PrintLe.hs revision e7ce154edb906685b3fa7f6c0a764e18a4658068
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
pretty printing a HasCASL environment
module HasCASL.PrintLe where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.HToken
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.PrintAs
import HasCASL.Le
import Data.Maybe
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.PPUtils
import Common.Lib.Pretty as Pretty
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Keywords
instance PrettyPrint ClassInfo where
printText0 ga (ClassInfo ks) =
space <> text lessS <+> printList0 ga ks
printGenKind :: GenKind -> Doc
printGenKind k = case k of
Loose -> empty
Free -> text freeS <> space
Generated -> text generatedS <> space
instance PrettyPrint TypeDefn where
printText0 _ NoTypeDefn = empty
printText0 _ PreDatatype = space <> text "%(data type)%"
printText0 _ TypeVarDefn = space <> text "%(var)%"
printText0 ga (AliasTypeDefn s) = space <> text assignS
<+> printPseudoType ga s
printText0 ga (Supertype v t f) = space <> text equalS <+>
braces (printText0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 ga f)
printText0 ga (DatatypeDefn k args alts) = text " %[" <>
printGenKind k <> (text typeS <+> text place
<+> printList0 ga args
<+> text defnS $$
vcat (map (printText0 ga) alts)) <> text "]%"
instance PrettyPrint AltDefn where
printText0 ga (Construct i ts p sels) =
printText0 ga i <+> colon
<+> listSep_text (space<>text funS<>space) ga ts <+>
text (case p of
Partial -> funS ++ quMark
Total -> funS) <+> text place
<+> hcat (map (parens . printText0 ga) sels)
instance PrettyPrint Selector where
printText0 ga (Select i t p) =
printText0 ga i <+> (case p of
Partial -> text ":?"
Total -> colon) <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint TypeInfo where
printText0 ga (TypeInfo _ ks sups defn) =
space <> colon <+> printList0 ga ks
<> noPrint (null sups)
(space <> text lessS <+> printList0 ga sups)
<> printText0 ga defn
instance PrettyPrint ConstrInfo where
printText0 ga (ConstrInfo i t) =
printText0 ga i <+> colon <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint OpDefn where
printText0 _ (NoOpDefn b) = space <> text ("%(" ++ show b ++ ")%")
printText0 _ VarDefn = space <> text "%(var)%"
printText0 _ (ConstructData i) = space <> text ("%(construct " ++
showId i ")%")
printText0 ga (SelectData c i) = space <> text ("%(select from " ++
showId i " constructed by")
$$ printList0 ga c <> text ")%"
printText0 ga (Definition b t) = printText0 ga (NoOpDefn b) <+>
text equalS <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint OpInfo where
printText0 ga o = space <> colon <+> printText0 ga (opType o)
<> (case opAttrs o of
[] -> empty
l -> comma <> commaT_text ga l)
<> printText0 ga (opDefn o)
instance PrettyPrint OpInfos where
printText0 ga (OpInfos l) = vcat $ map (printText0 ga) l
instance PrettyPrint a => PrettyPrint (Maybe a) where
printText0 _ Nothing = empty
printText0 ga (Just c) = printText0 ga c
instance PrettyPrint Sentence where
printText0 ga s = case s of
Formula t -> printText0 ga t
DatatypeSen t k args alts -> printGenKind k <> text typeS
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> printList0 ga args
<+> text defnS $$
vcat (map (printText0 ga) alts)
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> text programS <+> printText0 ga pe
instance PrettyPrint Env where
printText0 ga (Env{classMap=cm, typeMap=tm,
assumps=as, sentences=se, envDiags=ds}) =
noPrint (Map.isEmpty cm) (header "Classes")
$$ printMap0 ga cm
$$ noPrint (Map.isEmpty tm) (header "Type Constructors")
$$ printMap0 ga tm
$$ noPrint (Map.isEmpty as) (header "Assumptions")
$$ printMap0 ga as
$$ noPrint (null se) (header "Sentences")
$$ vcat (map (printText0 ga) se)
$$ noPrint (null ds) (header "Diagnostics")
$$ vcat (map (printText0 ga) $ reverse ds)
where header s = text "%%" <+> text s
<+> text (replicate (70 - length s) '-')
printMap0 :: (PrettyPrint a, Ord a, PrettyPrint b)
=> GlobalAnnos -> Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap0 g m =
let l = Map.toList m in
vcat(map (\ (a, b) -> printText0 g a
<> printText0 g b) l)
instance PrettyPrint SymbolType where
printText0 ga t = case t of
OpAsItemType sc -> printText0 ga sc
TypeAsItemType k -> printText0 ga k
ClassAsItemType k -> printText0 ga k
instance PrettyPrint Symbol where
printText0 ga s = text (case symType s of
OpAsItemType _ -> opS
TypeAsItemType _ -> typeS
ClassAsItemType _ -> classS) <+>
printText0 ga (symName s) <+> text colonS <+>
printText0 ga (symType s)
instance PrettyPrint RawSymbol where
printText0 ga rs = case rs of
AnID i -> printText0 ga i
AKindedId k i -> printSK k <> printText0 ga i
AQualId i t -> printSK (symbTypeToKind t) <> printText0 ga i <+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t