ParseItem.hs revision 4267b7c2f472ac25e868671d0c0f8c5025680e95
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski{- |
0095c7efbddd0ffeed6aaf8ec015346be161d819Till MossakowskiModule : $Header$
0095c7efbddd0ffeed6aaf8ec015346be161d819Till MossakowskiDescription : parser for HasCASL basic Items
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till MossakowskiCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2005
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill MossakowskiLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill MossakowskiMaintainer :
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill MossakowskiStability : provisional
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill MossakowskiPortability : portable
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiparser for HasCASL basic Items
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski-}
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskimodule HasCASL.ParseItem (basicItems, basicSpec) where
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.AS_Annotation
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.AnnoState
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Id
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Keywords
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Lexer
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Parsec
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Token
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport HasCASL.As
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport HasCASL.AsUtils
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport HasCASL.HToken
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowskiimport HasCASL.ParseTerm
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowskiimport Control.Monad
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski-- * adapted item list parser (using 'itemAux')
be408ef9713fbbbaf7bde82618f7d3f204fe806cTill Mossakowski
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till MossakowskihasCaslItemList :: String -> AParser st b
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski -> ([Annoted b] -> Range -> a) -> AParser st a
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till MossakowskihasCaslItemList kw ip constr = do
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski p <- pluralKeyword kw
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill Mossakowski auxItemList hasCaslStartKeywords [p] ip constr
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill Mossakowski
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill MossakowskihasCaslItemAux :: [Token] -> AParser st b -> ([Annoted b] -> Range -> a)
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill Mossakowski -> AParser st a
7474388b4c2236f8ab2327289555000268c7901aTill MossakowskihasCaslItemAux = auxItemList hasCaslStartKeywords
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski-- * parsing type items
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till MossakowskicommaTypeDecl :: TypePattern -> AParser st TypeItem
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till MossakowskicommaTypeDecl s = do
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski c <- anComma
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski (is, cs) <- typePattern `separatedBy` anComma
e687bd70d6e6c98d82b239e01fef4a60de6739f4Till Mossakowski let l = s : is
4918e2f622cfb96f9a57b7617cd18ca7e4f8b5d4Christian Maeder p = c : cs
subTypeDecl (l, p) <|> kindedTypeDecl (l, p)
<|> return (TypeDecl l universe $ catRange p)
kindedTypeDecl :: ([TypePattern], [Token]) -> AParser st TypeItem
kindedTypeDecl (l, p) = do
t <- colT
s <- kind
let d = TypeDecl l s $ catRange $ p ++ [t]
case l of
[hd] -> pseudoTypeDef hd (Just s) [t] <|> dataDef hd s [t] <|> return d
_ -> return d
isoDecl :: TypePattern -> AParser st TypeItem
isoDecl s = do
e <- equalT
subTypeDefn (s, e) <|> do
(l, p) <- typePattern `separatedBy` equalT
return $ IsoDecl (s : l) $ catRange $ e : p
vars :: AParser st Vars
vars = fmap Var var <|> do
o <- oParenT
(vs, ps) <- vars `separatedBy` anComma
c <- cParenT
return $ VarTuple vs $ toRange o ps c
subTypeDefn :: (TypePattern, Token) -> AParser st TypeItem
subTypeDefn (s, e) = do
a <- annos
o <- oBraceT << addAnnos
v <- vars
c <- colT
t <- parseType
d <- dotT -- or bar
f <- term
a2 <- annos
p <- cBraceT
let qs = toRange e [o, c, d] p
return $ SubtypeDefn s v t (Annoted f qs a a2) qs
