MixParserState.hs revision f8f78a2c8796a387a4348cc672ae08e8d9f69315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
special parsing states for the mixfix analysis of terms
module HasCASL.MixParserState where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Lib.State
import Data.Maybe
import HasCASL.Unify
-- avoid confusion with the variable counter Int
newtype Index = Index Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- deriving Num is also possible
-- but the following functions are sufficient
startIndex :: Index
startIndex = Index 0
-- (also hiding (==) seems not possible)
isStartIndex :: Index -> Bool
isStartIndex = (== startIndex)
incrIndex, decrIndex :: Index -> Index
incrIndex (Index i) = Index (i + 1)
decrIndex (Index i) = Index (i - 1)
data PState a = PState { ruleId :: Id -- the rule to match
, ruleScheme :: TypeScheme -- to make id unique
, ruleType :: Type -- type of Id
, posList :: [Pos] -- positions of Id tokens
, ruleArgs :: [a] -- currently collected arguments
-- both in reverse order
, restRule :: [Token] -- part of the rule after the "dot"
, stateNo :: Index -- index into the ParseMap/input string
instance Eq (PState a) where
PState r1 s1 _ _ _ t1 p1 == PState r2 s2 _ _ _ t2 p2 =
(r1, s1, t1, p1) == (r2, s2, t2, p2)
instance Show (PState a) where
showsPrec _ p =
let d = restRule p
v = getPlainTokenList (ruleId p)
first = take (length v - length d) v
Index i = stateNo p
in showChar '{'
. showSepList (showString "") showTok first
. showChar '.'
. showSepList (showString "") showTok d
. shows i . showChar '}'
. showChar ':'
. showPretty (ruleType p)
termStr :: String
termStr = "_"
commaTok, termTok, oParenTok, cParenTok, placeTok :: Token
commaTok = mkSimpleId "," -- for list elements
termTok = mkSimpleId termStr
placeTok = mkSimpleId place
oParenTok = mkSimpleId "("
cParenTok = mkSimpleId ")"
opTok, inTok, caseTok, unknownTok :: Token
inTok = mkSimpleId "in"
caseTok = mkSimpleId "case"
opTok = mkSimpleId "(o)"
unknownTok = mkSimpleId "(?)"
mkRuleId :: [Token] -> Id
mkRuleId toks = Id toks [] []
applId, parenId, inId, opId, tupleId, unitId, unknownId :: Id
applId = mkRuleId [placeTok, placeTok]
parenId = mkRuleId [oParenTok, placeTok, cParenTok]
tupleId = mkRuleId [oParenTok, placeTok, commaTok, cParenTok]
unitId = mkRuleId [oParenTok, cParenTok]
inId = mkRuleId [inTok]
opId = mkRuleId [opTok]
unknownId = mkRuleId [unknownTok]
mkPState :: Index -> Id -> TypeScheme -> Type -> [Token] -> PState a
mkPState ind ide sc ty toks =
PState { ruleId = ide
, ruleScheme = sc
, ruleType = ty
, posList = []
, ruleArgs = []
, restRule = toks
, stateNo = ind }
mkMixfixState :: Index -> (Id, OpInfo) -> State Int (PState a)
mkMixfixState i (ide, info) =
do let sc = opType info
t <- freshInst sc
let stripped = case t of
FunType t1 _ _ _ ->
case t1 of
ProductType _ _ -> ide
_ -> stripFinalPlaces ide
_ -> stripFinalPlaces ide
return $ mkPState i stripped sc t $ getTokenList termStr stripped
mkPlainApplState :: Index -> (Id, OpInfo) -> State Int (PState a)
mkPlainApplState i (ide, info) =
do let sc = opType info
t <- freshInst sc
return $ mkPState i ide sc t $ getPlainTokenList ide
listToken :: Token
listToken = mkSimpleId "[]"
listId :: Id -> Id
-- unique id (usually "[]" yields two tokens)
listId i = Id [listToken] [i] []
isListId :: Id -> Bool
isListId (Id ts cs _) = not (null ts) && head ts == listToken && isSingle cs
isUnknownId :: Id -> Bool
isUnknownId (Id ts _ _) = not (null ts) && head ts == unknownTok
listStates :: GlobalAnnos -> Index -> State Int [PState a]
-- no empty list (can be written down directly)
listStates g i =
do tvar <- freshVar
let ty = TypeName tvar star 1
lists = list_lit $ literal_annos g
listState co toks = mkPState i (listId co) (simpleTypeScheme $
BracketType Squares [] [])
ty toks
in return $ concatMap ( \ (bs, n, c) ->
let (b1, b2, cs) = getListBrackets bs
e = Id (b1 ++ b2) cs [] in
(if e == n then [] -- add b1 ++ b2 if its not yet included by n
