PrintAs.hs revision 120efeede54a5f7650cda8e91363bd6832eac9a9
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz{- |
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzModule : $Header$
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzMaintainer :
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzStability : experimental
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzPortability : portable
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzprinting data types of the abstract syntax
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz-}
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzmodule HasCASL.PrintAs where
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport HasCASL.As
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport HasCASL.AsUtils
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport HasCASL.FoldTerm
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport HasCASL.Builtin
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.Id
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.Keywords
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.DocUtils
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.Doc
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.AS_Annotation
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulzimport Data.List (groupBy)
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz-- | short cut for: if b then empty else d
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulznoPrint :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulznoPrint b d = if b then empty else d
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulznoNullPrint :: [a] -> Doc -> Doc
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavunoNullPrint = noPrint . null
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzsemiDs :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzsemiDs = fsep . punctuate semi . map pretty
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst Schulz
fcd50ed0f526645ca50bad2170e3b98b911b7678Ewaryst SchulzsemiAnnoted :: Pretty a => [Annoted a] -> Doc
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavusemiAnnoted = vcat . map (printSemiAnno pretty True)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savuinstance Pretty Variance where
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu pretty = sidDoc . mkSimpleId . show
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savuinstance Pretty a => Pretty (AnyKind a) where
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu pretty knd = case knd of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu ClassKind ci -> pretty ci
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu FunKind v k1 k2 _ -> fsep [pretty v <>
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu (case k1 of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu FunKind _ _ _ _ -> parens
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu _ -> id) (pretty k1)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu , funArrow
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu , pretty k2]
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuvarOfTypeArg :: TypeArg -> Id
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuvarOfTypeArg (TypeArg i _ _ _ _ _ _) = i
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savuinstance Pretty TypePattern where
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu pretty tp = case tp of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu TypePattern name args _ -> pretty name
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu <+> fsep (map (pretty . varOfTypeArg) args)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu TypePatternToken t -> pretty t
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu MixfixTypePattern ts -> fsep $ map pretty ts
