MixAna.hs revision 950766f1e2b0a1f7e502982c7dacfbf96ec3cb3a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder 2003
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Mixfix analysis of terms, adapted from the CASL analysis
module HasCASL.MixAna where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.PrintAs
import HasCASL.Le
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.GlobalAnnotationsFunctions
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.Lexer
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Lib.State
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import HasCASL.Unify
-- Earley Algorithm
-- avoid confusion with the variable counter Int
newtype Index = Index Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- deriving Num is also possible
-- but the following functions are sufficient
startIndex :: Index
startIndex = Index 0
-- (also hiding (==) seems not possible)
isStartIndex :: Index -> Bool
isStartIndex = (== startIndex)
incrIndex :: Index -> Index
incrIndex (Index i) = Index (i + 1)
data PState = PState { ruleId :: Id -- the rule to match
, ruleScheme :: TypeScheme -- to make id unique
, ruleType :: Type -- type of Id
, posList :: [Pos] -- positions of Id tokens
, ruleArgs :: [Term] -- currently collected arguments
-- both in reverse order
, restRule :: [Token] -- part of the rule after the "dot"
, stateNo :: Index -- index into the ParseMap/input string
instance Eq PState where
PState r1 s1 _ _ _ t1 p1 == PState r2 s2 _ _ _ t2 p2 =
(r1, s1, t1, p1) == (r2, s2, t2, p2)
instance Show PState where
showsPrec _ p =
let d = restRule p
v = getTokenList place (ruleId p)
first = take (length v - length d) v
Index i = stateNo p
in showChar '{'
. showSepList (showString "") showTok first
. showChar '.'
. showSepList (showString "") showTok d
. shows i . showChar '}'
termStr :: String
termStr = "(T)"
commaTok, parenTok, termTok :: Token
commaTok = mkSimpleId "," -- for list elements
termTok = mkSimpleId termStr
parenTok = mkSimpleId "(..)"
colonTok, asTok, varTok, opTok, predTok, inTok, caseTok, litTok :: Token
colonTok = mkSimpleId ":"
asTok = mkSimpleId "as"
inTok = mkSimpleId "in"
caseTok = mkSimpleId "case"
varTok = mkSimpleId "(v)"
opTok = mkSimpleId "(o)"
predTok = mkSimpleId "(p)"
litTok = mkSimpleId "\""
mkRuleId :: [Token] -> Id
mkRuleId toks = Id toks [] []
applId, parenId, colonId, asId, inId, varId, opId, litId :: Id
applId = mkRuleId [termTok, termTok]
parenId = mkRuleId [parenTok]
colonId = mkRuleId [termTok, colonTok]
asId = mkRuleId [termTok, asTok]
inId = mkRuleId [termTok, inTok]
varId = mkRuleId [varTok]
opId = mkRuleId [opTok]
litId = mkRuleId [litTok]
mkPState :: Index -> Id -> TypeScheme -> Type -> [Token] -> PState
mkPState ind ide sc ty toks =
PState { ruleId = ide
, ruleScheme = sc
, ruleType = ty
, posList = []
, ruleArgs = []
, restRule = toks
, stateNo = ind }
mkState :: Index -> (Id, OpInfo) -> State Int PState
mkState i (ide, info) =
do let sc = opType info
t <- freshInst sc
let stripped = case t of
FunType t1 _ _ _ ->
case t1 of
ProductType _ _ -> ide
_ -> stripFinalPlaces ide
_ -> stripFinalPlaces ide
return $ mkPState i stripped sc t $ getTokenList termStr stripped
mkApplState :: Index -> (Id, OpInfo) -> State Int PState
mkApplState i (ide, info) =
do let sc = opType info
t <- freshInst sc
return $ mkPState i ide sc t $ getTokenList place ide
listToken :: Token
listToken = mkSimpleId "[]"
listId :: Id -> Id
-- unique id (usually "[]" yields two tokens)
listId i = Id [listToken] [i] []
isListId :: Id -> Bool
isListId (Id ts cs _) = head ts == listToken && length cs == 1
listStates :: GlobalAnnos -> Index -> State Int [PState]
-- no empty list (can be written down directly)
listStates g i =
