Sublogic.hs revision 4561227a776bdf0ab679b19fb92f1eaaed8786f7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Pascal Schmidt, Christian Maeder, and Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
This module provides the sublogic functions (as required by Logic.hs) for
HasCASL. The functions allow to compute the minimal sublogics needed by a
given element, to check whether an item is part of a given sublogic, and --
not yet -- to project an element into a given sublogic.
module HasCASL.Sublogic ( -- * datatypes
-- * functions for LatticeWithTop instance
-- * functions for Logic instance
-- * sublogic to string converstion
-- * list of all sublogics
-- * checks if element is in given sublogic
-- * computes the sublogic of a given element
) where
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Builtin
-- | Datatypes for HasCASL sublogics
data HasCASL_Formulas = Atomic -- atomic logic
| Horn -- positive conditional logic
| GHorn -- generalized positive conditional logic
| FOL -- first-order logic
| HOL -- higher-order logic
deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
data HasCASL_Sublogics = HasCASL_SL
{ has_sub :: Bool, -- subsorting
has_part :: Bool, -- partiality
has_eq :: Bool, -- equality
has_pred :: Bool, -- predicates
has_ho :: Bool, -- higher order
has_type_classes :: Bool,
has_polymorphism :: Bool,
has_type_constructors :: Bool,
} deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
-- Special sublogics elements
-- top element
top :: HasCASL_Sublogics
top = (HasCASL_SL True True True True True True True True HOL)
-- bottom element
bottom :: HasCASL_Sublogics
bottom = (HasCASL_SL False False False False False False False False Atomic)
-- the following are used to add a needed feature to a given
-- sublogic via sublogics_max, i.e. (sublogics_max given needs_part)
-- will force partiality in addition to what features given already
-- has included
-- minimal sublogic with subsorting
need_sub :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_sub = bottom { has_sub = True }
-- minimal sublogic with partiality
need_part :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_part = bottom { has_part = True }
-- minimal sublogic with equality
need_eq :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_eq = bottom { has_eq = True }
-- minimal sublogic with predicates
need_pred :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_pred = bottom { has_pred = True }
-- minimal sublogic with higher order
need_ho :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_ho = bottom { has_ho = True }
-- minimal sublogic with type classes
need_type_classes :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_type_classes = bottom { has_type_classes = True }
-- minimal sublogic with polymorhism
need_polymorphism :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_polymorphism = bottom { has_polymorphism = True }
-- minimal sublogic with type constructors
need_type_constructors :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_type_constructors = bottom { has_type_constructors = True }
need_horn :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_horn = bottom { which_logic = Horn }
need_ghorn :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_ghorn = bottom { which_logic = GHorn }
need_fol :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_fol = bottom { which_logic = FOL }
need_hol :: HasCASL_Sublogics
need_hol = bottom { which_logic = HOL }
-- Functions to generate a list of all sublogics for HasCASL
sublogics_all :: [HasCASL_Sublogics]
sublogics_all = [HasCASL_SL {has_sub = sub,
has_part = part,
has_eq = eq,
has_pred = pre,
has_ho = ho,
has_type_classes = tyCl,
has_polymorphism = poly,
has_type_constructors = tyCon,
which_logic = logic}
| sub <- [False,True],
part <- [False,True],
eq <- [False,True],
pre <- [False,True],
ho <- [False,True],
tyCl <- [False,True],
poly <- [False,True],
tyCon <- [False,True],
logic <- [Atomic, Horn, GHorn, FOL, HOL] ]
-- Conversion functions (to String)
-- "formulas_name :: has_pred -> has_ho -> which_logic -> String"
formulas_name :: Bool -> Bool -> HasCASL_Formulas -> String
formulas_name True True HOL = "HOL"
formulas_name True False HOL = "HOL" -- ?!
formulas_name False True HOL = "HOL"
formulas_name False False HOL = "HOL" -- ?!
