MixAna.hs revision cd9ca7488c0271465eacbc6224486565a7b5b719
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Mixfix analysis of terms and patterns, types annotations are also analysed
module HasCASL.MixAna where
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Keywords
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.Earley
import Common.ConvertLiteral
import Common.Lib.State
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import Data.Maybe
-- import Debug.Trace
-- import Control.Exception(assert)
assert :: Bool -> a -> a
assert b a = if b then a else error ("assert")
type Rule = (Id, Int, [Token])
trueId :: Id
trueId = mkId [mkSimpleId trueS]
falseId :: Id
falseId = mkId [mkSimpleId falseS]
ifThenElse :: Id
ifThenElse = mkId (map mkSimpleId [ifS, place, thenS, place, elseS, place])
whenElse :: Id
whenElse = mkId (map mkSimpleId [place, whenS, place, elseS, place])
mkInfix :: String -> Id
mkInfix s = mkId $ map mkSimpleId [place, s, place]
infixIf :: Id
infixIf = mkInfix ifS
exEq :: Id
exEq = mkInfix exEqual
eqId :: Id
eqId = mkInfix equalS
andId :: Id
andId = mkInfix lAnd
orId :: Id
orId = mkInfix lOr
implId :: Id
implId = mkInfix implS
eqvId :: Id
eqvId = mkInfix equivS
defId :: Id
defId = mkId $ map mkSimpleId [defS, place]
notId :: Id
notId = mkId $ map mkSimpleId [notS, place]
builtinRelIds :: Set.Set Id
builtinRelIds = Set.fromDistinctAscList [typeId, eqId, exEq, defId]
builtinLogIds :: Set.Set Id
builtinLogIds = Set.fromDistinctAscList
[andId, eqvId, implId, orId, infixIf, notId]
addBuiltins :: GlobalAnnos -> GlobalAnnos
addBuiltins ga =
let ass = assoc_annos ga
newAss = Map.union ass $ Map.fromList
[(applId, ALeft), (andId, ALeft), (orId, ALeft),
(implId, ARight), (infixIf, ALeft),
(whenElse, ARight)]
precs = prec_annos ga
pMap = Rel.toMap precs
opIds = Set.unions (Set.fromDistinctAscList (Map.keys pMap)
:Map.elems pMap)
opIs = Set.toList ((((Set.filter isInfix opIds)
Set.\\ builtinRelIds) Set.\\ builtinLogIds)
Set.\\ Set.fromDistinctAscList [applId, whenElse])
logs = [(eqvId, implId), (implId, andId), (implId, orId),
(eqvId, infixIf), (infixIf, andId), (infixIf, orId),
(andId, notId), (orId, notId)]
rels1 = map ( \ i -> (notId, i)) $ Set.toList builtinRelIds
rels2 = map ( \ i -> (i, whenElse)) $ Set.toList builtinRelIds
ops1 = map ( \ i -> (whenElse, i)) (applId : opIs)
ops2 = map ( \ i -> (i, applId)) (whenElse : opIs)
newPrecs = foldr (\ (a, b) p -> if Rel.member b a p then p else
Rel.insert a b p) precs $
concat [logs, rels1, rels2, ops1, ops2]
in ga { assoc_annos = newAss
, prec_annos = Rel.transClosure newPrecs }
opKindFilter :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Bool
opKindFilter relPrec arg op =
if op < arg then Just True
else if arg < op && (op <= relPrec || arg < relPrec) then Just False
else Nothing
mkPrecIntMap :: Rel.Rel Id -> PrecMap
mkPrecIntMap r =
let t = Rel.topSort r
l = length t
m = foldr ( \ (n, s) m1 ->
Set.fold ( \ i m2 ->Map.insert i n m2) m1 s)
Map.empty $ zip [1..l] t
in (m, Map.find eqId m, l)
getIdPrec :: PrecMap -> Set.Set Id -> Id -> Int
