PrintAs.hs revision a59f2017dfc311ece7afcea3e8a3ceceac77ba5a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
printing data types of the abstract syntax
module HasCASL.PrintAs where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.FoldTerm
import HasCASL.Builtin
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Doc
import Common.AS_Annotation
-- | short cut for: if b then empty else d
noPrint :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
noPrint b d = if b then empty else d
noNullPrint :: [a] -> Doc -> Doc
noNullPrint = noPrint . null
semiDs :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc
semiDs = fsep . punctuate semi . map pretty
semiAnnoted :: Pretty a => [Annoted a] -> Doc
semiAnnoted = vcat . map (printSemiAnno pretty True)
instance Pretty Variance where
pretty = sidDoc . mkSimpleId . show
instance Pretty a => Pretty (AnyKind a) where
pretty knd = case knd of
ClassKind ci -> pretty ci
FunKind v k1 k2 _ -> fsep [pretty v <>
(case k1 of
FunKind _ _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (pretty k1)
, funArrow
, pretty k2]
instance Pretty TypePattern where
pretty tp = case tp of
TypePattern name args _ -> pretty name
<> fsep (map (parens . pretty) args)
TypePatternToken t -> pretty t
MixfixTypePattern ts -> fsep (map (pretty) ts)
BracketTypePattern k l _ -> bracket k $ ppWithCommas l
TypePatternArg t _ -> parens $ pretty t
-- | put proper brackets around a document
bracket :: BracketKind -> Doc -> Doc
bracket b = case b of
Parens -> parens
Squares -> brackets
Braces -> specBraces
NoBrackets -> id
-- | print a 'Kind' plus a preceding colon (or nothing)
printKind :: Kind -> Doc
printKind k = noPrint (k == universe) $ printVarKind InVar (VarKind k)
-- | print the kind of a variable with its variance and a preceding colon
printVarKind :: Variance -> VarKind -> Doc
printVarKind e vk = case vk of
Downset t ->
space <> less <+> pretty t
VarKind k -> space <> colon <+>
pretty e <> pretty k
MissingKind -> empty
data TypePrec = Outfix | Prefix | ProdInfix | FunInfix deriving (Eq, Ord)
parenPrec :: TypePrec -> (TypePrec, Doc) -> Doc
parenPrec p1 (p2, d) = if p2 < p1 then d else parens d
printTypeToken :: Token -> Doc
printTypeToken t = let
l = ("*", cross) : map ( \ (a, d) -> (show a, d) )
[ (FunArr, funArrow)
, (PFunArr, pfun)
, (ContFunArr, cfun)
, (PContFunArr, pcfun) ]
in case lookup (tokStr t) l of
Just d -> d
_ -> pretty t
toMixType :: Type -> (TypePrec, Doc)
toMixType typ = case typ of
ExpandedType t1 _ -> toMixType t1
{- (Prefix, ExpandedType
(parenPrec Prefix $ toMixType t1)
$ parenPrec Prefix $ toMixType t2) -}
BracketType k l _ -> (Outfix, bracket k $ sepByCommas $ map
(snd . toMixType) l)
KindedType t kind _ -> (Prefix,
fsep [parenPrec Prefix $ toMixType t, colon, pretty kind])
MixfixType ts -> (Prefix, fsep $ map (snd . toMixType) ts)
_ -> let (topTy, tyArgs) = getTypeAppl typ in
case topTy of
TypeName name@(Id ts cs _) _k _i -> let topDoc = pretty name in
case tyArgs of
[] -> (Outfix, pretty name)
[arg] -> let dArg = toMixType arg in
case ts of
[e1, e2, e3] | not (isPlace e1) && isPlace e2
&& not (isPlace e3) && null cs ->
(Outfix, fsep [pretty e1, snd dArg, pretty e3])
_ -> (Prefix, fsep [topDoc, parenPrec Prefix dArg])
[arg1, arg2] -> let dArg1 = toMixType arg1
dArg2 = toMixType arg2 in
case ts of
[e1, e2, e3] | isPlace e1 && not (isPlace e2)
&& isPlace e3 && null cs ->
if tokStr e2 == prodS then
(ProdInfix, fsep [
parenPrec ProdInfix dArg1, cross,
parenPrec ProdInfix dArg2])