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu BracketTypePattern k l _ -> bracket k $ ppWithCommas l
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu TypePatternArg t _ -> parens $ pretty t
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu-- | put proper brackets around a document
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savubracket :: BracketKind -> Doc -> Doc
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savubracket b = case b of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu Parens -> parens
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu Squares -> brackets
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu Braces -> specBraces
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu NoBrackets -> id
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu-- | print a 'Kind' plus a preceding colon (or nothing)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuprintKind :: Kind -> Doc
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuprintKind k = noPrint (k == universe) $ printVarKind InVar (VarKind k)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu-- | print the kind of a variable with its variance and a preceding colon
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuprintVarKind :: Variance -> VarKind -> Doc
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuprintVarKind e vk = case vk of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu Downset t ->
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu space <> less <+> pretty t
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu VarKind k -> space <> colon <+>
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu pretty e <> pretty k
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu MissingKind -> empty
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savudata TypePrec = Outfix | Prefix | ProdInfix | FunInfix deriving (Eq, Ord)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuparenPrec :: TypePrec -> (TypePrec, Doc) -> Doc
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuparenPrec p1 (p2, d) = if p2 < p1 then d else parens d
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuprintTypeToken :: Token -> Doc
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavuprintTypeToken t = let
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu l = ("*", cross) : map ( \ (a, d) -> (show a, d) )
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu [ (FunArr, funArrow)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu , (PFunArr, pfun)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu , (ContFunArr, cfun)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu , (PContFunArr, pcfun) ]
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu in case lookup (tokStr t) l of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu Just d -> d
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu _ -> pretty t
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavutoMixType :: Type -> (TypePrec, Doc)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert SavutoMixType typ = case typ of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu ExpandedType t1 _ -> toMixType t1
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu BracketType k l _ -> (Outfix, bracket k $ sepByCommas $ map
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu (snd . toMixType) l)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu KindedType t kind _ -> (Prefix,
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu fsep [parenPrec Prefix $ toMixType t, colon, pretty kind])
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu MixfixType ts -> (Prefix, fsep $ map (snd . toMixType) ts)
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu _ -> let (topTy, tyArgs) = getTypeAppl typ in
