PrintLe.hs revision 2ca4cb7c4970015237ff434081c2c5bc74284cad
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : pretty printing signatures
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
pretty printing a HasCASL environment
module HasCASL.PrintLe (diffTypeMap, diffType, printMap1) where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.PrintAs
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Keywords
import Data.List
instance Pretty ClassInfo where
pretty (ClassInfo rk ks) =
if Set.null ks then colon <+> pretty (rawToKind rk) else
text lessS <+> printList0 (Set.toList ks)
printGenKind :: GenKind -> Doc
printGenKind k = case k of
Loose -> empty
Free -> text freeS
Generated -> text generatedS
instance Pretty TypeDefn where
pretty td = case td of
NoTypeDefn -> empty
PreDatatype -> text "%(data type)%"
AliasTypeDefn s -> text assignS <+> pretty s
DatatypeDefn dd -> text "%[" <> pretty dd <> text "]%"
printAltDefn :: AltDefn -> Doc
printAltDefn (Construct mi ts p sels) = case mi of
Just i -> pretty i <+> fsep (map (parens . semiDs) sels) <> pretty p
Nothing -> text (typeS ++ sS) <+> ppWithCommas ts
instance Pretty Selector where
pretty (Select mi t p) =
(case mi of
Just i -> pretty i <+> case p of
Partial -> text colonQuMark
Total -> colon
Nothing -> empty) <+> pretty t
instance Pretty TypeInfo where
pretty (TypeInfo _ _ _ def) = pretty def
instance Pretty TypeVarDefn where
pretty (TypeVarDefn v vk _ i) =
printVarKind v vk <+> text ("%(var_" ++ shows i ")%")
instance Pretty VarDefn where
pretty (VarDefn ty) =
colon <+> pretty ty
instance Pretty ConstrInfo where
pretty (ConstrInfo i t) =
pretty i <+> colon <+> pretty t
instance Pretty OpDefn where
pretty od = case od of
NoOpDefn b -> text $ "%(" ++ shows b ")%"
ConstructData _ -> text "%(constructor)%"
SelectData cs _ -> sep
[ text "%(selector of constructor(s)"
, printList0 (Set.toList cs) <> text ")%" ]
Definition b t ->
sep [text $ "%[" ++ shows b "=", pretty t <> text "]%" ]
instance Pretty OpInfo where
pretty o = let l = Set.toList $ opAttrs o in
fsep $ [pretty (opType o) <> if null l then empty else comma]
++ punctuate comma (map pretty l)
++ [pretty $ opDefn o]
instance Pretty DataEntry where
pretty (DataEntry im i k args _ alts) =
printGenKind k <+> keyword typeS <+>
fsep ([fcat $ pretty i : map (parens . pretty) args
, defn, cat $ punctuate (space <> bar <> space)
$ map printAltDefn $ Set.toList alts]
++ if Map.null im then []
else [text withS, text (typeS ++ sS), printMap1 im])
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty s = case s of
Formula t -> (case t of
QuantifiedTerm Universal (_ : _) _ _ -> id
_ -> addBullet) $ pretty t
DatatypeSen ls -> vcat (map pretty ls)
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> keyword programS <+> pretty pe
instance Pretty Env where
pretty Env
{ classMap = cm
, typeMap = tm
, localTypeVars = tvs
, assumps = ops
, localVars = vs
, sentences = se
, envDiags=ds } = let
oops = foldr Map.delete ops $ map fst bList
otm = diffTypeMap cm tm bTypes
ltm = concatMap ( \ (i, ti) -> map ( \ k -> (i, k))
$ Set.toList $ otherTypeKinds ti) $ Map.toList otm
stm = concatMap ( \ (i, ti) -> map ( \ s -> (i, s))
$ Set.toList $ superTypes ti) $ Map.toList otm
atm = Map.filter ( \ td -> case typeDefn td of