else [listState c $ getPlainTokenList e]) ++
[listState c (b1 ++ [termTok] ++ b2)
, listState c (b1 ++ [termTok, commaTok] ++ b2)]
) $ Set.toList lists
-- these are the possible matches for the nonterminal (T)
-- the same states are used for the predictions
mkTokState :: Index -> Id -> State Int (PState a)
mkTokState i r =
do tvar <- freshVar
let ty = TypeName tvar star 1
sc = simpleTypeScheme ty
return $ mkPState i r sc ty $ getTokenList termStr r
mkApplTokState :: Index -> Id -> State Int (PState a)
mkApplTokState i r =
do tv1 <- freshVar
tv2 <- freshVar
let ty1 = TypeName tv1 star 1
ty2 = TypeName tv2 star 1
tappl = FunType ty1 PFunArr ty2 []
t2appl = FunType tappl PFunArr tappl []
sc = simpleTypeScheme t2appl
return $ mkPState i r sc t2appl $ getTokenList termStr r
mkTupleTokState :: Index -> Id -> State Int (PState a)
mkTupleTokState i r =
do tv1 <- freshVar
tv2 <- freshVar
let ty1 = TypeName tv1 star 1
ty2 = TypeName tv2 star 1
tuple = ProductType [ty1, ty2] []
tappl = FunType ty1 PFunArr (FunType ty2 PFunArr tuple []) []
sc = simpleTypeScheme tappl
return $ mkPState i r sc tappl $ getTokenList termStr r
mkParenTokState :: Index -> Id -> State Int (PState a)
mkParenTokState i r =
do tv1 <- freshVar
let ty1 = TypeName tv1 star 1
tappl = FunType ty1 PFunArr ty1 []
sc = simpleTypeScheme tappl
return $ mkPState i r sc tappl $ getTokenList termStr r
initialState :: GlobalAnnos -> Assumps -> Index -> State Int [PState a]
initialState g as i =
do let ids = concatMap (\ (ide, l) -> map ( \ e -> (ide, e)) $ opInfos l)
$ Map.toList as
ls <- listStates g i
l1 <- mapM (mkMixfixState i) ids
l2 <- mapM (mkPlainApplState i) $ filter (isMixfix . fst) ids
a <- mkApplTokState i applId
p <- mkParenTokState i parenId
t <- mkTupleTokState i tupleId
l3 <- mapM (mkTokState i)
return (a:p:t:ls ++ l1 ++ l2 ++ l3)
type Knowns = Set.Set String -- cannot be unknown variables
-- recognize next token (possible introduce new tuple variable)
scanState :: TypeMap -> Knowns -> (Maybe Type, a) -> Token -> PState a
-> State Int [PState a]
scanState tm knowns (mty, trm) t p =
do let ts = restRule p
if null ts then return [] else
if head ts == t then
if t == commaTok then -- tuple elements separator
do tvar <- freshVar
let nextTy = TypeName tvar star 1
newTy = case ruleType p of
FunType lastTy PFunArr (ProductType tys ps) _ ->
FunType lastTy PFunArr
(FunType nextTy PFunArr
(ProductType (tys++[nextTy]) ps)
[]) []
_ -> error "scanState"
return [ p { restRule = termTok : commaTok : tail ts
, ruleType = newTy }
, p { restRule = termTok : tail ts }]
else return $
if t == opTok || t == inTok then
let Just ty = mty
mp = do q <- filterByType tm (ty,trm) p
return q { ruleType = ty, restRule = tail ts }
in maybeToList mp
else case mty of
Nothing -> [p { restRule = tail ts
, posList = tokPos t : posList p }]
Just ty -> maybeToList
(do q <- filterByType tm (ty,trm) p
return q { ruleType = ty, restRule = tail ts
, posList = tokPos t : posList q })
else return $ if ruleId p == unknownId
&& not (tokStr t `Set.member` knowns) then
[p { restRule = tail ts, posList = tokPos t : posList p
, ruleId = mkRuleId [unknownTok, t]
, ruleType = case mty of
Nothing -> ruleType p
Just ty -> ty }]
else []
-- construct resulting term from PState
stateToAppl :: PState Term -> Term
stateToAppl p =
let r = ruleId p
sc@(TypeScheme _ (_ :=> ty) _) = ruleScheme p
ar = reverse $ ruleArgs p
qs = reverse $ posList p
in if r == inId
|| r == parenId
|| r == opId
then head ar
else if r == applId then
ApplTerm (head ar) (head (tail ar)) qs
else if r == tupleId || r == unitId then TupleTerm ar qs
else addFunArguments (ty, QualOp (InstOpId (setIdePos r ar qs) [] [])
sc qs)
$ concatMap expandArgument ar
expandArgument :: Term -> [Term]
expandArgument arg =
case arg of
TupleTerm ts _ -> concatMap expandArgument ts
_ -> [arg]
addFunArguments :: (Type, Term) -> [Term] -> Term
addFunArguments (ty, trm) args =
if null args then trm else
case ty of
FunType t1 _ t2 _ ->
let arg: rest = getArgument t1 args in