do ty <- freshType star
let lists = list_lit $ literal_annos g
listState co toks = mkPState i (listId co) (simpleTypeScheme $
BracketType Squares [] [])
ty toks
in return $ concatMap ( \ (bs, n, c) ->
let (b1, b2, cs) = getListBrackets bs
e = Id (b1 ++ b2) cs [] in
(if e == n then [] -- add b1 ++ b2 if its not yet included by n
else [listState c $ getTokenList place e]) ++
[listState c (b1 ++ [termTok] ++ b2)
, listState c (b1 ++ [termTok, commaTok] ++ b2)]
) $ Set.toList lists
-- these are the possible matches for the nonterminal (T)
-- the same states are used for the predictions
initialState :: GlobalAnnos -> [(Id, OpInfo)] -> Index -> State Int [PState]
initialState g ids i =
do ls <- listStates g i
l1 <- mapM (mkState i) ids
l2 <- mapM (mkApplState i) $ filter (isMixfix . fst) ids
let ty = MixfixType []
sc = simpleTypeScheme ty
mkTokState r = mkPState i r sc ty $ getTokenList place r
return (mkTokState parenId :
mkTokState colonId :
mkTokState asId :
mkTokState inId :
mkTokState varId :
mkTokState opId :
mkTokState litId :
mkTokState applId :
ls ++ l1 ++ l2)
lookUp :: (Ord a) => Map.Map a [b] -> a -> [b]
lookUp ce k = Map.findWithDefault [] k ce
data ParseMap = ParseMap { varCount :: Int
, typeAliases :: TypeMap
, lastIndex :: Index
, failDiags :: [Diagnosis]
, parseMap :: Map.Map Index [PState]
-- match (and shift) a token (or partially finished term)
scan :: Term -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
scan trm pm =
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm
t = case trm of
TermToken x -> if isLitToken x then litTok else
_ -> litTok
incI = incrIndex i
pm { lastIndex = incI
, parseMap = Map.insert incI (
foldr (\ p l ->
let ts = restRule p
a = ruleArgs p in
if null ts || head ts /= t then l
else if t == commaTok then
-- list elements separator
p { restRule = termTok : commaTok : tail ts }
: p { restRule = termTok : tail ts } : l
else if t == parenTok || t == litTok then
p { restRule = tail ts, ruleArgs = trm : a } : l
else if t == varTok || t == opTok || t == predTok then
p { restRule = tail ts, ruleArgs = [trm] } : l
else if t == colonTok || t == asTok then
p { restRule = [], ruleArgs = [mkTerm $ head a] } : l
else p { restRule = tail ts, posList = tokPos t : posList p } : l
) [] (lookUp m i)) m }
where mkTerm t1 = case trm of
_ -> t1
-- construct resulting term from PState
stateToAppl :: PState -> Term
stateToAppl p =
let r = ruleId p
ar = reverse $ ruleArgs p
qs = reverse $ posList p
in if r == colonId
|| r == asId
|| r == inId
|| r == litId
|| r == parenId
|| r == varId
|| r == opId
then head ar
else if r == applId then
ApplTerm (head ar) (head (tail ar)) qs
else foldr (\ (a, q) t -> ApplTerm t a [q])
(QualOp (InstOpId (ruleId p) [] []) (ruleScheme p) qs)
$ zip ar (posList p ++ repeat (if null qs then nullPos
else last qs))
toAppl :: GlobalAnnos -> PState -> Term
toAppl g s = let i = ruleId s in
if isListId i then
let Id _ [f] _ = i
ListCons b c = getLiteralType g f
(b1, _, _) = getListBrackets b
cl = length $ getTokenList place b
nb1 = length b1
ra = reverse $ ruleArgs s
na = length ra
br = reverse $ posList s
nb = length br
mkList [] ps = asAppl c [] (head ps)
mkList (hd:tl) ps = asAppl f [hd, mkList tl (tail ps)] (head ps)
in if null ra then asAppl c []
(if null br then nullPos else head br)
else if nb + 2 == cl + na then
let br1 = drop (nb1 - 1) br
in mkList ra br1
else error "toAppl"
else stateToAppl s
asAppl :: Id -> [Term] -> Pos -> Term
asAppl f args p = let pos = if null args then [] else [p]
in ApplTerm (QualOp (InstOpId f [] [])
(simpleTypeScheme $ MixfixType [])
[]) (TupleTerm args []) pos
-- precedence graph stuff
checkArg :: GlobalAnnos -> AssocEither -> Id -> Id -> Bool
checkArg g dir op arg =
