MixAna.hs revision 8b39fe4e459a2c534b55bab3bd68f929ba9a8b74
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Mixfix analysis of terms, adapted from the CASL analysis
module HasCASL.MixAna where
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Lib.State
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.Reader
import HasCASL.MixParserState
import Data.Maybe
-- import Debug.Trace
-- Earley Algorithm
lookUp :: (Ord a) => Map.Map a [b] -> a -> [b]
lookUp ce k = Map.findWithDefault [] k ce
type PMap = Map.Map Index [PState]
data ParseMap = ParseMap { varCount :: Int
, lastIndex :: Index
, failDiags :: [Diagnosis]
, parseMap :: PMap
-- match (and shift) a token (or partially finished term)
scan :: TypeMap -> (Type, Term) -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
scan tm (ty, trm) pm =
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm
t = case trm of
TermToken x -> x
QualVar _ _ _ -> opTok
QualOp _ _ _ -> opTok
TypedTerm _ _ _ _ -> inTok
_ -> opTok
incI = incrIndex i
(ps, c2) = runState (mapM (scanState tm (ty, trm) t)
$ lookUp m i) $ varCount pm
pm { lastIndex = incI
, varCount = c2
, parseMap = Map.insert incI (concat ps) m }
-- final complete/reduction phase
-- when a grammar rule (mixfix Id) has been fully matched
collectArg :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeMap -> PMap -> PState -> [PState]
-- pre: finished rule
collectArg ga tm m
s@(PState { ruleId = argIde, stateNo = arg, ruleType = argType }) =
map (\ p -> p { restRule = tail $ restRule p })
$ mapMaybe (filterByType tm (argType, stateToAppl s))
$ filter (filterByPrec ga argIde)
$ lookUp m arg
compl :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeMap -> PMap -> [PState] -> [PState]
compl ga tm m l =
concat $ map (collectArg ga tm m)
$ filter (null . restRule) l
complRec :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeMap -> PMap -> [PState] -> [PState]
complRec ga tm m l = let l1 = compl ga tm m l in
if null l1 then l else complRec ga tm m l1 ++ l
complete :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeMap -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
complete ga tm pm =
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm in
pm { parseMap = Map.insert i (complRec ga tm m $ lookUp m i) m }
-- predict which rules/ids might match for (the) nonterminal(s) (termTok)
-- provided the "dot" is followed by a nonterminal
predict :: GlobalAnnos -> Assumps -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
predict ga is pm =
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm
c = varCount pm in
if not (isStartIndex i) && any (\ (PState { restRule = ts }) ->
not (null ts) && head ts == termTok)
(lookUp m i)
then let (nextStates, c2) = runState (initialState ga is i) c
in pm { varCount = c2
, parseMap = Map.insertWith (++) i nextStates m }
else pm
nextState :: GlobalAnnos -> Assumps -> TypeMap -> (Type, Term)
-> ParseMap -> ParseMap
nextState ga is tm (ty, trm) pm =
let pm3 = complete ga tm
$ scan tm (ty, trm)
$ predict ga is pm
in if (null $ lookUp (parseMap pm3) $ lastIndex pm3)
&& null (failDiags pm3)
then pm3 { failDiags = [mkDiag Error "unexpected mixfix token" trm] }
else pm3
iterStates :: GlobalAnnos -> Assumps -> TypeMap -> ClassMap -> Type -> [Term]
-> ParseMap -> ParseMap
iterStates ga as tm cm ty terms pm =
let self = iterStates ga as tm cm ty
in if null terms then pm
else case head terms of
MixfixTerm ts -> self (ts ++ tail terms) pm
BracketTerm b ts ps -> self
(expandPos TermToken (getBrackets b) ts ps ++ tail terms) pm
t@(QualVar v qty _) -> let l = Map.findWithDefault [] v as in
if null l then pm { failDiags =
[mkDiag Error "variable not found" v] }
else self (tail terms) $ nextState ga as tm (qty, t) pm
t@(QualOp (InstOpId v _ _) (TypeScheme _ (_ :=> qty) _) _) ->