else -- assume fun type
(FunInfix, fsep [
parenPrec FunInfix dArg1, printTypeToken e2, snd dArg2])
_ -> (Prefix, fsep [topDoc, parenPrec Prefix dArg1,
parenPrec Prefix dArg2])
_ -> if name == productId (length tyArgs) then
(ProdInfix, fsep $ punctuate (space <> cross) $
map (parenPrec ProdInfix . toMixType) tyArgs)
else (Prefix, fsep $ topDoc :
map (parenPrec Prefix . toMixType) tyArgs)
_ | null tyArgs -> (Outfix, printType topTy)
_ -> (Prefix, fsep $ parenPrec ProdInfix (toMixType topTy)
: map (parenPrec Prefix . toMixType) tyArgs)
printType :: Type -> Doc
printType ty = case ty of
TypeName name _ _ -> pretty name
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> fcat [parens (printType t1),
parens (printType t2)]
ExpandedType t1 t2 -> fcat [printType t1, text asP, printType t2]
TypeToken t -> printTypeToken t
BracketType k l _ -> bracket k $ sepByCommas $ map (printType) l
KindedType t kind _ -> sep [printType t, colon <+> pretty kind]
MixfixType ts -> fsep $ map printType ts
instance Pretty Type where
pretty = snd . toMixType
-- no curried notation for bound variables
instance Pretty TypeScheme where
pretty (TypeScheme vs t _) = let tdoc = pretty t in
if null vs then tdoc else
fsep [forallDoc, semiDs vs, bullet, tdoc]
instance Pretty Partiality where
pretty p = case p of
Partial -> quMarkD
Total -> empty
instance Pretty Quantifier where
pretty q = case q of
Universal -> forallDoc
Existential -> exists
Unique -> unique
instance Pretty TypeQual where
pretty q = case q of
OfType -> colon
AsType -> text asS
InType -> inDoc
Inferred -> colon
instance Pretty Term where
pretty = changeGlobalAnnos addBuiltins . printTerm . rmSomeTypes
isSimpleTerm :: Term -> Bool
isSimpleTerm trm = case trm of
QualVar _ -> True
QualOp _ _ _ _ -> True
ResolvedMixTerm _ _ _ -> True
ApplTerm _ _ _ -> True
TupleTerm _ _ -> True
TermToken _ -> True
BracketTerm _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
parenTermDoc :: Term -> Doc -> Doc
parenTermDoc trm = if isSimpleTerm trm then id else parens
printTermRec :: FoldRec Doc (Doc, Doc)
printTermRec = FoldRec
{ foldQualVar = \ _ vd@(VarDecl v ty _ _) ->
case ty of
TypeName t _ _
| isSimpleId v && take 2 (show t) == "_v"
-> pretty v
_ -> parens $ keyword varS <+> pretty vd
, foldQualOp = \ _ br n t _ ->
parens $ fsep [pretty br, pretty n, colon, pretty $
if isPred br then unPredTypeScheme t else t]
, foldResolvedMixTerm = \ (ResolvedMixTerm _ os _) n ts _ ->
if placeCount n == length ts || null ts then
idApplDoc n $ zipWith parenTermDoc os ts
else idApplDoc applId [idDoc n, parens $ sepByCommas ts]
, foldApplTerm = \ (ApplTerm o1 o2 _) t1 t2 _ ->
case (o1, o2) of
(ResolvedMixTerm n [] _, TupleTerm ts _)
| placeCount n == length ts ->
idApplDoc n $ zipWith parenTermDoc ts $ map printTerm ts
(ResolvedMixTerm n [] _, _) | placeCount n == 1 ->
idApplDoc n [parenTermDoc o2 t2]
_ -> idApplDoc applId [parenTermDoc o1 t1, parenTermDoc o2 t2]
, foldTupleTerm = \ _ ts _ -> parens $ sepByCommas ts
, foldTypedTerm = \ (TypedTerm ot _ _ _) t q typ _ -> fsep [(case ot of
LambdaTerm {} -> parens
LetTerm {} -> parens
CaseTerm {} -> parens
QuantifiedTerm {} -> parens
_ -> id) t, pretty q, pretty typ]
, foldQuantifiedTerm = \ _ q vs t _ ->
fsep [pretty q, semiDs vs, bullet, t]
, foldLambdaTerm = \ _ ps q t _ ->
fsep [ lambda
, case ps of
[p] -> p
_ -> fcat $ map parens ps
, case q of
Partial -> bullet
Total -> bullet <> text exMark
, t]
, foldCaseTerm = \ _ t es _ ->
fsep [text caseS, t, text ofS,
cat $ punctuate (space <> bar <> space) $