subTypeDecl :: ([TypePattern], [Token]) -> AParser st TypeItem
subTypeDecl (l, p) = do
t <- lessT
s <- parseType
return $ SubtypeDecl l s $ catRange $ p ++ [t]
sortItem :: AParser st TypeItem
sortItem = do
s <- typePattern
subTypeDecl ([s], [])
<|> kindedTypeDecl ([s], [])
<|> commaTypeDecl s
<|> isoDecl s
<|> return (TypeDecl [s] universe nullRange)
sortItems :: AParser st SigItems
sortItems = hasCaslItemList sortS sortItem (TypeItems Plain)
typeItem :: AParser st TypeItem
typeItem = do
s <- typePattern
subTypeDecl ([s], [])
<|> dataDef s universe []
<|> pseudoTypeDef s Nothing []
<|> kindedTypeDecl ([s], [])
<|> commaTypeDecl s
<|> isoDecl s
<|> return (TypeDecl [s] universe nullRange)
typeItemList :: [Token] -> Instance -> AParser st SigItems
typeItemList ps = hasCaslItemAux ps typeItem . TypeItems
typeItems :: AParser st SigItems
typeItems = do
p <- pluralKeyword typeS
do q <- pluralKeyword instanceS
typeItemList [p, q] Instance
<|> typeItemList [p] Plain
pseudoTypeDef :: TypePattern -> Maybe Kind -> [Token] -> AParser st TypeItem
pseudoTypeDef t k l = do
c <- asKey assignS
p <- parseType
return $ AliasType t k (simpleTypeScheme p) $ catRange $ l ++ [c]
-- * parsing datatypes
component :: AParser st [Component]
component = try (do
(is, cs) <- opId `separatedBy` anComma
compType is cs) <|> do
t <- parseType
return [NoSelector t]
concatFst :: [[a]] -> Range -> ([a], Range)
concatFst as ps = (concat as, ps)
tupleComponent :: AParser st ([Component], Range)
tupleComponent = bracketParser component oParenT cParenT anSemi concatFst
altComponent :: AParser st ([Component], Range)
altComponent = tupleComponent <|> do
i <- typeVar
let t = case i of
Id [tok] [] _ -> TypeToken tok
_ -> error "altComponent"
return ([NoSelector t], nullRange)
compType :: [Id] -> [Token] -> AParser st [Component]
compType is cs = do
c <- colonST
t <- parseType
let makeComps l1 l2 = case (l1, l2) of
([a], [b]) -> [Selector a Total t Other $ tokPos b]
(a : r, b : s) -> Selector a Total t Comma (tokPos b) : makeComps r s
_ -> error "makeComps: empty selector list"
return $ makeComps is $ cs ++ [c]
alternative :: AParser st Alternative
alternative = do
s <- pluralKeyword sortS <|> pluralKeyword typeS
(ts, cs) <- parseType `separatedBy` anComma
return $ Subtype ts $ catRange $ s : cs
<|> do
i <- hconsId
cps <- many altComponent
let ps = concatMapRange snd cps
cs = map fst cps
do q <- quMarkT
return $ Constructor i cs Partial $ appRange ps $ tokPos q
<|> return (Constructor i cs Total ps)
dataDef :: TypePattern -> Kind -> [Token] -> AParser st TypeItem
dataDef t k l = do
c <- asKey defnS
a <- annos
let aAlternative = liftM2 (\ i -> Annoted i nullRange [])
alternative annos
(Annoted v _ _ b : as, ps) <- aAlternative `separatedBy` barT
let aa = Annoted v nullRange a b : as
qs = catRange $ l ++ c : ps
do d <- asKey derivingS
(cs, cps) <- classId `separatedBy` anComma
return $ Datatype $ DatatypeDecl t k aa cs
$ appRange qs $ appRange (tokPos d) $ catRange cps
<|> return (Datatype (DatatypeDecl t k aa [] qs))
dataItem :: AParser st DatatypeDecl
dataItem = do
t <- typePattern
do c <- colT
k <- kind
Datatype d <- dataDef t k [c]
return d
<|> do
Datatype d <- dataDef t universe []
return d
dataItems :: AParser st BasicItem
dataItems = hasCaslItemList typeS dataItem FreeDatatype
-- * parse class items
classDecl :: AParser st ClassDecl
classDecl = do
(is, cs) <- classId `separatedBy` anComma
(ps, k) <- option ([], universe) $ pair (single $ lessT <|> colonT) kind
return $ ClassDecl is k $ catRange $ cs ++ ps
classItem :: AParser st ClassItem
classItem = do
c <- classDecl
do o <- oBraceT
is <- annosParser basicItems
p <- cBraceT
return $ ClassItem c is $ toRange o [] p
<|> return (ClassItem c [] nullRange)
classItemList :: [Token] -> Instance -> AParser st BasicItem
classItemList ps = hasCaslItemAux ps classItem . ClassItems
classItems :: AParser st BasicItem
classItems = do
p <- asKey (classS ++ "es") <|> asKey classS <?> classS
do q <- pluralKeyword instanceS
classItemList [p, q] Instance
<|> classItemList [p] Plain
-- * parse op items
opAttr :: AParser st OpAttr
opAttr = let l = [Assoc, Comm, Idem] in
choice (map ( \ a -> do
b <- asKey $ show a
return $ BinOpAttr a $ tokPos b) l)
<|> do
a <- asKey unitS
t <- term
return $ UnitOpAttr t $ tokPos a
multiTypeScheme :: [PolyId] -> AParser st TypeScheme
multiTypeScheme os = case os of
p : r -> if null r || all ( \ (PolyId _ tys _) -> null tys) os
then typeScheme p