let l = Map.findWithDefault [] v as in
if null l then pm { failDiags =
[mkDiag Error "operation not found" v] }
else self (tail terms) $ nextState ga as tm (qty, t) pm
TypedTerm hd tqual tyq ps ->
let (Result es mt) = (readR $ anaType (star, tyq)) (cm, tm) in
case mt of
Just (_, typq) ->
let (Result ds mtt, c2) = runState
(case tqual of
OfType -> resolve ga as tm cm (typq, hd)
_ -> resolveAny ga as tm cm hd)
$ varCount pm
pm2 = pm { varCount = c2, failDiags = es++ds }
in case mtt of
Just (_, ttt) -> self (tail terms)
$ nextState ga as tm
(case tqual of
InType -> logicalType
_ -> typq, TypedTerm ttt tqual typq ps) pm2
Nothing -> pm2
Nothing -> pm { failDiags = es }
QuantifiedTerm quant decls hd ps ->
let (Result ds mtt, c2) = runState
(resolve ga as tm cm (logicalType, hd)) $ varCount pm
pm2 = pm { varCount = c2, failDiags = ds }
in case mtt of
Just (_, tt) -> self (tail terms) $ nextState ga as tm
(logicalType, QuantifiedTerm quant decls tt ps) pm2
Nothing -> pm2
LambdaTerm decls part hd ps ->
let (Result ds mtt, c2) = runState
(resolveAny ga as tm cm hd) $ varCount pm
pm2 = pm { varCount = c2, failDiags = ds }
in case mtt of
Just (typq, tt) -> self (tail terms) $ nextState ga as tm
(typq, LambdaTerm decls part tt ps) pm2
Nothing -> pm2
t@(CaseTerm hd eqs ps) ->
pm { failDiags = [mkDiag Error "not handle" t] }
LetTerm eqs hd ps ->
let (Result ds mtt, c2) = runState
(resolveAny ga as tm cm hd) $ varCount pm
pm2 = pm { varCount = c2, failDiags = ds }
in case mtt of
Just (typq, tt) -> self (tail terms) $ nextState ga as tm
(typq, LetTerm eqs tt ps) pm2
Nothing -> pm2
t -> self (tail terms) $ nextState ga as tm (MixfixType [], t) pm
logicalType :: Type
logicalType = TypeName (simpleIdToId (mkSimpleId "logical")) star 0
getAppls :: GlobalAnnos -> ParseMap -> [Term]
getAppls ga pm =
map (toAppl ga) $
filter (\ (PState { restRule = ts, stateNo = k })
-> null ts && isStartIndex k) $
lookUp (parseMap pm) $ lastIndex pm
getLastType :: ParseMap -> Type
getLastType pm =
let tys = map ruleType $
filter (\ (PState { restRule = ts, stateNo = k })
-> null ts && isStartIndex k) $
lookUp (parseMap pm) $ lastIndex pm
in if null tys then error "getLastType" else head tys
resolveToParseMap :: GlobalAnnos -> Assumps -> TypeMap -> ClassMap -> Int
-> Type -> Term -> ParseMap
resolveToParseMap ga as tm cm c ty trm =
let (initStates, c2) = runState (initialState ga as startIndex) c in
iterStates ga as tm cm ty [trm]
ParseMap { lastIndex = startIndex
, failDiags = []
, varCount = c2
, parseMap = Map.single startIndex initStates }
checkResultType :: TypeMap -> Type -> ParseMap -> ParseMap
checkResultType tm t pm =
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm in
pm { parseMap = Map.insert i
(mapMaybe (filterByResultType tm t)
$ lookUp m i) m }
resolveAny :: GlobalAnnos -> Assumps -> TypeMap -> ClassMap
-> Term -> State Int (Result (Type, Term))
resolveAny ga as tm cm trm =
do tvar <- freshVar
resolve ga as tm cm (TypeName tvar star 1, trm)
resolve :: GlobalAnnos -> Assumps -> TypeMap -> ClassMap
-> (Type, Term) -> State Int (Result (Type, Term))
resolve ga as tm cm (ty, trm) =
do c <- get
let pm = checkResultType tm ty $ resolveToParseMap ga as tm cm c ty trm
ds = failDiags pm
ts = getAppls ga pm
return $
if null ts then if null ds then
fatal_error ("no resolution for term: "
++ showPretty trm "")
(posOfTerm trm)
else Result ds Nothing
else if null $ tail ts then Result ds (Just (getLastType pm, head ts))
else Result (Diag Error ("ambiguous mixfix term: " ++
showPretty trm "\n\t" ++
(concatMap ( \ t -> showPretty t "\n\t" )
$ take 5 ts)) (posOfTerm trm) : ds) Nothing
resolveTerm :: Type -> Term -> State Env (Result Term)
resolveTerm ty trm =
do s <- get
r <- toEnvState $ resolve (globalAnnos s)
(assumps s) (typeMap s) (classMap s) (ty, trm)
return $ fmap snd r