ProgEq.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : convert some formulas to program equations
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
convert some formulas to program equations
module HasCASL.ProgEq where
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.Unify (getTypeOf)
import HasCASL.MinType (haveCommonSupertype)
isOp :: OpInfo -> Bool
isOp o = case opDefn o of
NoOpDefn _ -> True
Definition _ _ -> True
SelectData _ _ -> True
_ -> False
isOpKind :: (OpInfo -> Bool) -> Env -> Term -> Bool
isOpKind f e t = case t of
TypedTerm trm q _ _ -> isOfType q && isOpKind f e trm
QualOp _ (PolyId i _ _) sc _ _ _ ->
if i `elem` map fst bList then False else
any (\ oi -> f oi && let sc2 = opType oi in
sc == sc2 || haveCommonSupertype e sc sc2)
_ -> False
isOfType :: TypeQual -> Bool
isOfType q = case q of
OfType -> True
Inferred -> True
AsType -> False
InType -> False
isVar :: Env -> Term -> Bool
isVar e t = case t of
TypedTerm trm q _ _ -> isOfType q && isVar e trm
QualVar _ -> True
_ -> False
isConstrAppl :: Env -> Term -> Bool
isConstrAppl e t = case t of
TypedTerm trm q _ _ -> isOfType q && isConstrAppl e trm
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> isConstrAppl e t1 && isPat e t2
_ -> isOpKind isConstructor e t
isPat :: Env -> Term -> Bool
isPat e t = case t of
TypedTerm trm q _ _ -> isOfType q && isPat e trm
TupleTerm ts _ -> all (isPat e) ts
AsPattern _ p _ -> isPat e p
_ -> isVar e t || isConstrAppl e t
isLHS :: Env -> Term -> Bool
isLHS e t = case t of
TypedTerm trm q _ _ -> isOfType q && isLHS e trm
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> isLHS e t1 && isPat e t2
_ -> isOpKind isOp e t
isExecutable :: Env -> Term -> Bool
isExecutable e t = case t of
QualVar _ -> True
QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _ -> True
QuantifiedTerm _ _ _ _ -> False
TypedTerm _ InType _ _ -> False
TypedTerm trm _ _ _ -> isExecutable e trm
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> isExecutable e t1 && isExecutable e t2
TupleTerm ts _ -> all (isExecutable e) ts
LambdaTerm ps _ trm _ -> all (isPat e) ps && isExecutable e trm
CaseTerm trm ps _ -> isExecutable e trm &&
all ( \ (ProgEq p c _) -> isPat e p && isExecutable e c) ps
LetTerm _ ps trm _ -> all ( \ (ProgEq p c _) ->
(isPat e p || isLHS e p) && isExecutable e c) ps
&& isExecutable e trm
_ -> error "isExecutable"
mkProgEq :: Env -> Term -> Maybe ProgEq
mkProgEq e t = case getTupleAp t of
Just (i, [a, b]) ->
let cond p r =
let pvs = map getVar $ extractVars p
rvs = map getVar $ extractVars r
in isLHS e p && isExecutable e r &&
null (checkUniqueness pvs) &&
in if i `elem` [eqId, exEq, eqvId] then
if cond a b
then Just $ ProgEq a b $ getRange i
else if cond b a then Just $ ProgEq b a $ getRange i
else mkConstTrueEq e t
else mkConstTrueEq e t
_ -> case getAppl t of
Just (i, _, [f]) -> if i `elem` [notId, negId] then
case mkConstTrueEq e f of
Just (ProgEq p _ ps) -> Just $ ProgEq p
(mkQualOp falseId unitTypeScheme [] nullRange) ps
Nothing -> Nothing
else mkConstTrueEq e t
_ -> mkConstTrueEq e t
mkConstTrueEq :: Env -> Term -> Maybe ProgEq
mkConstTrueEq e t =
let vs = map getVar $ extractVars t in
if isLHS e t && null (checkUniqueness vs) then
Just $ ProgEq t (mkQualOp trueId unitTypeScheme [] nullRange)
$ getRange t
else Nothing
bottom :: Type -> Term
bottom ty = mkQualOp botId botType [ty] nullRange
mkCondEq :: Env -> Term -> Maybe ProgEq
mkCondEq e t = case getTupleAp t of
Just (i, [p, r]) ->
if i == implId then mkCond e p r
else if i == infixIf then mkCond e r p
else mkProgEq e t
_ -> mkProgEq e t
mkCond env f p = case mkProgEq env p of
Just (ProgEq lhs rhs ps) ->
let pvs = map getVar $ extractVars lhs
fvs = map getVar $ extractVars f
in case getTypeOf rhs of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ty -> if isExecutable env f &&
Just (ProgEq lhs
(mkTerm whenElse whenType [ty] nullRange
$ TupleTerm [rhs, f, bottom ty] nullRange) ps)
else Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
mkQuantEq :: Env -> Term -> Maybe ProgEq
mkQuantEq e t = case t of
QuantifiedTerm Universal _ trm _ -> mkQuantEq e trm
-- ignore quantified variables
-- do not allow conditional equations
_ -> mkCondEq e t
getTupleAp :: Term -> Maybe (Id, [Term])
getTupleAp t = case getAppl t of
Just (i, _, [tu]) -> case getTupleArgs tu of
Just ts -> Just (i, ts)
Nothing -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
translateSen :: Env -> Sentence -> Sentence
translateSen env s = case s of
Formula t -> case mkQuantEq env t of
Nothing -> s
Just pe@(ProgEq p _ _) -> case getAppl p of
Nothing -> s
Just (i, sc, _) -> ProgEqSen i sc pe
_ -> s