ParseItem.hs revision c0467970183fa3dc894edea3caf9ca05d3a09fa8
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/ParseItem.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2002
parser for HasCASL basic Items
module ParseItem where
import Id
import Keywords
import Lexer
import HToken
import As
import Parsec
import AS_Annotation
import Anno_Parser(annotationL)
import ParseTerm
-- annotations
-- annotations on one line
lineAnnos :: GenParser Char st [Annotation]
lineAnnos = do { p <- getPosition
; do { a <- annotationL
; skip
; q <- getPosition
; if sourceLine q == sourceLine p then
do { l <- lineAnnos
; return (a:l)
else return [a]
<|> return []
-- optional semicolon followed by annotations on the same line
optSemi :: GenParser Char st (Maybe Token, [Annotation])
optSemi = bind (,) (option Nothing (fmap Just semiT)) lineAnnos
annoParser parser = bind (\x y -> Annoted y [] x []) annos parser
itemList keyword parser constr =
do { p <- pluralKeyword keyword
; (vs, ts, ans) <- itemAux (annoParser parser)
; let r = zipWith appendAnno vs ans
in return (constr r (map tokPos (p:ts)))
appendAnno (Annoted x p l r) y = Annoted x p l (r++y)
itemAux :: GenParser Char st a
-> GenParser Char st ([a], [Token], [[Annotation]])
itemAux itemParser =
do { a <- itemParser
; (m, an) <- optSemi
; case m of { Nothing -> return ([a], [], [an])
; Just t -> do { tryItemEnd startKeyword
; return ([a], [t], [an])
do { (as, ts, ans) <- itemAux itemParser
; return (a:as, t:ts, an:ans)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- sortItem
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
nullKind = Kind [] (Universe nullPos) []
commaTypeDecl :: TypePattern -> GenParser Char st TypeItem
commaTypeDecl s = do { c <- commaT
; (is, cs) <- typePattern `separatedBy` commaT
; let l = s : is
p = c : cs
subTypeDecl (l, p)
<|> kindedTypeDecl (l, p)
<|> return (TypeDecl l nullKind (map tokPos p))
kindedTypeDecl (l, p) =
do { t <- colonT
; s <- kind
; let d = TypeDecl l s (map tokPos (p++[t])) in
if length l > 1 then return d
else pseudoTypeDef (head l) s [t]
<|> dataDef (head l) s [t]
<|> return d
isoDecl :: TypePattern -> GenParser Char st TypeItem
isoDecl s = do { e <- equalT
; subTypeDefn (s, e)
(do { (l, p) <- typePattern `separatedBy` equalT
; return (IsoDecl (s:l) (map tokPos (e:p)))
subTypeDefn :: (TypePattern, Token) -> GenParser Char st TypeItem
subTypeDefn (s, e) = do { a <- annos
; o <- oBraceT
; v <- var
; c <- colonT
; t <- parseType
; d <- dotT -- or bar
; f <- fmap TermFormula term
; p <- cBraceT
; return (SubtypeDefn s v t (Annoted f [] a [])
(toPos e [o,c,d] p))
subTypeDecl :: ([TypePattern], [Token]) -> GenParser Char st TypeItem
subTypeDecl (l, p) =
do { t <- lessT
; s <- parseType
; return (SubtypeDecl l s (map tokPos (p++[t])))
sortItem :: GenParser Char st TypeItem
sortItem = do { s <- typePattern;
subTypeDecl ([s],[])
kindedTypeDecl ([s],[])
commaTypeDecl s
isoDecl s
return (TypeDecl [s] nullKind [])
sortItems = itemList sortS sortItem (TypeItems Plain)
typeItem :: GenParser Char st TypeItem
typeItem = do { s <- typePattern;
subTypeDecl ([s],[])
dataDef s nullKind []
pseudoTypeDef s nullKind []
kindedTypeDecl ([s],[])
commaTypeDecl s
isoDecl s
return (TypeDecl [s] nullKind [])
typeItems = do p <- pluralKeyword typeS
do q <- pluralKeyword instanceS
typeItemList [p,q] Instance
<|> typeItemList [p] Plain
typeItemList ps k =
do { (vs, ts, ans) <- itemAux (annoParser typeItem)
; let r = zipWith appendAnno vs ans
in return (TypeItems k r (map tokPos (ps++ts)))
-- pseudotype
pseudoTypeDef t k l =
do c <- asKey assignS
p <- pseudoType
return (AliasType t k p (map tokPos (l++[c])))
typeArgSeq =
do (ts, ps) <- typeArgs `separatedBy` semiT
return [TypeArgs (concat ts) (map tokPos ps)]
typeArgParen =