getIdPrec (pm, r, m) ps i = Map.findWithDefault
(if Set.member i ps then r
else m) i pm
initTermRules :: (PrecMap, Set.Set Id) -> Set.Set Id -> [Rule]
initTermRules (pm, ps) is =
(map ( \ i -> mixRule (getIdPrec pm ps i) i)
[unitId, parenId, tupleId, exprId, typeId, applId]
`Set.union` is))) ++
(map ( \ i -> (protect i, getIdPrec pm ps i, getPlainTokenList i))
(filter isMixfix $ Set.toList is))
addType :: Term -> Term -> Term
addType (TypedTerm _ qual ty ps) t = TypedTerm t qual ty ps
addType (MixInTerm ty ps) t = TypedTerm t InType ty ps
addType _ _ = error "addType"
toMixTerm :: Id -> Int -> [Term] -> [Pos] -> Term
toMixTerm ide _ ar qs =
if ide == applId then assert (length ar == 2) $
let [op, arg] = ar in ApplTerm op arg qs
else if ide == tupleId || ide == unitId then
mkTupleTerm ar qs
else ResolvedMixTerm ide ar qs
type TermChart = Chart Term Int
-- | find information for qualified operation
findOpId :: Assumps -> TypeMap -> Int -> UninstOpId -> Type -> Maybe OpInfo
findOpId as tm c i ty = listToMaybe $ fst $
partitionOpId as tm c i $ TypeScheme [] ([] :=> ty) []
iterateCharts :: GlobalAnnos -> [Term] -> TermChart
-> State Env TermChart
iterateCharts ga terms chart =
do e <- get
let ((_, relId, _), _) = preIds e
self = iterateCharts ga
oneStep = nextChart addType (opKindFilter relId)
toMixTerm ga chart
as = assumps e
tm = typeMap e
if null terms then return chart else
do let t:tt = terms
recurse trm = self tt $
oneStep (trm, exprTok {tokPos = posOfTerm trm})
case t of
MixfixTerm ts -> self (ts ++ tt) chart
MixInTerm _ ps -> self tt $ oneStep (t,
typeTok {tokPos = headPos ps})
BracketTerm b ts ps -> self
(expandPos TermToken (getBrackets b) ts ps ++ tt) chart
QualVar v typ ps -> do
mTyp <- anaStarType typ
case mTyp of
Nothing -> recurse t
Just nTyp -> do
let mi = findOpId as tm (counter e) v nTyp
case mi of
Nothing -> addDiags [mkDiag Error
"value not found" v]
_ -> return ()
recurse $ QualVar v nTyp ps
QualOp b io@(InstOpId v _ _)
(TypeScheme rs (qs :=> typ) ss) ps -> do
mTyp <- anaStarType typ
case mTyp of
Nothing -> recurse t
Just nTyp -> do
let mi = findOpId as tm (counter e) v nTyp
case mi of
Nothing -> addDiags [mkDiag Error
"value not found" v]
_ -> return ()
recurse $ QualOp b io
(TypeScheme rs (qs :=> nTyp) ss) ps
TypedTerm hd tqual typ ps -> do
mTyp <- anaStarType typ
case mTyp of
Nothing -> recurse t
Just nTyp -> do
mt <- resolve ga hd
let newT = case mt of Just trm -> trm
_ -> hd
recurse $ TypedTerm newT tqual nTyp ps
QuantifiedTerm quant decls hd ps -> do
newDs <- mapM anaGenVarDecl decls
mt <- resolve ga hd
putAssumps as
putTypeMap tm
let newT = case mt of Just trm -> trm
_ -> hd
recurse $ QuantifiedTerm quant (catMaybes newDs) newT ps
LambdaTerm decls part hd ps -> do
mDecls <- mapM (resolveConstrPattern ga) decls
let newDecls = catMaybes mDecls
l <- mapM extractBindings newDecls
let bs = concatMap snd l
checkUniqueVars bs
mapM_ addVarDecl bs
mt <- resolve ga hd
putAssumps as
let newT = case mt of Just trm -> trm
_ -> hd
recurse $ LambdaTerm (map fst l) part newT ps
CaseTerm hd eqs ps -> do
mt <- resolve ga hd
let newT = case mt of Just trm -> trm