formulas_name True True FOL = "HOL" -- ?!
formulas_name True False FOL = "FOL"
formulas_name False True FOL = "HO-FOAlg" -- ?!
formulas_name False False FOL = "FOAlg"
formulas_name True True GHorn = "HO-GHorn"
formulas_name True False GHorn = "GHorn"
formulas_name False True GHorn = "HO-GCond"
formulas_name False False GHorn = "GCond"
formulas_name True True Horn = "HO-Horn"
formulas_name True False Horn = "Horn"
formulas_name False True Horn = "HO-Cond"
formulas_name False False Horn = "Cond"
formulas_name True True Atomic = "HO-Atom"
formulas_name True False Atomic = "Atom"
formulas_name False True Atomic = "HO-Eq"
formulas_name False False Atomic = "Eq"
sublogics_name :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> [String]
sublogics_name x = [
( if (has_sub x) then "Sub" else "")
++ ( if (has_part x) then "P" else "")
++ ( if (has_type_classes x) then "TyCl" else "")
++ ( if (has_polymorphism x) then "Poly" else "")
++ ( if (has_type_constructors x) then "TyCons" else "")
++ ( formulas_name (has_pred x) (has_ho x) (which_logic x) )
++ ( if (has_eq x) then "=" else "")]
-- min/join and max/meet functions
formulas_max :: HasCASL_Formulas -> HasCASL_Formulas -> HasCASL_Formulas
formulas_max x y = if (x<y) then y else x
formulas_min :: HasCASL_Formulas -> HasCASL_Formulas -> HasCASL_Formulas
formulas_min x y = if (x<y) then x else y
sublogics_max :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> HasCASL_Sublogics -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sublogics_max a b = HasCASL_SL
(has_sub a || has_sub b)
(has_part a || has_part b)
(has_eq a || has_eq b)
(has_pred a || has_pred b)
(has_ho a || has_ho b)
(has_type_classes a || has_type_classes b)
(has_polymorphism a || has_polymorphism b)
(has_type_constructors a || has_type_constructors b)
(formulas_max (which_logic a) (which_logic b))
sublogics_min :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> HasCASL_Sublogics -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sublogics_min a b = HasCASL_SL
(has_sub a && has_sub b)
(has_part a && has_part b)
(has_eq a && has_eq b)
(has_pred a && has_pred b)
(has_ho a && has_ho b)
(has_type_classes a && has_type_classes b)
(has_polymorphism a && has_polymorphism b)
(has_type_constructors a && has_type_constructors b)
(formulas_min (which_logic a) (which_logic b))
-- Helper functions
-- compute sublogics from a list of sublogics
comp_list :: [HasCASL_Sublogics] -> HasCASL_Sublogics
comp_list l = foldl sublogics_max bottom l
-- Functions to analyse formulae
{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
These functions are based on Till Mossakowski's paper "Sublanguages of
CASL", which is CoFI Note L-7. The functions implement an adaption of
the reduced grammar given there for formulae in a specific expression
logic by, checking whether a formula would match the productions from the
grammar. Which function checks for which nonterminal from the paper is
given as a comment before each function.
