PrintAs.hs revision 0df692ce8b9293499b2e1768458613a63e7b5cd0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : All rights reserved.
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
printing data types of the abstract syntax
module HasCASL.PrintAs where
import HasCASL.As
import Common.Keywords
import HasCASL.HToken
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.Id
import Common.PPUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.GlobalAnnotations(GlobalAnnos)
-- | short cut for: if b then empty else d
noPrint :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
noPrint b d = if b then empty else d
instance PrettyPrint TypePattern where
printText0 ga (TypePattern name args _) = printText0 ga name
<> fcat (map (parens . printText0 ga) args)
printText0 ga (TypePatternToken t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (MixfixTypePattern ts) = fsep (map (printText0 ga) ts)
printText0 ga (BracketTypePattern k l _) = bracket k $ commaT_text ga l
printText0 ga (TypePatternArg t _) = parens $ printText0 ga t
-- | put proper brackets around a document
bracket :: BracketKind -> Doc -> Doc
bracket b t = let (o,c) = getBrackets b in ptext o <> t <> ptext c
-- | print a 'Kind' plus a preceding colon (or nothing for 'star')
printKind :: GlobalAnnos -> Kind -> Doc
printKind ga kind = case kind of
ExtClass (Intersection s _) InVar _ ->
if Set.isEmpty s then empty else erg
_ -> erg
where erg = space <> colon <+> printText0 ga kind
instance PrettyPrint Type where
printText0 ga (TypeName name _k _i) = printText0 ga name
-- <> printKind ga k
-- <> if i == 0 then empty
-- else parens (int i)
printText0 ga (TypeAppl t1 t2) = parens (printText0 ga t1)
<> parens (printText0 ga t2)
printText0 ga (TypeToken t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (BracketType k l _) = bracket k $ commaT_text ga l
printText0 ga (KindedType t kind _) = (case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType _ _ -> parens
LazyType _ _ -> parens
TypeAppl _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printText0 ga t)
<+> colon <+> printText0 ga kind
printText0 ga (MixfixType ts) = fsep (map (printText0 ga) ts)
printText0 ga (LazyType t _) = text quMark <+> (case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType _ _ -> parens
KindedType _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printText0 ga t)
printText0 ga (ProductType ts _) = if null ts then parens empty
else fsep (punctuate (space <> text timesS)
(map ( \ t ->
(case t of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
ProductType _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) $ printText0 ga t) ts))
printText0 ga (FunType t1 arr t2 _) = (case t1 of
FunType _ _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printText0 ga t1)
<+> printText0 ga arr
<+> printText0 ga t2
instance PrettyPrint Pred where
printText0 ga (IsIn c ts) = if null ts then printText0 ga c
else if null $ tail ts then
printText0 ga (head ts) <+>
colon <+> printText0 ga c
else printText0 ga c <+>
fsep (punctuate space
(map (printText0 ga) ts))
instance PrettyPrint t => PrettyPrint (Qual t) where
printText0 ga (ps :=> t) = (if null ps then empty
else parens $ commaT_text ga ps <+>
ptext implS <+> space) <>
printText0 ga t
-- no curried notation for bound variables
instance PrettyPrint TypeScheme where
printText0 ga (TypeScheme vs t _) = noPrint (null vs) (text forallS
<+> semiT_text ga vs
<+> text dotS <+> space)
<> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint Partiality where
printText0 _ Partial = text quMark
printText0 _ Total = text exMark
instance PrettyPrint Arrow where
printText0 _ FunArr = text funS
printText0 _ PFunArr = text pFun
printText0 _ ContFunArr = text contFun
printText0 _ PContFunArr = text pContFun
instance PrettyPrint Quantifier where
printText0 _ Universal = text forallS
printText0 _ Existential = text existsS
printText0 _ Unique = text $ existsS ++ exMark
instance PrettyPrint TypeQual where
printText0 _ OfType = colon
printText0 _ AsType = text asS
printText0 _ InType = text inS
instance PrettyPrint Term where
printText0 ga (QualVar v t _) = parens $ text varS
<+> printText0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (QualOp n t _) = parens $
text opS
<+> printText0 ga n