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu case topTy of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu TypeName name@(Id ts cs _) _k _i -> let topDoc = pretty name in
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu case tyArgs of
ad306df140215d8fb88d14bbb7d685011e0f770bRobert Savu [] -> (Outfix, pretty name)
[arg] -> let dArg = toMixType arg in
case ts of
[e1, e2, e3] | not (isPlace e1) && isPlace e2
&& not (isPlace e3) && null cs ->
(Outfix, fsep [pretty e1, snd dArg, pretty e3])
_ -> (Prefix, fsep [topDoc, parenPrec Prefix dArg])
[arg1, arg2] -> let dArg1 = toMixType arg1
dArg2 = toMixType arg2 in
case ts of
[e1, e2, e3] | isPlace e1 && not (isPlace e2)
&& isPlace e3 && null cs ->
if tokStr e2 == prodS then
(ProdInfix, fsep [
parenPrec ProdInfix dArg1, cross,
parenPrec ProdInfix dArg2])
else -- assume fun type
(FunInfix, fsep [
parenPrec FunInfix dArg1, printTypeToken e2, snd dArg2])
_ -> (Prefix, fsep [topDoc, parenPrec Prefix dArg1,
parenPrec Prefix dArg2])
_ -> if name == productId (length tyArgs) then
(ProdInfix, fsep $ punctuate (space <> cross) $
map (parenPrec ProdInfix . toMixType) tyArgs)
else (Prefix, fsep $ topDoc :
map (parenPrec Prefix . toMixType) tyArgs)
_ | null tyArgs -> (Outfix, printType topTy)
_ -> (Prefix, fsep $ parenPrec ProdInfix (toMixType topTy)
: map (parenPrec Prefix . toMixType) tyArgs)
printType :: Type -> Doc
printType ty = case ty of
TypeName name _ _ -> pretty name
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> fcat [parens (printType t1),
parens (printType t2)]
ExpandedType t1 t2 -> fcat [printType t1, text asP, printType t2]
TypeToken t -> printTypeToken t
BracketType k l _ -> bracket k $ sepByCommas $ map (printType) l
KindedType t kind _ -> sep [printType t, colon <+> pretty kind]
MixfixType ts -> fsep $ map printType ts
instance Pretty Type where
pretty = snd . toMixType
-- no curried notation for bound variables
instance Pretty TypeScheme where
pretty (TypeScheme vs t _) = let tdoc = pretty t in
if null vs then tdoc else
fsep [forallDoc, semiDs vs, bullet <+> tdoc]
instance Pretty Partiality where
pretty p = case p of
Partial -> quMarkD
Total -> empty
instance Pretty Quantifier where
pretty q = case q of
Universal -> forallDoc
Existential -> exists
Unique -> unique
instance Pretty TypeQual where
pretty q = case q of
OfType -> colon
AsType -> text asS
InType -> inDoc
Inferred -> colon
instance Pretty Term where
pretty = printTerm . rmSomeTypes
isSimpleTerm :: Term -> Bool
isSimpleTerm trm = case trm of
QualVar _ -> True
QualOp _ _ _ _ -> True
ResolvedMixTerm _ _ _ -> True
ApplTerm _ _ _ -> True
TupleTerm _ _ -> True
TermToken _ -> True
BracketTerm _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | used only to produce CASL applications
isSimpleArgTerm :: Term -> Bool
isSimpleArgTerm trm = case trm of
QualVar vd -> not (isPatVarDecl vd)
QualOp _ _ _ _ -> True
ResolvedMixTerm n l _ -> placeCount n /= 0 || not (null l)
TupleTerm _ _ -> True
BracketTerm _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
hasRightQuant :: Term -> Bool
hasRightQuant t = case t of
QuantifiedTerm {} -> True
LambdaTerm {} -> True
CaseTerm {} -> True
LetTerm Let _ _ _ -> True
ResolvedMixTerm n ts _ | endPlace n && placeCount n == length ts
-> hasRightQuant (last ts)
ApplTerm (ResolvedMixTerm n [] _) t2 _ | endPlace n ->
case t2 of
TupleTerm ts _ | placeCount n == length ts -> hasRightQuant (last ts)
_ -> hasRightQuant t2
ApplTerm _ t2 _ -> hasRightQuant t2
_ -> False
zipArgs :: Id -> [Term] -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
zipArgs n ts ds = case (ts, ds) of
(t : r, d : s) -> let
p = parenTermDoc t d
e = if hasRightQuant t then parens d else p
in if null r && null s && endPlace n then
[if hasRightQuant t then d else p]
else e : zipArgs n r s
