MatchingWithDefinitions.hs revision 90601b47be0162293323b7e9e5fc1a7f69bb49da
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : matching of terms modulo definition expansion
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
matching of terms modulo constant definition expansion and constraints
module HasCASL.MatchingWithDefinitions where
import HasCASL.Subst
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
------------------------- Preliminaries -------------------------
- map = constant->term mapping for constant definition expansion
- consts = set of constants to match, the others will be added as constraints
- noclash = a function taking two constants which produced a clash
and returning whether or not this clash should be ignored and
the corresponding term-pair should be added to the constraints
- t1 = term pattern
- t2 = concrete term to be matched against the pattern
a lazy list of:
- s = a substitution containing the equalities which make the pattern and the term equal
- cstr = constraint list of equalities which have to be satisfied: in the case
where a constant in t2 is encountered which cannot be expanded, but the corresponding pattern
part is still not atomic, or where we get a clash between non-constructor terms
----------------------- simple matching -----------------------
The default behaviour of the match is to signal only a clash
if two constructors that are different are tried to be matched.
For that reason we provide a facility for extracting the testfunctions
from a HasCASL signature.
getConstructors :: Assumps -> Map.Map Id (Set.Set TypeScheme)
getConstructors a = let constrs = (Set.filter isConstructor) a
in ( opType)
$ Map.filter (not . Set.null) constrs
termIsConstructor :: Assumps -> Term -> Bool
termIsConstructor a t = case toSConst t of
Nothing -> False
Just (SConst n ts) ->
case Map.lookup n (getConstructors a) of
Just s -> Set.member ts s
_ -> False
-- | The noclash here depends only on each term seperately.
-- Only when the predicate on both terms evaluates to true a clash occurs.
noclashHeadInduced :: (Term -> Bool) -> Term -> Term -> Bool
noclashHeadInduced p t1 t2 = not (p t1) || not (p t2)
-- | The noclash here is induced only by the noclashHead function
noclashInduced :: (Term -> Term -> Bool) -> Term -> Term -> Bool
noclashInduced p (ApplTerm f1 _ _) (ApplTerm f2 _ _) = p f1 f2
noclashInduced _ _ _ = True
-- | The default noclash functions for the matching.
-- We assume that equality of terms is handled before.
defaultNoclashFromAssumps ::
Assumps -> (Term -> Term -> Bool, Term -> Term -> Bool)
defaultNoclashFromAssumps a =
let p = termIsConstructor a
nch = noclashHeadInduced p
in (nch, noclashInduced nch)
defaultmatch :: (Monad m) => Assumps -> Subst -> Set.Set SubstConst
-> Term -> Term -> m (Subst, [(Term, Term)])
defaultmatch a s c = let (nch, nc) = defaultNoclashFromAssumps a in
match s c nch nc
match :: (Monad m) => Subst -> Set.Set SubstConst -> (Term -> Term -> Bool)
-> (Term -> Term -> Bool) -> Term -> Term -> m (Subst, [(Term, Term)])
match m consts noclashHead noclash t1 t2 =
matchAux m consts noclashHead noclash (eps, []) (t1, t2)
matchAux :: (Monad m) => Subst -> Set.Set SubstConst -> (Term -> Term -> Bool)
-> (Term -> Term -> Bool) -> (Subst, [(Term, Term)]) -> (Term, Term)
-> m (Subst, [(Term, Term)])
matchAux m consts noclashHead noclash output@(sbst, ctrts) terms@(t1, t2) =
case terms of
-- handle the skip-cases first
(TypedTerm term _ _ _, _) -> match' term t2
(_, TypedTerm term _ _ _) -> match' t1 term
-- check for clash, handle constraints and definition expansion
(ApplTerm f1 a1 _, _) ->
case t2 of
ApplTerm f2 a2 _ | f1 == f2 -> match' a1 a2
| noclashHead f1 f2 -> addConstraint
_ -> tryDefExpand
(TupleTerm l _, _) ->
case t2 of
TupleTerm l' _ | length l == length l' ->
foldM matchF output $ zip l l'
| otherwise -> tupleClash l l'
_ -> tryDefExpand
-- add the mapping v->t2 to output
(QualVar v, _) -> addMapping v
-- add the mapping (n,typ)->t2 to output
(QualOp _ n typ _ _ _, _) -> addMapping (n,typ)
-- all other terms are not expected and accepted here
_ -> fail "matchAux: unhandled term"
where matchF = matchAux m consts noclashHead noclash -- used for fold
match' = curry $ matchF output
addMapping k =
let sc = toSC k in
if Set.member sc consts then
case lookupContent sbst sc of
Just t' | t2 == t' -> return output
| otherwise ->
fail $ concat [ "matchAux: Conflicting "
, "substitution for ", show k]
_ -> return (addTerm sbst sc t2, ctrts)
else addConstraint
addConstraint | t1 == t2 = return output
| otherwise = return (sbst, (t1,t2):ctrts)
-- The definition expansion application case
-- (for ApplTerm and TupleTerm) is handled uniformly
tryDefExpand = case defExpansion t2 of
Just t2' -> match' t1 t2'
_ | noclash t1 t2 -> addConstraint
| otherwise -> clash
defExpansion = lookupContent m
clash = fail $ "matchAux: Clash for " ++ show (t1,t2)
tupleClash l l' = fail $ "matchAux: Clash for tuples "
++ show (l, l')