MixAna.hs revision ee0c5c1f995da3283814a2b7680e9f9876223900
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder 2003
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Mixfix analysis of terms, adapted from the CASL analysis
module HasCASL.MixAna where
import HasCASL.As
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.GlobalAnnotationsFunctions
import CASL.MixfixParser
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
import qualified Char as C
import Data.List(intersperse)
-- Earley Algorithm
data GrSym = Terminal Token
| NonTerminal Type -- a term of type Type
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Rule = [GrSym]
data State = State Id -- the rule to match
[Pos] -- positions of Id tokens
[Term] -- currently collected arguments
-- both in reverse order
[Token] -- part of the rule after the "dot"
Int -- index into the ParseMap/input string
instance Eq State where
State r1 _ _ t1 p1 == State r2 _ _ t2 p2 =
r1 == r2 && t1 == t2 && p1 == p2
instance Ord State where
State r1 _ _ t1 p1 <= State r2 _ _ t2 p2 =
if r1 == r2 then
if t1 == t2 then p1 <= p2
else t1 <= t2
else r1 <= r2
instance Show State where
showsPrec _ (State r _ _ d p) = showChar '{'
. showSepList (showString "") showTok first
. showChar '.'
. showSepList (showString "") showTok d
. shows p . showChar '}'
where first = take (length v - length d) v
v = getTokenList True r
commaTok, parenTok, termTok :: Token
commaTok = mkSimpleId "," -- for list elements
termTok = mkSimpleId "(T)"
parenTok = mkSimpleId "(..)"
colonTok, asTok, varTok, opTok, predTok, inTok, caseTok, litTok :: Token
colonTok = mkSimpleId ":"
asTok = mkSimpleId "as"
inTok = mkSimpleId "in"
caseTok = mkSimpleId "case"
varTok = mkSimpleId "(v)"
opTok = mkSimpleId "(o)"
predTok = mkSimpleId "(p)"
litTok = mkSimpleId "\""
stripFinalPlaces :: Id -> Id
stripFinalPlaces (Id ts cs ps) =
Id (fst $ splitMixToken ts) cs ps
mkState :: Int -> Id -> State
mkState i ide = State ide [] [] (getTokenList False $ stripFinalPlaces ide) i
mkApplState :: Int -> Id -> State
mkApplState i ide = State ide [] []
(getTokenList True ide) i
listId :: Id
-- unique id (usually "[]" yields two tokens)
listId = Id [mkSimpleId "[]"] [] []
listStates :: GlobalAnnos -> Int -> [State]
-- no empty list (can be written down directly)
listStates g i =
let listState toks = State listId [] [] toks i
(b1, b2) = listBrackets g
in if null b1 || null b2 then []
else [ listState (b1 ++ [termTok] ++ b2)
, listState (b1 ++ [termTok, commaTok] ++ b2)]
-- these are the possible matches for the nonterminal (T)
-- the same states are used for the predictions
initialState :: GlobalAnnos -> Set.Set Id -> Int -> [State]
initialState g ids i =
let mkTokState toks = State (Id toks [] []) [] [] toks i
is = Set.toList ids
in mkTokState [parenTok] :
mkTokState [termTok, colonTok] :
mkTokState [termTok, asTok] :
mkTokState [termTok, inTok] :
mkTokState [varTok] :
mkTokState [opTok] :
mkTokState [litTok] :
mkTokState [termTok, termTok] :
listStates g i ++
map (mkState i) is ++
map (mkApplState i) is
type ParseMap = Map.Map Int [State]
lookUp :: (Ord a, MonadPlus m) => Map.Map a (m b) -> a -> (m b)
lookUp ce k = Map.findWithDefault mzero k ce
-- match (and shift) a token (or partially finished term)
scan :: Term -> Int -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
scan trm i m =
let t = case trm of
TermToken x -> if isLitToken x then litTok else
Map.insert (i+1) (
foldr (\ (State o b a ts k) l ->
if null ts || head ts /= t then l
else let p = tokPos t : b in
if t == commaTok && o == listId then
-- list elements separator
(State o p a
(termTok : commaTok : tail ts) k)
: (State o p a (termTok : tail ts) k) : l
else if t == parenTok then
(State o b (trm : a) (tail ts) k) : l
else if t == varTok || t == opTok || t == predTok then
(State o b [trm] (tail ts) k) : l
else if t == colonTok || t == asTok then
(State o b [mkTerm $ head a] [] k) : l
else (State o p a (tail ts) k) : l) []
(lookUp m i)) m
where mkTerm t1 = case trm of
_ -> t1
-- precedence graph stuff
checkArg :: GlobalAnnos -> AssocEither -> Id -> Id -> Bool
checkArg g dir op arg =
if arg == op
then isAssoc dir (assoc_annos g) op || not (isInfix op)
case precRel (prec_annos g) op arg of
Lower -> True
Higher -> False
ExplGroup BothDirections -> False
ExplGroup NoDirection -> not $ isInfix arg
checkAnyArg :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> Id -> Bool
checkAnyArg g op arg =
case precRel (prec_annos g) op arg of
ExplGroup BothDirections -> isInfix op && op == arg
_ -> True
isLeftArg, isRightArg :: Id -> Int -> Bool
isLeftArg (Id ts _ _) n = n + 1 == (length $ takeWhile isPlace ts)
isRightArg (Id ts _ _) n = n == (length $ filter isPlace ts) -
(length $ takeWhile isPlace (reverse ts))
filterByPrec :: GlobalAnnos -> State -> State -> Bool
filterByPrec _ _ (State _ _ _ [] _) = False
