PrintAs.hs revision 024621f43239cfe9629e35d35a8669fad7acbba2
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/PrintAs.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2002
printing As data types
module PrintAs where
import As
import Keywords
import HToken
import Pretty
import PrettyPrint
import GlobalAnnotations(GlobalAnnos)
import Print_AS_Annotation
commas, semis :: PrettyPrint a => GlobalAnnos -> [a] -> Doc
commas ga l = fcat $ punctuate comma (map (printText0 ga) l)
semis ga l = sep $ punctuate semi (map (printText0 ga) l)
instance PrettyPrint TypePattern where
printText0 ga (TypePattern name args _) = printText0 ga name
<> fcat (map (parens . printText0 ga) args)
printText0 ga (TypePatternToken t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (MixfixTypePattern ts) = fsep (map (printText0 ga) ts)
printText0 ga (BracketTypePattern k l _) = bracket k $ commas ga l
printText0 ga (TypePatternArgs l) = semis ga l
bracket :: BracketKind -> Doc -> Doc
bracket Parens t = parens t
bracket Squares t = Pretty.brackets t
bracket Braces t = braces t
printKind :: GlobalAnnos -> Kind -> Doc
printKind ga kind = case kind of
Kind [] (Intersection [] _) _ -> empty
_ -> space <> colon <> printText0 ga kind
instance PrettyPrint Type where
printText0 ga (TypeConstrAppl name kind args _) = printText0 ga name
<> printKind ga kind
<> if null args then empty
else parens (commas ga args)
printText0 ga (TypeVar name kind i _) = printText0 ga name
<> printKind ga kind
<> if i == 0 then empty
else parens (ptext (show i))
printText0 ga (TypeToken t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (BracketType k l _) = bracket k $ commas ga l
printText0 ga (KindedType t kind _) = printText0 ga t
<> printKind ga kind
printText0 ga (MixfixType ts) = fsep (map (printText0 ga) ts)
printText0 ga (TupleType args _) = parens $ commas ga args
printText0 ga (LazyType t _) = text quMark <+> printText0 ga (t)
printText0 ga (ProductType ts _) = fsep (punctuate (space <> text timesS)
(map (printText0 ga) ts))
printText0 ga (FunType t1 arr t2 _) = printText0 ga t1
<+> printText0 ga arr
<+> printText0 ga t2
instance PrettyPrint Pred where
printText0 ga (IsIn c ts) = if null ts then printText0 ga c
else if null $ tail ts then
printText0 ga (head ts) <+>
colon <+> printText0 ga c
else printText0 ga c <+>
fsep (punctuate space
(map (printText0 ga) ts))
instance PrettyPrint t => PrettyPrint (Qual t) where
printText0 ga (ps :=> t) = (if null ps then empty
else parens $ commas ga ps <+>
ptext implS <+> space) <>
printText0 ga t
-- no curried notation for bound variables
instance PrettyPrint TypeScheme where
printText0 ga (SimpleTypeScheme t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (TypeScheme vs t _) = text forallS
<+> semis ga vs
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint Partiality where
printText0 _ Partial = text quMark
printText0 _ Total = text exMark
instance PrettyPrint Arrow where
printText0 _ FunArr = text funS
printText0 _ PFunArr = text pFun
printText0 _ ContFunArr = text contFun
printText0 _ PContFunArr = text pContFun
instance PrettyPrint Quantifier where
printText0 _ Universal = text forallS
printText0 _ Existential = text existsS
printText0 _ Unique = text $ existsS ++ exMark
instance PrettyPrint TypeQual where
printText0 _ OfType = colon
printText0 _ AsType = text asS
printText0 _ InType = text inS
instance PrettyPrint LogOp where
printText0 _ NotOp = text notS
printText0 _ AndOp = text lAnd
printText0 _ OrOp = text lOr
printText0 _ ImplOp = text implS
printText0 _ EquivOp = text equivS
instance PrettyPrint EqOp where
printText0 _ EqualOp = text equalS
printText0 _ ExEqualOp = text exEqual
instance PrettyPrint Formula where
printText0 ga (TermFormula t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (ConnectFormula o fs _) = parens $
fsep (punctuate (space <> printText0 ga o) (map (printText0 ga) fs))
printText0 ga (EqFormula o t1 t2 _) = printText0 ga t1
<+> printText0 ga o
<+> printText0 ga t2
printText0 ga (DefFormula t _) = text defS <+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (QuantifiedFormula q vs f _) =
printText0 ga q <+> semis ga vs <+> text dotS <+> printText0 ga f
printText0 ga (PolyFormula ts f _) =
text forallS <+> semis ga ts <+> text dotS <+> printText0 ga f