if arg == op
then isAssoc dir (assoc_annos g) op || not (isInfix op)
case precRel (prec_annos g) op arg of
Lower -> True
Higher -> False
BothDirections -> False
NoDirection -> not $ isInfix arg
checkAnyArg :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> Id -> Bool
checkAnyArg g op arg =
case precRel (prec_annos g) op arg of
BothDirections -> isInfix op && op == arg
_ -> True
isLeftArg, isRightArg :: Id -> Int -> Bool
isLeftArg (Id ts _ _) n = n + 1 == (length $ takeWhile isPlace ts)
isRightArg (Id ts _ _) n = n == (length $ filter isPlace ts) -
(length $ takeWhile isPlace (reverse ts))
filterByPrec :: GlobalAnnos -> PState -> PState -> Bool
filterByPrec g PState { ruleId = argIde }
PState { ruleId = opIde, ruleArgs = args, restRule = ts } =
if null ts then False else
if head ts == termTok then
if isListId opIde || isListId argIde then True
else let n = length args in
if isLeftArg opIde n then
if isPostfix opIde && (isPrefix argIde
|| isInfix argIde) then False
else checkArg g ALeft opIde argIde
else if isRightArg opIde n then
if isPrefix opIde && isInfix argIde then False
else checkArg g ARight opIde argIde
else checkAnyArg g opIde argIde
else False
expandType :: TypeMap -> Type -> Type
expandType tm oldT =
case oldT of
TypeName _ _ _ -> fst $ expandAlias tm oldT
KindedType t _ _ -> t
LazyType t _ -> t
_ -> oldT
addArgState :: PState -> PState -> PState
addArgState arg op = op { ruleArgs = stateToAppl arg : ruleArgs op }
mkTupleTerm :: TypeMap -> [Type] -> PState -> PState
-> [Term] -> [Term] -> Type -> Maybe PState
mkTupleTerm tm types arg op prevTerms prevArgs argType =
let n = length prevTerms
fini = n + 1 == length types in
if n >= length types then Nothing
else do s <- maybeResult $ unify tm (types !! n) $ ruleType arg
let singleArg = stateToAppl arg
argTerms = (if fini then reverse else id)
(singleArg : prevTerms)
argTerm = if fini then if n == 0 then singleArg
else TupleTerm argTerms (posList arg)
else MixfixTerm argTerms
newType = subst s (if fini then argType else
FunType (ProductType types [])
PFunArr argType [])
return op { ruleArgs = argTerm : prevArgs
, ruleType = newType }
filterByType :: ParseMap -> PState -> PState -> Maybe PState
filterByType cm argState opState =
let tm = typeAliases cm
prevArgs = ruleArgs opState in
if ruleId opState == applId && null prevArgs then
Just (addArgState argState opState) { ruleType = ruleType argState }
case expandType tm $ ruleType opState of
(FunType t1 _ t2 _) ->
case expandType tm t1 of
ProductType ts _ ->
let (prevTerms, restArgs) =
if null prevArgs then ([], [])
else case head prevArgs of
MixfixTerm trms -> (trms, tail prevArgs)
_ -> ([], prevArgs) in
mkTupleTerm tm ts argState opState
prevTerms restArgs t2
expType -> mkTupleTerm tm [expType] argState opState
[] prevArgs t2
TypeName _ _ v -> if v == 0 then Nothing
else Just $ addArgState argState opState
_ -> Nothing
-- final complete/reduction phase
-- when a grammar rule (mixfix Id) has been fully matched
collectArg :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> PState -> [PState]
-- pre: finished rule
collectArg g m s =
map (\ p -> p { restRule = tail $ restRule p })
$ mapMaybe (filterByType m s)
$ filter (filterByPrec g s)
$ lookUp (parseMap m) $ stateNo s
compl :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> [PState] -> [PState]
compl g m l =
concat $ map (collectArg g m)
$ filter (null . restRule) l
complRec :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> [PState] -> [PState]
complRec g m l = let l1 = compl g m l in
if null l1 then l else complRec g m l1 ++ l
complete :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
complete g pm =
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm in
