MinType.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : choose a minimal type for overloaded terms
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
choose a minimal type
module HasCASL.MinType
( q2p
, typeNub
, haveCommonSupertype
, getCommonSupertype
) where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.FoldType
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import HasCASL.Unify
import HasCASL.Constrain
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Utils
import Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
q2p :: (a, b, c, d) -> (c, d)
q2p (_, _, c, d) = (c, d)
typeNub :: Env -> (a -> (Type, Term)) -> [a] -> [a]
typeNub e f = let
comp (ty1, t1) (ty2, t2) = eqTerm e t1 t2 &&
lesserType e ty1 ty2
lt a b = comp (f a) (f b)
in keepMins lt
eqTerm :: Env -> Term -> Term -> Bool
eqTerm e t1 t2 = case (t1, t2) of
(TypedTerm t _ _ _, _) -> eqTerm e t t2
(_, TypedTerm t _ _ _) -> eqTerm e t1 t
(QualVar (VarDecl v1 _s1 _ _), QualVar (VarDecl v2 _s2 _ _)) ->
v1 == v2
(QualOp _ i1 s1 _ _ _, QualOp _ i2 s2 _ _ _) -> i1 == i2
&& haveCommonSupertype e s1 s2
(ApplTerm tf1 ta1 _, ApplTerm tf2 ta2 _) ->
eqTerm e tf1 tf2 && eqTerm e ta1 ta2
(TupleTerm ts1 _, TupleTerm ts2 _) ->
length ts1 == length ts2 && and (zipWith (eqTerm e) ts1 ts2)
(QuantifiedTerm q1 vs1 f1 _, QuantifiedTerm q2 vs2 f2 _) ->
(q1, vs1) == (q2, vs2) && eqTerm e f1 f2
(LambdaTerm ps1 p1 f1 _, LambdaTerm ps2 p2 f2 _) ->
and (zipWith (eqTerm e) ps1 ps2) && p1 == p2 && eqTerm e f1 f2
&& length ps1 == length ps2
(CaseTerm f1 e1 _, CaseTerm f2 e2 _) ->
eqTerm e f1 f2 && length e1 == length e2
&& and (zipWith (eqProgEq e) e1 e2)
(LetTerm _ e1 f1 _, LetTerm _ e2 f2 _) ->
eqTerm e f1 f2 && length e1 == length e2
&& and (zipWith (eqProgEq e) e1 e2)
_ -> False
eqProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> ProgEq -> Bool
eqProgEq e (ProgEq p1 t1 _) (ProgEq p2 t2 _) = eqTerm e p1 p2 && eqTerm e t1 t2
addToEnv :: (Type, VarKind) -> Env -> Env
addToEnv (ty, vk) e = case ty of
TypeName i rk c | c > 0 ->
execState (addLocalTypeVar False (TypeVarDefn NonVar vk rk c) i) e
_ -> e
haveCommonSupertype :: Env -> TypeScheme -> TypeScheme -> Bool
haveCommonSupertype e s = isJust . getCommonSupertype e s
getCommonSupertype :: Env -> TypeScheme -> TypeScheme -> Maybe TypeTriple
getCommonSupertype e s1 s2 =
evalState (toEnvState $ haveCommonSupertypeE e s1 s2) e
type TypeTriple = (Type, [Type], Type, [Type], [TypeArg], Type)
haveCommonSupertypeE :: Env -> TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
-> State Int (Maybe TypeTriple)
haveCommonSupertypeE eIn s1 s2 = do
(t1, l1) <- freshInst s1
(t2, l2) <- freshInst s2
cst <- mkSingleSubst (genName "commonSupertype", rStar)
let cs = Set.fromList [Subtyping t1 cst, Subtyping t2 cst]
e = foldr addToEnv eIn $ (cst, VarKind universe) : l1 ++ l2
Result _ mr <- shapeRelAndSimplify False e cs (Just cst)
return $ case mr of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (sbst, rcs) -> let (qs, subC) = partitionC rcs
in case reduceCommonSubtypes
(Rel.transClosure $ fromTypeMap $ typeMap e)
(toListC subC) of
Just msb | Set.null qs -> let
doSubst = subst $ compSubst sbst msb
[ty, ty1, ty2] = map doSubst [cst, t1, t2]
fvs = foldr1 List.union $ map freeTVars [ty1, ty2, ty]
svs = sortBy comp fvs
comp a b = compare (fst a) $ fst b
tvs = localTypeVars e
newArgs = map ( \ (_, (i, _)) -> case Map.lookup i tvs of
Nothing -> error $ "generalizeS " ++ show (i, ty)
++ "\n" ++ showDoc (s1, s2) ""
Just (TypeVarDefn v vk rk c) ->
TypeArg i v vk rk c Other nullRange) svs
genArgs = generalize newArgs
[gty, gty1, gty2] = map genArgs [ty, ty1, ty2]
gl1 = map (genArgs . doSubst . fst) l1
gl2 = map (genArgs . doSubst . fst) l2
in Just (gty1, gl1, gty2, gl2, genTypeArgs newArgs, gty)
_ -> Nothing
reduceCommonSubtypes :: Rel.Rel Type -> [(Type, Type)] -> Maybe Subst
reduceCommonSubtypes e l = let
mygroup = groupBy ( \ (a, b) (c, d) -> case (a, b, d) of
(TypeName _ _ n, TypeName _ _ 0, TypeName _ _ 0)
-> n > 0 && a == c
_ -> False)
mypart = partition ( \ s -> case s of
[] -> error "reduceCommonSubtypes1"
[_] -> False
_ -> True)
(csubts, rest) = mypart $ mygroup l
swap = map $ \ (a, b) -> (b, a)
(csuperts, rest2) = mypart $ mygroup $ sort $ swap (concat rest)
mkPair s = case s of
(a, _) : _ -> (a, map snd s)
_ -> error "reduceCommonSubtypes2"
subM = mapM (commonSubtype e True . mkPair) csubts
superM = mapM (commonSubtype e False . mkPair) csuperts
in case (concat rest2, subM, superM) of
([], Just l1, Just l2) -> Just $ Map.fromList $ l1 ++ l2
_ -> Nothing
commonSubtype :: Rel.Rel Type -> Bool -> (Type, [Type]) -> Maybe (Int, Type)
commonSubtype trel b (ty, l) =
let tySet = foldl1 Set.intersection
$ map (if b then Rel.predecessors trel else Rel.succs trel) l
in case ty of
TypeName _ _ n | not (Set.null tySet) && n > 0
-> Just (n, Set.findMin tySet)
_ -> Nothing