Merge.hs revision f4741f6b7da52b5417899c8fcbe4349b920b006e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
merging parts of local environment
module HasCASL.Merge where
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Unify
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Common.Result
-- for Logic.signature_union
instance Mergeable Env where
merge e1 e2 =
do cMap <- merge (classMap e1) $ classMap e2
let m = max (counter e1) $ counter e2
tMap <- mergeMap (mergeTypeInfo Map.empty m)
(typeMap e1) $ typeMap e2
as <- mergeMap (mergeOpInfos tMap m)
(assumps e1) $ assumps e2
return $ Env cMap tMap as (sentences e1 ++ sentences e2)
(envDiags e1 ++ envDiags e2) m
instance (Ord a, PosItem a, PrettyPrint a, Mergeable b)
=> Mergeable (Map.Map a b) where
merge = mergeMap merge
improveDiag :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) => a -> Diagnosis -> Diagnosis
improveDiag v d = d { diagString = let f:l = lines $ diagString d in
unlines $ (f ++ " of '" ++ showPretty v "'") : l
, diagPos = getMyPos v
, diagKind = case diagKind d of
FatalError -> Error
w -> w
mergeMap :: (Ord a, PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) => (b -> b -> Result b)
-> Map.Map a b -> Map.Map a b -> Result (Map.Map a b)
mergeMap f m1 m2 = foldM ( \ m (k, v) ->
case k `Map.lookup` m of
Nothing -> return $ Map.insert k v m
Just w ->
let Result ds mu = f v w
ns = map (improveDiag k) ds
in case mu of
Nothing -> Result ns $ Nothing
Just u -> Result ns $ Just $ Map.insert k u m)
m1 (Map.toList m2)
instance Mergeable a => Mergeable (Maybe a) where
merge m1 m2 = case m1 of
Nothing -> return m2
Just v1 -> case m2 of
Nothing -> return m1
Just v2 -> do v <- merge v1 v2
return $ Just v
instance Mergeable ClassInfo where
merge c1 c2 = if c1 == c2 then
return c1
else fail "merge: non-equal super classes"
instance Mergeable Kind where
merge k1 k2 = if k1 == k2 then return k1
else fail "merge: non-equal kinds"
mergeList :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Result [a]
mergeList l1 l2 = return $ nub (l1 ++ l2)
mergeTypeInfo :: TypeMap -> Int -> TypeInfo -> TypeInfo -> Result TypeInfo
mergeTypeInfo tm c t1 t2 =
do k <- merge (typeKind t1) $ typeKind t2
o <- mergeList (otherTypeKinds t1) $ otherTypeKinds t2
s <- mergeList (superTypes t1) $ superTypes t2
d <- mergeTypeDefn tm c (typeDefn t1) $ typeDefn t2
return $ TypeInfo k o s d
mergeTypeDefn :: TypeMap -> Int -> TypeDefn -> TypeDefn -> Result TypeDefn
mergeTypeDefn tm c d1 d2 =
case (d1, d2) of
(TypeVarDefn, TypeVarDefn) -> return d1
(TypeVarDefn, _) -> fail "merge: TypeVarDefn"
(_, TypeVarDefn) -> fail "merge: TypeVarDefn"
(PreDatatype, DatatypeDefn _ _ _) -> return d2
(PreDatatype, _) -> fail "expected data type definition"
(_, PreDatatype) -> return d1
-- (NoTypeDefn, AliasTypeDefn _) -> fail "merge: AliasTypeDefn"
-- (AliasTypeDefn _, NoTypeDefn) -> fail "merge: AliasTypeDefn"
(NoTypeDefn, _) -> return d2
(_, NoTypeDefn) -> return d1
(AliasTypeDefn s1, AliasTypeDefn s2) ->
do s <- mergeScheme tm c s1 s2
return $ AliasTypeDefn s
(Supertype v1 s1 t1, Supertype v2 s2 t2) ->
do s <- mergeScheme tm c s1 s2
