Le.hs revision 4561227a776bdf0ab679b19fb92f1eaaed8786f7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
abstract syntax during static analysis
module HasCASL.Le where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.State as State
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named)
import Common.Prec
-- * class info
-- | store the raw kind and all superclasses of a class identifier
data ClassInfo = ClassInfo { rawKind :: RawKind
, classKinds :: [Kind]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type ClassMap = Map.Map ClassId ClassInfo
-- * type info
-- | data type generatedness indicator
data GenKind = Free | Generated | Loose deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | an analysed alternative with a list of (product) types
data AltDefn = Construct (Maybe UninstOpId) [Type] Partiality [[Selector]]
-- only argument types
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | an analysed component
data Selector = Select (Maybe UninstOpId) Type Partiality -- only result type
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | a mapping of type (and disjoint class) identifiers
type IdMap = Map.Map TypeId TypeId
-- | for data types the morphism needs to be kept as well
data DataEntry = DataEntry IdMap TypeId GenKind [TypeArg] RawKind [AltDefn]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | possible definitions for type identifiers
data TypeDefn = NoTypeDefn
| PreDatatype -- auxiliary entry for DatatypeDefn
| DatatypeDefn DataEntry
| AliasTypeDefn TypeScheme
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | for type identifiers also store the raw kind, instances and supertypes
data TypeInfo = TypeInfo { typeKind :: RawKind
, otherTypeKinds :: [Kind]
, superTypes :: Set.Set TypeId
, typeDefn :: TypeDefn
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type TypeMap = Map.Map TypeId TypeInfo
-- | the minimal information for a sort
starTypeInfo :: TypeInfo
starTypeInfo = TypeInfo rStar [universe] Set.empty NoTypeDefn
-- | recursively substitute type names within a type
rename :: (TypeId -> RawKind -> Int -> Type) -> Type -> Type
rename m t = case t of
TypeName i k n -> m i k n
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> TypeAppl (rename m t1) (rename m t2)
ExpandedType t1 t2 -> ExpandedType (rename m t1) (rename m t2)
TypeToken _ -> t
BracketType b l ps ->
BracketType b (map (rename m) l) ps
KindedType tk k ps ->
KindedType (rename m tk) k ps
MixfixType l -> MixfixType $ map (rename m) l
-- | rename the type according to identifier map (for comorphisms)
mapType :: IdMap -> Type -> Type
mapType m ty = if Map.null m then ty else
rename ( \ i k n ->
let t = TypeName i k n in
if n == 0 then
case Map.lookup i m of
Just j -> TypeName j k 0
_ -> t
else t) ty
-- * sentences
-- | data types are also special sentences because of their properties
data Sentence = Formula Term
| DatatypeSen [DataEntry]
| ProgEqSen UninstOpId TypeScheme ProgEq
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- * variables
-- | type variable are kept separately
data TypeVarDefn = TypeVarDefn Variance VarKind RawKind Int deriving Show
type LocalTypeVars = Map.Map TypeId TypeVarDefn
-- | the type of a local variable
data VarDefn = VarDefn Type deriving Show
-- * assumptions
-- | name and scheme of a constructor
data ConstrInfo = ConstrInfo { constrId :: UninstOpId
, constrType :: TypeScheme
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | possible definitions of functions
data OpDefn = NoOpDefn OpBrand
| ConstructData TypeId -- target type
| SelectData [ConstrInfo] TypeId -- constructors of source type
| Definition OpBrand Term
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | scheme, attributes and definition for function identifiers
data OpInfo = OpInfo { opType :: TypeScheme
, opAttrs :: [OpAttr]
, opDefn :: OpDefn
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | test for constructor
isConstructor :: OpInfo -> Bool
isConstructor o = case opDefn o of
ConstructData _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | a list of infos for overloaded functions
data OpInfos = OpInfos { opInfos :: [OpInfo] } deriving (Show, Eq)
type Assumps = Map.Map UninstOpId OpInfos