AliasTypeDefn _ -> True
_ -> False) otm
scm = concatMap ( \ (i, ci) -> map ( \ s -> (i, s))
$ Set.toList $ Set.delete (rawToKind $ rawKind ci) $ classKinds ci)
$ Map.toList cm
mkPlural s = if last s == 's' then s ++ "es" else s ++ "s"
header2 l s = keyword $ case l of
_ : _ : _ -> mkPlural s
_ -> s
header m s = keyword $
if Map.size m < 2 then s else mkPlural s
in noPrint (Map.null cm) (header cm classS)
$+$ printMap0 ( ( \ ci -> ci { classKinds = Set.empty }) cm)
$+$ noPrint (null scm) (header2 scm classS)
$+$ vcat (punctuate semi $ map ( \ (i, s) ->
pretty i <+> text lessS <+> pretty s) scm)
$+$ noPrint (null ltm) (header2 ltm typeS)
$+$ vcat (punctuate semi $ map ( \ (i, k) ->
pretty i <+> colon <+> pretty k) ltm)
$+$ noPrint (null stm) (header2 stm typeS)
$+$ vcat (punctuate semi $ map ( \ (i, s) ->
pretty i <+> text lessS <+> pretty s) stm)
$+$ noPrint (Map.null atm) (header atm typeS)
$+$ printMap0 atm
$+$ noPrint (Map.null tvs) (header tvs varS)
$+$ printMap0 tvs
$+$ printSetMap (keyword opS) space oops
$+$ noPrint (Map.null vs) (header vs varS)
$+$ printMap0 vs
$+$ vcat (map (pretty . fromLabelledSen) $ reverse se)
$+$ vcat (map pretty $ reverse ds)
printMap0 :: (Pretty a, Ord a, Pretty b) => Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap0 = printMap id (vcat . punctuate semi) ( \ a b -> fsep $ a : [b])
printMap1 :: (Pretty a, Ord a, Pretty b) => Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap1 = printMap id vcat ( \ a b -> fsep $ a : mapsto : [b])
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty m =
let tm = typeIdMap m
fm = funMap m
-- the types in funs are already mapped
-- key und value types only differ wrt. partiality
ds = Map.foldWithKey ( \ (i, _) (j, t) l ->
(pretty i <+> mapsto <+>
pretty j <+> colon <+> pretty t) : l)
[] fm
in (if Map.null tm then empty
else keyword (typeS ++ sS) <+> printMap1 tm)
$+$ (if Map.null fm then empty
else keyword (opS ++ sS) <+> sepByCommas ds)
$+$ colon <+> specBraces (pretty $ msource m)
$+$ mapsto
<+> specBraces (pretty $ mtarget m)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (SymbolType a) where
pretty t = case t of
OpAsItemType sc -> pretty sc
TypeAsItemType k -> pretty k
ClassAsItemType k -> pretty k
instance Pretty Symbol where
pretty s = keyword (case symType s of
OpAsItemType _ -> opS
TypeAsItemType _ -> typeS
ClassAsItemType _ -> classS) <+>
pretty (symName s) <+> colon <+>
pretty (symType s)
instance Pretty RawSymbol where
pretty rs = case rs of
AnID i -> pretty i
AKindedId k i -> printSK k [i] <> pretty i
AQualId i t -> printSK (symbTypeToKind t) [i] <> pretty i <+> colon
<+> pretty t
ASymbol s -> pretty s
diffTypeMap :: ClassMap -> TypeMap -> TypeMap -> TypeMap
diffTypeMap cm t1 t2 =
let t = Map.differenceWith (diffType cm) t1 t2
r = Set.intersection $ Set.union (Map.keysSet t) $ Map.keysSet bTypes
in ( \ ti -> ti { superTypes = r $ superTypes ti }) t
-- | compute difference of type infos
diffType :: ClassMap -> TypeInfo -> TypeInfo -> Maybe TypeInfo
diffType cm ti1 ti2 =
let k1 = otherTypeKinds ti1
k2 = otherTypeKinds ti2
ks = Set.filter (\ k -> Set.null $
Set.filter (lesserKind cm k) k2) k1
in if Set.null ks then Nothing else
Just $ ti1 { otherTypeKinds = ks
, superTypes = Set.difference (superTypes ti1) $
superTypes ti2 }