OpDecl.hs revision 3f69b6948966979163bdfe8331c38833d5d90ecd
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
analyse operation declarations
module HasCASL.OpDecl where
import Data.Maybe
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.MixAna
import HasCASL.TypeCheck
import HasCASL.ProgEq
anaAttr :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeScheme -> OpAttr -> State Env (Maybe OpAttr)
anaAttr ga (TypeScheme tvs ty _) (UnitOpAttr trm ps) =
do e <- get
let mTy = let (fty, fArgs) = getTypeAppl ty in case fArgs of
[arg, t3] | lesserType e fty (toType $ arrowId PFunArr)
-> let (pty, ts) = getTypeAppl arg in case ts of
[t1, t2] | lesserType e pty (toType $ productId 2)
-> Just (t1,t2,t3)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
let tm = typeMap e
mapM_ (addTypeVarDecl False) tvs
case mTy of
Nothing -> do addDiags [mkDiag Error
"unexpected type of operation" ty]
mt <- resolveTerm ga Nothing trm
putTypeMap tm
case mt of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just t -> return $ Just $ UnitOpAttr t ps
Just (t1, t2, t3) ->
do if t1 == t2 && t2 == t3 then
return ()
else addDiags [mkDiag Error
"unexpected type components of operation" ty]
mt <- resolveTerm ga (Just t3) trm
putTypeMap tm
case mt of Nothing -> return Nothing
Just t -> return $ Just $ UnitOpAttr t ps
anaAttr _ _ b = return $ Just b
tuplePatternToType :: [VarDecl] -> Type
tuplePatternToType vds = mkProductType (map ( \ (VarDecl _ t _ _) -> t) vds)
getUninstOpId :: TypeScheme -> OpId -> (OpId, TypeScheme)
getUninstOpId (TypeScheme tvs q ps) (OpId i args qs) =
(OpId i [] qs, TypeScheme (args ++ tvs) q ps)
anaOpId :: GlobalAnnos -> OpBrand -> TypeScheme -> [OpAttr] -> OpId
-> State Env Bool
anaOpId ga br partSc attrs o =
do let (OpId i _ _, sc) = getUninstOpId partSc o
mSc <- anaTypeScheme sc
case mSc of
Nothing -> return False
Just newSc -> do
mAttrs <- mapM (anaAttr ga newSc) attrs
addOpId i newSc (catMaybes mAttrs) $ NoOpDefn br
anaOpItem :: GlobalAnnos -> OpBrand -> OpItem -> State Env (Maybe OpItem)
anaOpItem ga br (OpDecl is sc attr ps) = do
bs <- mapM (anaOpId ga br sc attr) is
let us = map fst $ filter snd $ zip is bs
return $ if null us then Nothing else
Just $ OpDecl us sc attr ps
anaOpItem ga br (OpDefn o oldPats sc partial trm ps) =
do let (OpId i _ _, TypeScheme tArgs scTy qs) = getUninstOpId sc o
checkUniqueVars $ concat oldPats
tvs <- gets localTypeVars
mArgs <- mapM anaddTypeVarDecl tArgs
mPats <- mapM (mapM anaVarDecl) oldPats
let newPats = map catMaybes mPats
monoPats = map (map makeMonomorph) newPats
pats = map (\ l -> mkTupleTerm (map QualVar l) nullRange) monoPats
vs <- gets localVars
mapM_ (mapM_ $ addLocalVar True) monoPats
let newArgs = catMaybes mArgs
mty <- anaStarType scTy
mtrm <- resolve ga trm
case (mty, mtrm) of
(Just ty, Just rTrm) -> do
mt <- typeCheck Nothing $ TypedTerm rTrm AsType (monoType ty) ps
newSc <- generalizeS $ TypeScheme newArgs
(getFunType ty partial
$ map tuplePatternToType newPats) qs
putLocalVars vs
putLocalTypeVars tvs
case mt of
Just lastTrm -> do
let lamTrm = case (pats, partial) of
([], Total) -> lastTrm
_ -> LambdaTerm pats partial lastTrm ps
ot = QualOp br (InstOpId i [] nullRange)
newSc nullRange
lhs = mkApplTerm ot pats
ef = mkEqTerm eqId ps lhs lastTrm
f = mkForall (map GenTypeVarDecl newArgs
++ (map GenVarDecl $
concatMap extractVars pats)) ef
addOpId i newSc [] $ Definition br lamTrm
appendSentences [makeNamed ("def_" ++ showId i "")
$ Formula f]
return $ Just $ OpDefn o oldPats sc partial rTrm ps
Nothing -> do
addOpId i newSc [] $ NoOpDefn br
return $ Just $ OpDecl [OpId i [] ps] newSc [] ps
_ -> do
putLocalVars vs
putLocalTypeVars tvs
return Nothing
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ProgEq
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
anaProgEq :: GlobalAnnos -> ProgEq -> State Env (Maybe ProgEq)
anaProgEq ga pe@(ProgEq _ _ q) =
do rp <- resolve ga (LetTerm Program [pe] (BracketTerm Parens [] q) q)
case rp of
Just t@(LetTerm _ (rpe@(ProgEq _ _ _) : _) _ _) -> do
mp <- typeCheck Nothing t
case mp of
Just (LetTerm _ (newPrg@(ProgEq newPat _ _) : _) _ _) ->
case getAppl newPat of
Just (i, sc, _) -> do
addOpId i sc [] $ NoOpDefn Op
appendSentences [(makeNamed ("pe_" ++ showId i "")
$ ProgEqSen i sc newPrg)
{ isDef = True }]
e <- get
if isLHS e newPat then return ()
else addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Warning
"illegal lhs pattern"
return $ Just rpe
Nothing -> do addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Error
"illegal toplevel pattern"
return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
getApplConstr :: Pattern -> (Pattern, [Pattern])
getApplConstr pat =
case pat of
ApplTerm p1 p2 _ ->
let (tp, args) = getApplConstr p1 in (tp, p2:args)
TypedTerm tp _ _ _ -> getApplConstr tp
_ -> (pat, [])