MixParserState.hs revision 08f8731b34de5dc1ced274594978ad8879c831bd
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa{- |
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaModule : $Header$
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaMaintainer : hets@tzi.de
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaStability : experimental
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaPortability : portable
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaspecial parsing states for the mixfix analysis of terms
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa-}
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksamodule HasCASL.MixParserState where
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport HasCASL.As
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport HasCASL.Le
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport Common.AS_Annotation
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport Common.GlobalAnnotations
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport Common.GlobalAnnotationsFunctions
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport Common.Result
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport Common.Id
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport Common.PrettyPrint
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport Common.Lib.State
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport Data.Maybe
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksaimport HasCASL.Unify
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa-- avoid confusion with the variable counter Int
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksanewtype Index = Index Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa-- deriving Num is also possible
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa-- but the following functions are sufficient
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksastartIndex :: Index
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksastartIndex = Index 0
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa-- (also hiding (==) seems not possible)
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaisStartIndex :: Index -> Bool
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaisStartIndex = (== startIndex)
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaincrIndex :: Index -> Index
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaincrIndex (Index i) = Index (i + 1)
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksadata PState a = PState { ruleId :: Id -- the rule to match
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa , ruleScheme :: TypeScheme -- to make id unique
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa , ruleType :: Type -- type of Id
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa , posList :: [Pos] -- positions of Id tokens
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa , ruleArgs :: [a] -- currently collected arguments
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa -- both in reverse order
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa , restRule :: [Token] -- part of the rule after the "dot"
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa , stateNo :: Index -- index into the ParseMap/input string
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa }
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksainstance Eq (PState a) where
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa PState r1 s1 _ _ _ t1 p1 == PState r2 s2 _ _ _ t2 p2 =
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa (r1, s1, t1, p1) == (r2, s2, t2, p2)
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksainstance Show (PState a) where
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa showsPrec _ p =
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa let d = restRule p
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa v = getTokenList place (ruleId p)
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa first = take (length v - length d) v
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa Index i = stateNo p
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa in showChar '{'
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa . showSepList (showString "") showTok first
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa . showChar '.'
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa . showSepList (showString "") showTok d
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa . shows i . showChar '}'
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa . showChar ':'
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa . showPretty (ruleType p)
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksatermStr :: String
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksatermStr = "_"
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksacommaTok, termTok, oParenTok, cParenTok, placeTok :: Token
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksacommaTok = mkSimpleId "," -- for list elements
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksatermTok = mkSimpleId termStr
