MixAna.hs revision 740aaf40633d117f23d274ff879e649cf44544f8
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : All rights reserved.
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Mixfix analysis of terms and patterns, adapted from the CASL analysis
module HasCASL.MixAna where
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Lib.State
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.MixParserState
import Data.Maybe
-- import Control.Exception(assert)
-- import Debug.Trace
-- Earley Algorithm
lookUp :: (Ord a) => Map.Map a [b] -> a -> [b]
lookUp ce k = Map.findWithDefault [] k ce
type PMap a = Map.Map Index [PState a]
data ParseMap a = ParseMap { lastIndex :: Index
, parseMap :: PMap a
termToToken :: Term -> Token
termToToken trm =
case trm of
TermToken x -> x
TypedTerm _ _ _ _ -> inTok
_ -> opTok
-- match (and shift) a token (or partially finished term)
scan :: TypeMap -> Knowns -> (Maybe Type, a) -> (a -> Token)
-> State (Int, ParseMap a) ()
scan tm knowns (ty, trm) f =
do (c, pm) <- get
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm
incI = incrIndex i
(ps, c2) = runState (mapM (scanState tm knowns (ty, trm)
$ f trm) $ lookUp m i) c
put (c2, pm { lastIndex = incI,
parseMap = Map.insert incI (concat ps) m })
-- final complete/reduction phase
-- when a grammar rule (mixfix Id) has been fully matched
collectArg :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeMap -> PMap a -> (PState a -> a)
-> PState a -> [PState a]
-- pre: finished rule
collectArg ga tm m f
s@(PState { ruleId = argIde, stateNo = arg, ruleType = argType }) =
map (\ p -> p { restRule = tail $ restRule p })
$ mapMaybe (filterByType tm argType (f s))
$ filter (filterByPrec ga argIde)
$ lookUp m arg
compl :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeMap -> PMap a -> (PState a -> a)
-> [PState a] -> [PState a]
compl ga tm m f l =
concat $ map (collectArg ga tm m f)
$ filter (null . restRule) l
complRec :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeMap -> PMap a -> (PState a -> a)
-> [PState a] -> [PState a]
complRec ga tm m f l = let l1 = compl ga tm m f l in
if null l1 then l else complRec ga tm m f l1 ++ l
complete :: GlobalAnnos -> TypeMap -> (PState a -> a) -> State (ParseMap a) ()
complete ga tm f =
do pm <- get
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm
put pm { parseMap = Map.insert i
(complRec ga tm m f $ lookUp m i) m }
-- predict which rules/ids might match for (the) nonterminal(s) (termTok)
-- provided the "dot" is followed by a nonterminal
predict :: (Index -> State Int [PState a]) -> State (Int, ParseMap a) ()
predict f =
do (c, pm) <- get
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm
if not (isStartIndex i) && any (\ (PState { restRule = ts }) ->
not (null ts) && head ts == termTok)
(lookUp m i)
then let (nextStates, c2) = runState (f i) c
in put (c2,
pm { parseMap = Map.insertWith (++) i
nextStates m })
else return ()
addDiag :: Diagnosis -> State (Env, ParseMap a) ()
addDiag d = do (e, pm) <- get
put (e { envDiags = d : envDiags e}, pm)
completeScanPredict :: (PrettyPrint a, PosItem a)
=> GlobalAnnos -> Knowns
-> (Maybe Type, a) -> (PState a -> a) -> (a -> Token)
-> (Index -> State Int [PState a])
-> State (Env, ParseMap a) ()
completeScanPredict ga knowns (ty, a) fromState toToken initStates =
do (e, pm0) <- get
let tm = typeMap e
(c, pm1) = execState (do predict initStates
scan tm knowns (ty, a) toToken)
(counter e, pm0)
pm2 = execState (complete ga tm fromState) pm1
put (e { counter = c }, pm2)
let m = parseMap pm2
i = lastIndex pm2
