OpDecl.hs revision fa45d098e1c9d468f128be9505eb7e5b2705b304
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/OpDecl.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2003
analyse op decls
module OpDecl where
import As
import AsUtils
import ClassAna
import FiniteMap
import Id
import Le
import MonadState
import PrettyPrint
import PrintAs(showPretty)
import Result
import TypeDecl
missingAna :: PrettyPrint a => a -> [Pos] -> State Env ()
missingAna t ps = appendDiags [Diag FatalError
("no analysis yet for: " ++ showPretty t "")
$ if null ps then nullPos else head ps]
posOfOpId :: OpId -> Pos
posOfOpId (OpId i _) = posOfId i
anaOpItem :: OpItem -> State Env ()
anaOpItem (OpDecl is sc attr _) =
mapM_ (anaOpId sc attr) is
anaOpItem (OpDefn i _ _ _ _ _) = missingAna i [posOfOpId i]
anaOpId :: TypeScheme -> [OpAttr] -> OpId -> State Env ()
anaOpId (TypeScheme tvs q ps) attrs (OpId i args) =
do let sc = TypeScheme (args ++ tvs) q ps
(mk, newSc) <- anaTypeScheme Nothing sc
case mk of
Nothing -> return () -- induced error
Just k -> if eqKind Compatible k star then
addOpId i newSc attrs
else addDiag $ mkDiag Error
("wrong kind '" ++ showPretty k
"' of type for operation") i
addOpId i sc attrs = return ()