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaplaceTok = mkSimpleId place
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaoParenTok = mkSimpleId "("
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksacParenTok = mkSimpleId ")"
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaopTok, inTok, caseTok :: Token
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksainTok = mkSimpleId "in"
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksacaseTok = mkSimpleId "case"
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaopTok = mkSimpleId "(o)"
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksamkRuleId :: [Token] -> Id
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksamkRuleId toks = Id toks [] []
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaapplId, parenId, inId, opId, tupleId, unitId :: Id
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaapplId = mkRuleId [placeTok, placeTok]
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaparenId = mkRuleId [oParenTok, placeTok, cParenTok]
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksatupleId = mkRuleId [oParenTok, placeTok, commaTok, cParenTok]
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaunitId = mkRuleId [oParenTok, cParenTok]
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksainId = mkRuleId [inTok]
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksaopId = mkRuleId [opTok]
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen Kuksa
7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7fEugen KuksamkPState :: Index -> Id -> TypeScheme -> Type -> [Token] -> PState a
mkPState ind ide sc ty toks =
PState { ruleId = ide
, ruleScheme = sc
, ruleType = ty
, posList = []
, ruleArgs = []
, restRule = toks
, stateNo = ind }
mkMixfixState :: Index -> (Id, OpInfo) -> State Int (PState a)
mkMixfixState i (ide, info) =
do let sc = opType info
t <- freshInst sc
let stripped = case t of
FunType t1 _ _ _ ->
case t1 of
ProductType _ _ -> ide
_ -> stripFinalPlaces ide
_ -> stripFinalPlaces ide
return $ mkPState i stripped sc t $ getTokenList termStr stripped
mkPlainApplState :: Index -> (Id, OpInfo) -> State Int (PState a)
mkPlainApplState i (ide, info) =
do let sc = opType info
t <- freshInst sc
return $ mkPState i ide sc t $ getTokenList place ide
listToken :: Token
listToken = mkSimpleId "[]"
listId :: Id -> Id
-- unique id (usually "[]" yields two tokens)
listId i = Id [listToken] [i] []
isListId :: Id -> Bool
isListId (Id ts cs _) = not (null ts) && head ts == listToken && length cs == 1
listStates :: GlobalAnnos -> Index -> State Int [PState a]
-- no empty list (can be written down directly)
listStates g i =
do tvar <- freshVar
let ty = TypeName tvar star 1
lists = list_lit $ literal_annos g
listState co toks = mkPState i (listId co) (simpleTypeScheme $
BracketType Squares [] [])
ty toks
in return $ concatMap ( \ (bs, n, c) ->
let (b1, b2, cs) = getListBrackets bs
e = Id (b1 ++ b2) cs [] in
(if e == n then [] -- add b1 ++ b2 if its not yet included by n
else [listState c $ getTokenList place e]) ++
[listState c (b1 ++ [termTok] ++ b2)
, listState c (b1 ++ [termTok, commaTok] ++ b2)]
) $ Set.toList lists
-- these are the possible matches for the nonterminal (T)
-- the same states are used for the predictions
mkTokState :: Index -> Id -> State Int (PState a)
mkTokState i r =
do tvar <- freshVar
let ty = TypeName tvar star 1
sc = simpleTypeScheme ty
return $ mkPState i r sc ty $ getTokenList termStr r
mkApplTokState :: Index -> Id -> State Int (PState a)
mkApplTokState i r =
do tv1 <- freshVar
tv2 <- freshVar
let ty1 = TypeName tv1 star 1
ty2 = TypeName tv2 star 1
tappl = FunType ty1 PFunArr ty2 []
t2appl = FunType tappl PFunArr tappl []
sc = simpleTypeScheme t2appl
return $ mkPState i r sc t2appl $ getTokenList termStr r
mkTupleTokState :: Index -> Id -> State Int (PState a)
mkTupleTokState i r =
do tv1 <- freshVar
tv2 <- freshVar
let ty1 = TypeName tv1 star 1
ty2 = TypeName tv2 star 1
tuple = ProductType [ty1, ty2] []
tappl = FunType ty1 PFunArr (FunType ty2 PFunArr tuple []) []
sc = simpleTypeScheme tappl
return $ mkPState i r sc tappl $ getTokenList termStr r
mkParenTokState :: Index -> Id -> State Int (PState a)
mkParenTokState i r =
do tv1 <- freshVar
let ty1 = TypeName tv1 star 1
tappl = FunType ty1 PFunArr ty1 []
sc = simpleTypeScheme tappl
return $ mkPState i r sc tappl $ getTokenList termStr r
initialState :: GlobalAnnos -> Assumps -> Index -> State Int [PState a]
initialState g as i =
do let ids = concatMap (\ (ide, l) -> map ( \ e -> (ide, e)) l)
$ Map.toList as
ls <- listStates g i
l1 <- mapM (mkMixfixState i) ids
l2 <- mapM (mkPlainApplState i) $ filter (isMixfix . fst) ids
a <- mkApplTokState i applId
p <- mkParenTokState i parenId
t <- mkTupleTokState i tupleId
l3 <- mapM (mkTokState i)
return (a:p:t:ls ++ l1 ++ l2 ++ l3)
-- recognize next token (possible introduce new tuple variable)
scanState :: TypeMap -> (Type, a) -> Token -> PState a
-> State Int [PState a]
scanState tm (ty, trm) t p =
do let ts = restRule p
if null ts || head ts /= t then return []
else if t == commaTok then -- list and tuple elements separator
do tvar <- freshVar
let nextTy = TypeName tvar star 1
newTy = case ruleType p of