if (null $ lookUp m i) && (not $ null $ lookUp m $ decrIndex i)
then addDiag $ mkDiag Error "unexpected mixfix token" a
else return ()
nextState :: GlobalAnnos -> (Maybe Type, Term) -> State (Env, ParseMap Term) ()
nextState ga (ty, trm) =
do e <- gets fst
completeScanPredict ga Set.empty (ty, trm)
stateToAppl termToToken $ initialState ga $ assumps e
-- | find information for qualified operation
findOpId :: Assumps -> TypeMap -> Int -> UninstOpId -> Type -> Maybe OpInfo
findOpId as tm c i ty = listToMaybe $ fst $
partitionOpId as tm c i $ TypeScheme [] ([] :=> ty) []
iterStates :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Type -> [Term]
-> State (Env, ParseMap Term) ()
iterStates ga ty terms =
do (e, pm) <- get
let self = iterStates ga ty
as = assumps e
tm = typeMap e
c = counter e
if null terms then return () else case head terms of
MixfixTerm ts -> self (ts ++ tail terms)
BracketTerm b ts ps -> self
(expandPos TermToken (getBrackets b) ts ps ++ tail terms)
QualVar v typ ps ->
do let (mTyp, e2) = runState (anaStarType typ) e
put (e2, pm)
case mTyp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just nTyp -> do
let mi = findOpId as tm c v nTyp
case mi of
Nothing -> addDiag $ mkDiag Error
"value not found" v
Just _ -> do
nextState ga (Just nTyp, QualVar v nTyp ps)
self (tail terms)
QualOp io@(InstOpId v _ _) (TypeScheme rs (qs :=> typ) ss) ps ->
do let (mTyp, e2) = runState (anaStarType typ) e
put (e2, pm)
case mTyp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just nTyp -> do
let mi = findOpId as tm c v nTyp
case mi of
Nothing -> addDiag $ mkDiag Error
"value not found" v
Just _ -> do
nextState ga (Just nTyp, QualOp io
(TypeScheme rs (qs :=> nTyp) ss) ps)
self (tail terms)
TypedTerm hd tqual typ ps ->
do let (mTyp, e1) = runState (anaStarType typ) e
(mtt, e2) = runState
(case tqual of
OfType -> resolve ga mTyp hd
_ -> resolve ga Nothing hd) e1
put (e2, pm)
case mtt of
Just (_, ttt) ->
do case mTyp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just nTyp -> do
nextState ga (case tqual of
InType -> Just logicalType
_ -> mTyp,
TypedTerm ttt tqual nTyp ps)
self (tail terms)
Nothing -> return ()
QuantifiedTerm quant decls hd ps ->
do let (mDecls, e1) = runState (mapM anaGenVarDecl decls) e
newDecls = catMaybes mDecls
let (mtt, e2) = runState (resolve ga
(Just logicalType) hd) e1
put (e2 { typeMap = tm, assumps = as }, pm)
case mtt of
Just (_, tt) ->
do nextState ga (Just logicalType,
QuantifiedTerm quant newDecls tt ps)
self (tail terms)
Nothing -> return ()
LambdaTerm decls part hd ps ->
do let (mDecls, e0) = runState (mapM
(resolveConstrPattern ga
Nothing) decls) e
newDecls = map snd $ catMaybes mDecls
vDecls = concatMap extractBindings newDecls
(_, e1) = runState (mapM_ addVarDecl vDecls) e0
{ assumps = as }
let (mtt, e2) = runState (resolve ga Nothing hd) e1
put (e2 {assumps = as}, pm)
case mtt of
Just (typ, tt) ->
do nextState ga (Just typ,
LambdaTerm newDecls part tt ps)
self (tail terms)
Nothing -> return ()
CaseTerm hd eqs ps ->
do let (mtt, e2) = runState (resolve ga Nothing hd) e
((_,rTyp,newEqs), e3) = runState
(resolveCaseEqs ga (case mtt of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (tyP, _) -> Just tyP)
Nothing eqs) e2
put (e3, pm)
case mtt of
Just (_, tt) ->
do nextState ga (rTyp, CaseTerm tt newEqs ps)
self (tail terms)
_ -> return ()
LetTerm eqs hd ps ->
do let (newEqs, e1) = runState (resolveLetEqs ga eqs) e
(mtt, e2) = runState (resolve ga Nothing hd) e1
put (e2 {assumps = as}, pm)
case mtt of
Just (typq, tt) ->
do nextState ga (Just typq, LetTerm newEqs tt ps)
self (tail terms)
Nothing -> return ()