They are adapted for HasCASL, especially HasCASLs abstract syntax (As.hs)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- Atomic Logic (subsection 3.4 of the paper)
is_atomic_t :: Term -> Bool
is_atomic_t (QuantifiedTerm q _ t _) = (is_atomic_q q) && (is_atomic_t t)
is_atomic_t (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) (TupleTerm ts _) _) =
-- P-Conjunction and ExEq
(((i == andId)
&& (and $ map is_atomic_t ts))
|| (i == exEq))
&& (t == logType)
&& (not (null ts))
is_atomic_t (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) =
(i == trueId)
&& (t == logType)
--is_atomic_t (Predication _ _ _) = True
is_atomic_t (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) _ _) =
(i == defId)
&& (t == logType)
is_atomic_t _ = False
is_atomic_q :: Quantifier -> Bool
is_atomic_q (Universal) = True
is_atomic_q _ = False
-- Positive Conditional Logic (subsection 3.2 in the paper)
is_horn_t :: Term -> Bool
is_horn_t (QuantifiedTerm q _ f _) =
(is_atomic_q q)
&& (is_horn_t f)
is_horn_t (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) (TupleTerm f _) _) =
(i == implId)
&& (t == logType)
&& (is_horn_p_conj (head f))
&& (is_horn_a (last f))
is_horn_t _ = False
is_horn_p_conj :: Term -> Bool
is_horn_p_conj (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) (TupleTerm ts _) _) =
(i == andId)
&& (t == logType)
&& (not (null ts))
&& (and $ map is_horn_a ts)
is_horn_p_conj _ = False
is_horn_a :: Term -> Bool
is_horn_a (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) =
(i == trueId)
&& (t == logType)
-- is_horn_a (Predication _ _ _) = True
is_horn_a (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) _ _) =
((i == defId)
|| (i == exEq)
|| (i == eqId))
&& (t == logType)
--is_horn_a (Membership _ _ _) = True
is_horn_a _ = False
is_horn_p_a :: Term -> Bool
is_horn_p_a (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) =
(i == trueId)
&& (t == logType)
-- is_horn_p_a (Predication _ _ _) = True
is_horn_p_a (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) _ _) =
((i == defId)
|| (i == exEq))
&& (t == logType)
-- is_horn_p_a (Membership _ _ _) = True
is_horn_p_a _ = False
-- Generalized Positive Conditional Logic (subsection 3.3 of the paper)
is_ghorn_t :: Term -> Bool
is_ghorn_t (QuantifiedTerm q _ t _) = (is_atomic_q q) && (is_ghorn_t t)
is_ghorn_t (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) (TupleTerm f _) _) =
(t == logType)
&& (((i == andId) && (not (null f)) && ((is_ghorn_c_conj f) || (is_ghorn_f_conj f)))
((i == implId) && (is_ghorn_prem (head f)) && (is_ghorn_conc (last f)))
((i == eqvId) && (is_ghorn_prem (head f)) && (is_ghorn_prem (last f))))
is_ghorn_t (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) =
(i == trueId)
&& (t == logType)
-- is_ghorn_t (Predication _ _ _) = True
is_ghorn_t (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) _ _) =
((i == defId)
|| (i == exEq)
|| (i == eqId))
&& (t == logType)
-- is_ghorn_t (Membership _ _ _) = True
is_ghorn_t _ = False
is_ghorn_c_conj :: [Term] -> Bool
is_ghorn_c_conj t = (not(null t)) && (and ((map is_ghorn_conc) t))
is_ghorn_f_conj :: [Term] -> Bool
is_ghorn_f_conj t = (not(null t)) && (and ((map is_ghorn_t) t))
is_ghorn_p_conj :: [Term] -> Bool
is_ghorn_p_conj t = (not(null t)) && (and (map is_ghorn_prem t))
is_ghorn_prem :: Term -> Bool
is_ghorn_prem (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) (TupleTerm ts _) _) =
(i == andId)
&& (t == logType)
&& (not (null ts))
&& (is_ghorn_p_conj ts)
is_ghorn_prem x = is_horn_p_a x
is_ghorn_conc :: Term -> Bool
is_ghorn_conc (ApplTerm (QualOp Fun (InstOpId i _ _) t _) (TupleTerm ts _) _) =
(i == andId)
&& (t == logType)
&& (not (null ts))
