LocalEnv.hs revision d046de48e620a7233d0dc2a687fc84b82c089887
module LocalEnv where
import Id
import Maybe
import Type
import Term
-- the sub- and supertypes of a sort
data SortRels = SortRels [Type] [Type] deriving (Show)
-- the list of items which are part of a "sort-gen" (or free type)
type GenItems = [Symb]
-- real function type of a selector as Decl
data Component = Component Decl deriving (Show)
-- full function type (in Decl) of constructor
-- plus redundant (apart from partiality) component types
data Alternative = Construct Decl [Component]
| Subsort Decl
deriving (Show)
-- looseness of a datatype
-- a datatype may (only) be (sub-)part of a "sort-gen"
data GenKind = Free | Generated | Loose deriving (Show,Eq)
-- sort defined as predicate subtype or as more or less loose datatype
data SortDefn = SubsortDefn Term -- binding Term "{ x : t | p(x) }"
| Datatype [Alternative] GenKind GenItems
defStr = "::="
barChar = '|'
instance Show SortDefn where
showsPrec _ (SubsortDefn t) = showSignStr equalStr . shows t
showsPrec _ (Datatype alts _ _) =
showSignStr defStr . showSepList (showChar barChar) shows alts
data SortItem = SortItem { sortDecl :: Decl
, sortRels :: SortRels
, sortDef :: Maybe SortDefn
, sortAn :: [Anno]
sortStr = "sort"
showSortItem (SortItem decl (SortRels le ge) def an) =
showSignStr sortStr . shows decl
. shows le . shows ge
. showPlainList (maybeToList def)
. showAnno an
instance Show SortItem where
showsPrec _ = showSortItem
showList = showSepList (showString "\n") shows
assocStr = "assoc"
commStr = "comm"
idemStr = "idem"
unitStr = "unit"
data OpAttr = AssocOpAttr | CommOpAttr | IdemOpAttr | UnitOpAttr Term
instance Show OpAttr where
showsPrec _ AssocOpAttr = showString assocStr
showsPrec _ CommOpAttr = showString commStr
showsPrec _ IdemOpAttr = showString idemStr
showsPrec _ (UnitOpAttr t) = showSignStr unitStr . shows t
showList = showString . concat . map (\a -> ',' : show a)
-- synonyms to indicate the order of arguments
type SortId = Id
type ConsSymb = Symb
type SelSymb = Symb
-- operation defined by a Lambda-Term or generated from a datatype
-- a selector may cover several constructors/alternatives
data OpDefn = Definition Term
| Constructor SortId ConsSymb
| Selector SortId [ConsSymb] SelSymb
deriving (Show)
data OpItem = OpItem { opDecl :: Decl
, opAttrs :: [OpAttr]
, opDefn :: (Maybe OpDefn)
, opAn :: [Anno]
showOpItem (OpItem decl attrs def an) =
showSignStr opStr . shows decl . shows attrs
. showPlainList (maybeToList def)
. showAnno an
instance Show OpItem where
showsPrec _ = showOpItem
type Axiom = Term -- synonyms
-- "local-var-axioms" are a special Term "forall V1,...,V2. F1 /\ F2 /\ ...
data AnItem = ASortItem SortItem
| AnOpItem OpItem
| AVarDecl VarDecl
| AnAxiom Axiom
| BeginGen | EndGen
showItem(ASortItem s) = shows s
showItem(AnOpItem o) = shows o
showItem(AVarDecl d) = shows d
showItem(AnAxiom t) = shows t
showItem BeginGen = showString "generated{"
showItem EndGen = showString "}%[generated]%"
instance Show AnItem where
showsPrec _ = showItem
showList = showSepList (showChar '\n') shows
updateAn :: AnItem -> [Anno] -> AnItem
updateAn(ASortItem s) an = ASortItem (s {sortAn = an})
updateAn(AnOpItem o) an = AnOpItem (o {opAn = an})
updateAn(AVarDecl d) an = AVarDecl (d {declAn = an})
updateAn(AnAxiom (Annotated t _)) an = AnAxiom (Annotated t an)
updateAn(AnAxiom t) an = AnAxiom (Annotated t an)
type Ast = [AnItem]
addAn :: Ast -> [Anno] -> Ast
addAn [] an = []
addAn (EndGen:r) an = EndGen : addAn r an
addAn (BeginGen:r) an = BeginGen : addAn r an
addAn (h:r) an = updateAn h an : r
data Env = Env { sorts :: [SortItem]
, ops :: [OpItem]
, vars :: [VarDecl]
, axioms :: [Axiom]
, generates :: [GenItems]
} deriving ()
showEnv (Env s o v a g) =
shows (reverse s). shows o. shows v. shows a . shows g
instance Show Env where
showsPrec _ = showEnv
addToLastGenItem :: Env -> Symb -> Env
addToLastGenItem (Env s o v a (h:r)) i =
Env s o v a ((i:h):r)
toEnv _ env [] = env
toEnv _ env (BeginGen:r) = toEnv True (env {generates = [] : generates env}) r
toEnv _ env (EndGen:r) = toEnv False env r
toEnv b env ((ASortItem s):r) =
let i = symb (sortDecl s)
env' = if b then addToLastGenItem env i else env
in toEnv b (env' {sorts = s : sorts env'}) r
toEnv b env ((AnOpItem o):r) =
let i = symb (opDecl o)
env' = if b then addToLastGenItem env i else env
in toEnv b (env' {ops = o : ops env'}) r
toEnv b env ((AVarDecl v):r) = toEnv b (env {vars = v : vars env}) r
toEnv b env ((AnAxiom a):r) = toEnv b (env {axioms = a : axioms env}) r
empty = Env [] [] [] [] []