_ -> []
isPatVarDecl :: VarDecl -> Bool
isPatVarDecl (VarDecl v ty _ _) = case ty of
TypeName t _ _ -> isSimpleId v && take 2 (show t) == "_v"
_ -> False
parenTermDoc :: Term -> Doc -> Doc
parenTermDoc trm = if isSimpleTerm trm then id else parens
printTermRec :: FoldRec Doc (Doc, Doc)
printTermRec = FoldRec
{ foldQualVar = \ _ vd@(VarDecl v _ _ _) ->
if isPatVarDecl vd then pretty v
else parens $ keyword varS <+> pretty vd
, foldQualOp = \ _ br n t _ ->
parens $ fsep [pretty br, pretty n, colon, pretty $
if isPred br then unPredTypeScheme t else t]
, foldResolvedMixTerm = \ (ResolvedMixTerm _ os _) n ts _ ->
if placeCount n == length ts || null ts then
idApplDoc n $ zipArgs n os ts
else idApplDoc applId [idDoc n, parens $ sepByCommas ts]
, foldApplTerm = \ (ApplTerm o1 o2 _) t1 t2 _ ->
case (o1, o2) of
-- comment out the following two guards for CASL applications
(ResolvedMixTerm n [] _, TupleTerm ts _) | placeCount n == length ts
-> idApplDoc n $ zipArgs n ts $ map printTerm ts
(ResolvedMixTerm n [] _, _) | placeCount n == 1
-> idApplDoc n $ zipArgs n [o2] [t2]
_ -> idApplDoc applId $ zipArgs applId [o1, o2] [t1, t2]
, foldTupleTerm = \ _ ts _ -> parens $ sepByCommas ts
, foldTypedTerm = \ (TypedTerm ot _ _ _) t q typ _ -> fsep [(case ot of
LambdaTerm {} -> parens
LetTerm {} -> parens
CaseTerm {} -> parens
QuantifiedTerm {} -> parens
_ -> id) t, pretty q, pretty typ]
, foldQuantifiedTerm = \ _ q vs t _ ->
fsep [pretty q, printGenVarDecls vs, bullet <+> t]
, foldLambdaTerm = \ _ ps q t _ ->
fsep [ lambda
, case ps of
[p] -> p
_ -> fcat $ map parens ps
, (case q of
Partial -> bullet
Total -> bullet <> text exMark) <+> t]
, foldCaseTerm = \ _ t es _ ->
fsep [text caseS, t, text ofS,
cat $ punctuate (space <> bar <> space) $
map (printEq0 funArrow) es]
, foldLetTerm = \ _ br es t _ ->
let des = sep $ punctuate semi $ map (printEq0 equals) es
in case br of
Let -> fsep [sep [text letS <+> des, text inS], t]
Where -> fsep [sep [t, text whereS], des]
Program -> text programS <+> des
, foldTermToken = \ _ t -> pretty t
, foldMixTypeTerm = \ _ q t _ -> pretty q <+> pretty t
, foldMixfixTerm = \ _ ts -> fsep ts
, foldBracketTerm = \ _ k l _ -> bracket k $ sepByCommas l
, foldAsPattern = \ _ (VarDecl v _ _ _) p _ ->
fsep [pretty v, text asP, p]
, foldProgEq = \ _ p t _ -> (p, t)
printTerm :: Term -> Doc
printTerm = foldTerm printTermRec
rmTypeRec :: MapRec
rmTypeRec = mapRec
{ foldQualOp = \ t _ (InstOpId i _ _) _ ps ->
if elem i $ map fst bList then
ResolvedMixTerm i [] ps else t
, foldTypedTerm = \ _ nt q ty ps ->
case q of
Inferred -> nt
_ -> case nt of
TypedTerm _ oq oty _ | oty == ty || oq == InType -> nt
QualVar (VarDecl _ oty _ _) | oty == ty -> nt
_ -> TypedTerm nt q ty ps
rmSomeTypes :: Term -> Term
rmSomeTypes = foldTerm rmTypeRec
-- | put parenthesis around applications
parenTermRec :: MapRec
parenTermRec = let
addParAppl t = case t of
ResolvedMixTerm _ [] _ -> t
QualVar _ -> t
QualOp _ _ _ _ -> t
TermToken _ -> t
BracketTerm _ _ _ -> t
TupleTerm _ _ -> t
_ -> TupleTerm [t] nullRange
in mapRec
{ foldApplTerm = \ _ t1 t2 ps ->
ApplTerm (addParAppl t1) (addParAppl t2) ps
, foldResolvedMixTerm = \ _ n ts ps ->
ResolvedMixTerm n (map addParAppl ts) ps
, foldTypedTerm = \ _ t q typ ps ->
TypedTerm (addParAppl t) q typ ps
, foldMixfixTerm = \ _ ts -> MixfixTerm $ map addParAppl ts
, foldAsPattern = \ _ v p ps -> AsPattern v (addParAppl p) ps
parenTerm :: Term -> Term
parenTerm = foldTerm parenTermRec
-- | print an equation with different symbols between 'Pattern' and 'Term'
printEq0 :: Doc -> (Doc, Doc) -> Doc
printEq0 s (p, t) = sep [p, hsep [s, t]]
printGenVarDecls :: [GenVarDecl] -> Doc
printGenVarDecls = fsep . punctuate semi . map
( \ l -> case l of
[x] -> pretty x
GenVarDecl (VarDecl _ t _ _) : _ ->