else fail $ "instantiation list in identifier list: "
++ show (map ( \ (PolyId i _ _) -> i) os)
_ -> error "HasCASL.ParseItem.opDecl"
opDecl :: [PolyId] -> [Token] -> AParser st OpItem
opDecl os ps = do
c <- colonST
t <- multiTypeScheme os
opAttrs os ps c t <|> return (OpDecl os t [] $ catRange $ ps ++ [c])
opAttrs :: [PolyId] -> [Token] -> Token -> TypeScheme -> AParser st OpItem
opAttrs os ps c t = do
d <- anComma
(attrs, cs) <- opAttr `separatedBy` anComma
return $ OpDecl os t attrs $ catRange $ ps ++ [c, d] ++ cs
opArg :: AParser st ([VarDecl], Range)
opArg = bracketParser varDecls oParenT cParenT anSemi concatFst
opArgs :: AParser st ([[VarDecl]], Range)
opArgs = do
cps <- many1 opArg
return (map fst cps, concatMapRange snd cps)
opDeclOrDefn :: PolyId -> AParser st OpItem
opDeclOrDefn o = do
c <- colonST
t <- typeScheme o
opAttrs [o] [] c t <|> opTerm o [] nullRange c t
<|> return (OpDecl [o] t [] $ tokPos c)
<|> do
(args, ps) <- opArgs
c <- colonST
t <- fmap simpleTypeScheme parseType
opTerm o args ps c t
opTerm :: PolyId -> [[VarDecl]] -> Range -> Token -> TypeScheme
-> AParser st OpItem
opTerm o as ps c sc = do
e <- equalT
f <- term
return $ OpDefn o as sc f $ appRange ps $ toRange c [] e
opItem :: AParser st OpItem
opItem = do
(os, ps) <- parsePolyId `separatedBy` anComma
case os of
[hd] -> opDeclOrDefn hd
_ -> opDecl os ps
opItems :: AParser st SigItems
opItems = hasCaslItemList opS opItem (OpItems Op)
<|> hasCaslItemList functS opItem (OpItems Fun)
-- * parse pred items as op items
predDecl :: [PolyId] -> [Token] -> AParser st OpItem
predDecl os ps = do
c <- colT
t <- multiTypeScheme os
let p = catRange $ ps ++ [c]
return $ OpDecl os (predTypeScheme p t) [] p
predDefn :: PolyId -> AParser st OpItem
predDefn o = do
(args, ps) <- opArg
e <- asKey equivS
f <- term
let p = appRange ps $ tokPos e
return $ OpDefn o [args]
(simpleTypeScheme $ mkLazyType $ unitTypeWithRange p) f p
predItem :: AParser st OpItem
predItem = do
(os, ps) <- parsePolyId `separatedBy` anComma
let d = predDecl os ps
case os of
[hd] -> d <|> predDefn hd
_ -> d
predItems :: AParser st SigItems
predItems = hasCaslItemList predS predItem (OpItems Pred)
-- * other items
sigItems :: AParser st SigItems
sigItems = sortItems <|> opItems <|> predItems <|> typeItems
generatedItems :: AParser st BasicItem
generatedItems = do
g <- asKey generatedS
do FreeDatatype ds ps <- dataItems
return $ GenItems [Annoted (TypeItems Plain (map ( \ d -> Annoted
(Datatype $ item d) nullRange (l_annos d) (r_annos d)) ds) ps)
nullRange [] []] $ tokPos g
<|> do
o <- oBraceT
is <- annosParser sigItems
c <- cBraceT
return $ GenItems is $ toRange g [o] c
genVarItems :: AParser st ([GenVarDecl], [Token])
genVarItems = do
vs <- genVarDecls
do s <- trySemi << addLineAnnos
do tryItemEnd hasCaslStartKeywords
return (vs, [s])
<|> do
(ws, ts) <- genVarItems
return (vs ++ ws, s : ts)
<|> return (vs, [])
freeDatatype :: AParser st BasicItem
freeDatatype = do
f <- asKey freeS
FreeDatatype ds ps <- dataItems
return $ FreeDatatype ds $ appRange (tokPos f) ps
progItems :: AParser st BasicItem
progItems = hasCaslItemList programS
(patternTermPair [equalS] (WithIn, []) equalS) ProgItems
axiomItems :: AParser st BasicItem
axiomItems = hasCaslItemList axiomS term $ AxiomItems []
forallItem :: AParser st BasicItem
forallItem = do
f <- forallT
(vs, ps) <- genVarDecls `separatedBy` anSemi
a <- annos
AxiomItems _ (Annoted ft qs as rs : fs) ds <- dotFormulae
let aft = Annoted ft qs (a ++ as) rs
return $ AxiomItems (concat vs) (aft : fs) $ appRange (catRange $ f : ps) ds
genVarItem :: AParser st BasicItem
genVarItem = do
v <- pluralKeyword varS
(vs, ps) <- genVarItems
return $ GenVarItems vs $ catRange $ v : ps
dotFormulae :: AParser st BasicItem
dotFormulae = do
d <- dotT
(fs, ds) <- allAnnoParser term `separatedBy` dotT
let ps = catRange $ d : ds
lst = last fs
if null $ r_annos lst then do
(m, an) <- optSemi
return $ AxiomItems [] (init fs ++ [appendAnno lst an]) $ appRange ps
$ catRange m
else return $ AxiomItems [] fs ps
internalItems :: AParser st BasicItem
internalItems = do
i <- asKey internalS
o <- oBraceT
is <- annosParser basicItems
p <- cBraceT
return (Internal is $ toRange i [o] p)
basicItems :: AParser st BasicItem
basicItems = fmap SigItems sigItems
<|> classItems
<|> progItems
<|> generatedItems
<|> freeDatatype
<|> genVarItem
<|> forallItem
<|> dotFormulae
<|> axiomItems
<|> internalItems
basicSpec :: AParser st BasicSpec
basicSpec = fmap BasicSpec (annosParser basicItems)