v <- merge v1 v2
t <- merge t1 t2
return $ Supertype v s t
(_, _) -> if d1 == d2 then return d1 else
fail "merge: TypeDefn"
instance Mergeable Vars where
merge t1 t2 = if t1 == t2 then return t1
else fail ("different variables for subtype definition\n\t"
++ showPretty t1 "\n\t"
++ showPretty t2 "\n\t")
mergeOpInfos :: TypeMap -> Int -> OpInfos -> OpInfos -> Result OpInfos
mergeOpInfos tm c (OpInfos l1) (OpInfos l2) = fmap OpInfos $
foldM ( \ l o ->
let (es, us) = partition (isUnifiable tm c (opType o) . opType) l
in if null es then return (o:l)
else do r <- mergeOpInfo tm c (head es) o
return (r : us)) l1 l2
mergeScheme :: TypeMap -> Int -> TypeScheme -> TypeScheme -> Result TypeScheme
mergeScheme tm c s1 s2 = let b = instScheme tm c s2 s1 in
if instScheme tm c s1 s2 then
if b then return s1
else fail ("found scheme is only a subsitution instance"
++ expected s1 s2)
else if b then
fail ("expected scheme is only a subsitution instance"
++ expected s1 s2)
else fail ("wrong type scheme" ++ expected s1 s2)
mergeOpInfo :: TypeMap -> Int -> OpInfo -> OpInfo -> Result OpInfo
mergeOpInfo tm c o1 o2 =
do sc <- mergeScheme tm c (opType o1) $ opType o2
as <- mergeAttrs (opAttrs o1) $ opAttrs o2
d <- merge (opDefn o1) $ opDefn o2
return $ OpInfo sc as d
-- instance Mergeable [OpAttr] where
mergeAttrs :: [OpAttr] -> [OpAttr] -> Result [OpAttr]
mergeAttrs l1 l2 =
let binAttr a = case a of BinOpAttr _ _ -> True
_ -> False
(l1b, l1u) = partition binAttr l1
(l2b, l2u) = partition binAttr l2
lb = nubBy ( \ (BinOpAttr b1 _) (BinOpAttr b2 _) -> b1 == b2)
(l1b ++ l2b)
in if null l1u || null l2u then
return (l1u ++ l2u ++ lb)
else do u <- merge (head l1u) (head l2u)
return (u : lb)
instance Mergeable OpAttr where
merge (UnitOpAttr t1 p1) (UnitOpAttr t2 p2) =
do t <- merge t1 t2
return $ UnitOpAttr t1 (p1 ++ p2)
merge _ _ = fail "merge: OpAttr"
instance Mergeable OpBrand where
merge Pred _ = return Pred
merge _ Pred = return Pred
merge Op _ = return Op
merge _ Op = return Op
merge _ _ = return Fun
instance Mergeable OpDefn where
merge VarDefn VarDefn = return VarDefn
merge VarDefn _ = fail "illegal redeclaration of a variable"
merge _ VarDefn = fail "illegal redeclaration as variable"
merge (NoOpDefn _) d = return d
merge d (NoOpDefn _) = return d
merge d@(ConstructData d1) (ConstructData d2) =
if d1 == d2 then return d else
fail ("wrong constructor target type" ++
expected d1 d2)
merge (SelectData c1 d1) (SelectData c2 d2) =
if d1 == d2 then
do c <- mergeConstrInfos c1 c2
return $ SelectData c d1
else fail ("wrong selector's source type" ++
expected d1 d2)
merge (Definition b1 d1) (Definition b2 d2) =
do d <- merge d1 d2
b <- merge b1 b2
return $ Definition b d
merge _d1 _d2 = fail "illegal redefinition"
mergeConstrInfos :: [ConstrInfo] -> [ConstrInfo] -> Result [ConstrInfo]
mergeConstrInfos [] c2 = return c2
mergeConstrInfos (c : r) c2 =
do c3 <- mergeConstrInfos r c2
let cs = filter (==c) c2
if null cs then
return (c : c3)
else return c3
instance Mergeable Term where
merge t1 t2 = if t1 == t2 then return t1
else fail ("different terms\n\t"
++ showPretty t1 "\n\t"
++ showPretty t2 "\n\t")