map (printEq0 funArrow) es]
, foldLetTerm = \ _ br es t _ ->
let des = sep $ punctuate semi $ map (printEq0 equals) es
in case br of
Let -> fsep [sep [text letS <+> des, text inS], t]
Where -> fsep [sep [t, text whereS], des]
Program -> text programS <+> des
, foldTermToken = \ _ t -> pretty t
, foldMixTypeTerm = \ _ q t _ -> pretty q <+> pretty t
, foldMixfixTerm = \ _ ts -> fsep ts
, foldBracketTerm = \ _ k l _ -> bracket k $ sepByCommas l
, foldAsPattern = \ _ (VarDecl v _ _ _) p _ ->
fsep [pretty v, text asP, p]
, foldProgEq = \ _ p t _ -> (p, t)
printTerm :: Term -> Doc
printTerm = foldTerm printTermRec
rmTypeRec :: MapRec
rmTypeRec = mapRec
{ -- foldQualVar = \ _ (VarDecl v _ _ ps) -> ResolvedMixTerm v [] ps
foldQualOp = \ t _ (InstOpId i _ _) _ ps ->
if elem i $ map fst bList then
ResolvedMixTerm i [] ps else t
, foldTypedTerm = \ _ nt q ty ps ->
case q of
Inferred -> nt
_ -> case nt of
TypedTerm _ oq oty _ | oty == ty || oq == InType -> nt
QualVar (VarDecl _ oty _ _) | oty == ty -> nt
_ -> TypedTerm nt q ty ps
rmSomeTypes :: Term -> Term
rmSomeTypes = foldTerm rmTypeRec
-- | print an equation with different symbols between 'Pattern' and 'Term'
printEq0 :: Doc -> (Doc, Doc) -> Doc
printEq0 s (p, t) = fsep [p, s, t]
instance Pretty VarDecl where
pretty (VarDecl v t _ _) = pretty v <>
case t of
MixfixType [] -> empty
_ -> space <> colon <+> pretty t
instance Pretty GenVarDecl where
pretty gvd = case gvd of
GenVarDecl v -> pretty v
GenTypeVarDecl tv -> pretty tv
instance Pretty TypeArg where
pretty (TypeArg v e c _ _ _ _) =
pretty v <> printVarKind e c
-- | don't print an empty list and put parens around longer lists
printList0 :: (Pretty a) => [a] -> Doc
printList0 l = case l of
[] -> empty
[x] -> pretty x
_ -> parens $ ppWithCommas l
instance Pretty InstOpId where
pretty (InstOpId n l _) = pretty n <> noNullPrint l
(brackets $ semiDs l)
-- | print a 'TypeScheme' as a pseudo type
printPseudoType :: TypeScheme -> Doc
printPseudoType (TypeScheme l t _) = noNullPrint l (lambda
<+> (if null $ tail l then pretty $ head l
else fsep(map (parens . pretty) l))
<+> bullet <> space) <> pretty t
instance Pretty BasicSpec where
pretty (BasicSpec l) = vcat (map (pretty) l)
instance Pretty ProgEq where
pretty = printEq0 equals . foldEq printTermRec
instance Pretty BasicItem where
pretty bi = case bi of
SigItems s -> pretty s
ProgItems l _ -> noNullPrint l $ sep [keyword programS, semiAnnoted l]
ClassItems i l _ -> let b = semiAnnoted l in noNullPrint l $ case i of
Plain -> topSigKey classS <+>b
Instance -> sep [keyword classS <+> keyword instanceS, b]
GenVarItems l _ -> noNullPrint l $ topSigKey varS <+> semiDs l
FreeDatatype l _ -> noNullPrint l $ sep
[keyword freeS <+> keyword typeS, semiAnnoted l]
GenItems l _ -> noNullPrint l $ sep
[ keyword generatedS
, specBraces . vcat $ map (printAnnoted pretty) l]
AxiomItems vs fs _ ->
vcat $ (if null vs then [] else
[forallDoc <+> semiDs vs])
++ (map (printAnnoted $ addBullet . pretty) fs)
Internal l _ -> noNullPrint l $ sep
[keyword internalS, specBraces $ semiAnnoted l]
instance Pretty OpBrand where
pretty b = keyword $ show b
instance Pretty SigItems where
pretty si = case si of
TypeItems i l _ -> let b = semiAnnoted l in noNullPrint l $ case i of
Plain -> topSigKey (if all (isSimpleTypeItem . item) l
then sortS else typeS) <+> b
Instance -> sep [keyword typeS <+> keyword instanceS, b]
OpItems b l _ -> noNullPrint l $ topSigKey (show b)
<+> vcat (map (printSemiAnno (prettyOpItem $ isPred b) True) l)