&& (is_ghorn_c_conj ts)
is_ghorn_conc x = is_horn_a x
is_fol_t :: Term -> Bool
is_fol_t (LambdaTerm _ _ _ _) = False
is_fol_t (CaseTerm _ _ _) = False
is_fol_t (LetTerm _ _ _ _) = False
is_fol_t _ = True
{- FOL:
no lambda/let/case,
no higher types (i.e. all types are basic, tuples, or tuple -> basic)
-- compute logic of a formula by checking all logics in turn
get_logic :: Term -> HasCASL_Sublogics
get_logic t = if (is_atomic_t t) then bottom else
if (is_horn_t t) then need_horn else
if (is_ghorn_t t) then need_ghorn else
if (is_fol_t t) then need_fol else
-- Functions to compute minimal sublogic for a given element; these work
-- by recursing into all subelements
sl_basicSpec :: BasicSpec -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_basicSpec (BasicSpec l) = comp_list $ map sl_basicItem
$ map item l
sl_basicItem :: BasicItem -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_basicItem (SigItems l) = sl_sigItems l
sl_basicItem (ProgItems l _) = comp_list $ map sl_progEq
$ map item l
sl_basicItem (ClassItems _ l _) = sublogics_max need_type_classes
(comp_list $ map sl_classItem
$ map item l)
sl_basicItem (GenVarItems l _) = comp_list $ map sl_genVarDecl l
sl_basicItem (FreeDatatype l _) = comp_list $ map sl_datatypeDecl
$ map item l
sl_basicItem (GenItems l _) = (comp_list $ map sl_sigItems
$ map item l)
sl_basicItem (AxiomItems l m _) = sublogics_max
(comp_list $ map sl_genVarDecl l)
(comp_list $ map sl_term
$ map item m)
sl_basicItem (Internal l _) = comp_list $ map sl_basicItem
$ map item l
sl_sigItems :: SigItems -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_sigItems (TypeItems i l _) = sublogics_max (sl_instance i)
(comp_list $ map sl_typeItem
$ map item l)
sl_sigItems (OpItems b l _) = sublogics_max (sl_opBrand b)
(comp_list $ map sl_opItem
$ map item l)
sl_opBrand :: OpBrand -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_opBrand (Pred) = need_pred
sl_opBrand _ = bottom
sl_instance :: Instance -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_instance (Instance) = need_type_classes
sl_instance _ = bottom
sl_classItem :: ClassItem -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_classItem (ClassItem c l _) = sublogics_max (sl_classDecl c)
(comp_list $ map sl_basicItem
$ map item l)
sl_classDecl :: ClassDecl -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_classDecl (ClassDecl _ _ _) = need_type_classes
sl_Rawkind :: RawKind -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_Rawkind (ClassKind _) = bottom
sl_Rawkind (FunKind _ _ _ _) = need_hol
sl_kind :: Kind -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_kind (ClassKind i) = if i == universeId then bottom else need_type_classes
sl_kind (FunKind _ k1 k2 _) = comp_list [need_hol, (sl_kind k1), (sl_kind k2)]
sl_typeItem :: TypeItem -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_typeItem (TypeDecl l k _) = sublogics_max (sl_kind k)
(comp_list $ map sl_typePattern l)
sl_typeItem (SubtypeDecl l _ _) = sublogics_max need_sub
(comp_list $ map sl_typePattern l)
sl_typeItem (IsoDecl l _) = sublogics_max need_sub
(comp_list $ map sl_typePattern l)
sl_typeItem (SubtypeDefn tp _ t term _) =
comp_list [need_sub,
(sl_typePattern tp),
(sl_type t),
(sl_term (item term))]
sl_typeItem (AliasType tp (Just k) ts _) = comp_list [(sl_kind k), (sl_typePattern tp),
(sl_typeScheme ts)]
sl_typeItem (AliasType tp Nothing ts _) = sublogics_max (sl_typePattern tp)
(sl_typeScheme ts)
sl_typeItem (Datatype dDecl) = sl_datatypeDecl dDecl
sl_typePattern :: TypePattern -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_typePattern (TypePattern _ l _) = comp_list $ map sl_typeArg l
-- non-empty args --> type constructor!