ppWithCommas (map ( \ (GenVarDecl (VarDecl v _ _ _)) -> v) l)
<> printVarDeclType t
GenTypeVarDecl (TypeArg _ e c _ _ _ _) : _ ->
ppWithCommas (map ( \ (GenTypeVarDecl v) -> varOfTypeArg v) l)
<> printVarKind e c
_ -> error "printGenVarDecls") . groupBy sameType
sameType :: GenVarDecl -> GenVarDecl -> Bool
sameType g1 g2 = case (g1, g2) of
(GenVarDecl (VarDecl _ t1 Comma _), GenVarDecl (VarDecl _ t2 _ _))
| t1 == t2 -> True
(GenTypeVarDecl (TypeArg _ e1 c1 _ _ Comma _),
GenTypeVarDecl (TypeArg _ e2 c2 _ _ _ _)) | e1 == e2 && c1 == c2 -> True
_ -> False
printVarDeclType :: Type -> Doc
printVarDeclType t = case t of
MixfixType [] -> empty
_ -> space <> colon <+> pretty t
instance Pretty VarDecl where
pretty (VarDecl v t _ _) = pretty v <> printVarDeclType t
instance Pretty GenVarDecl where
pretty gvd = case gvd of
GenVarDecl v -> pretty v
GenTypeVarDecl tv -> pretty tv
instance Pretty TypeArg where
pretty (TypeArg v e c _ _ _ _) =
pretty v <> printVarKind e c
-- | don't print an empty list and put parens around longer lists
printList0 :: (Pretty a) => [a] -> Doc
printList0 l = case l of
[] -> empty
[x] -> pretty x
_ -> parens $ ppWithCommas l
instance Pretty InstOpId where
pretty (InstOpId n l _) = pretty n <> noNullPrint l
(brackets $ semiDs l)
-- | print a 'TypeScheme' as a pseudo type
printPseudoType :: TypeScheme -> Doc
printPseudoType (TypeScheme l t _) = noNullPrint l (lambda
<+> (if null $ tail l then pretty $ head l
else fsep(map (parens . pretty) l))
<+> bullet <> space) <> pretty t
instance Pretty BasicSpec where
pretty (BasicSpec l) = if null l then specBraces empty else
changeGlobalAnnos addBuiltins . vcat $ map pretty l
instance Pretty ProgEq where
pretty = printEq0 equals . foldEq printTermRec
instance Pretty BasicItem where
pretty bi = case bi of
SigItems s -> pretty s
ProgItems l _ -> sep [keyword programS, semiAnnoted l]
ClassItems i l _ -> let b = semiAnnos pretty l in case i of
Plain -> topSigKey classS <+> b
Instance -> sep [keyword classS <+> keyword instanceS, b]
GenVarItems l _ -> topSigKey (varS ++ case l of
_ : _ : _ -> sS
_ -> "") <+> printGenVarDecls l
FreeDatatype l _ ->
sep [keyword freeS <+> keyword (typeS ++ case l of
_ : _ : _ -> sS
_ -> ""), semiAnnos pretty l]
GenItems l _ -> let gkw = keyword generatedS in
(if all (isDatatype . item) l then \ i -> gkw <+> rmTopKey i
else \ i -> sep [gkw, specBraces i])
$ vcat $ map (printAnnoted pretty) l
AxiomItems vs fs _ ->
sep [ if null vs then empty else
forallDoc <+> printGenVarDecls vs
, case fs of
[] -> empty
_ -> let pp = addBullet . pretty in
vcat $ map (printAnnoted pp) (init fs)
++ [printSemiAnno pp True $ last fs]]
Internal l _ -> sep [keyword internalS,
specBraces $ vcat $ map (printAnnoted pretty) l]
isDatatype :: SigItems -> Bool
isDatatype si = case si of
TypeItems _ l _ -> all ((\ t -> case t of
Datatype _ -> True
_ -> False) . item) l
_ -> False
instance Pretty OpBrand where
pretty b = keyword $ show b
instance Pretty SigItems where
pretty si = case si of
TypeItems i l _ -> let b = semiAnnos pretty l in case i of
Plain -> topSigKey ((if all (isSimpleTypeItem . item) l
then typeS else typeS) ++ plTypes l) <+> b
Instance ->
sep [keyword typeS <+> keyword (instanceS ++ plTypes l), b]
OpItems b l _ -> noNullPrint l $ topSigKey (show b ++ plOps l)
<+> let po = (prettyOpItem $ isPred b) in
if case item $ last l of
OpDecl _ _ a@(_ : _) _ -> case last a of
UnitOpAttr {} -> True
_ -> False
OpDefn {} -> True
_ -> False
then vcat (map (printSemiAnno po True) l)
else semiAnnos po l
plTypes :: [Annoted TypeItem] -> String
plTypes l = case map item l of
_ : _ : _ -> sS
[TypeDecl (_ : _ : _) _ _] -> sS
[SubtypeDecl (_ : _ : _) _ _] -> sS
[IsoDecl (_ : _ : _) _] -> sS
_ -> ""
plOps :: [Annoted OpItem] -> String
plOps l = case map item l of
_ : _ : _ -> sS