_ -> hd
newEs <- resolveCaseEqs ga eqs
recurse $ CaseTerm newT newEs ps
LetTerm b eqs hd ps -> do
newEs <- resolveLetEqs ga eqs
mt <- resolve ga hd
let newT = case mt of Just trm -> trm
_ -> hd
putAssumps as
recurse $ LetTerm b newEs newT ps
TermToken tok -> do
let (ds1, trm) = convertMixfixToken
(literal_annos ga)
ResolvedMixTerm TermToken tok
addDiags ds1
self tt $ oneStep $
case trm of
TermToken _ -> (trm, tok)
_ -> (trm, exprTok
{tokPos = tokPos tok})
_ -> error ("iterCharts: " ++ show t)
resolve :: GlobalAnnos -> Term -> State Env (Maybe Term)
resolve ga trm =
do as <- gets assumps
ps <- gets preIds
chart<- iterateCharts ga [trm] $
initChart (initTermRules ps $ Set.fromDistinctAscList
$ Map.keys as) Set.empty
let Result ds mr = getResolved showPretty (posOfTerm trm)
toMixTerm chart
addDiags ds
return mr
-- * equation stuff
resolveCaseEq :: GlobalAnnos -> ProgEq -> State Env (Maybe ProgEq)
resolveCaseEq ga (ProgEq p t ps) =
do mp <- resolveConstrPattern ga p
case mp of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just np -> do
as <- gets assumps
(newP, bs) <- extractBindings np
checkUniqueVars bs
mapM_ addVarDecl bs
mtt <- resolve ga t
putAssumps as
return $ case mtt of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just newT -> Just $ ProgEq newP newT ps
resolveCaseEqs :: GlobalAnnos -> [ProgEq] -> State Env [ProgEq]
resolveCaseEqs _ [] = return []
resolveCaseEqs ga (eq:rt) =
do mEq <- resolveCaseEq ga eq
eqs <- resolveCaseEqs ga rt
return $ case mEq of
Nothing -> eqs
Just newEq -> newEq : eqs
resolveLetEqs :: GlobalAnnos -> [ProgEq] -> State Env [ProgEq]
resolveLetEqs _ [] = return []
resolveLetEqs ga (ProgEq pat trm ps : rt) =
do mPat <- resolveConstrPattern ga pat
case mPat of
Nothing -> do resolve ga trm
resolveLetEqs ga rt
Just nPat -> do
(newPat, bs) <- extractBindings nPat
checkUniqueVars bs
mapM addVarDecl bs
mTrm <- resolve ga trm
case mTrm of
Nothing -> resolveLetEqs ga rt
Just newTrm -> do
eqs <- resolveLetEqs ga rt
return (ProgEq newPat newTrm ps : eqs)
-- * pattern stuff
-- | extract bindings from a pattern
extractBindings :: Pattern -> State Env (Pattern, [VarDecl])
extractBindings pat =
case pat of
PatternVar l@(VarDecl v t sk ps) -> case t of
MixfixType [] ->
do tvar <- toEnvState freshVar
let ty = TypeName tvar star 1
vd = VarDecl v ty sk ps
return (PatternVar vd, [vd])
_ -> do mt <- anaStarType t
case mt of
Just ty -> do
let vd = VarDecl v ty sk ps
return (PatternVar vd, [vd])
_ -> return (pat, [l])
-- PatternConstr _ _ _ -> return (pat, [])
ResolvedMixPattern i pats ps -> do
l <- mapM extractBindings pats
return (ResolvedMixPattern i (map fst l) ps, concatMap snd l)
ApplPattern p1 p2 ps -> do
(p3, l1) <- extractBindings p1
(p4, l2) <- extractBindings p2
return (ApplPattern p3 p4 ps, l1 ++ l2)
TuplePattern pats ps -> do
l <- mapM extractBindings pats
return (mkTuplePattern (map fst l) ps, concatMap snd l)
TypedPattern p ty ps -> do
mt <- anaStarType ty
let newT = case mt of Just t -> t
_ -> ty
case p of
PatternVar (VarDecl v (MixfixType []) sk _) -> do
let vd = VarDecl v newT sk ps