sl_typePattern (MixfixTypePattern l) = comp_list $ map sl_typePattern l
sl_typePattern (BracketTypePattern _ l _) = comp_list $ map sl_typePattern l
sl_typePattern (TypePatternArg _ _) = need_polymorphism
sl_typePattern _ = bottom
sl_type :: Type -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_type = sl_BasicFun
sl_Basictype :: Type -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_Basictype ty = case ty of
TypeName _ k v -> sublogics_max
(if v /= 0 then need_polymorphism else bottom) $ sl_Rawkind k
KindedType t k _ -> sublogics_max (sl_Basictype t) $ sl_kind k
ExpandedType _ t -> sl_Basictype t
BracketType Parens [t] _ -> sl_Basictype t
_ -> case getTypeAppl ty of
(TypeName ide _ _, [_, _]) | isArrow ide ->
sublogics_max need_ho $ sl_BasicFun ty
(TypeName ide _ _, [arg]) | ide == lazyTypeId ->
sublogics_max need_hol $ sl_Basictype arg
(_, args) -> comp_list $ need_type_constructors :
map sl_Basictype args
sl_BasicProd :: Type -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_BasicProd ty = case getTypeAppl ty of
(TypeName ide _ _, tyArgs@(_:_:_)) | ide == productId (length tyArgs)
-> comp_list $ map sl_Basictype tyArgs
_ -> sl_Basictype ty
sl_BasicFun :: Type -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_BasicFun ty = case getTypeAppl ty of
(TypeName ide _ _, [arg, res]) | isArrow ide ->
comp_list [if isPartialArrow ide then need_part else bottom,
sl_BasicProd arg, sl_Basictype res]
_ -> sl_Basictype ty
-- FOL i.e. no higher types (i.e. all types are basic, tuples, or tuple -> basic)
sl_typeScheme :: TypeScheme -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_typeScheme (TypeScheme l t _) =
comp_list $ sl_type t : map sl_typeArg l
sl_opItem :: OpItem -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_opItem (OpDecl l t m _) =
comp_list [(comp_list $ map sl_opId l),
(sl_typeScheme t),
(comp_list $ map sl_opAttr m)]
sl_opItem (OpDefn i v ts p t _) =
comp_list [(sl_opId i),
(comp_list $ map sl_varDecl (concat v)),
(sl_typeScheme ts),
(sl_partiality p),
(sl_term t)]
sl_partiality :: Partiality -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_partiality (Partial) = need_part
sl_partiality _ = bottom
sl_opAttr :: OpAttr -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_opAttr (UnitOpAttr t _) = sl_term t
sl_opAttr _ = need_eq
sl_datatypeDecl :: DatatypeDecl -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_datatypeDecl (DatatypeDecl t k l c _) =
let sl = comp_list [(sl_typePattern t),
(sl_kind k),
(comp_list $ map sl_alternative
$ map item l)]
if (null c) then sl
else sublogics_max need_type_classes sl
sl_alternative :: Alternative -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_alternative (Constructor _ l p _) = sublogics_max (sl_partiality p)
(comp_list $ map sl_component
(concat l))
sl_alternative (Subtype l _) = sublogics_max need_sub
(comp_list $ map sl_type l)
sl_component :: Component -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_component (Selector _ p t _ _) =
sublogics_max (sl_partiality p) (sl_type t)
sl_component (NoSelector t) = sl_type t
sl_term :: Term -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_term t = sublogics_max (get_logic t) (sl_t t)
sl_t :: Term -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_t (QualVar vd) = sl_varDecl vd
sl_t (QualOp b i t _) =
comp_list [(sl_opBrand b),
(sl_instOpId i),
(sl_typeScheme t)]
--sl_t (ResolvedMixTerm _ l _) = comp_list $ map sl_t l
sl_t (ApplTerm t1 t2 _) = sublogics_max (sl_t t1) (sl_t t2)
sl_t (TupleTerm l _) = comp_list $ map sl_t l
sl_t (TypedTerm t _ ty _) = sublogics_max (sl_t t) (sl_type ty)
sl_t (QuantifiedTerm _ l t _) = sublogics_max (sl_t t)