instance PrettyPrint Term where
printText0 ga (CondTerm t1 f t2 _) = printText0 ga t1
<+> text whenS
<+> printText0 ga f
<+> text elseS
<+> printText0 ga t2
printText0 ga (QualVar v t _) = parens $ text varS
<+> printText0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (QualOp n t _) = parens $
text opS
<+> printText0 ga n
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (ApplTerm t1 t2 _) = printText0 ga t1
<+> parens (printText0 ga t2)
printText0 ga (TupleTerm ts _) = parens $ commas ga ts
printText0 ga (TypedTerm term q typ _) = printText0 ga term
<+> printText0 ga q
<+> printText0 ga typ
printText0 ga (QuantifiedTerm q vs t _) = printText0 ga q
<+> semis ga vs
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (LambdaTerm ps q t _) = text lamS
<+> (if length ps == 1 then
printText0 ga $ head ps
else fcat $ map
(parens.printText0 ga) ps)
<+> (case q of
Partial -> text dotS
Total -> text $ dotS ++ exMark)
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (CaseTerm t es _ ) = text caseS
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> text ofS
<+> vcat (punctuate (text " | ")
(map (printEq0 ga funS) es))
printText0 ga (LetTerm es t _) = text letS
<+> vcat (punctuate semi
(map (printEq0 ga equalS) es))
<+> text inS
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (TermToken t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (MixfixTerm ts) = fsep $ map (printText0 ga) ts
printText0 ga (BracketTerm k l _) = bracket k $ commas ga l
instance PrettyPrint Pattern where
printText0 ga (PatternVars vs _) = semis ga vs
printText0 ga (PatternConstr n t args _) = printText0 ga n
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> fcat (map (parens.printText0 ga) args)
printText0 ga (PatternToken t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (BracketPattern k l _) = bracket k $ commas ga l
printText0 ga (TuplePattern ps _) = parens $ commas ga ps
printText0 ga (MixfixPattern ps) = fsep (map (printText0 ga) ps)
printText0 ga (TypedPattern p t _) = printText0 ga p
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (AsPattern v p _) = printText0 ga v
<+> text asP
<+> printText0 ga p
printEq0 :: GlobalAnnos -> String -> ProgEq -> Doc
printEq0 ga s (ProgEq p t _) = fsep [printText0 ga p
, text s
, printText0 ga t]
instance PrettyPrint VarDecl where
printText0 ga (VarDecl v t _ _) = printText0 ga v <+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint TypeVarDecl where
printText0 ga (TypeVarDecl v c _ _) =
printText0 ga v <+>
case c of
Kind [] (Downset t) _ ->
text lessS <+> printText0 ga t
_ -> colon <+> printText0 ga c
instance PrettyPrint GenVarDecl where
printText0 ga (GenVarDecl v) = printText0 ga v
printText0 ga (GenTypeVarDecl tv) = printText0 ga tv
instance PrettyPrint TypeArg where
printText0 ga (TypeArg v c _ _) = printText0 ga v <> colon
<> printText0 ga c
instance PrettyPrint Variance where
printText0 _ CoVar = text plusS
printText0 _ ContraVar = text minusS
printText0 _ InVar = empty
instance PrettyPrint ExtClass where
printText0 ga (ExtClass c v _) = printText0 ga c <> printText0 ga v
<> space
instance PrettyPrint ProdClass where
printText0 ga (ProdClass l _) = fcat $ punctuate (text timesS)
(map (printText0 ga) l)
instance PrettyPrint Kind where
printText0 ga (KindAppl k1 k2) = parens (printText0 ga k1)
<> ptext funS <> printText0 ga k2
printText0 ga (Kind l c _) = (if null l then empty else
(fcat $ punctuate (text funS)
(map (printText0 ga) l))
<> text funS)
<> printText0 ga c
instance PrettyPrint Class where
printText0 ga (Downset t) = braces $ text lessS <+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (Intersection c _) = if null c then ptext "Type"
else if null $ tail c then printText0 ga $ head c
else parens $ commas ga c
instance PrettyPrint Types where
printText0 ga (Types l _) = Pretty.brackets $ commas ga l
instance PrettyPrint InstOpName where
printText0 ga (InstOpName n l) = printText0 ga n
<> fcat(map (printText0 ga) l)
-- item stuff
instance PrettyPrint PseudoType where
printText0 ga (SimplePseudoType t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (PseudoType l t _) = text lamS
<+> fcat(map (printText0 ga) l)
<+> text dotS <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint TypeArgs where
printText0 ga (TypeArgs l _) = semis ga l