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (ResolvedMixTerm n ts _) = (if isSimpleId n then
id else parens) (printText0 ga n)
<> noPrint (null ts) (parens $ commaT_text ga ts)
printText0 ga (ApplTerm t1 t2 _) = printText0 ga t1
<+> (case t2 of
QualVar _ _ _ -> id
QualOp _ _ _ -> id
TupleTerm _ _ -> id
BracketTerm Parens _ _ -> id
ResolvedMixTerm _ [] _ -> id
TermToken _ -> id
_ -> parens) (printText0 ga t2)
printText0 ga (TupleTerm ts _) = parens $ commaT_text ga ts
printText0 ga (TypedTerm term q typ _) = printText0 ga term
<+> printText0 ga q
<+> printText0 ga typ
printText0 ga (QuantifiedTerm q vs t _) = printText0 ga q
<+> semiT_text ga vs
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (LambdaTerm ps q t _) = text lamS
<+> (case ps of
[p] -> printText0 ga p
_ -> fcat $ map
(parens.printText0 ga) ps)
<+> (case q of
Partial -> text dotS
Total -> text $ dotS ++ exMark)
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (CaseTerm t es _ ) = text caseS
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> text ofS
<+> vcat (punctuate (text " | ")
(map (printEq0 ga funS) es))
printText0 ga (LetTerm es t _) = text letS
<+> vcat (punctuate semi
(map (printEq0 ga equalS) es))
<+> text inS
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (TermToken t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (MixfixTerm ts) = fsep $ map (printText0 ga) ts
printText0 ga (BracketTerm k l _) = bracket k $ commaT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint Pattern where
printText0 ga (PatternVar v) = printText0 ga v
printText0 ga (ResolvedMixPattern n args _) =
(if isSimpleId n then id else parens) (printText0 ga n)
<> (case args of
[] -> empty
[t@(TuplePattern _ _)] ->
printText0 ga t
_ -> parens $ commaT_text ga args)
printText0 ga (PatternConstr n t args _) = printText0 ga n
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> fcat (map (parens.printText0 ga) args)
printText0 ga (PatternToken t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (BracketPattern k l _) = bracket k $ commaT_text ga l
printText0 ga (TuplePattern ps _) = parens $ commaT_text ga ps
printText0 ga (MixfixPattern ps) = fsep (map (printText0 ga) ps)
printText0 ga (TypedPattern p t _) = printText0 ga p
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (AsPattern v p _) = printText0 ga v
<+> text asP
<+> printText0 ga p
-- | print an equation with different symbols between 'Pattern' and 'Term'
printEq0 :: GlobalAnnos -> String -> ProgEq -> Doc
printEq0 ga s (ProgEq p t _) = fsep [printText0 ga p
, text s
, printText0 ga t]
instance PrettyPrint VarDecl where
printText0 ga (VarDecl v t _ _) = printText0 ga v <+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint GenVarDecl where
printText0 ga (GenVarDecl v) = printText0 ga v
printText0 ga (GenTypeVarDecl tv) = printText0 ga tv
instance PrettyPrint TypeArg where
printText0 ga (TypeArg v c _ _) = printText0 ga v <+> colon
<+> printText0 ga c
instance PrettyPrint Variance where
printText0 _ CoVar = text plusS
printText0 _ ContraVar = text minusS
printText0 _ InVar = empty
instance PrettyPrint Kind where
printText0 ga (ExtClass k v _) = printText0 ga k
<> printText0 ga v
printText0 ga (KindAppl k1 k2 _) =
(case k1 of
KindAppl _ _ _ -> parens
_ -> id) (printText0 ga k1)
<+> text funS
<+> printText0 ga k2
-- | don't print an empty list and put parens around longer lists
printList0 :: (PrettyPrint a) => GlobalAnnos -> [a] -> Doc
printList0 ga l = case l of
[] -> empty
[x] -> printText0 ga x
_ -> parens $ commaT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint Class where
printText0 ga (Downset t) = braces $
text "_" <+> text lessS <+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (Intersection c _) = if Set.isEmpty c then ptext "Type"
else printList0 ga $ Set.toList c
instance PrettyPrint InstOpId where
printText0 ga (InstOpId n l _) = printText0 ga n
<> noPrint (null l)
(brackets $ semiT_text ga l)
-- item stuff
-- | print a 'TypeScheme' as a pseudo type
printPseudoType :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeScheme -> Doc
printPseudoType ga (TypeScheme l t _) = noPrint (null l) (text lamS
<+> (if null $ tail l then
printText0 ga $ head l
else fcat(map (parens . printText0 ga) l))
<+> text dotS <> space) <> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint BasicSpec where