addFunArguments (t2, ApplTerm trm arg []) rest
_ -> error "addFunArguments"
getArgument :: Type -> [Term] -> [Term]
getArgument ty args =
case ty of
ProductType ts _ ->
let (trms, rest) = getArguments ts args in
TupleTerm trms [] : rest
_ -> if null args then error "getArgument"
else args
getArguments :: [Type] -> [Term] -> ([Term], [Term])
getArguments [] args = ([], args)
getArguments (t:rt) args =
let trm : restArgs = getArgument t args
(nextTrms, finalArgs) = getArguments rt restArgs
in (trm:nextTrms, finalArgs)
toAppl :: GlobalAnnos -> PState Term -> Term
toAppl g s = let i = ruleId s in
if isListId i then
let Id _ [f] _ = i
ListCons b c = getLiteralType g f
(b1, _, _) = getListBrackets b
cl = length $ getPlainTokenList b
nb1 = length b1
ra = reverse $ ruleArgs s
na = length ra
br = reverse $ posList s
nb = length br
mkList [] ps = asAppl c [] (head ps)
mkList (hd:tl) ps = asAppl f [hd, mkList tl (tail ps)] (head ps)
in if null ra then asAppl c []
(if null br then nullPos else head br)
else if nb + 2 == cl + na then
let br1 = drop (nb1 - 1) br
in mkList ra br1
else error "toAppl"
else stateToAppl s
asAppl :: Id -> [Term] -> Pos -> Term
asAppl f args p = let pos = if null args then [] else [p]
in ApplTerm (QualOp (InstOpId f [] [])
(simpleTypeScheme $ MixfixType [])
[]) (TupleTerm args []) pos
-- precedence graph stuff
checkArg :: GlobalAnnos -> AssocEither -> Id -> Id -> Bool
checkArg g dir op arg =
if arg == op
then isAssoc dir (assoc_annos g) op || not (isInfix op)
case precRel (prec_annos g) op arg of
Lower -> True
Higher -> False
BothDirections -> False
NoDirection -> not $ isInfix arg
checkAnyArg :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> Id -> Bool
checkAnyArg g op arg =
case precRel (prec_annos g) op arg of
BothDirections -> isInfix op && op == arg
_ -> True
isLeftArg, isRightArg :: Id -> Int -> Bool
isLeftArg (Id ts _ _) n = n + 1 == (length $ takeWhile isPlace ts)
isRightArg (Id ts _ _) n = n == (length $ filter isPlace ts) -
(length $ takeWhile isPlace (reverse ts))
filterByPrec :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> PState a -> Bool
filterByPrec g argIde
PState { ruleId = opIde, ruleArgs = args, restRule = ts } =
if null ts then False else
if head ts == termTok then
if isUnknownId opIde then False else
if opIde == applId then not (null args && isUnknownId argIde) else
if isListId opIde || isListId argIde then True
else let n = length args in
if isLeftArg opIde n then
if isPostfix opIde && (isPrefix argIde
|| isInfix argIde) then False
else checkArg g ALeft opIde argIde
else if isRightArg opIde n then
if isPrefix opIde && isInfix argIde then False
else checkArg g ARight opIde argIde
else checkAnyArg g opIde argIde
else False
expandType :: TypeMap -> Type -> Type
expandType tm oldT =
case oldT of
TypeName _ _ _ -> fst $ expandAlias tm oldT
KindedType t _ _ -> t
LazyType t _ -> t
_ -> oldT
addArgState :: a -> PState a -> PState a
addArgState arg op = op { ruleArgs = arg : ruleArgs op }
filterByType :: TypeMap -> (Type, a) -> PState a -> Maybe (PState a)
filterByType tm argState@(_, argTerm) opState =
case expandType tm $ ruleType opState of
FunType t1 _ t2 _ ->
filterByArgument tm t1 [] t2 argState opState
TypeName _ _ v -> if v == 0 then Nothing
else Just $ addArgState argTerm opState
_ -> Nothing
filterByArgument :: TypeMap -> Type -> [Type] -> Type -> (Type, a)
-> PState a -> Maybe (PState a)
filterByArgument tm t1 tl t2 argState@(argType, argTerm) opState =
let ms = maybeResult $ unify tm t1 argType in
case ms of
Nothing ->
case expandType tm t1 of
ProductType (t:ts) _ -> filterByArgument tm t
(ts++tl) t2 argState opState
_ -> Nothing
Just s -> let newType = subst s $ foldr
( \ t ty -> FunType t PFunArr ty []) t2 tl
in return $ addArgState argTerm opState
{ruleType = newType}
filterByResultType :: TypeMap -> Type -> PState a -> Maybe (PState a)
filterByResultType tm ty p =
do let rt = ruleType p
s <- maybeResult $ unify tm ty rt
return p { ruleType = subst s rt }