromEq :: Subst -> ProgEq -> ReductionResult Subst
substFromEq s (ProgEq lh rh _) =
case toSConst lh of
-- NotReduced plays the role of continue, so use it here!
Just sc -> NotReduced $ addTerm s sc $ subst s rh
Nothing -> CannotReduce HasPatternsOrFunctions "substFromEq" s
-- * Reduction
data ReductionFailure = HasPatternsOrFunctions | HasCycles deriving Show
{- | Codes for explaining the success of a reduction.
reduced is a stop-flag and signals success
notreduced is a continue-flag
cannotreduce is a stop-flag and signals failure -}
data ReductionResult a = Reduced a | NotReduced a
| CannotReduce ReductionFailure String a
instance Functor ReductionResult where
fmap f rr = case rr of
Reduced a -> Reduced $ f a
NotReduced a -> NotReduced $ f a
CannotReduce rf s a -> CannotReduce rf s $ f a
-- | Usually defined in Data.Functor, but not importable here
(<$) :: Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
(<$) = fmap . const
infixl 4 <$>
-- | An infix synonym for 'fmap'.
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$>) = fmap
toReduced :: ReductionResult a -> ReductionResult a
toReduced rr = case rr of
NotReduced a -> Reduced a
_ -> rr
-- | intended to unpack the result or to give an error if CannotReduce
getResult :: ReductionResult a -> a
getResult rr = case rr of
Reduced a -> a
NotReduced a -> a
CannotReduce rf s _ ->
error $ "Cannot reduce because " ++ show rf ++ ", " ++ s
getResultType :: ReductionResult a -> String
getResultType rr = case rr of
Reduced _ -> "Reduced"
NotReduced _ -> "NotReduced"
CannotReduce rf s _ -> "CannotReduce: " ++ show rf
++ ", " ++ s
-- generic functions for the reduction-datatype
redList :: (a -> ReductionResult a) -> [a] -> ReductionResult [a]
redList _ [] = NotReduced []
redList f tl@(t : l) = case f t of
NotReduced _ -> (t :) <$> redList f l
Reduced x -> Reduced (x : l)
x -> const tl <$> x
redFold :: (a -> b -> ReductionResult a) -> a -> [b] -> ReductionResult a
redFold _ s [] = NotReduced s
redFold f x (t : l) = case f x t of
NotReduced y -> redFold f y l
y -> y
-- | Reduces until the result is NotReduced.
redUntil :: (a -> ReductionResult a) -> a -> a
redUntil f a = case f a of
NotReduced x -> x
Reduced x -> redUntil f x
x -> getResult x
-- -- let-reduction
redLetList :: [Term] -> ReductionResult [Term]
redLetList = redList redLet
redLetProg :: ([ProgEq], Term) -> ReductionResult ([ProgEq], Term)
redLetProg (eqs, t) =
let -- build a list from the input structure
res = redLetList $ map (\ (ProgEq _ rh _) -> rh) eqs ++ [t]
-- function to recombine the result structure from the list
recomb tl = (zipWith rhsRepl eqs tl, last tl)
-- needed for recomb
rhsRepl (ProgEq lh _ rg) x = ProgEq lh x rg
in fmap recomb res
{- this function is a nice example where the usage of an abstract functor
makes the implementation cleaner -}
{- | reduce the topleft-most occurence of a let-expression if possible
, i.e, if the let doesn't contain function-definitions nor patterns -}
redLet :: Term -> ReductionResult Term
redLet t =
case t of
-- LetTerm LetBrand [ProgEq] Term Range
LetTerm _ eqs term _ -> substEqs term eqs
ApplTerm t1 t2 rg ->
(\ [r1, r2] -> ApplTerm r1 r2 rg) <$> redLetList [t1, t2]
TupleTerm l rg -> (`TupleTerm` rg) <$> redLetList l
TypedTerm term tq typ rg -> (\ x -> TypedTerm x tq typ rg) <$> redLet term
QuantifiedTerm q vars term rg ->
(\ x -> QuantifiedTerm q vars x rg) <$> redLet term
LambdaTerm vars p term rg ->
(\ x -> LambdaTerm vars p x rg) <$> redLet term
CaseTerm term eqs rg ->
(\ (xeqs, xt) -> CaseTerm xt xeqs rg) <$> redLetProg (eqs, term)
_ -> NotReduced t
letReduceOnce :: Term -> Term
letReduceOnce = getResult . redLet
letReduce :: Term -> Term
letReduce = redUntil redLet
{- -- beta-reduction
TODO! -}