filterByPrec g (State argIde _ _ _ _) (State opIde _ args (hd:_) _) =
if hd == termTok then
if opIde == listId || argIde == listId then True
else let n = length args in
if isLeftArg opIde n then
if isPostfix opIde && (isPrefix argIde
|| isInfix argIde) then False
else checkArg g ALeft opIde argIde
else if isRightArg opIde n then
if isPrefix opIde && isInfix argIde then False
else checkArg g ARight opIde argIde
else checkAnyArg g opIde argIde
else False
-- reconstructing positions
setPlainIdePos :: Id -> [Pos] -> (Id, [Pos])
setPlainIdePos (Id ts cs _) ps =
let (places, toks) = span isPlace (reverse ts)
pls = reverse places
f = zipWith (\ a b -> up_pos (const b) a)
(ps1, ps2) = splitAt (length toks) ps
front = f (reverse toks) ps1
in if null cs then
let (ps3, ps4) = splitAt (length pls) ps2
in (Id (front ++ f pls ps3) [] [], ps4)
else let (newCs, ps3, ps4) = foldl (\ (prevCs, seps, rest) a ->
let (c1, qs) = setPlainIdePos a rest
in (c1: prevCs, head qs : seps, tail qs))
([], [head ps2], tail ps2) cs
(ps6, ps7) = splitAt (length pls) ps4
in (Id (front ++ f pls ps6) (reverse newCs) (reverse ps3), ps7)
stateToAppl :: State -> Term
stateToAppl (State ide rs a _ _) =
let vs = getTokenList True ide
ar = reverse a
_qs = reverse rs
in if vs == [termTok, colonTok]
|| vs == [termTok, asTok]
|| vs == [varTok]
|| vs == [opTok]
|| vs == [predTok]
|| vs == [parenTok]
then head ar
else head ar
asListAppl :: GlobalAnnos -> State -> Term
asListAppl g s@(State i bs a _ _) =
if i == listId then
case list_lit $ literal_annos g of
Nothing -> error "asListAppl"
Just (_, c, f) ->
let (b1, b2) = listBrackets g
nb1 = length b1
nb2 = length b2
ra = reverse a
na = length ra
nb = length bs
mkList [] ps = asAppl c [] (head ps)
mkList (hd:tl) ps = asAppl f [hd, mkList tl (tail ps)] (head ps)
in if null a then asAppl c [] (if null bs then nullPos else last bs)
else if nb + 1 == nb1 + nb2 + na then
let br = reverse bs
br1 = drop (nb1 - 1) br
in mkList (reverse a) br1
else error "asListAppl"
else stateToAppl s
-- final complete/reduction phase
-- when a grammar rule (mixfix Id) has been fully matched
collectArg :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> State -> [State]
-- pre: finished rule
collectArg g m s@(State _ _ _ _ k) =
map (\ (State o b a ts k1) ->
State o b (asListAppl g s : a)
(tail ts) k1)
$ filter (filterByPrec g s)
$ lookUp m k
compl :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> [State] -> [State]
compl g m l =
concat $ map (collectArg g m)
$ filter (\ (State _ _ _ ts _) -> null ts) l
complRec :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> [State] -> [State]
complRec g m l = let l1 = compl g m l in
if null l1 then l else complRec g m l1 ++ l
complete :: GlobalAnnos -> Int -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
complete g i m = Map.insert i (complRec g m $ lookUp m i) m
-- predict which rules/ids might match for (the) nonterminal(s) (termTok)
-- provided the "dot" is followed by a nonterminal
predict :: GlobalAnnos -> Set.Set Id -> Int -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
predict g is i m = if i /= 0 && any (\ (State _ _ _ ts _) -> not (null ts)
&& head ts == termTok)
(lookUp m i)
then Map.insertWith (++) i (initialState g is i) m
else m
type Chart = (Int, [Diagnosis], ParseMap)
nextState :: GlobalAnnos -> Set.Set Id -> Term -> Chart -> Chart
nextState g is trm (i, ds, m) =
let m1 = complete g (i+1) $
scan trm i $
predict g is i m
in if null (lookUp m1 (i+1)) && null ds
then (i+1, Diag Error ("unexpected mixfix token: "
++ show trm)
(nullPos) : ds, m)
else (i+1, ds, m1)
iterateStates :: GlobalAnnos -> Set.Set Id -> [Term] -> Chart -> Chart
iterateStates g ops terms c =
let self = iterateStates g ops
_resolveTerm = resolve g ops
in if null terms then c
else case head terms of
MixfixTerm ts -> self (ts ++ tail terms) c
BracketTerm _ ts ps ->
self (expand "[" "]" ts ps ++ tail terms) c
t -> self (tail terms) (nextState g ops t c)
where expand = expandPos TermToken
getAppls :: GlobalAnnos -> Int -> ParseMap -> [Term]
getAppls g i m =
map (asListAppl g) $
filter (\ (State _ _ _ ts k) -> null ts && k == 0) $
lookUp m i
resolve :: GlobalAnnos -> Set.Set Id -> Term -> Result Term
resolve g ops trm =
let (i, ds, m) = iterateStates g ops [trm]
(0, [], Map.single 0 $ initialState g ops 0)
ts = getAppls g i m
in if null ts then if null ds then
plain_error trm ("no resolution for term: "
++ show trm)
else Result ds (Just trm)
else if null $ tail ts then Result ds (Just (head ts))
else Result (Diag Error ("ambiguous mixfix term\n\t" ++
$ intersperse "\n\t"
$ map (show)
$ take 5 ts)) (nullPos) : ds) (Just trm)
asAppl :: Id -> [Term] -> Pos -> Term
asAppl f args p = let pos = if null args then [] else [p]
in ApplTerm (QualOp (InstOpId f [] [])
(simpleTypeScheme $ MixfixType [])
[]) (TupleTerm args []) pos