t@(TermToken _) -> do nextState ga (Nothing, t)
self (tail terms)
t -> error ("iterStates: " ++ show t)
getAppls :: ParseMap a -> [PState a]
getAppls pm =
filter (\ (PState { restRule = ts, stateNo = k })
-> null ts && isStartIndex k) $
lookUp (parseMap pm) $ lastIndex pm
getLastType :: ParseMap a -> Type
getLastType pm =
let tys = map ruleType $
filter (\ (PState { restRule = ts, stateNo = k })
-> null ts && isStartIndex k) $
lookUp (parseMap pm) $ lastIndex pm
in if null tys then error "getLastType" else head tys
resolveToParseMap :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Type -> Term
-> State Env (ParseMap Term)
resolveToParseMap ga mty trm =
do as <- gets assumps
initStates <- toEnvState (initialState ga as startIndex)
let pm = ParseMap { lastIndex = startIndex
, parseMap = Map.single startIndex initStates }
e <- get
let (e2, pm2) = execState (iterStates ga mty [trm]) (e, pm)
put e2
return pm2
checkResultType :: TypeMap -> Type -> ParseMap a -> ParseMap a
checkResultType tm t pm =
let m = parseMap pm
i = lastIndex pm in
pm { parseMap = Map.insert i
(mapMaybe (filterByResultType tm t)
$ lookUp m i) m }
resolveFromParseMap :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) => (PState a -> a)
-> Maybe Type -> a -> ParseMap a
-> State Env (Maybe (Type, a))
resolveFromParseMap f mty a pm0 =
do tm <- gets typeMap
let i = lastIndex pm0
pm = case mty of Nothing -> pm0
Just ty -> checkResultType tm ty pm0
ts = map f $ getAppls pm
if null ts then do if (null $ lookUp (parseMap pm0) i)
|| i == startIndex
then return ()
else addDiags [mkDiag FatalError
"no resolution for" a]
return Nothing
else if null $ tail ts then return (Just (getLastType pm, head ts))
else do addDiags [mkDiag Error
("ambiguous applications:\n\t" ++
(concatMap ( \ t -> showPretty t "\n\t" )
$ take 5 ts) ++ "for" ) a]
return Nothing
resolve :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Type -> Term -> State Env (Maybe (Type, Term))
resolve ga mty trm =
do pm <- resolveToParseMap ga mty trm
resolveFromParseMap (toAppl ga) mty trm pm
resolveTerm :: GlobalAnnos -> Type -> Term -> State Env (Maybe Term)
resolveTerm ga ty trm =
do mr <- resolve ga (Just ty) trm
return $ fmap snd mr
resolveCaseEq :: GlobalAnnos -> (Maybe Type) -> (Maybe Type) -> ProgEq ->
State Env (Maybe Type, Maybe Type, Maybe ProgEq)
resolveCaseEq ga mTyPat mTyTrm (ProgEq p t ps) =
do mtp <- resolveConstrPattern ga mTyPat p
case mtp of
Nothing -> return (mTyPat, mTyTrm, Nothing)
Just (newTyPat, newP) -> do
as <- gets assumps
mapM addVarDecl $ extractBindings newP
mtt <- resolve ga mTyTrm t
putAssumps as
case mtt of
Nothing -> return (Just newTyPat, mTyTrm, Nothing)
Just (newTyTrm, newT) ->
return (Just newTyPat, Just newTyTrm, Just
$ ProgEq newP newT ps)
resolveCaseEqs :: GlobalAnnos -> (Maybe Type) -> (Maybe Type) -> [ProgEq] ->
State Env (Maybe Type, Maybe Type, [ProgEq])
resolveCaseEqs _ mTyPat mTyTrm [] = return (mTyPat, mTyTrm, [])
resolveCaseEqs ga mTyPat mTyTrm (eq:rt) =
do (newTyPat, newTyTrm, mEq) <- resolveCaseEq ga mTyPat mTyTrm eq
(lastTyPat, lastTyTrm, eqs) <- resolveCaseEqs ga newTyPat newTyTrm rt
return (lastTyPat, lastTyTrm, case mEq of
Nothing -> eqs
Just newEq -> newEq : eqs)
resolveLetEqs :: GlobalAnnos -> [ProgEq] -> State Env [ProgEq]
resolveLetEqs _ [] = return []
resolveLetEqs ga (ProgEq pat trm ps : rt) =
do mPat <- resolveConstrPattern ga Nothing pat
case mPat of
Nothing -> do resolve ga Nothing trm
resolveLetEqs ga rt
Just (ty, newPat) -> do
as <- gets assumps
mapM addVarDecl $ extractBindings newPat
mTrm <- resolve ga (Just ty) trm