FunType lastTy PFunArr (ProductType tys ps) _ ->
FunType lastTy PFunArr
(FunType nextTy PFunArr (ProductType (tys++[nextTy]) ps)
[]) []
_ -> error "scanState"
return [ p { restRule = termTok : commaTok : tail ts
, ruleType = newTy }
, p { restRule = termTok : tail ts }]
else return $
if t == opTok || t == inTok then
let mp = do q <- filterByType tm (ty,trm) p
return q { ruleType = ty, restRule = tail ts }
in maybeToList mp
else [p { restRule = tail ts, posList = tokPos t : posList p }]
-- construct resulting term from PState
stateToAppl :: PState Term -> Term
stateToAppl p =
let r = ruleId p
sc@(TypeScheme _ (_ :=> ty) _) = ruleScheme p
ar = reverse $ ruleArgs p
qs = reverse $ posList p
in if r == inId
|| r == parenId
|| r == opId
then head ar
else if r == applId then
ApplTerm (head ar) (head (tail ar)) qs
else if r == tupleId || r == unitId then TupleTerm ar qs
else addFunArguments (ty, QualOp (InstOpId r [] []) sc qs)
$ concatMap expandArgument ar
expandArgument :: Term -> [Term]
expandArgument arg =
case arg of
TupleTerm ts _ -> concatMap expandArgument ts
_ -> [arg]
addFunArguments :: (Type, Term) -> [Term] -> Term
addFunArguments (ty, trm) args =
if null args then trm else
case ty of
FunType t1 _ t2 _ ->
let arg: rest = getArgument t1 args in
addFunArguments (t2, ApplTerm trm arg []) rest
_ -> error "addFunArguments"
getArgument :: Type -> [Term] -> [Term]
getArgument ty args =
case ty of
ProductType ts _ ->
let (trms, rest) = getArguments ts args in
TupleTerm trms [] : rest
_ -> if null args then error "getArgument"
else args
getArguments :: [Type] -> [Term] -> ([Term], [Term])
getArguments [] args = ([], args)
getArguments (t:rt) args =
let trm : restArgs = getArgument t args
(nextTrms, finalArgs) = getArguments rt restArgs
in (trm:nextTrms, finalArgs)
toAppl :: GlobalAnnos -> PState Term -> Term
toAppl g s = let i = ruleId s in
if isListId i then
let Id _ [f] _ = i
ListCons b c = getLiteralType g f
(b1, _, _) = getListBrackets b
cl = length $ getTokenList place b
nb1 = length b1
ra = reverse $ ruleArgs s
na = length ra
br = reverse $ posList s
nb = length br
mkList [] ps = asAppl c [] (head ps)
mkList (hd:tl) ps = asAppl f [hd, mkList tl (tail ps)] (head ps)
in if null ra then asAppl c []
(if null br then nullPos else head br)
else if nb + 2 == cl + na then
let br1 = drop (nb1 - 1) br
in mkList ra br1
else error "toAppl"
else stateToAppl s
asAppl :: Id -> [Term] -> Pos -> Term
asAppl f args p = let pos = if null args then [] else [p]
in ApplTerm (QualOp (InstOpId f [] [])
(simpleTypeScheme $ MixfixType [])
[]) (TupleTerm args []) pos
-- precedence graph stuff
checkArg :: GlobalAnnos -> AssocEither -> Id -> Id -> Bool
checkArg g dir op arg =
if arg == op
then isAssoc dir (assoc_annos g) op || not (isInfix op)
case precRel (prec_annos g) op arg of
Lower -> True
Higher -> False
BothDirections -> False
NoDirection -> not $ isInfix arg
checkAnyArg :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> Id -> Bool
checkAnyArg g op arg =
case precRel (prec_annos g) op arg of
BothDirections -> isInfix op && op == arg
_ -> True
isLeftArg, isRightArg :: Id -> Int -> Bool
isLeftArg (Id ts _ _) n = n + 1 == (length $ takeWhile isPlace ts)
isRightArg (Id ts _ _) n = n == (length $ filter isPlace ts) -
(length $ takeWhile isPlace (reverse ts))
filterByPrec :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> PState a -> Bool
filterByPrec g argIde
PState { ruleId = opIde, ruleArgs = args, restRule = ts } =
if null ts then False else
if head ts == termTok then
if isListId opIde || isListId argIde || opIde == applId then True
else let n = length args in
if isLeftArg opIde n then
if isPostfix opIde && (isPrefix argIde
|| isInfix argIde) then False
else checkArg g ALeft opIde argIde
else if isRightArg opIde n then
if isPrefix opIde && isInfix argIde then False
else checkArg g ARight opIde argIde
else checkAnyArg g opIde argIde
else False
expandType :: TypeMap -> Type -> Type
expandType tm oldT =
case oldT of
TypeName _ _ _ -> fst $ expandAlias tm oldT
KindedType t _ _ -> t
LazyType t _ -> t
_ -> oldT
addArgState :: a -> PState a -> PState a
addArgState arg op = op { ruleArgs = arg : ruleArgs op }
filterByType :: TypeMap -> (Type, a) -> PState a -> Maybe (PState a)
filterByType tm argState@(_, argTerm) opState =
case expandType tm $ ruleType opState of
FunType t1 _ t2 _ ->
filterByArgument tm t1 [] t2 argState opState
TypeName _ _ v -> if v == 0 then Nothing
else Just $ addArgState argTerm opState
_ -> Nothing
filterByArgument :: TypeMap -> Type -> [Type] -> Type -> (Type, a)
-> PState a -> Maybe (PState a)
filterByArgument tm t1 tl t2 argState@(argType, argTerm) opState =
let ms = maybeResult $ unify tm t1 argType in
case ms of
Nothing ->
case expandType tm t1 of
ProductType (t:ts) _ -> filterByArgument tm t
(ts++tl) t2 argState opState
_ -> Nothing
Just s -> let newType = subst s $ foldr
( \ t ty -> FunType t PFunArr ty []) t2 tl
in return $ addArgState argTerm opState
{ruleType = newType}
filterByResultType :: TypeMap -> Type -> PState a -> Maybe (PState a)
filterByResultType tm ty p =
do let rt = ruleType p
s <- maybeResult $ unify tm ty rt
return p { ruleType = subst s rt }