isSimpleTypeItem :: TypeItem -> Bool
isSimpleTypeItem ti = case ti of
TypeDecl l k _ -> k == universe && all isSimpleTypePat l
SubtypeDecl l (TypeName i _ _) _ -> isSimpleId i && all isSimpleTypePat l
SubtypeDefn p (Var _) (TypeName i _ _) _ _ ->
isSimpleTypePat p && isSimpleId i
_ -> False
isSimpleTypePat :: TypePattern -> Bool
isSimpleTypePat tp = case tp of
TypePattern i [] _ -> isSimpleId i
_ -> False
instance Pretty ClassItem where
pretty (ClassItem d l _) =
pretty d $+$ noNullPrint l (specBraces $ semiAnnoted l)
instance Pretty ClassDecl where
pretty (ClassDecl l k _) = fsep [ppWithCommas l, less, pretty k]
instance Pretty Vars where
pretty vd = case vd of
Var v -> pretty v
VarTuple vs _ -> parens $ ppWithCommas vs
instance Pretty TypeItem where
pretty ti = case ti of
TypeDecl l k _ -> noNullPrint l $ ppWithCommas l <> printKind k
SubtypeDecl l t _ ->
noNullPrint l $ fsep [ppWithCommas l, less, pretty t]
IsoDecl l _ -> fsep $ punctuate (space <> equals) $ map pretty l
SubtypeDefn p v t f _ ->
fsep [pretty p, equals,
specBraces $ fsep
[pretty v, colon, pretty t, bullet, pretty f]]
AliasType p k t _ ->
fsep $ pretty p : (case k of
Just j | j /= universe -> [colon <+> pretty j]
_ -> [])
++ [text assignS <+> printPseudoType t]
Datatype t -> pretty t
prettyTypeScheme :: Bool -> TypeScheme -> Doc
prettyTypeScheme b = pretty . (if b then unPredTypeScheme else id)
prettyOpItem :: Bool -> OpItem -> Doc
prettyOpItem b oi = case oi of
OpDecl l t a _ -> fsep $ punctuate comma (map pretty l)
++ [colon <+>
(if null a then id else (<> comma))(prettyTypeScheme b t)]
++ punctuate comma (map pretty a)
OpDefn n ps s p t _ ->
fcat $ ((if null ps then (<> space) else id) $ pretty n)
: map ((<> space) . parens . semiDs) ps
++ (if b then [] else
[colon <> pretty p <+> prettyTypeScheme b s <> space])
++ [(if b then equiv else equals) <> space, pretty t]
instance Pretty BinOpAttr where
pretty a = text $ case a of
Assoc -> assocS
Comm -> commS
Idem -> idemS
instance Pretty OpAttr where
pretty oa = case oa of
BinOpAttr a _ -> pretty a
UnitOpAttr t _ -> text unitS <+> pretty t
instance Pretty DatatypeDecl where
pretty (DatatypeDecl p k alts d _) =
fsep [ pretty p <> printKind k, defn
<+> cat (punctuate (space <> bar <> space)
$ map pretty alts)
, case d of
[] -> empty
_ -> keyword derivingS <+> ppWithCommas d]
instance Pretty Alternative where
pretty alt = case alt of
Constructor n cs p _ ->
pretty n <+> fsep (map ( \ l -> case (l, p) of
([NoSelector (TypeToken t)], Total)
-> pretty t
_ -> parens $ semiDs l) cs)
<> pretty p
Subtype l _ -> noNullPrint l $ text typeS <+> ppWithCommas l
instance Pretty Component where
pretty sel = case sel of
Selector n p t _ _ -> pretty n
<+> colon <> pretty p
<+> pretty t
NoSelector t -> pretty t
instance Pretty OpId where
pretty (OpId n ts _) = pretty n
<+> noNullPrint ts
(brackets $ ppWithCommas ts)
instance Pretty Symb where
pretty (Symb i mt _) =
pretty i <> (case mt of
Nothing -> empty
Just (SymbType t) ->
space <> colon <+> pretty t)
instance Pretty SymbItems where
pretty (SymbItems k syms _ _) =
printSK k <> ppWithCommas syms
instance Pretty SymbOrMap where
pretty (SymbOrMap s mt _) =
pretty s <> (case mt of
Nothing -> empty
Just t ->
space <> mapsto <+> pretty t)
instance Pretty SymbMapItems where
pretty (SymbMapItems k syms _ _) =
printSK k <> ppWithCommas syms
-- | print symbol kind
printSK :: SymbKind -> Doc
printSK k =
case k of Implicit -> empty
_ -> text (drop 3 $ show k) <> space