OpDecl.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : analyse operation declarations
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
analyse operation declarations
module HasCASL.OpDecl
( anaOpItem
, anaProgEq
, mkEnvForall
) where
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse, eof)
import Control.Monad
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.State as State
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.Lexer (skip)
import Common.Parsec
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.HToken
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.MixAna
import HasCASL.TypeCheck
import HasCASL.ProgEq
import HasCASL.Unify
anaAttr :: TypeScheme -> OpAttr -> State Env (Maybe OpAttr)
anaAttr (TypeScheme tvs ty _) b = case b of
UnitOpAttr trm ps -> do
e <- get
let mTy = let (fty, fArgs) = getTypeAppl ty in case fArgs of
[arg, t3] | lesserType e fty (toFunType PFunArr)
-> let (pty, ts) = getTypeAppl arg in case ts of
[t1, t2] | lesserType e pty (toProdType 2 ps)
-> Just (t1, t2, t3)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
let tm = typeMap e
mapM_ (addTypeVarDecl False) tvs
case mTy of
Nothing -> do addDiags [mkDiag Error
"unexpected type of operation" ty]
putTypeMap tm
return Nothing
Just (t1, t2, t3) ->
do unless (t1 == t2 && t2 == t3)
$ addDiags [mkDiag Error
"unexpected type components of operation" ty]
mt <- resolveTerm t3 trm
putTypeMap tm
return $ case mt of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just t -> Just $ UnitOpAttr t ps
_ -> return $ Just b
tuplePatternToType :: [VarDecl] -> Type
tuplePatternToType vds =
mkProductTypeWithRange (map ( \ (VarDecl _ t _ _) -> t) vds) $ getRange vds
anaOpId :: OpBrand -> TypeScheme -> [OpAttr] -> PolyId -> State Env Bool
anaOpId br sc attrs i@(PolyId j _ _) =
do mSc <- anaPolyId i sc
case mSc of
Nothing -> return False
Just newSc -> do
mAttrs <- mapM (anaAttr newSc) attrs
addOpId j newSc (Set.fromList $ catMaybes mAttrs) $ NoOpDefn br
-- | analyse an op-item
anaOpItem :: OpBrand -> Annoted OpItem -> State Env (Annoted (Maybe OpItem))
anaOpItem br oi = do
let Result ds (Just bs) = extractBinders $ l_annos oi ++ r_annos oi
addDiags ds
case item oi of
OpDecl is sc attr ps -> do
case is of
[PolyId i _ _] -> mapM_ (addBinder i) bs
_ -> unless (null bs) $ addDiags
[mkDiag Warning "ignoring binder syntax" bs]
ois <- mapM (anaOpId br sc attr) is
let us = map fst $ filter snd $ zip is ois
return $ replaceAnnoted (if null us then Nothing else
Just $ OpDecl us sc attr ps) oi
OpDefn p@(PolyId i _ _) oldPats rsc@(TypeScheme tArgs scTy qs) trm ps
-> do
mapM_ (addBinder i) bs
checkUniqueVars $ concat oldPats
tvs <- gets localTypeVars
mArgs <- mapM anaddTypeVarDecl tArgs
mPats <- mapM (mapM anaVarDecl) oldPats
let newPats = map catMaybes mPats
monoPats = map (map makeMonomorph) newPats
pats = map (\ l -> mkTupleTerm (map QualVar l) nullRange) monoPats
vs <- gets localVars
mapM_ (mapM_ $ addLocalVar True) monoPats
let newArgs = catMaybes mArgs
mty <- anaStarType scTy
mtrm <- resolve trm
case (mty, mtrm) of
(Just rty, Just rTrm) -> do
let (partial, ty) = case getTypeAppl rty of
(TypeName j _ _ , [lt]) | j == lazyTypeId -> (Partial, lt)
_ -> (Total, rty)
monoty = monoType ty
mt <- typeCheck monoty $ TypedTerm rTrm AsType monoty ps
e <- get
newSc <- generalizeS $ TypeScheme newArgs
(getFunType ty partial
$ map tuplePatternToType newPats) qs
