Prelude.hascasl.output revision c29e76080dd816f69fc0182e8b935c9bfca0755d
Flatcpo < Cpo
Pcpo < Cpo
Type Constructors
?__ :Type ->Type := \ t:Type . Unit ->? t
Pred__ :Type- ->Type := \ t:Type- . t ->? Unit
Unit :(Type,Pcpo)
__*__ :(Type+ ->Type+ ->Type,Pcpo+ ->Pcpo+ ->Pcpo,
Cpo+ ->Cpo+ ->Cpo)
__*__*__ :Type+ ->Type+ ->Type+ ->Type
__-->__ :(Cpo- ->Cpo+ ->Cpo,Cpo- ->Pcpo+ ->Pcpo)
__-->?__ :Cpo- ->Cpo+ ->Pcpo
__->__ :Type- ->Type+ ->Type
__->?__ :Type- ->Type+ ->Type
bool :Flatcpo
c :Cpo %(var)%
c-->d :Type< c -->? d
c-->?d :Type< c ->? d
d :Cpo %(var)%
nat :Flatcpo
s :(Type,Type)< ? s %(var)%
s->t :Type< s ->? t
t :Type %(var)%
f : c --> d
g : c --> d
x : s
x1 : c
x2 : c
y1 : d
y2 : d
Error (4,7) illegal universe class declaration
FatalError (11,1) no analysis yet for: free type logical ::= true |
FatalError (13,4) no analysis yet for: true
FatalError (15,7) no analysis yet for: __/\__
FatalError (16,4) no analysis yet for: not
FatalError (27,1) no analysis yet for: free type Unit ::= 1
%% "()" is illegal as constructor
FatalError (29,1) no analysis yet for: . 1 = ()
FatalError (45,4) no analysis yet for: def
Hint (46,9) not a class 's'
FatalError (48,1) no analysis yet for: program def = \ x : s . ()
%% def is also total (identical to tt)
FatalError (50,1) no analysis yet for: program tt = \ x : s . ()
%% tt is total "op tt(x: s): unit = ()"
FatalError (52,1) no analysis yet for: program __ und __ (x,y : Unit) : Unit = ()
FatalError (60,1) no analysis yet for: . __ in s -> t = \ f : s ->? t . all (\ x : s . def f (x))
FatalError (64,1) no analysis yet for: program __ res __ (x : s,y : t) : s = x
FatalError (65,1) no analysis yet for: program fst (x : s,y : t) : s = x
FatalError (66,1) no analysis yet for: program snd (x : s,y : t) : t = y
FatalError (71,1) no analysis yet for: . (\ x : s; y : t . def (x res y)) =
(\ x : s; y : t . (def y) und (def x))
. fst = (__ res __)
FatalError (78,1) no analysis yet for: pred eq : s � s
FatalError (80,1) no analysis yet for: . (\ x : s . eq (x,x)) = tt
. (\ x : s; y : s . x res eq (x,y)) =
(\ x : s; y : s . y res eq (x,y))
FatalError (93,1) no analysis yet for: program all (p : Pred (s)) : Pred Unit = eq (p,tt)
FatalError (96,1) no analysis yet for: program And (x,y : Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = t1 () und t2 ()
FatalError (99,1) no analysis yet for: program __ impl __ (x,y : Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = eq (x,x And y)
FatalError (101,1) no analysis yet for: program __ or __ (x,y : Pred Unit) : Pred Unit =
all (\ r : Pred Unit . ((x impl r) und (y impl r)) impl r)
FatalError (104,1) no analysis yet for: program ex (p : Pred (s)) : Pred Unit =
all (\ r : Pred Unit . all (\ x : s . p (x) impl r) impl r)
FatalError (107,1) no analysis yet for: program ff () : Pred Unit = all (\ r : Pred Unit . r ())
FatalError (109,1) no analysis yet for: program neg (r : Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = r impl ff
FatalError (114,1) no analysis yet for: . all
(\ f : s ->? t; g : s ->? t . all
(\ x : s . eq (\ . f (x),g (x)) impl eq (f,g)))
Warning (119,13) redundant universe class
FatalError (123,1) no analysis yet for: pred __<<=__ : c � c
FatalError (125,1) no analysis yet for: . all (\ x : c . x <<= x) %(reflexive)%
. all
(\ x : c; y : c; z : c . ((x <<= y) und (y <<= z)) impl x <<= z)
. all
(\ x : c; y : c; z : c . ((x <<= y) und (y <<= x)) impl eq (x,y))
FatalError (129,1) no analysis yet for: pred isChain(s : nat -> c) <=> all
(\ n : nat . s (n) <<= s (Suc (n)))
FatalError (130,1) no analysis yet for: pred isBound(x : c,s : nat -> c) <=> all (\ n : nat . s (n) <<= x)
FatalError (132,4) no analysis yet for: sup
FatalError (134,1) no analysis yet for: . all
(\ s : nat -> c . def (sup s) impl
(isBound (sup s,s) und all
(\ x : c . isBound (x,s) impl sup (s) <<= x)))
%(sup is minimally bound)%
. all (\ s : nat -> c . isChain (s) impl def (sup (s)))
%(sup exists)%
FatalError (145,4) no analysis yet for: bottom
FatalError (147,1) no analysis yet for: . all (\ x : p . bottom <<= x)
FatalError (154,2) no analysis yet for: program __ <<= [f] __ = eq
Hint (161,13) not a class 'c'
Hint (161,13) not a class 'c'
Hint (161,25) not a class 'd'
Hint (161,25) not a class 'd'
FatalError (163,1) no analysis yet for: program (x1,y1) <<= (x2,y2) = (x1 <<= x2) und (y1 <<= y2)
FatalError (174,2) no analysis yet for: . __ in c -->? d
\ f : c ->? d . all
(\ x : c; y : c . (def (f x) und x <<= y) impl def (f y)) und all
(\ s : nat -> c . (isChain (s) und def f (sup (s))) impl ex
(\ m : nat . def f (s (m)) und eq
(sup (\ n : nat .! f (s (n + m))),f (sup (s)))))
FatalError (180,3) no analysis yet for: program f <<= [c -->? d] g =
all (\ x : c . def (f x) impl f (x) <<= g (x))
FatalError (186,2) no analysis yet for: . __ in c --> d = \ f : c -->? d . all (\ x : c . def f (x))
Hint (188,15) not a class 'c --> d'
Hint (188,15) not a class 'c --> d'
FatalError (190,2) no analysis yet for: program f <<= g = f <<= [c -->? d] g
FatalError (194,4) no analysis yet for: Y
FatalError (196,1) no analysis yet for: . all
(\ f : p -->? p . eq (f (Y (f)),Y (f)) und all
(\ x : p . eq (f (x),x) impl Y (f) <<= x))
FatalError (199,4) no analysis yet for: undefined
FatalError (204,1) no analysis yet for: free type bool ::= true |