do o <- oParenT
(ts, ps) <- typeArgs `separatedBy` semiT
c <- cParenT
return (TypeArgs (concat ts) (map tokPos (o:ps++[c])))
pseudoType = do l <- asKey lamS
ts <- many1 typeArgParen <|> typeArgSeq
d <- dotT
t <- pseudoType
return (PseudoType ts t (map tokPos [l,d]))
<|> fmap SimplePseudoType parseType
-- datatype
dataDef t k l =
do c <- asKey defnS
a <- annos
(Annoted v _ _ b:as, ps) <- aAlternative `separatedBy` barT
let aa = Annoted v [] a b:as
qs = map tokPos (l++c:ps)
in do d <- asKey derivingS
cl <- parseClass
return (Datatype (DatatypeDecl t k aa (Just cl)
(qs ++ [tokPos d])))
<|> return (Datatype (DatatypeDecl t k aa Nothing qs))
aAlternative = do { a <- alternative
; an <- annos
; return (Annoted a [] [] an)
alternative = do { s <- pluralKeyword sortS <|> pluralKeyword typeS
; (ts, cs) <- parseType `separatedBy` commaT
; return (Subtype ts (map tokPos (s:cs)))
do { i <- uninstOpName
; cs <- many tupleComponent
; do { q <- quMarkT
; return (Constructor i cs Partial [tokPos q])
<|> return (Constructor i cs Total [])
tupleComponent =
do o <- oParenT
do (cs, ps) <- component `separatedBy` semiT
c <- cParenT
return (NestedComponents (concat cs) (toPos o ps c))
do (cs, ps) <- tupleComponent `separatedBy` commaT
c <- cParenT
return (NestedComponents cs (toPos o ps c))
component = do { (is, cs) <- uninstOpName `separatedBy` commaT
; if length is == 1 then
compType is cs
<|> return [NoSelector (mkType(head is))]
else compType is cs
where mkType (Id is cs ps) =
let ts = map TypeToken is
t = if length ts == 1 then head ts
else MixfixType ts
in if null cs then t
else let qs = map mkType cs
q = BracketType Squares qs ps
in MixfixType (q:ts)
compType is cs = do { c <- colonT
; t <- parseType
; return (makeComps is (cs++[c]) Total t)
do { c <- qColonT
; t <- parseType
; return (makeComps is (cs++[c]) Partial t)
where makeComps [a] [b] k t = [Selector a k t Other (tokPos b)]
makeComps (a:r) (b:s) k t =
(Selector a k t Comma (tokPos b)):makeComps r s k t
makeComps _ _ _ _ = error "makeComps: empty selector list"
dataItem = do t <- typePattern
do c <- colonT
k <- kind
Datatype d <- dataDef t k [c]
return d
<|> do Datatype d <- dataDef t nullKind []
return d
dataItems = itemList typeS dataItem FreeDatatype
-- classItem
classDecl :: GenParser Char st ClassDecl
classDecl = do (is, cs) <- className `separatedBy` commaT
if length is == 1 then
subClassDecl (is, cs)
isoClassDecl (head is)
return (ClassDecl is (map tokPos cs))
subClassDecl (is, cs)
return (ClassDecl is (map tokPos cs))
subClassDecl (l, p) =
do { t <- lessT
; s <- parseClass
; return (SubclassDecl l s (map tokPos (p++[t])))
isoClassDecl s =
do { e <- equalT
; do o <- oBraceT
i <- typeVar
d <- dotT
j <- asKey (tokStr i)
l <- lessT
t <- parseType
p <- cBraceT
return (DownsetDefn s i t (map tokPos [e,o,d,j,l,p]))
do c <- parseClass
return (ClassDefn s c [tokPos e])
classItem = do c <- classDecl
do { o <- oBraceT
; a <- annos
; i:is <- many1 basicItems
; p <- cBraceT
; return (ClassItem c ((Annoted i [] a [])
: map (\x -> Annoted x [] [] []) is)
(map tokPos [o, p]))
return (ClassItem c [] [])
classItems = do p <- pluralKeyword classS
do q <- pluralKeyword instanceS
classItemList [p,q] Instance
<|> classItemList [p] Plain
classItemList ps k =
do { (vs, ts, ans) <- itemAux (annoParser classItem)
; let r = zipWith appendAnno vs ans
in return (ClassItems k r (map tokPos (ps++ts)))
-- opItem
opName = do i@(Id is cs ps) <- uninstOpName
if isPlace $ last is then return (OpName i [])
do ts <- many typeVarDeclSeq
u <- many placeT
return (OpName (Id (is++u) cs ps) ts)
typeVarDeclSeq =
do o <- oBracketT
(ts, cs) <- typeVarDecls `separatedBy` semiT
c <- cBracketT
return (TypeVarDecls (concat ts) (toPos o cs c))
opItem = do (os, ps) <- opName `separatedBy` commaT