putLocalVars vs
putLocalTypeVars tvs
case mt of
Just lastTrm0 -> do
let lastTrm = case lastTrm0 of
TypedTerm lTrm AsType rTy rs ->
case getTypeOf lTrm of
Just oTy | lesserType e oTy rTy ->
if oTy == rTy then lTrm else
TypedTerm lTrm Inferred rTy rs
_ -> lastTrm0
_ -> lastTrm0
lamTrm = case (pats, partial) of
([], Total) -> lastTrm
_ -> LambdaTerm pats partial lastTrm ps
ot = QualOp br p newSc [] Infer
lhs = mkApplTerm ot pats
ef = if isPred br then
mkLogTerm eqvId ps lhs lastTrm
else mkEqTerm eqId monoty ps lhs lastTrm
f = mkEnvForall e ef ps
addOpId i newSc Set.empty $ Definition br lamTrm
[(makeNamed (getRLabel oi) $ Formula f)
{ isDef = True }]
return $ replaceAnnoted
(Just $ OpDefn p oldPats rsc rTrm ps) oi
Nothing -> do
addOpId i newSc Set.empty $ NoOpDefn br
return $ replaceAnnoted
(Just $ OpDecl [p] newSc [] ps) oi
_ -> do
putLocalVars vs
putLocalTypeVars tvs
return $ replaceAnnoted Nothing oi
-- | analyse a program equation
anaProgEq :: Annoted ProgEq -> State Env (Maybe ProgEq)
anaProgEq ape = do
let pe@(ProgEq _ _ q) = item ape
rp <- resolve (LetTerm Program [pe] (BracketTerm Parens [] q) q)
case rp of
Just t@(LetTerm _ (rpe@(ProgEq {}) : _) _ _) -> do
mp <- typeCheck unitType t
ga <- State.gets globAnnos
case mp of
Just (LetTerm _ (newPrg@(ProgEq newPat _ _) : _) _ _) ->
case getAppl newPat of
Just (i, sc, _) -> do
addOpId i sc Set.empty $ NoOpDefn Op
appendSentences [(makeNamed ("pe_" ++ showId i "")
$ ProgEqSen i sc newPrg)
{ isDef = True }]
e <- get
unless (isLHS e newPat)
$ addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Warning
"illegal lhs pattern" newPat]
return $ Just rpe
Nothing -> do addDiags [mkNiceDiag ga Error
"illegal toplevel pattern" newPat]
return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
extractBinderId :: Annotation -> Result Id
extractBinderId a = case a of
Unparsed_anno (Annote_word f@"binder") s r ->
case parse (skip >> opId << eof) f $ annoArg s of
Right i -> return i
Left err -> fatal_error (showErr err ++ "\nin " ++ show (annoDoc a)) r
_ -> Result [] Nothing
extractBinders :: [Annotation] -> Result [Id]
extractBinders as =
let rs = map extractBinderId as
ds = concatMap diags rs
in if null ds then return $ mapMaybe maybeResult rs
else Result ds $ Just []
addBinding :: Id -> Id -> State.State Env ()
addBinding o b = do
addDiags $ getBinderDiags o b
State.modify $ \ e -> e { binders = Map.insert b o $ binders e }
e <- State.get
let ga = globAnnos e
aa = assoc_annos ga
when (isInfix b && not (Map.member b aa)) $
State.put e { globAnnos = ga { assoc_annos = Map.insert b ARight aa }}
getBinderDiags :: Id -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
getBinderDiags o b =
let c = placeCount b
d = placeCount o + 1
str = "expected " ++ show (max 2 d) ++ " places in binder"
in if c < 2 then [mkDiag Error str b]
else if d /= c then
if isMixfix o then [mkDiag Warning str b]
else [mkDiag Hint ("non-mixfix-id '" ++ show o ++ "' for binder") b]
else []
addBinder :: Id -> Id -> State.State Env ()
addBinder o b = do
bs <- State.gets binders
as <- State.gets assumps
when (Map.member b as) $ addDiags
[mkDiag Warning "binder shadows shadows global name(s)" b]
case Map.lookup b bs of
Just o2 -> if o == o2 then do
addDiags [Diag Warning
("binder conflict for: " ++ show b ++ expected o2 o)
$ posOfId b]
addBinding o b
else addDiags [mkDiag Warning "repeated binder syntax" b]
Nothing -> addBinding o b