PrintLe.hs revision c438c79d00fc438f99627e612498744bdc0d0c89
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder{- |
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaModule : $Header$
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaMaintainer :
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu ProdescuStability : experimental
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaPortability : portable
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovapretty printing a HasCASL environment
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova-}
99c3239092cab05eaca2f021e5edef2eab00ba01Christian Maeder
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovamodule HasCASL.PrintLe where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport HasCASL.As
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport HasCASL.AsUtils
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport HasCASL.PrintAs
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport HasCASL.Le
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport HasCASL.Builtin
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Id
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Doc
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Keywords
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.PrettyPrint
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Result ()
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederimport Data.List
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrettyPrint Morphism where
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder printText0 ga = toText ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrettyPrint Env where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printText0 ga = toText (addBuiltins ga) . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrettyPrint Sentence where
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder printText0 ga = toText (addBuiltins ga) . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrettyPrint SymbMapItems where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printText0 ga = toText ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrettyPrint SymbItems where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printText0 ga = toText ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrettyPrint RawSymbol where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printText0 ga = toText ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederinstance PrettyPrint Symbol where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printText0 ga = toText ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrintLaTeX Morphism where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printLatex0 ga = toLatex ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrintLaTeX Env where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printLatex0 ga = toLatex (addBuiltins ga) . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrintLaTeX Sentence where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printLatex0 ga = toLatex (addBuiltins ga) . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrintLaTeX SymbMapItems where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printLatex0 ga = toLatex ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrintLaTeX SymbItems where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printLatex0 ga = toLatex ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrintLaTeX RawSymbol where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printLatex0 ga = toLatex ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance PrintLaTeX Symbol where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova printLatex0 ga = toLatex ga . pretty
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovainstance Pretty ClassInfo where
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova pretty (ClassInfo rk ks) = case ks of
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova [] -> colon <+> pretty rk
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova _ -> text lessS <+> printList0 ks
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaprintGenKind :: GenKind -> Doc
printGenKind k = case k of
Loose -> empty
Free -> text freeS
Generated -> text generatedS
instance Pretty TypeDefn where
pretty td = case td of
NoTypeDefn -> empty
PreDatatype -> text "%(data type)%"
AliasTypeDefn s -> text assignS <+> printPseudoType s
DatatypeDefn dd -> text " %[" <> pretty dd <> text "]%"
printAltDefn :: Id -> [TypeArg] -> RawKind -> AltDefn -> Doc
printAltDefn dt tArgs rk (Construct mi ts p sels) = case mi of
Just i -> fcat $ [pretty i <> space, colon <> space,
pretty (createConstrType dt tArgs rk p ts)]
++ map (parens . semiDs) sels
Nothing -> text (typeS ++ sS) <+> commaDs ts
instance Pretty Selector where
pretty (Select mi t p) =
(case mi of
Just i -> pretty i <+> (case p of
Partial -> text (colonS++quMark)
Total -> colon) <> space
Nothing -> empty) <> pretty t
instance Pretty TypeInfo where
pretty (TypeInfo _ ks sups def) =
fsep $ [colon, printList0 ks]
++ (if Set.null sups then []
else [less, printList0 $ Set.toList sups])
++ case def of
NoTypeDefn -> []
_ -> [pretty def]
instance Pretty TypeVarDefn where
pretty (TypeVarDefn v vk _ i) =
printVarKind v vk <+> text ("%(var_" ++ shows i ")%")
instance Pretty VarDefn where
pretty (VarDefn ty) =
colon <+> pretty ty
instance Pretty ConstrInfo where
pretty (ConstrInfo i t) =
pretty i <+> colon <+> pretty t
instance Pretty OpDefn where
pretty od = case od of
NoOpDefn b -> text $ "%(" ++ shows b ")%"
ConstructData i -> text $ "%(construct " ++ showId i ")%"
SelectData c i -> text ("%(select from " ++ showId i " constructed by")
$+$ printList0 c <> text ")%"
Definition b t -> fsep [pretty $ NoOpDefn b, equals, pretty t]
instance Pretty OpInfo where
pretty o = let l = opAttrs o in
fsep $ [ colon
, pretty (opType o) <> if null l then empty else comma]
++ punctuate comma (map pretty l)
++ [pretty $ opDefn o]
instance Pretty OpInfos where
pretty (OpInfos l) = vcat $ map pretty l
instance Pretty DataEntry where
pretty (DataEntry im i k args rk alts) =
printGenKind k <+> keyword typeS <+>
fsep ([fcat $ pretty i : map (parens . pretty) args
, defn, vcat $ map (printAltDefn i args rk) alts]
++ if Map.null im then []
else [text withS, text (typeS ++ sS), printMap0 im])
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty s = case s of
Formula t -> pretty t
DatatypeSen ls -> vcat (map pretty ls)
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> keyword programS <+> pretty pe
instance Pretty Env where
pretty (Env{classMap=cm, typeMap=tm, localTypeVars=tvs,
assumps=ops, localVars=vs,
sentences=se, envDiags=ds}) =
let oops = foldr Map.delete ops $ map fst bList
otm = Map.difference tm $ addUnit Map.empty
header s = text "%%" <+> text s
<+> text (replicate (70 - length s) '-')
in noPrint (Map.null cm) (header "Classes")
$+$ printMap0 cm
$+$ noPrint (Map.null otm) (header "Type Constructors")
$+$ printMap0 otm
$+$ noPrint (Map.null tvs) (header "Type Variables")
$+$ printMap0 tvs
$+$ noPrint (Map.null oops) (header "Assumptions")
$+$ printMap0 oops
$+$ noPrint (Map.null vs) (header "Variables")
$+$ printMap0 vs
$+$ noPrint (null se) (header "Sentences")
$+$ vcat (map pretty $ reverse se)
$+$ noPrint (null ds) (header "Diagnostics")
$+$ vcat (map pretty $ reverse ds)
printMap0 :: (Pretty a, Ord a, Pretty b) => Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap0 = printMap []
printMap1 :: (Pretty a, Ord a, Pretty b) => Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap1 = printMap [mapsto]
printMap :: (Pretty a, Ord a, Pretty b) => [Doc] -> Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap d m = vcat $ map (\ (a, b) -> fsep $
pretty a : d ++ [pretty b]) $ Map.toList m
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty m =
let tm = typeIdMap m
fm = funMap m
ds = Map.foldWithKey ( \ (i, s) (j, t) l ->
(pretty i <+> colon <+> pretty s
<+> mapsto <+>
pretty j <+> colon <+> pretty t) : l)
[] fm
in (if Map.null tm then empty
else keyword (typeS ++ sS) <+> printMap0 tm)
$+$ (if Map.null fm then empty
else keyword (opS ++ sS) <+> fsep (punctuate comma ds))
$+$ colon <+> specBraces (pretty $ msource m)
$+$ mapsto
<+> specBraces (pretty $ mtarget m)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (SymbolType a) where
pretty t = case t of
OpAsItemType sc -> pretty sc
TypeAsItemType k -> pretty k
ClassAsItemType k -> pretty k
instance Pretty Symbol where
pretty s = keyword (case symType s of
OpAsItemType _ -> opS
TypeAsItemType _ -> typeS
ClassAsItemType _ -> classS) <+>
pretty (symName s) <+> colon <+>
pretty (symType s)
instance Pretty RawSymbol where
pretty rs = case rs of
AnID i -> pretty i
AKindedId k i -> printSK k <> pretty i
AQualId i t -> printSK (symbTypeToKind t) <> pretty i <+> colon
<+> pretty t
ASymbol s -> pretty s