return (PatternVar vd, [vd])
_ -> do (newP, bs) <- extractBindings p
return (TypedPattern newP newT ps, bs)
AsPattern p1 p2 ps -> do
(p3, l1) <- extractBindings p1
(p4, l2) <- extractBindings p2
return (AsPattern p3 p4 ps, l1 ++ l2)
_ -> return (pat, [])
-- _ -> error ("extractBindings: " ++ show pat)
resolveConstrPattern :: GlobalAnnos -> Pattern
-> State Env (Maybe Pattern)
resolveConstrPattern ga pat =
do as <- gets assumps
let newAs = filterAssumps ( \ o -> case opDefn o of
ConstructData _ -> True
VarDefn -> True
_ -> False) as
putAssumps newAs
mp <- resolvePattern ga pat
putAssumps as
return mp
initPatternRules :: (PrecMap, Set.Set Id) -> [Id] -> [Rule]
initPatternRules (pm, ps) is =
map ( \ i -> mixRule (getIdPrec pm ps i) i)
([parenId, tupleId, exprId, unknownId, applId]
++ is) ++
map ( \ i -> (protect i, getIdPrec pm ps i,
getPlainTokenList i )) (filter isMixfix is)
addPatternType :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
addPatternType (TypedPattern _ ty ps) p = TypedPattern p ty ps
addPatternType _ _ = error "addPatternType"
mkPatAppl :: Pattern -> Pattern -> [Pos] -> Pattern
mkPatAppl op arg qs =
case op of
ResolvedMixPattern i as ps ->
ResolvedMixPattern i (as++[arg]) (ps++qs)
PatternVar (VarDecl i (MixfixType []) _ _) ->
ResolvedMixPattern i [arg] qs
TypedPattern p ty ps ->
TypedPattern (mkPatAppl p arg qs) ty ps
_ -> error ("mkPatAppl: " ++ show op)
toPat :: Id -> Int -> [Pattern] -> [Pos] -> Pattern
toPat i _ ar qs =
if i == applId then assert (length ar == 2) $
let [op, arg] = ar in mkPatAppl op arg qs
else if i == tupleId then
mkTuplePattern ar qs
else if isUnknownId i then
PatternVar (VarDecl (simpleIdToId $ unToken i)
(MixfixType []) Other qs)
else ResolvedMixPattern i
(if null ar then []
else if isSingle ar then [head ar]
else [mkTuplePattern ar qs]) qs
type PatChart = Chart Pattern Int
iterPatCharts :: GlobalAnnos -> [Pattern] -> PatChart -> State Env PatChart
iterPatCharts ga pats chart=
let self = iterPatCharts ga
oneStep = nextChart addPatternType (opKindFilter 0)
toPat ga chart
in if null pats then return chart
do let p:pp = pats
recurse pt = self pp $
oneStep (pt, exprTok {tokPos = posOfPat pt})
case p of
MixfixPattern ps -> self (ps ++ pp) chart
BracketPattern b ps qs -> self
(expandPos PatternToken (getBrackets b) ps qs ++ pp) chart
TypedPattern hd typ ps -> do
mp <- resolvePattern ga hd
let np = case mp of Just pt -> pt
_ -> p
recurse $ TypedPattern np typ ps
PatternToken tok -> self pp $ oneStep (p, tok)
_ -> error ("iterPatCharts: " ++ show p)
getKnowns :: Id -> Knowns
getKnowns (Id ts cs _) = Set.union (Set.fromList (map tokStr ts)) $
Set.unions (map getKnowns cs)
resolvePattern :: GlobalAnnos -> Pattern -> State Env (Maybe Pattern)
resolvePattern ga pat =
do as <- gets assumps
ps <- gets preIds
let ids = Map.keys as
ks = Set.union (Set.fromList (tokStr exprTok: inS :
map (:[]) "{}[](),"))
$ Set.unions $ map getKnowns ids
chart <- iterPatCharts ga [pat] $ initChart (initPatternRules ps ids) ks
let Result ds mp = getResolved showPretty (posOfPat pat) toPat chart
addDiags ds
return mp