[OpDecl (_ : _ : _) _ _ _] -> sS
_ -> ""
isSimpleTypeItem :: TypeItem -> Bool
isSimpleTypeItem ti = case ti of
TypeDecl l k _ -> k == universe && all isSimpleTypePat l
SubtypeDecl l (TypeName i _ _) _ ->
not (isMixfix i) && all isSimpleTypePat l
SubtypeDefn p (Var _) t _ _ ->
isSimpleTypePat p && isSimpleType t
_ -> False
isSimpleTypePat :: TypePattern -> Bool
isSimpleTypePat tp = case tp of
TypePattern i [] _ -> not $ isMixfix i
_ -> False
isSimpleType :: Type -> Bool
isSimpleType t = case t of
TypeName i _ _ -> not $ isMixfix i
TypeToken _ -> True
MixfixType[TypeToken _, BracketType Squares (_ : _) _] -> True
_ -> False
instance Pretty ClassItem where
pretty (ClassItem d l _) = pretty d $+$ noNullPrint l
(specBraces $ vcat $ map (printAnnoted pretty) l)
instance Pretty ClassDecl where
pretty (ClassDecl l k _) = fsep [ppWithCommas l, less, pretty k]
instance Pretty Vars where
pretty vd = case vd of
Var v -> pretty v
VarTuple vs _ -> parens $ ppWithCommas vs
instance Pretty TypeItem where
pretty ti = case ti of
TypeDecl l k _ -> ppWithCommas l <> printKind k
SubtypeDecl l t _ ->
fsep [ppWithCommas l, less, pretty t]
IsoDecl l _ -> fsep $ punctuate (space <> equals) $ map pretty l
SubtypeDefn p v t f _ ->
fsep [pretty p, equals,
specBraces $ fsep
[pretty v, colon <+> pretty t, bullet <+> pretty f]]
AliasType p _ (TypeScheme l t _) _ ->
fsep $ pretty p : map (pretty . varOfTypeArg) l
++ [text assignS <+> pretty t]
Datatype t -> pretty t
prettyTypeScheme :: Bool -> TypeScheme -> Doc
prettyTypeScheme b = pretty . (if b then unPredTypeScheme else id)
prettyOpItem :: Bool -> OpItem -> Doc
prettyOpItem b oi = case oi of
OpDecl l t a _ -> fsep $ punctuate comma (map pretty l)
++ [colon <+>
(if null a then id else (<> comma))(prettyTypeScheme b t)]
++ punctuate comma (map pretty a)
OpDefn n ps s p t _ ->
fcat $ ((if null ps then (<> space) else id) $ pretty n)
: map ((<> space) . parens . semiDs) ps
++ (if b then [] else
[colon <> pretty p <+> prettyTypeScheme b s <> space])
++ [(if b then equiv else equals) <> space, pretty t]
instance Pretty BinOpAttr where
pretty a = text $ case a of
Assoc -> assocS
Comm -> commS
Idem -> idemS
instance Pretty OpAttr where
pretty oa = case oa of
BinOpAttr a _ -> pretty a
UnitOpAttr t _ -> text unitS <+> pretty t
instance Pretty DatatypeDecl where
pretty (DatatypeDecl p k alts d _) =
fsep [ pretty p <> printKind k, defn
<+> cat (punctuate (space <> bar <> space)
$ map pretty alts)
, case d of
[] -> empty
_ -> keyword derivingS <+> ppWithCommas d]
instance Pretty Alternative where
pretty alt = case alt of
Constructor n cs p _ -> pretty n <+> fsep
(map ( \ l -> case (l, p) of
-- comment out the following line to output real CASL
([NoSelector (TypeToken t)], Total) | isSimpleId n -> pretty t
_ -> parens $ semiDs l) cs) <> pretty p
Subtype l _ -> text (if all isSimpleType l then typeS else typeS)
<+> ppWithCommas l
instance Pretty Component where
pretty sel = case sel of
Selector n p t _ _ -> sep [pretty n, colon <> pretty p <+> pretty t]
NoSelector t -> pretty t
instance Pretty OpId where
pretty (OpId n ts _) =
sep $ pretty n : if null ts then [] else [brackets $ ppWithCommas ts]
instance Pretty Symb where
pretty (Symb i mt _) =
sep $ pretty i : case mt of
Nothing -> []
Just (SymbType t) -> [colon <+> pretty t]
instance Pretty SymbItems where
pretty (SymbItems k syms _ _) =
printSK k syms <> ppWithCommas syms
instance Pretty SymbOrMap where
pretty (SymbOrMap s mt _) =
sep $ pretty s : case mt of
Nothing -> []
Just t -> [mapsto <+> pretty t]
instance Pretty SymbMapItems where
pretty (SymbMapItems k syms _ _) =
printSK k syms <> ppWithCommas syms
-- | print symbol kind
printSK :: SymbKind -> [a] -> Doc
printSK k l =
case k of Implicit -> empty
_ -> keyword (drop 3 (show k) ++ case l of
_ : _ : _ -> sS
_ -> "") <> space