Merge.hs revision 462ec4b2fa3e0e788eb60dcb4aebc518298f342c
{- HetCATS/HasCASL/Merge.hs
Authors: Christian Maeder
Year: 2002/2003
merging (parts of) local env
module HasCASL.Merge where
import Common.Id
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.State
import Common.Result
-- for Logic.signature_union
class Mergeable a where
merge :: a -> a -> Result a
instance Mergeable Env where
merge e1 e2 =
do cMap <- merge (classMap e1) $ classMap e2
tMap <- merge (typeMap e1) $ typeMap e2
as <- merge (assumps e1) $ assumps e2
return $ Env cMap tMap as (envDiags e1 ++ envDiags e2)
(max (counter e1) $ counter e2)
instance (Ord a, PosItem a, Mergeable b) => Mergeable (Map.Map a b) where
merge m1 m2 = foldM ( \ m (k, v) ->
case k `Map.lookup` m of
Nothing -> return $ Map.insert k v m
Just w ->
let Result ds mu = merge v w
ns = map ( \ d -> if diagPos d == nullPos
then d { diagPos = posOf [k] }
else d) ds
in case mu of
Nothing -> Result ns $ Nothing
Just u -> return $ Map.insert k u m)
m1 (Map.toList m2)
instance Mergeable a => Mergeable (Maybe a) where
merge m1 m2 = case m1 of
Nothing -> return m2
Just v1 -> case m2 of
Nothing -> return m1
Just v2 -> do v <- merge v1 v2
return $ Just v
instance Mergeable ClassInfo where
merge c1 c2 = do k <- merge (classKind c1) (classKind c2)
d <- merge (classDefn c1) (classDefn c2)
let s1 = superClasses c1
s2 = superClasses c2
if s1 == s2 then
return $ ClassInfo s1 k d
else fatal_error "merge: non-equal super classes"
$ posOfId $ head (s1++s2)
instance Mergeable Kind where
merge k1 k2 = if sameKind k1 k2 then return k1
else fatal_error "merge: non-equal kinds"
$ posOfKind k1
sameClass :: Class -> Class -> Bool
sameClass(Intersection i1 _) (Intersection i2 _) = i1 == i2
sameClass (Downset t1) (Downset t2) = t1 == t2
sameClass _ _ = False
sameKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
sameKind (ExtClass c1 v1 _) (ExtClass c2 v2 _) =
sameClass c1 c2 && v1 == v2
sameKind (KindAppl p1 c1 _) (KindAppl p2 c2 _) =
sameKind p1 p2 && sameKind c1 c2
sameKind _ _ = False
instance Mergeable Class where
merge c1@(Downset t1) (Downset t2) =
if t1 == t2 then return c1
else fatal_error "merge: non-equal downset" $ posOfType t1
merge c1@(Intersection i1 _) (Intersection i2 _) =
if sort (nub i1) == sort (nub i2) then
return c1
else fatal_error "merge: non-equal intersection class" $
posOfId $ head (i1 ++ i2)
merge c _ = fatal_error "merge: class" $ posOfClass c
mergeList :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Result [a]
mergeList l1 l2 = return $ nub (l1 ++ l2)
instance Mergeable TypeInfo where
merge t1 t2 = do k <- merge (typeKind t1) $ typeKind t2
o <- mergeList (otherTypeKinds t1) $ otherTypeKinds t2
s <- mergeList (superTypes t1) $ superTypes t2
d <- merge (typeDefn t1) $ typeDefn t2
return $ TypeInfo k o s d
instance Mergeable TypeDefn where
merge d1 d2 =
case (d1, d2) of
(TypeVarDefn, TypeVarDefn) -> return d1
(TypeVarDefn, _) -> fail "merge TypeVarDefn"
(_, TypeVarDefn) -> fail "merge TypeVarDefn"
(NoTypeDefn, AliasTypeDefn sc) ->
fatal_error "merge: AliasTypeDefn" $ posOf [sc]
(AliasTypeDefn sc, NoTypeDefn) ->
fatal_error "merge: AliasTypeDefn" $ posOf [sc]
(NoTypeDefn, _) -> return d2
(_, NoTypeDefn) -> return d1
(_, _) -> if d1 == d2 then return d1 else
fail "merge TypeDefn"
instance Mergeable [OpInfo] where
-- this should be more sophisticated
merge l1 l2 = mergeList l1 l2