MixPrint.hs revision 9df7943e174665a367e75714d54b352a3760dd58
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
conversion for mixfix printing
module HasCASL.MixPrint where
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.ConvertLiteral
import Common.Earley
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.FoldTerm
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Builtin
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
data Weight = Weight Int Id Id Id -- top, left, right
mkTrivWeight :: Id -> Int -> Weight
mkTrivWeight i n = Weight n i i i
data ConvFuns a = ConvFuns
{ parenthesize :: [a] -> a
, juxtapose :: [a] -> a
, convTok :: Token -> a
, convComp :: [Id] -> a
, commarize :: [a] -> a
, convertTerm :: GlobalAnnos -> a -> a
, convId :: Id -> a
checkMyArg :: AssocEither -> GlobalAnnos -> (Id, Int)
-> (Id, Int) -> Id -> Bool
checkMyArg side ga (op, opPrec) (arg, argPrec) weight =
let precs = prec_annos ga
assocs = assoc_annos ga
in if argPrec <= 0 then False
else case compare argPrec opPrec of
LT -> False
GT -> True
EQ -> if joinPlace side arg then
case precRel precs op weight of
Lower -> True
Higher -> False
BothDirections -> False
NoDirection ->
case (isInfix arg, joinPlace side op) of
(True, True) -> if arg == op
then not $ isAssoc side assocs op
else True
(False, True) -> True
(True, False) -> False
_ -> side == ALeft
else True
getSimpleIdPrec :: PrecMap -> Id -> Int
getSimpleIdPrec (pm, _, m) i = if i == applId then m + 1
else Map.findWithDefault
(if begPlace i || endPlace i then m
else m + 2) i pm
toMixWeight :: GlobalAnnos
-> SplitM a
-> ConvFuns a
-> a -> (a, Maybe Weight)
toMixWeight ga splt convFuns trm =
case splt trm of
Nothing -> (convertTerm convFuns ga trm, Nothing)
Just (i@(Id ts cs _), aas) -> let
newGa = addBuiltins ga
pa = prec_annos newGa
precs@(_, _, m) = mkPrecIntMap pa
p = getSimpleIdPrec precs i
dw = Just $ mkTrivWeight i p
doSplit = maybe (error "doSplit") id . splt
mk t = (convTok convFuns t, dw)
in if isGenNumber splt ga i aas then
mk $ toNumber doSplit i aas
else if isGenFrac splt ga i aas then
mk $ toFrac doSplit aas
else if isGenFloat splt ga i aas then
mk $ toFloat doSplit ga aas
else if isGenString splt ga i aas then
mk $ toString doSplit ga i aas
else if isGenList splt ga i aas then
let mkList op args cl =
juxtapose convFuns
[ convId convFuns op
, commarize convFuns $
map (convertTerm convFuns ga) args
, convId convFuns cl ]
in (toMixfixList mkList doSplit ga i aas, dw)
else let
newArgs = map (toMixWeight ga splt convFuns) aas
n = length aas
in if null aas || placeCount i /= n then
case aas of
[] -> (convId convFuns i, dw)
_ -> (juxtapose convFuns [convId convFuns i,
parenthesize convFuns $ map fst newArgs],
Just $ mkTrivWeight applId (m + 1))
else let
parArgs = zipWith ( \ (arg, itm) num ->
let pArg = parenthesize convFuns [arg]
in case itm of
Nothing -> pArg
Just (Weight q ta la ra) -> if isLeftArg i num then
if checkMyArg ARight newGa (i, p) (ta, q) ra
then arg else pArg
else if isRightArg i num then
if checkMyArg ALeft newGa (i, p) (ta, q) la
then arg else pArg
else arg) newArgs [0 .. ]
leftW = if isLeftArg i 0 then
case snd $ head newArgs of
Just (Weight _ _ l _) -> if begPlace l then
case precRel pa i l of
Higher -> l
_ -> i
else i
_ -> i
else i
rightW = if isRightArg i (length newArgs - 1) then
case snd $ last newArgs of
Just (Weight _ _ _ r) -> if endPlace r then
case precRel pa i r of
Higher -> r
_ -> i
else i
_ -> i
else i
fts = fst $ splitMixToken ts
(rArgs, fArgs) = mapAccumL ( \ ac t ->
if isPlace t then case ac of
hd : tl -> (tl, hd)
_ -> error "addPlainArg"
else (ac, convTok convFuns t)) parArgs fts
in (juxtapose convFuns $ fArgs ++
(if null cs then [] else [convComp convFuns cs])
++ rArgs, Just $ Weight p i
leftW rightW)
hsConvFuns :: ConvFuns Term
hsConvFuns = ConvFuns
{ parenthesize = parenthesizeTerms
, commarize = \ ts -> BracketTerm NoBrackets ts nullRange
, juxtapose = MixfixTerm
, convertTerm = convTerm
, convTok = TermToken
, convComp = \ is -> BracketTerm Squares (map ideToTerm is) nullRange
, convId = ideToTerm }
ideToTerm :: Id -> Term
ideToTerm i = ResolvedMixTerm i [] nullRange
parenthesizeTerms :: [Term] -> Term
parenthesizeTerms ts = case ts of
trm@(QualVar _) : [] -> trm
trm@(QualOp _ _ _ _) : [] -> trm
trm@(TupleTerm _ _) : [] -> trm
trm@(BracketTerm _ _ _) : [] -> trm
trm@(ResolvedMixTerm _ [] _) : [] -> trm
_ -> BracketTerm Parens ts nullRange
splitTerm :: Term -> Maybe (Id, [Term])
splitTerm trm = case trm of
ResolvedMixTerm i ts _ -> case ts of
[TupleTerm args _] | placeCount i > 1 -> Just (i, args)
_ -> Just(i, ts)
ApplTerm (ResolvedMixTerm i [] _) t2 _ ->
Just (i, case t2 of
TupleTerm ts _ | placeCount i > 1 -> ts
_ -> [t2])
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> Just(applId, [t1, t2])
_ -> Nothing
convApplTerm :: GlobalAnnos -> Term -> Term
convApplTerm ga t = fst $ toMixWeight ga splitTerm hsConvFuns t
convProgEq :: GlobalAnnos -> ProgEq -> ProgEq
convProgEq ga (ProgEq p t q) = ProgEq (convTerm ga p) (convTerm ga t) q
convTermRec :: GlobalAnnos -> MapRec
convTermRec ga = mapRec
{ foldApplTerm = \ t _ _ _ -> convApplTerm ga t
, foldResolvedMixTerm = \ t _ _ _ -> convApplTerm ga t
convTerm :: GlobalAnnos -> Term -> Term
convTerm ga = foldTerm $ convTermRec ga
rmTypeRec :: MapRec
rmTypeRec = mapRec
{ foldQualOp = \ t _ (InstOpId i _ _) _ ps ->
if elem i $ map fst bList then
ResolvedMixTerm i [] ps else t
, foldTypedTerm = \ _ nt q ty ps ->
case q of
Inferred -> nt
_ -> case nt of
TypedTerm _ oq oty _ | oty == ty || oq == InType -> nt
QualVar (VarDecl _ oty _ _) | oty == ty -> nt
_ -> TypedTerm nt q ty ps
rmSomeTypes :: Term -> Term
rmSomeTypes = foldTerm rmTypeRec