case mTrm of
Nothing -> resolveLetEqs ga rt
Just (tyTrm, newTrm) -> do
putAssumps as
e <- get
let ((_, lastPat), (c, _, ds)) =
(typeMap e) (tyTrm, newPat))
(counter e, Map.empty, [])
put e { counter = c }
addDiags ds
mapM addVarDecl $ extractBindings lastPat
eqs <- resolveLetEqs ga rt
return (ProgEq lastPat newTrm ps : eqs)
-- ---------------------------------
-- patterns
-- ---------------------------------
extractBindings :: Pattern -> [VarDecl]
extractBindings pat =
case pat of
PatternVar l -> [l]
PatternConstr _ _ ps _ -> concatMap extractBindings ps
TuplePattern ps _ -> concatMap extractBindings ps
TypedPattern p _ _ -> extractBindings p
AsPattern p q _ -> extractBindings p ++ extractBindings q
_ -> error ("extractBindings: " ++ show pat)
patToToken :: Pattern -> Token
patToToken pat =
case pat of
PatternToken x -> x
TypedPattern _ _ _ -> inTok
_ -> error ("patToToken: " ++ show pat)
patFromState :: PState Pattern -> Pattern
patFromState p =
let r@(Id ts _ _)= ruleId p
sc@(TypeScheme _ (_ :=> ty) _) = ruleScheme p
ar = reverse $ ruleArgs p
qs = reverse $ posList p
in if r == inId
|| r == opId
|| r == parenId
then assert (isSingle ar) $ head ar
else if r == applId then assert (not $ null ar) $
case head ar of
PatternConstr instOp isc args ps ->
PatternConstr instOp isc (args ++ tail ar) (ps ++ qs)
t -> error ("patFromState: " ++ show t)
else if r == tupleId || r == unitId then
TuplePattern ar qs
else if isUnknownId r then
assert (length ts == 2) $
PatternVar (VarDecl (Id [head $ tail ts] [] [])
(ruleType p) Other qs)
else let newI = setIdePos r ar qs in
if null ar && isVar p then PatternVar
$ VarDecl newI ty Other []
else PatternConstr (InstOpId newI [] []) sc ar qs
initialPatState :: Assumps -> Index -> State Int [PState a]
initialPatState as i =
do let ids = concatMap (\ (ide, l) -> map ( \ e -> (ide, e)) $ opInfos l)
$ Map.toList as
l1 <- mapM (mkMixfixState i) ids
l2 <- mapM (mkPlainApplState i) $ filter (isMixfix . fst) ids
a <- mkApplTokState i applId
p <- mkParenTokState i parenId
t <- mkTupleTokState i tupleId
l3 <- mapM (mkTokState i)
return (a:p:t:l1 ++ l2 ++ l3)
nextPatState :: GlobalAnnos -> Knowns -> (Maybe Type, Pattern)
-> State (Env, ParseMap Pattern) ()
nextPatState ga knowns (ty, trm) =
do as <- gets (assumps . fst)
completeScanPredict ga knowns (ty, trm) patFromState patToToken
$ initialPatState as
iterPatStates :: GlobalAnnos -> Knowns -> Maybe Type -> [Pattern]
-> State (Env, ParseMap Pattern) ()
iterPatStates ga knowns mty pats =
do (e, pm) <- get
let self = iterPatStates ga knowns mty
if null pats then return ()
else case head pats of
MixfixPattern ts -> self (ts ++ tail pats)
BracketPattern b ts ps -> self
(expandPos PatternToken (getBrackets b) ts ps ++ tail pats)
TypedPattern hd typ ps ->
do let (mTyp, e1) = runState (anaStarType typ) e
(mtt, e2) = runState (resolveTargetPattern
ga mTyp hd) e1
put (e2, pm)
case mtt of
Just (_, ttt) ->
do case mTyp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just nTyp -> do
nextPatState ga knowns (mTyp,
TypedPattern ttt nTyp ps)
self (tail pats)
Nothing -> return ()
t@(PatternToken _) -> do nextPatState ga knowns (Nothing, t)
self (tail pats)
t -> error ("iterPatStates: " ++ show t)
getKnowns :: Id -> Knowns
getKnowns (Id ts cs _) = Set.union (Set.fromList (map tokStr ts)) $
Set.unions (map getKnowns cs)
resolvePatToParseMap :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Type -> Pattern
-> State Env (ParseMap Pattern)
resolvePatToParseMap ga mty trm =
do as <- gets assumps
initStates <- toEnvState $ initialPatState as startIndex