(comp_list $ map sl_genVarDecl l)
sl_t (LambdaTerm l p t _) =
comp_list [(comp_list $ map sl_pattern l),
(sl_partiality p),
(sl_t t)]
sl_t (CaseTerm t l _) = sublogics_max (sl_t t)
(comp_list $ map sl_progEq l)
sl_t (LetTerm _ l t _) = sublogics_max (sl_t t)
(comp_list $ map sl_progEq l)
sl_t (MixTypeTerm _ t _) = sl_type t
sl_t (MixfixTerm l) = comp_list $ map sl_t l
sl_t (BracketTerm _ l _) = comp_list $ map sl_t l
sl_t (AsPattern vd p2 _) = sublogics_max (sl_varDecl vd) (sl_pattern p2)
sl_t _ = bottom
sl_pattern :: Pattern -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_pattern = sl_t
sl_progEq :: ProgEq -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_progEq (ProgEq p t _) = sublogics_max (sl_pattern p) (sl_t t)
sl_varDecl :: VarDecl -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_varDecl (VarDecl _ t _ _) = sl_type t
sl_varKind :: VarKind -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_varKind vk = case vk of
VarKind k -> sl_kind k
Downset t -> sublogics_max need_sub $ sl_type t
_ -> bottom
sl_typeArg :: TypeArg -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_typeArg (TypeArg _ _ k _ _ _ _) =
sublogics_max need_polymorphism (sl_varKind k)
sl_genVarDecl :: GenVarDecl -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_genVarDecl (GenVarDecl v) = sl_varDecl v
sl_genVarDecl (GenTypeVarDecl v) = sl_typeArg v
sl_opId :: OpId -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_opId (OpId _ l _) = comp_list $ map sl_typeArg l
sl_instOpId :: InstOpId -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_instOpId (InstOpId i l _) =
if ((i == exEq) || (i == eqId))
then sublogics_max need_eq (comp_list $ map sl_type l)
else comp_list $ map sl_type l
sl_symbItems :: SymbItems -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_symbItems (SymbItems k l _ _) = sublogics_max (sl_symbKind k)
(comp_list $ map sl_symb l)
sl_symbMapItems :: SymbMapItems -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_symbMapItems (SymbMapItems k l _ _) = sublogics_max (sl_symbKind k)
(comp_list $ map sl_symbOrMap l)
sl_symbKind :: SymbKind -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_symbKind (SK_pred) = need_pred
sl_symbKind (SK_class) = need_type_classes
sl_symbKind _ = bottom
sl_symb :: Symb -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_symb (Symb _ Nothing _) = bottom
sl_symb (Symb _ (Just l) _) = sl_symbType l
sl_symbType :: SymbType -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_symbType (SymbType t) = sl_typeScheme t
sl_symbOrMap :: SymbOrMap -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_symbOrMap (SymbOrMap s Nothing _) = sl_symb s
sl_symbOrMap (SymbOrMap s (Just t) _) =
sublogics_max (sl_symb s) (sl_symb t)
-- the maps have no influence since all sorts,ops,preds in them
-- must also appear in the signatures, so any features needed by
-- them will be included by just checking the signatures
sl_env :: Env -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_env e =
let classes = if Map.null $ classMap e
then bottom else need_type_classes
types = comp_list $ map sl_typeInfo (Map.elems (typeMap e))
ops = comp_list $ map sl_opInfos (Map.elems (assumps e))
in comp_list [classes, types, ops]
sl_typeInfo :: TypeInfo -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_typeInfo t = let s = sl_typeDefn (typeDefn t) in
if Set.null $ superTypes t then s else
sublogics_max need_sub s
sl_typeDefn :: TypeDefn -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_typeDefn (DatatypeDefn de) = sl_dataEntry de
sl_typeDefn (AliasTypeDefn t) = sl_typeScheme t
sl_typeDefn _ = bottom
sl_dataEntry :: DataEntry -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_dataEntry (DataEntry _ _ _ l _ m) =
