MatchingWithDefinitions.hs revision 4042abb1169a3786988de7b61e3af2bf82982654
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : matching of terms modulo definition expansion
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (see extensions)
Matching of terms modulo constant definition expansion and constraints
module HasCASL.MatchingWithDefinitions where
import HasCASL.Subst
import HasCASL.PrintSubst
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.SimplifyTerm
import HasCASL.PrintAs ()
import Common.Id
import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos()
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
{- New version of matcher with simpler interface.
The rules of matching:
f,g are functions
c is a constant
v is a variable
t1, t2 are arbitrary terms
"good" functions are the list-constructor, the solidworks datatype constructors and all other constructors.
f != g
1a. f(x_i) f(y_i) -> match x_i y_i, if f is a "good" function
AddConstraint f(x_i) = f(y_i), otherwise
1b. f(...) g(...) -> AddConstraint f(...) = g(...)
2a. c t2 -> match t1 t2, if c is defined by term t1
AddMatch c t2, if c is mapable
AddConstraint c = t2, otherwise
2b. t1 c -> match t1 t2, if c is defined by term t2
AddConstraint t1 = c, otherwise
3. v t2 -> AddMatch v t2
{- We need two classes:
1. A class for lookup definitions and checking for good functions
2. A class for storing the match (substitution plus constraints)
class DefStore a where
isGood :: a -> Term -> Bool
isMapable :: a -> (Id, TypeScheme) -> Bool
getDefinition :: a -> (Id, TypeScheme) -> Maybe Term
getEnv :: a -> Env
class Match a where
addMatch :: a -> SubstConst -> Term -> a
addConstraint :: a -> Term -> Term -> a
logMsg :: a -> String -> IO ()
newtype DefinitionStore = DefinitionStore (Env, Set.Set Symbol)
initialDefStore :: Env -> Set.Set Symbol -> DefinitionStore
initialDefStore e syms = DefinitionStore (e, syms)
instance DefStore DefinitionStore where
isGood _ _ = True
isMapable (DefinitionStore (e, syms)) (opid, typ) =
Set.member (idToOpSymbol e opid typ) syms
getDefinition (DefinitionStore (e, _)) = getOpDefinition e
getEnv (DefinitionStore (e, _)) = e
newtype MatchResult = MatchResult (Subst, [(Term, Term)]) deriving Show
getMatchResult :: MatchResult -> (Subst, [(Term, Term)])
getMatchResult (MatchResult x) = x
emptyMatchResult :: MatchResult
emptyMatchResult = MatchResult (emptySubstitution, [])
instance PrettyInEnv MatchResult where
prettyInEnv e (MatchResult (sb, ctrts)) =
text "Match"
<> vcat [ text "result", prettyInEnv e sb
, text "Constraints", prettyTermMapping e ctrts ]
instance Match MatchResult where
addMatch mr@(MatchResult (sb, ctrts)) sc t =
case lookupContent sb sc of
-- TODO: eventually add conflicting subst as constraint
-- (the terms could be semantically equal)
Just t' | t == t' -> mr
| otherwise ->
error $ concat [ "addMatch: Conflicting "
, "substitution for ", show sc ]
_ -> MatchResult (addTerm sb sc t, ctrts)
addConstraint (MatchResult (sb, ctrts)) t1 t2 = MatchResult (sb, (t1, t2):ctrts)
logMsg _ _ = return () -- appendFile "/tmp/matcher.out" . (++"\n")
match :: (DefStore d, Match a) => d -> a -> Term -> Term -> IO (Either String a)
match def mtch t1 t2 =
case (t1, t2) of
-- handle the 'skip-cases' first
(TypedTerm term _ _ _, _) -> match' term t2 -- logg "typed1" $ match' term t2
(_, TypedTerm term _ _ _) -> match' t1 term -- logg "typed2" $ match' t1 term
-- check for clash, handle constraints and definition expansion
(ApplTerm f1 a1 _, _) ->
case t2 of
ApplTerm f2 a2 _
-- 1a1.
| f1 == f2 && isGood def f1 -> logg msg1a1 $ match' a1 a2
-- 1a2., 1b.
| otherwise -> logg msg1a21b addLocalConstraint
-- eventually 2b.
_ -> logg msg2b $ tryDefExpand2
(TupleTerm l _, _) ->
case t2 of
TupleTerm l' _ | length l == length l' ->
logg msg1aT $ matchfold mtch $ zip l l'
| otherwise ->
logg "tclash" $ tupleClash
-- eventually 2b.
_ -> logg msg2bT $ tryDefExpand2
-- 3.: add the mapping v->t2 to output
(QualVar v, _) -> logg "mapped" $ addMapping v
-- 2a.: follow the definition of pattern
(QualOp _ (PolyId opid _ _) typ _ _ _, _) ->
logg msg2a $ tryDefExpand1 (opid, typ)
-- all other terms are not expected and accepted here
_ -> return $ Left "match: unhandled term"
where match' = match def mtch
-- The definition expansion application case
-- (for ApplTerm and TupleTerm) is handled uniformly
tryDefExpand1 oi = case getTermDef t1 of
Just t1' -> match' t1' t2
_ | isMapable def oi -> addMapping oi
| otherwise -> addLocalConstraint
tryDefExpand2 = case getTermDef t2 of
Just t2' -> match' t1 t2'
_ -> addLocalConstraint
getTermDef t = getTermOp t >>= getDefinition def
-- Do not add constraints for equal terms
| t1 == t2 = return $ Right mtch
| otherwise = return $ Right $ addConstraint mtch t1 t2
addMapping t = return $ Right $ addMatch mtch (toSC t) t2
matchfold mtch' (x:l) = do
res <- uncurry (match def mtch') x
case res of
Right mtch'' -> matchfold mtch'' l
err -> return $ err
matchfold mtch' [] = return $ Right mtch'
--clash = return $ Left $ "match: Clash for " ++ show (pretty (t1,t2))
tupleClash = return $ Left $ "match: Clash for tuples "
++ show (pretty (t1,t2))
-- Logging stuff
logg s a = do
let e = getEnv def
logMsg mtch $ show $ useGlobalAnnos (globAnnos e)
$ text "Log" <+> text s
$++$ text "t1:" $+$ pretty (simplifyTerm e t1) $++$ text "t2:"
$+$ pretty (simplifyTerm e t2) $++$ text "==============="
msg1a1 = "1a1: good same function"
msg1a21b = "1a2, 1b: not good or not same function"
msg1aT = "1aT: tuple: same tuple"
msg2bT = "2bT:"
msg2a = "2a: pattern constant"
msg2b = "2b: term constant"
------------------------- term tools -------------------------
getTermOp :: Term -> Maybe (Id, TypeScheme)
getTermOp (QualOp _ (PolyId opid _ _) typ _ _ _) = Just (opid, typ)
getTermOp _ = Nothing
getOpInfo :: Env -> (Id, TypeScheme) -> Maybe OpInfo
getOpInfo e (opid, typ) =
case Map.lookup opid (assumps e) of
Just soi ->
let fs = Set.filter f soi
in if Set.null fs then Nothing
else Just $ Set.findMin fs
_ -> Nothing
f oi = opType oi == typ
getOpDefinition :: Env -> (Id, TypeScheme) -> Maybe Term
getOpDefinition e t =
case fmap opDefn $ getOpInfo e t of
Just (Definition _ t') -> Just t'
_ -> Nothing