PrintLe.hs revision c39be436ee9b0c08f9cb0c08988fcf5a5b147db9
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/PrintLe.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2002
printing Le data types
module HasCASL.PrintLe where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.HToken
import HasCASL.PrintAs
import HasCASL.Le
import Data.Maybe
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Keywords
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
printList0 :: (PrettyPrint a) => GlobalAnnos -> [a] -> Doc
printList0 ga l = noPrint (null l)
(if null $ tail l then printText0 ga $ head l
else parens $ commas ga l)
instance PrettyPrint ClassInfo where
printText0 ga (ClassInfo sups k defn) =
noPrint (case k of ExtClass (Intersection [] []) InVar _ -> True
_ -> False) (space <> printKind ga k)
<> noPrint (isNothing defn)
(space <> ptext equalS <+> printText0 ga defn)
<> noPrint (null sups)
(space <> ptext lessS <+> printList0 ga sups)
instance PrettyPrint TypeDefn where
printText0 _ NoTypeDefn = empty
printText0 _ TypeVarDefn = space <> ptext "%(var)%"
printText0 ga (AliasTypeDefn s) = space <> ptext assignS
<+> printPseudoType ga s
printText0 ga (Supertype v t f) = space <> ptext equalS <+>
braces (printText0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 ga f)
printText0 _ (DatatypeDefn k) = ptext " %%" <>
let om = ptext " type definition omitted"
in case k of
Loose -> om
Free -> space <> ptext freeS <> om
Generated -> space <> ptext generatedS
<> om
instance PrettyPrint TypeInfo where
printText0 ga (TypeInfo k ks sups defn) =
space <> colon <> printList0 ga (k:ks)
<> noPrint (null sups)
(ptext lessS <+> printList0 ga sups)
<> printText0 ga defn
instance PrettyPrint [Kind] where
printText0 ga l = space <> colon <> printList0 ga l
instance PrettyPrint [Type] where
printText0 ga l = space <> colon <> printList0 ga l
instance PrettyPrint [TypeScheme] where
printText0 ga l = space <> colon <+> printList0 ga l
instance PrettyPrint a => PrettyPrint (Maybe a) where
printText0 _ Nothing = empty
printText0 ga (Just c) = printText0 ga c
instance (PrettyPrint a, Ord a, PrettyPrint b)
=> PrettyPrint (Map.Map a b) where
printText0 ga m =
let l = Map.toList m in
vcat(map (\ (a, b) -> printText0 ga a <> printText0 ga b) l)
instance PrettyPrint Env where
printText0 ga e = printText0 ga (classMap e)
$$ ptext "Type Constructors"
$$ printText0 ga (typeMap e)
$$ ptext "Assumptions"
$$ printText0 ga (assumps e)
$$ vcat (map (printText ga) (reverse $ envDiags e))