let ids = Map.keys as
knowns = Set.union (Set.fromList
(tokStr inTok : map (:[]) "{}[](),"))
$ Set.unions $ map getKnowns ids
e <- get
let (e2, pm2) = execState (iterPatStates ga knowns mty [trm])
(e, ParseMap
{ lastIndex = startIndex
, parseMap = Map.single startIndex initStates })
put e2
return pm2
filterOps :: Assumps -> Assumps
filterOps = filterAssumps ( \ o -> case opDefn o of
ConstructData _ -> True
VarDefn -> True
_ -> False)
resolveConstrPattern :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Type -> Pattern
-> State Env (Maybe (Type, Pattern))
resolveConstrPattern ga mty pat =
do as <- gets assumps
putAssumps $ filterOps as
m <- resolveTargetPattern ga mty pat
putAssumps as
return m
resolveTargetPattern :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Type -> Pattern
-> State Env (Maybe (Type, Pattern))
resolveTargetPattern ga mty pat =
do pm <- resolvePatToParseMap ga mty pat
mr <- resolveFromParseMap patFromState mty pat pm
case mr of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (newTy, newPat) ->
do e <- get
let (r, (c, _, ds)) =
runState (specializePatVars
(typeMap e) (newTy, newPat))
(counter e, Map.empty, [])
put e { counter = c }
if null ds then return $ Just r
else do addDiags ds
return Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- specialize
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
getArgsRes :: Type -> [a] -> Result ([Type], Type)
getArgsRes t [] = return ([], t)
getArgsRes (FunType t1 _ t2 _) (_:r) =
do (as, res) <- getArgsRes t2 r
return (t1:as, res)
getArgsRes t _ = Result [mkDiag FatalError "too many arguments for type" t]
specializePatVars :: TypeMap -> (Type, Pattern)
-> State (Int, Subst, [Diagnosis]) (Type, Pattern)
specializePatVars tm (ty, pat) = do
(c, oldSubst, ds) <- get
case pat of
PatternVar (VarDecl v vty k ps) ->
do let r = unify tm (subst oldSubst ty) $ subst oldSubst vty
case maybeResult r of
Nothing -> do put (c, oldSubst, diags r ++ ds)
return (ty, pat)
Just newSubst ->
do put (c, newSubst, ds)
return (subst newSubst ty,
PatternVar $ VarDecl v
(subst newSubst vty) k ps)
PatternConstr i sc args ps ->
do let (ity, c2) = runState (freshInst sc) c
argsRes = getArgsRes ity args
case maybeResult argsRes of
Nothing -> do put (c2, oldSubst, diags argsRes ++ ds)
return (ty, pat)
Just (ats, res) ->
do let r = unify tm (subst oldSubst ty)
$ subst oldSubst res
case maybeResult r of
Nothing -> do put (c2, oldSubst, diags r ++ ds)
return (ty, pat)
Just newSubst ->
do put (c2, newSubst, ds)
largs <- mapM (specializePatVars tm)
$ zip ats args
(_, lastSubst, _) <- get
return (subst lastSubst res,
PatternConstr i sc (map snd largs) ps)
TuplePattern args ps ->
case ty of
ProductType ats qs ->
if length ats == length args then
do largs <- mapM (specializePatVars tm) $ zip ats args
(_, lastSubst,_) <- get
return (subst lastSubst $ ProductType (map fst largs) qs
, TuplePattern (map snd largs) ps)
else do put (c, oldSubst, mkDiag Error
"wrong number of arguments for tuple" ty : ds)
return (ty, pat)
_ -> do put (c, oldSubst, mkDiag Error
"wrong type for tuple" pat : ds)
return (ty, pat)
TypedPattern tpat vty ps ->
do let r = unify tm (subst oldSubst ty)
$ subst oldSubst vty
case maybeResult r of
Nothing -> do put (c, oldSubst, diags r ++ ds)
return (ty, pat)
Just newSubst ->
do put (c, newSubst, ds)
(newTy, newPat) <- specializePatVars tm
(subst newSubst vty, tpat)
return (newTy, case newPat of
PatternVar _ -> newPat
TypedPattern _ _ _ -> newPat
PatternConstr _ (TypeScheme [] _ _) [] _ ->
_ -> TypedPattern newPat newTy ps)
_ -> error ("specializePatVars: " ++ show pat)