pm { parseMap = Map.insert i (complRec g pm $ lookUp m i) m }
-- predict which rules/ids might match for (the) nonterminal(s) (termTok)
-- provided the "dot" is followed by a nonterminal
predict :: GlobalAnnos -> [(Id, OpInfo)] -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
predict g is pm =
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm
c = varCount pm in
if not (isStartIndex i) && any (\ (PState { restRule = ts }) ->
not (null ts) && head ts == termTok)
(lookUp m i)
then let (nextStates, c2) = runState (initialState g is i) c
in pm { varCount = c2
, parseMap = Map.insertWith (++) i nextStates m }
else pm
nextState :: GlobalAnnos -> [(Id, OpInfo)] -> Term -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
nextState g is trm pm =
let pm3 = complete g
$ scan trm
$ predict g is pm
in if (null $ lookUp (parseMap pm3) $ lastIndex pm3)
&& null (failDiags pm3)
then pm3 { failDiags = [mkDiag Error "unexpected mixfix token" trm] }
else pm3
iterStates :: GlobalAnnos -> [(Id, OpInfo)] -> [Term] -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
iterStates g ops terms pm =
let self = iterStates g ops
resolveInternal = resolve g ops (typeAliases pm) (varCount pm) Nothing
in if null terms then pm
else case head terms of
MixfixTerm ts -> self (ts ++ tail terms) pm
BracketTerm Parens ts ps ->
let Result mds v =
do tsNew <- mapM resolveInternal ts
return (if length tsNew == 1 then head tsNew
else TupleTerm tsNew ps)
tNew = case v of Nothing -> head terms
Just x -> x
in self (tail terms) $ nextState g ops tNew
pm { failDiags = mds ++ failDiags pm }
BracketTerm b ts ps -> self
(expandPos TermToken (getBrackets b) ts ps ++ tail terms) pm
t -> self (tail terms) (nextState g ops t pm)
getAppls :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> [Term]
getAppls g pm =
map (toAppl g) $
filter (\ (PState { restRule = ts, stateNo = k })
-> null ts && isStartIndex k) $
lookUp (parseMap pm) $ lastIndex pm
resolveToParseMap :: GlobalAnnos -> [(Id, OpInfo)] -> TypeMap -> Int
-> Term -> ParseMap
resolveToParseMap g ops tm c trm =
let (initStates, c2) = runState (initialState g ops startIndex) c in
iterStates g ops [trm]
ParseMap { lastIndex = startIndex
, typeAliases = tm
, failDiags = []
, varCount = c2
, parseMap = Map.single startIndex initStates }
checkResultType :: Maybe Type -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
checkResultType mt pm =
case mt of
Nothing -> pm
Just t -> let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm in
pm { parseMap = Map.insert i
(mapMaybe (filterByResultType (typeAliases pm) t)
$ lookUp m i) m }
filterByResultType :: TypeMap -> Type -> PState -> Maybe PState
filterByResultType tm t p =
do let rt = ruleType p
s <- maybeResult $ unify tm t rt
return p { ruleType = subst s rt }
resolve :: GlobalAnnos -> [(Id, OpInfo)] -> TypeMap -> Int
-> Maybe Type -> Term -> Result Term
resolve g ops tm c ty trm =
let pm = checkResultType ty $ resolveToParseMap g ops tm c trm
ds = failDiags pm
ts = getAppls g pm
in if null ts then if null ds then
plain_error trm ("no resolution for term: "
++ showPretty trm "")
(posOfTerm trm)
else Result ds (Just trm)
else if null $ tail ts then Result ds (Just (head ts))
else Result (Diag Error ("ambiguous mixfix term: " ++
showPretty trm "\n\t" ++
(concatMap ( \ t -> showPretty t "\n\t" )
$ take 5 ts)) (posOfTerm trm) : ds) (Just trm)
resolveTermWithType :: Maybe Type -> Term -> State Env (Result Term)
resolveTermWithType ty trm =
do tm <- gets typeMap
as <- gets assumps
c <- gets counter
ga <- gets globalAnnos
let ops = concatMap (\ (i, l) -> map ( \ e -> (i, e)) l)
$ Map.toList as
return $ resolve ga ops tm c ty trm
resolveTerm :: Term -> State Env (Result Term)
resolveTerm = resolveTermWithType Nothing