if length os == 1 then
opDeclOrDefn (head os)
else opDecl os ps
opDecl os ps = do c <- colonT
t <- typeScheme
do d <- commaT
(as, cs) <- opAttr `separatedBy` commaT
return (OpDecl os t as (map tokPos (ps++[c,d]++cs)))
<|> return (OpDecl os t [] (map tokPos (ps++[c])))
opAttr = do a <- asKey assocS
return (BinOpAttr Assoc (tokPos a))
do a <- asKey commS
return (BinOpAttr Comm (tokPos a))
do a <- asKey idemS
return (BinOpAttr Idem (tokPos a))
do a <- asKey unitS
t <- term
return (UnitOpAttr t (tokPos a))
quColon = do c <- colonT
return (Total, c)
do c <- qColonT
return (Partial, c)
opDeclOrDefn o =
do c <- colonT
t <- typeScheme
do d <- commaT
(as, cs) <- opAttr `separatedBy` commaT
return (OpDecl [o] t as (map tokPos ([c,d]++cs)))
<|> do e <- equalT
f <- term
return (OpDefn o [] t Total f (toPos c [] e))
<|> return (OpDecl [o] t [] (map tokPos [c]))
do ps <- many1 (bracketParser patterns oParenT cParenT semiT
(BracketPattern Parens))
do (p, c) <- quColon
t <- parseType
e <- equalT
f <- term
return (OpDefn o ps (SimpleTypeScheme t) p f (toPos c [] e))
do c <- qColonT
t <- parseType
e <- equalT
f <- term
return (OpDefn o [] (SimpleTypeScheme t) Partial f (toPos c [] e))
opItems = itemList opS opItem OpItems
-- predItem
predItem = do (os, ps) <- opName `separatedBy` commaT
if length os == 1 then
predDecl os ps
predDefn (head os)
else predDecl os ps
predDecl os ps = do c <- colonT
t <- typeScheme
return (PredDecl os t (map tokPos (ps++[c])))
predDefn o = do ps <- many (bracketParser patterns oParenT cParenT semiT
(BracketPattern Parens))
e <- asKey equivS
f <- term
return (PredDefn o ps (TermFormula f) [tokPos e])
predItems = itemList predS predItem PredItems
-- sigItem
sigItems = sortItems <|> opItems <|> predItems <|> typeItems
-- generated sigItems
generatedItems = do { g <- asKey generatedS
; do { FreeDatatype ds ps <- dataItems
; return (GenItems [Annoted (TypeItems Plain
(map (\d -> Annoted
(Datatype (item d))
[] (l_annos d) (r_annos d)) ds) ps)
[] [] []]
[tokPos g])
do { o <- oBraceT
; a <- annos
; i:is <- many1 sigItems
; c <- cBraceT
; return (GenItems ((Annoted i [] a [])
: map (\x -> Annoted x [] [] []) is)
(toPos g [o] c))
-- basicItem
freeDatatype = do { f <- asKey freeS
; FreeDatatype ds ps <- dataItems
; return (FreeDatatype ds (tokPos f : ps))
progItems = itemList programS (patternTermPair True True equalS) ProgItems
basicItems = fmap SigItems sigItems
<|> classItems
<|> progItems
<|> generatedItems
<|> freeDatatype
<|> genVarItem
<|> forallItem
<|> dotFormulae
<|> axiomItems
axiomItems = do { a <- pluralKeyword axiomS
; (fs, ps, ans) <- itemAux (fmap TermFormula term)
; return (AxiomItems (zipWith
(\ x y -> Annoted x [] [] y)
fs ans) (map tokPos (a:ps)))
forallItem = do { f <- asKey forallS
; (vs, ps) <- genVarDecls `separatedBy` semiT
; AxiomItems fs ds <- dotFormulae
; return (LocalVarAxioms (concat vs) fs
(map tokPos (f:ps) ++ ds))
genVarItem = do { v <- pluralKeyword varS
; (vs, ps) <- genVarItems
; return (GenVarItems vs (map tokPos (v:ps)))
dotFormulae = do { d <- dotT
; (fs, ds) <- aFormula `separatedBy` dotT
; let ps = map tokPos (d:ds) in
if null (r_annos(last fs)) then
do { (m, an) <- optSemi
; case m of
{ Nothing -> return (AxiomItems fs ps)
; Just t -> return (AxiomItems
(init fs ++ [appendAnno (last fs) an])
(ps ++ [tokPos t]))
else return (AxiomItems fs ps)
genVarItems =
do { vs <- genVarDecls
; do { s <- semiT
; do { tryItemEnd startKeyword
; return (vs, [s])
do { (ws, ts) <- genVarItems
; return (vs++ws, s:ts)
return (vs, [])
aFormula = bind appendAnno (annoParser (fmap TermFormula term)) lineAnnos
basicSpec = (oBraceT >> cBraceT >> return (BasicSpec []))
fmap BasicSpec (many1 aBasicItems)
aBasicItems = bind (\ x y -> Annoted y [] x []) annos basicItems