PrintAs.hs revision e05956d1da3c97e4d808926f97c6841c4a561991
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/PrintAs.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2002
printing As data types
module PrintAs where
import As
import Keywords
import HToken
import Pretty
import PrettyPrint
commas l = hcat $ punctuate comma (map printText0 l)
semis l = hcat $ punctuate semi (map printText0 l)
instance PrettyPrint TypePattern where
printText0(TypePattern name args _) = printText0(name)
<> hcat (map (parens.printText0) args)
printText0(TypePatternToken t) = printText0(t)
printText0(MixfixTypePattern ts) = hsep (map printText0 ts)
printText0(BracketTypePattern k l _) = bracket k $ commas l
printText0(TypePatternArgs l) = semis l
bracket Parens t = parens t
bracket Squares t = Pretty.brackets t
bracket Braces t = braces t
instance PrettyPrint Type where
printText0(TypeConstrAppl name kind args _) = printText0 name
<+> colon
<+> printText0 kind
<+> parens (commas args)
printText0(TypeToken t) = printText0(t)
printText0(BracketType k l _) = bracket k $ commas l
printText0(KindedType t kind _) = printText0(t)
<+> colon
<+> printText0(kind)
printText0(MixfixType ts) = hsep (map printText0 ts)
printText0(TupleType args _) = parens $ commas args
printText0(LazyType t _) = text quMark <+> printText0(t)
printText0(ProductType ts _) = hsep (punctuate (text " *")
(map printText0 ts))
printText0(FunType t1 arr t2 _) = printText0 t1
<+> printText0 arr
<+> printText0 t2
-- no curried notation for bound variables
instance PrettyPrint TypeScheme where
printText0(SimpleTypeScheme t) = printText0 t
printText0(TypeScheme vs t _) = text forallS
<+> semis vs
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 t
instance PrettyPrint PartialKind where
printText0 Partial = text quMark
printText0 Total = text exMark
instance PrettyPrint Arrow where
printText0 FunArr = text funS
printText0 PFunArr = text pFun
printText0 ContFunArr = text contFun
printText0 PContFunArr = text pContFun
instance PrettyPrint Quantifier where
printText0 Universal = text forallS
printText0 Existential = text existsS
printText0 Unique = text $ existsS ++ exMark
instance PrettyPrint TypeQual where
printText0 OfType = colon
printText0 AsType = text asS
printText0 InType = text inS
instance PrettyPrint Formula where
printText0 (TermFormula t) = printText0 t
-- other cases missing
instance PrettyPrint Term where
printText0(CondTerm t1 f t2 _) = printText0 t1
<+> text whenS
<+> printText0 f
<+> text elseS
<+> printText0 t2
printText0(QualVar v t _) = parens $ text varS
<+> printText0 v
<+> colon
<+> printText0 t
printText0(QualOp n t _) = parens $
text opS
<+> printText0 n
<+> colon
<+> printText0 t
printText0(ApplTerm t1 t2 _) = printText0 t1
<+> parens (printText0 t2)
printText0(TupleTerm ts _) = parens $ commas ts
printText0(TypedTerm term q typ _) = printText0 term
<+> printText0 q
<+> printText0 typ
printText0(QuantifiedTerm q vs t _) = printText0 q
<+> semis vs
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 t
printText0(LambdaTerm ps q t _) = text lamS
<+> (if length ps == 1 then
printText0 $ head ps
else hcat $ map
(parens.printText0) ps)
<+> (case q of
Partial -> text dotS
Total -> text $ dotS ++ exMark)
<+> printText0 t
printText0(CaseTerm t es _ ) = text caseS
<+> printText0 t
<+> text ofS
<+> vcat (punctuate (text " | ")
(map (printEq0 funS) es))
printText0(LetTerm es t _) = text letS
<+> vcat (punctuate semi
(map (printEq0 equalS) es))
<+> text inS
<+> printText0 t
printText0(TermToken t) = printText0 t
printText0(MixfixTerm ts) = hsep (map printText0 ts)
printText0(BracketTerm k l _) = bracket k $ commas l
instance PrettyPrint Pattern where
printText0(PatternVars vs _) = semis vs
printText0(PatternConstr n t args _) = printText0 n
<+> colon
<+> printText0 t
<+> hcat (map (parens.printText0) args)
printText0(PatternToken t) = printText0 t
printText0(BracketPattern k l _) = bracket k $ commas l
printText0(TuplePattern ps _) = parens $ commas ps
printText0(MixfixPattern ps) = hsep (map printText0 ps)
printText0(TypedPattern p t _) = printText0 p
<+> colon
<+> printText0 t
printText0(AsPattern v p _) = printText0 v
<+> text asP
<+> printText0 p
printEq0 s (ProgEq p t _) = printText0 p
<+> text s
<+> printText0 t
instance PrettyPrint VarDecl where
printText0(VarDecl v t k _) = case k of Comma -> printText0 v <> comma
_ -> printText0 v <+> colon
<+> printText0 t
instance PrettyPrint TypeVarDecl where
printText0(TypeVarDecl v c k _) = case k of
Comma -> printText0 v <> comma
_ -> printText0 v <+>
case c of
Downset t ->
text lessS <+> printText0 t
_ -> colon <+> printText0 c
instance PrettyPrint GenVarDecl where
printText0(GenVarDecl v) = printText0 v
printText0(GenTypeVarDecl tv) = printText0 tv
instance PrettyPrint TypeArg where
printText0(TypeArg v e k _) = case k of Comma -> printText0 v <> comma
_ -> printText0 v <+> colon
<+> printText0 e
instance PrettyPrint Variance where
printText0 CoVar = text plusS
printText0 ContraVar = text minusS
printText0 InVar = empty
instance PrettyPrint ExtClass where
printText0(ExtClass c v _) = printText0 c <> printText0 v
instance PrettyPrint ProdClass where
printText0(ProdClass l _) = hcat $ punctuate (text timesS)
(map printText0 l)
instance PrettyPrint Kind where
printText0(Kind l c _) = (hcat $ punctuate (text funS)
(map printText0 l))
<> text funS
<> printText0 c
instance PrettyPrint Class where
printText0(Universe _) = text typeS
printText0(ClassName n) = printText0 n
printText0(Downset t) = braces $ text lessS <+> printText0 t
printText0(Intersection c _) = parens $ commas c
instance PrettyPrint Types where
printText0(Types l _) = Pretty.brackets $ commas l
instance PrettyPrint InstOpName where
printText0 (InstOpName n l) = printText0 n <> hcat(map printText0 l)