{- |
Module : ./HasCASL/MixAna.hs
Description : mixfix analysis for terms
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Mixfix analysis of terms and patterns, type annotations are also analysed
module HasCASL.MixAna
( resolve
, anaPolyId
, makeRules
, getPolyIds
, iterateCharts
, toMixTerm
, uTok
) where
import Common.AnnoParser
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.ConvertMixfixToken
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Earley
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Parsec
import Common.Prec
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.PrintAs
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.ParseTerm
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad
addType :: Term -> Term -> Term
addType (MixTypeTerm q ty ps) t = TypedTerm t q ty ps
addType _ _ = error "addType"
-- | try to reparse terms as a compound list
isCompoundList :: Set.Set [Id] -> [Term] -> Bool
isCompoundList compIds =
maybe False (`Set.member` compIds) . mapM reparseAsId
isTypeList :: Env -> [Term] -> Bool
isTypeList e l = case mapM termToType l of
Nothing -> False
Just ts ->
let Result ds ml = mapM ( \ t -> anaTypeM (Nothing, t) e) ts
in isJust ml && not (hasErrors ds)
termToType :: Term -> Maybe Type
termToType t = case P.runParser ((case getPosList t of
[] -> return ()
p : _ -> P.setPosition $ fromPos p)
>> parseType << P.eof) (emptyAnnos ()) "" $ showDoc t "" of
Right x -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
anaPolyId :: PolyId -> TypeScheme -> State Env (Maybe TypeScheme)
anaPolyId (PolyId i@(Id _ cs _) _ _) sc = do
mSc <- anaTypeScheme sc
case mSc of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just newSc@(TypeScheme tvars _ _) -> do
e <- get
let ids = Set.unions
[ Map.keysSet $ classMap e
, Map.keysSet $ typeMap e
, Map.keysSet $ assumps e ]
es = filter (not . flip Set.member ids) cs
addDiags $ map (mkDiag (if null tvars then Hint else Warning)
"unexpected identifier in compound list") es
unless (null cs || null tvars)
$ addDiags [mkDiag Hint "is polymorphic compound identifier" i]
return $ Just newSc
resolveQualOp :: PolyId -> TypeScheme -> State Env TypeScheme
resolveQualOp i@(PolyId j _ _) sc = do
mSc <- anaPolyId i sc
e <- get
case mSc of
Nothing -> return sc -- and previous
Just nSc -> do
when (Set.null $ Set.filter ((== nSc) . opType)
$ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty j $ assumps e)
$ addDiags [mkDiag Error "operation not found" j]
return nSc
iterateCharts :: GlobalAnnos -> Set.Set Id -> Set.Set [Id] -> [Term]
-> Chart Term -> State Env (Chart Term)
iterateCharts ga sIds compIds terms chart = do
e <- get
let self = iterateCharts ga sIds compIds
oneStep = nextChart addType (toMixTerm e) ga chart
vs = localVars e
tm = typeMap e
case terms of
[] -> return chart
t : tt -> let recurse trm = self tt $ oneStep
(trm, exprTok {tokPos = getRange trm}) in case t of
MixfixTerm ts -> self (ts ++ tt) chart
MixTypeTerm q typ ps -> do
mTyp <- anaStarType typ
case mTyp of
Nothing -> recurse t
Just nTyp -> self tt $ oneStep
(MixTypeTerm q (monoType nTyp) ps, typeTok {tokPos = ps})
BracketTerm b ts ps ->