sublogics_max (comp_list $ map sl_typeArg l)
(comp_list $ map sl_altDefn m)
sl_opInfos :: OpInfos -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_opInfos o = comp_list $ map sl_opInfo (opInfos o)
sl_opInfo :: OpInfo -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_opInfo o = comp_list [(sl_typeScheme (opType o)),
(comp_list $ map sl_opAttr (opAttrs o)),
(sl_opDefn (opDefn o))]
sl_opDefn :: OpDefn -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_opDefn (NoOpDefn b) = sl_opBrand b
sl_opDefn (SelectData l _) = comp_list $ map sl_constrInfo l
sl_opDefn (Definition b t) =
sublogics_max (sl_opBrand b) (sl_term t)
sl_opDefn _ = bottom
sl_constrInfo :: ConstrInfo -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_constrInfo c = sl_typeScheme (constrType c)
sl_sentence :: Sentence -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_sentence (Formula t) = sl_term t
sl_sentence (ProgEqSen _ ts pq) =
sublogics_max (sl_typeScheme ts) (sl_progEq pq)
sl_sentence (DatatypeSen l) = comp_list $ map sl_dataEntry l
sl_altDefn :: AltDefn -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_altDefn (Construct _ l p m) =
comp_list [(comp_list $ map sl_type l),
(sl_partiality p),
(comp_list $ map sl_selector $ concat m)]
sl_selector :: Selector -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_selector (Select _ t p) = sublogics_max (sl_type t)
(sl_partiality p)
sl_morphism :: Morphism -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_morphism m = sublogics_max (sl_env $ msource m) (sl_env $ mtarget m)
sl_symbol :: Symbol -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_symbol (Symbol _ t e) =
sublogics_max (sl_symbolType t) (sl_env e)
sl_symbolType :: SymbolType a -> HasCASL_Sublogics
sl_symbolType (OpAsItemType t) = sl_typeScheme t
sl_symbolType (ClassAsItemType _) = need_type_classes
sl_symbolType _ = bottom
-- comparison functions
-- negated implication
nimpl :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nimpl True _ = True
nimpl False False = True
nimpl False True = False
-- check if a "new" sublogic is contained in/equal to a given
-- sublogic
sl_in :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> HasCASL_Sublogics -> Bool
sl_in given new = (nimpl (has_sub given) (has_sub new)) &&
(nimpl (has_part given) (has_part new)) &&
(nimpl (has_eq given) (has_eq new)) &&
(nimpl (has_pred given) (has_pred new)) &&
(nimpl (has_polymorphism given)
(has_polymorphism new)) &&
(nimpl (has_ho given) (has_ho new)) &&
(nimpl (has_type_classes given)
(has_type_classes new)) &&
(nimpl (has_type_constructors given)
(has_type_constructors new)) &&
((which_logic given) >= (which_logic new))
in_x :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> a -> (a -> HasCASL_Sublogics) -> Bool
in_x l x f = sl_in l (f x)
in_basicSpec :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> BasicSpec -> Bool
in_basicSpec l x = in_x l x sl_basicSpec
in_sentence :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> Sentence -> Bool
in_sentence l x = in_x l x sl_sentence
in_symbItems :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> SymbItems -> Bool
in_symbItems l x = in_x l x sl_symbItems
in_symbMapItems :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> SymbMapItems -> Bool
in_symbMapItems l x = in_x l x sl_symbMapItems
in_env :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> Env -> Bool
in_env l x = in_x l x sl_env
in_morphism :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> Morphism -> Bool
in_morphism l x = in_x l x sl_morphism
in_symbol :: HasCASL_Sublogics -> Symbol -> Bool
in_symbol l x = in_x l x sl_symbol