instance PrettyPrint TypeVarDecls where
printText0 ga (TypeVarDecls l _) = Pretty.brackets $ semis ga l
instance PrettyPrint BasicSpec where
printText0 ga (BasicSpec l) = vcat (map (printText0 ga) l)
instance PrettyPrint ProgEq where
printText0 ga = printEq0 ga equalS
instance PrettyPrint BasicItem where
printText0 ga (SigItems s) = printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (ProgItems l _) = text programS <+> semis ga l
printText0 ga (ClassItems i l _) = text classS <+> printText0 ga i
<+> semis ga l
printText0 ga (GenVarItems l _) = text varS <+> semis ga l
printText0 ga (FreeDatatype l _) = text freeS <+> text typeS
<+> semis ga l
printText0 ga (GenItems l _) = text generatedS <+> braces (semis ga l)
printText0 ga (AxiomItems vs fs _) = (if null vs then empty
else text forallS <+> semis ga vs)
$$ vcat (map
(\x -> text dotS <+> printText0 ga x)
instance PrettyPrint SigItems where
printText0 ga (TypeItems i l _) = text typeS <+> printText0 ga i
<+> semis ga l
printText0 ga (OpItems l _) = text opS <+> semis ga l
printText0 ga (PredItems l _) = text predS <+> semis ga l
instance PrettyPrint Instance where
printText0 _ Instance = text instanceS
printText0 _ _ = empty
instance PrettyPrint ClassItem where
printText0 ga (ClassItem d l _) = printText0 ga d $$
if null l then empty
else braces (semis ga l)
instance PrettyPrint ClassDecl where
printText0 ga (ClassDecl l _) = commas ga l
printText0 ga (SubclassDecl l s _) = commas ga l <> text lessS
<> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (ClassDefn n c _) = printText0 ga n
<> text equalS
<> printText0 ga c
printText0 ga (DownsetDefn c v t _) = printText0 ga c
<> text equalS
<> braces (printText0 ga v
<> text dotS
<> printText0 ga v
<> (text lessS
<+> printText0 ga t))
instance PrettyPrint TypeItem where
printText0 ga (TypeDecl l k _) = commas ga l <>
printKind ga k
printText0 ga (SubtypeDecl l t _) = commas ga l <+> text lessS
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (IsoDecl l _) = cat(punctuate (text " = ")
(map (printText0 ga) l))
printText0 ga (SubtypeDefn p v t f _) = printText0 ga p
<+> text equalS
<+> braces (printText0 ga v
<+> colon
<+> printText0 ga t
<+> text dotS
<+> printText0 ga f)
printText0 ga (AliasType p k t _) = (printText0 ga p <>
printKind ga k)
<+> text assignS
<+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (Datatype t) = printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint OpItem where
printText0 ga (OpDecl l t as _) = commas ga l <+> colon
<+> (printText0 ga t
<> (if null as then empty else comma)
<> commas ga as)
printText0 ga (OpDefn n ps s p t _) = (printText0 ga n
<> fcat (map (printText0 ga) ps))
<+> (colon <> if p == Partial
then text quMark else empty)
<+> printText0 ga s
<+> text equalS
<+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint PredItem where
printText0 ga (PredDecl l t _) = commas ga l <+> colon <+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (PredDefn n ps f _) = (printText0 ga n
<> fcat (map (printText0 ga) ps))
<+> text equivS
<+> printText0 ga f
instance PrettyPrint BinOpAttr where
printText0 _ Assoc = text assocS
printText0 _ Comm = text commS
printText0 _ Idem = text idemS
instance PrettyPrint OpAttr where
printText0 ga (BinOpAttr a _) = printText0 ga a
printText0 ga (UnitOpAttr t _) = text unitS <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint DatatypeDecl where
printText0 ga (DatatypeDecl p k as d _) = (printText0 ga p <>
printKind ga k)
<+> text defnS
<+> vcat(punctuate (text " | ")
(map (printText0 ga) as))
<+> case d of { Nothing -> empty
; Just c -> text derivingS
<+> printText0 ga c
instance PrettyPrint Alternative where
printText0 ga (Constructor n cs p _) = printText0 ga n
<> fcat (map (printText0 ga) cs)
<> (case p of {Partial -> text quMark;
_ -> empty})
printText0 ga (Subtype l _) = text typeS <+> commas ga l
instance PrettyPrint Components where
printText0 ga (Selector n p t _ _) = printText0 ga n
<> colon <> (case p of { Partial ->text quMark;
_ -> empty }
<+> printText0 ga t)
printText0 ga (NoSelector t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (NestedComponents l _) = parens $ semis ga l
instance PrettyPrint OpName where
printText0 ga (OpName n ts) = printText0 ga n
<+> fcat(map (printText0 ga) ts)