let bres = self (expandPos TermToken
(getBrackets b) ts ps ++ tt) chart in case (b, ts, tt) of
(Squares, _ : _, _)
| isCompoundList compIds ts -> do
addDiags [mkDiag Hint "is compound list" t]
| isTypeList e ts -> do
let testChart = oneStep (t, typeInstTok {tokPos = ps})
if null $ solveDiags testChart then do
addDiags [mkDiag Hint "is type list" t]
self tt testChart
else bres
(Parens, [QualOp b2 v sc [] _ ps2], hd@(BracketTerm Squares
ts2@(_ : _) ps3) : rtt)
| isTypeList e ts2 -> do
addDiags [mkDiag Hint "is type list" ts2]
nSc <- resolveQualOp v sc
self rtt $ oneStep
( QualOp b2 v nSc (bracketTermToTypes e hd) UserGiven ps2
, exprTok {tokPos = appRange ps ps3})
_ -> bres
QualVar (VarDecl v typ ok ps) -> do
mTyp <- anaStarType typ
recurse $ maybe t ( \ nType -> QualVar $ VarDecl v (monoType nType)
ok ps) mTyp
QualOp b v sc [] k ps -> do
nSc <- resolveQualOp v sc
recurse $ QualOp b v nSc [] k ps
QuantifiedTerm quant decls hd ps -> do
newDs <- mapM (anaddGenVarDecl False) decls
mt <- resolve hd
putLocalVars vs
putTypeMap tm
recurse $ QuantifiedTerm quant (catMaybes newDs) (fromMaybe hd mt) ps
LambdaTerm decls part hd ps -> do
mDecls <- mapM resolve decls
let anaDecls = catMaybes mDecls
bs = concatMap extractVars anaDecls
checkUniqueVars bs
mapM_ (addLocalVar False) bs
mt <- resolve hd
putLocalVars vs
recurse $ LambdaTerm anaDecls part (fromMaybe hd mt) ps
CaseTerm hd eqs ps -> do
mt <- resolve hd
newEs <- resolveCaseEqs eqs
recurse $ CaseTerm (fromMaybe hd mt) newEs ps
LetTerm b eqs hd ps -> do
newEs <- resolveLetEqs eqs
mt <- resolve hd
putLocalVars vs
recurse $ LetTerm b newEs (fromMaybe hd mt) ps
TermToken tok -> do
let (ds1, trm) = convertMixfixToken (literal_annos ga)
(flip ResolvedMixTerm []) TermToken tok
addDiags ds1
self tt $ oneStep $ case trm of
TermToken _ -> (trm, tok)
_ -> (trm, exprTok {tokPos = tokPos tok})
AsPattern vd p ps -> do
mp <- resolve p
recurse $ AsPattern vd (fromMaybe p mp) ps
TypedTerm trm k ty ps -> do
-- assume that type is analysed
mt <- resolve trm
recurse $ TypedTerm (fromMaybe trm mt) k ty ps
_ -> error ("iterCharts: " ++ show t)
-- * equation stuff
resolveCaseEq :: ProgEq -> State Env (Maybe ProgEq)
resolveCaseEq (ProgEq p t ps) = do
mp <- resolve p
case mp of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just newP -> do
let bs = extractVars newP
checkUniqueVars bs
vs <- gets localVars
mapM_ (addLocalVar False) bs
mtt <- resolve t
putLocalVars vs
return $ case mtt of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just newT -> Just $ ProgEq newP newT ps
resolveCaseEqs :: [ProgEq] -> State Env [ProgEq]
resolveCaseEqs eqs = case eqs of
[] -> return []
eq : rt -> do
mEq <- resolveCaseEq eq
reqs <- resolveCaseEqs rt
return $ case mEq of
Nothing -> reqs
Just newEq -> newEq : reqs
resolveLetEqs :: [ProgEq] -> State Env [ProgEq]
resolveLetEqs eqs = case eqs of
[] -> return []
ProgEq pat trm ps : rt -> do
mPat <- resolve pat
case mPat of
Nothing -> do
resolve trm
resolveLetEqs rt
Just newPat -> do
let bs = extractVars newPat
checkUniqueVars bs
mapM_ (addLocalVar False) bs
mTrm <- resolve trm
case mTrm of
Nothing -> resolveLetEqs rt