printText0 ga (BasicSpec l) = vcat (map (printText0 ga) l)
instance PrettyPrint ProgEq where
printText0 ga = printEq0 ga equalS
instance PrettyPrint BasicItem where
printText0 ga (SigItems s) = printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (ProgItems l _) = text programS <+> semiT_text ga l
printText0 ga (ClassItems i l _) = text classS <+> printText0 ga i
<+> semiT_text ga l
printText0 ga (GenVarItems l _) = text varS <+> semiT_text ga l
printText0 ga (FreeDatatype l _) = text freeS <+> text typeS
<+> semiT_text ga l
printText0 ga (GenItems l _) = text generatedS <+> braces (semiT_text ga l)
printText0 ga (AxiomItems vs fs _) = (if null vs then empty
else text forallS <+> semiT_text ga vs)
$$ vcat (map
(\x -> text dotS <+> printText0 ga x)
instance PrettyPrint SigItems where
printText0 ga (TypeItems i l _) = text typeS <+> printText0 ga i
<+> semiT_text ga l
printText0 ga (OpItems l _) = text opS <+> semiT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint Instance where
printText0 _ Instance = text instanceS
printText0 _ _ = empty
instance PrettyPrint ClassItem where
printText0 ga (ClassItem d l _) = printText0 ga d $$
if null l then empty
else braces (semiT_text ga l)
instance PrettyPrint ClassDecl where
printText0 ga (ClassDecl l k _) = commaT_text ga l <> printKind ga k
printText0 ga (SubclassDecl l k s _) = commaT_text ga l
<> printKind ga k
<+> text lessS
<+> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (ClassDefn n k c _) = printText0 ga n
<> printKind ga k
<+> text equalS
<+> printText0 ga c
printText0 ga (DownsetDefn c v t _) =
let pv = printText0 ga v in
printText0 ga c
<> text equalS
<> braces (pv <> text dotS <> pv
<> text lessS
<+> printText0 ga t)
instance PrettyPrint Vars where
printText0 ga (Var v) = printText0 ga v
printText0 ga (VarTuple vs _) = parens $ commaT_text ga vs
instance PrettyPrint TypeItem where
printText0 ga (TypeDecl l k _) = commaT_text ga l <>
printKind ga k
printText0 ga (SubtypeDecl l t _) = commaT_text ga l <+> text lessS
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (IsoDecl l _) = cat(punctuate (text " = ")
(map (printText0 ga) l))
printText0 ga (SubtypeDefn p v t f _) = printText0 ga p
<+> text equalS
<+> braces (printText0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 ga f)
printText0 ga (AliasType p k t _) = (printText0 ga p <>
case k of
Nothing -> empty
Just j -> space <> colon <+>
printText0 ga j)
<+> text assignS
<+> printPseudoType ga t
printText0 ga (Datatype t) = printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint OpItem where
printText0 ga (OpDecl l t as _) = commaT_text ga l <+> colon
<+> (printText0 ga t
<> (if null as then empty else comma)
<> commaT_text ga as)
printText0 ga (OpDefn n ps s p t _) = (printText0 ga n
<> fcat (map (printText0 ga) ps))
<+> (colon <> if p == Partial
then text quMark else empty)
<+> printText0 ga s
<+> text equalS
<+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint BinOpAttr where
printText0 _ Assoc = text assocS
printText0 _ Comm = text commS
printText0 _ Idem = text idemS
instance PrettyPrint OpAttr where
printText0 ga (BinOpAttr a _) = printText0 ga a
printText0 ga (UnitOpAttr t _) = text unitS <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint DatatypeDecl where
printText0 ga (DatatypeDecl p k as d _) = (printText0 ga p <>
printKind ga k)
<+> text defnS
<+> vcat(punctuate (text " | ")
(map (printText0 ga) as))
<+> case d of Nothing -> empty
Just c -> text derivingS
<+> printText0 ga c
instance PrettyPrint Alternative where
printText0 ga (Constructor n cs p _) = printText0 ga n
<+> fsep (map (printText0 ga) cs)
<+> (case p of {Partial -> text quMark;
_ -> empty})
printText0 ga (Subtype l _) = text typeS <+> commaT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint Components where
printText0 ga (Selector n p t _ _) = printText0 ga n
<> colon <> (case p of { Partial ->text quMark;
_ -> empty }
<+> printText0 ga t)
printText0 ga (NoSelector t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (NestedComponents l _) = parens $ semiT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint OpId where
printText0 ga (OpId n ts _) = printText0 ga n
<+> noPrint (null ts)
(brackets $ commaT_text ga ts)