Just newTrm -> do
reqs <- resolveLetEqs rt
return $ ProgEq newPat newTrm ps : reqs
mkPatAppl :: Term -> Term -> Range -> Term
mkPatAppl op arg qs = case op of
QualVar (VarDecl i (MixfixType []) _ _) -> ResolvedMixTerm i [] [arg] qs
_ -> ApplTerm op arg qs
bracketTermToTypes :: Env -> Term -> [Type]
bracketTermToTypes e t = case t of
BracketTerm Squares tys _ ->
map (monoType . snd) $ fromMaybe (error "bracketTermToTypes")
$ maybeResult $ mapM ( \ ty -> anaTypeM (Nothing, ty) e)
$ fromMaybe (error "bracketTermToTypes1") $ mapM termToType tys
_ -> error "bracketTermToTypes2"
toMixTerm :: Env -> Id -> [Term] -> Range -> Term
toMixTerm e i ar qs
| i == applId = assert (length ar == 2) $
let [op, arg] = ar in mkPatAppl op arg qs
| elem i [tupleId, unitId] = mkTupleTerm ar qs
| otherwise = case unPolyId i of
Just j@(Id ts _ _) -> if isMixfix j && isSingle ar then
ResolvedMixTerm j (bracketTermToTypes e $ head ar) [] qs
else assert (length ar == 1 + placeCount j) $
let (far, tar : sar) =
splitAt (placeCount $ mkId $ fst $ splitMixToken ts) ar
in ResolvedMixTerm j (bracketTermToTypes e tar) (far ++ sar) qs
_ -> ResolvedMixTerm i [] ar qs
getKnowns :: Id -> Set.Set Token
getKnowns (Id ts cs _) =
Set.union (Set.fromList ts) $ Set.unions $ map getKnowns cs
resolve :: Term -> State Env (Maybe Term)
resolve trm = do
e <- get
let ass = assumps e
ga = globAnnos e
(addRule, ruleS, sIds) = makeRules ga (preIds e) (getPolyIds ass)
$ Set.union (Map.keysSet $ binders e)
$ Set.union (Map.keysSet ass)
$ Map.keysSet $ localVars e
chart <- iterateCharts ga sIds (getCompoundLists e) [trm]
$ initChart addRule ruleS
let Result ds mr = getResolved (showDoc . parenTerm) (getRange trm)
(toMixTerm e) chart
addDiags ds
return mr
getPolyIds :: Assumps -> Set.Set Id
getPolyIds = Set.unions . map ( \ (i, s) ->
Set.fold ( \ oi -> case opType oi of
TypeScheme (_ : _) _ _ -> Set.insert i
_ -> id) Set.empty s) . Map.toList
uTok :: Token
uTok = mkSimpleId "_"
builtinIds :: [Id]
builtinIds = [unitId, parenId, tupleId, exprId, typeId, applId]
makeRules :: GlobalAnnos -> (PrecMap, Set.Set Id) -> Set.Set Id
-> Set.Set Id -> (TokRules, Rules, Set.Set Id)
makeRules ga ps@(p, _) polyIds aIds =
let (sIds, ids) = Set.partition isSimpleId aIds
ks = Set.fold (Set.union . getKnowns) Set.empty ids
rIds = Set.union ids $ Set.intersection sIds $ Set.map simpleIdToId ks
m2 = maxWeight p + 2
in ( \ tok -> if isSimpleToken tok && not (Set.member tok ks)
|| tok == uTok
then Set.singleton (simpleIdToId tok, m2, [tok])
else Set.empty
, partitionRules $ listRules m2 ga ++
initRules ps (Set.toList polyIds) builtinIds (Set.toList rIds)
, sIds)
initRules :: (PrecMap, Set.Set Id) -> [Id] -> [Id] -> [Id] -> [Rule]
initRules (p, ps) polyIds bs is =
map ( \ i -> mixRule (getIdPrec p ps i) i)
(bs ++ is) ++
map ( \ i -> (protect i, maxWeight p + 3, getPlainTokenList i))
(filter isMixfix is) ++
-- identifiers with a positive number of type arguments
map ( \ i -> ( polyId i, getIdPrec p ps i
, getPolyTokenList i)) polyIds ++
map ( \ i -> ( protect $ polyId i, maxWeight p + 3
, getPlainPolyTokenList i)) (filter isMixfix polyIds)