-- * the local environment and final signature
-- | the signature is established by the classes, types and assumptions
data Env = Env { classMap :: ClassMap
, typeMap :: TypeMap
, localTypeVars :: LocalTypeVars
, assumps :: Assumps
, localVars :: Map.Map Id VarDefn
, sentences :: [Named Sentence]
, envDiags :: [Diagnosis]
, preIds :: (PrecMap, Set.Set Id)
, counter :: Int
} deriving Show
-- | the empty environment (fresh variables start with 1)
initialEnv :: Env
initialEnv = Env Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty [] []
(emptyPrecMap, Set.empty) 1
-- * accessing the environment
-- | add diagnostic messages
addDiags :: [Diagnosis] -> State.State Env ()
addDiags ds =
do e <- State.get
State.put $ e {envDiags = reverse ds ++ envDiags e}
-- | add sentences
appendSentences :: [Named Sentence] -> State.State Env ()
appendSentences fs =
do e <- State.get
State.put $ e {sentences = reverse fs ++ sentences e}
-- | store a class map
putClassMap :: ClassMap -> State.State Env ()
putClassMap ce = do
e <- State.get
State.put e { classMap = ce }
-- | store local assumptions
putLocalVars :: Map.Map Id VarDefn -> State.State Env ()
putLocalVars vs = do
e <- State.get
State.put e { localVars = vs }
-- | converting a result to a state computation
fromResult :: (Env -> Result a) -> State.State Env (Maybe a)
fromResult f = do
e <- State.get
let Result ds mr = f e
addDiags ds
return mr
-- | store local type variables
putLocalTypeVars :: LocalTypeVars -> State.State Env ()
putLocalTypeVars tvs = do
e <- State.get
State.put e { localTypeVars = tvs }
-- | store a complete type map
putTypeMap :: TypeMap -> State.State Env ()
putTypeMap tm = do
e <- State.get
State.put e { typeMap = tm }
-- | store assumptions
putAssumps :: Assumps -> State.State Env ()
putAssumps ops = do
e <- State.get
State.put e { assumps = ops }
-- | get the variable
getVar :: VarDecl -> Id
getVar(VarDecl v _ _ _) = v
-- | check uniqueness of variables
checkUniqueVars :: [VarDecl] -> State.State Env ()
checkUniqueVars = addDiags . checkUniqueness . map getVar
-- * morphisms
type FunMap = Map.Map (Id, TypeScheme) (Id, TypeScheme)
-- | keep types and class disjoint and use a single identifier map for both
data Morphism = Morphism { msource :: Env
, mtarget :: Env
, typeIdMap :: IdMap
, funMap :: FunMap }
deriving Show
-- | construct morphism for subsignatures
mkMorphism :: Env -> Env -> Morphism
mkMorphism e1 e2 = Morphism e1 e2 Map.empty Map.empty
-- * symbol stuff
-- | the type or kind of an identifier
data SymbolType a = OpAsItemType TypeScheme
| TypeAsItemType (AnyKind a)
| ClassAsItemType (AnyKind a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- symbols (may) need the env to look up type aliases
data Symbol = Symbol {symName :: Id, symType :: SymbolType (), symEnv :: Env}
deriving Show
instance Eq Symbol where
s1 == s2 = (symName s1, symType s1) == (symName s2, symType s2)
instance Ord Symbol where
s1 <= s2 = (symName s1, symType s1) <= (symName s2, symType s2)
type SymbolMap = Map.Map Symbol Symbol
type SymbolSet = Set.Set Symbol
idToTypeSymbol :: Env -> Id -> RawKind -> Symbol
idToTypeSymbol e idt k = Symbol idt (TypeAsItemType k) e
idToClassSymbol :: Env -> Id -> RawKind -> Symbol
idToClassSymbol e idt k = Symbol idt (ClassAsItemType k) e
idToOpSymbol :: Env -> Id -> TypeScheme -> Symbol
idToOpSymbol e idt typ = Symbol idt (OpAsItemType typ) e
-- note that the type of a qualified raw symbol is not analysed!
data RawSymbol = AnID Id | AKindedId SymbKind Id
| AQualId Id (SymbolType ClassId)
| ASymbol Symbol
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type RawSymbolMap = Map.Map RawSymbol RawSymbol
idToRaw :: Id -> RawSymbol
idToRaw x = AnID x
rawSymName :: RawSymbol -> Id
rawSymName (AnID i) = i
rawSymName (AKindedId _ i) = i
rawSymName (AQualId i _) = i
rawSymName (ASymbol s) = symName s
symbTypeToKind :: SymbolType a -> SymbKind
symbTypeToKind (OpAsItemType _) = SK_op
symbTypeToKind (TypeAsItemType _) = SK_type
symbTypeToKind (ClassAsItemType _) = SK_class
symbolToRaw :: Symbol -> RawSymbol
symbolToRaw sym = ASymbol sym
symbKindToRaw :: SymbKind -> Id -> RawSymbol
symbKindToRaw Implicit = AnID
symbKindToRaw sk = AKindedId $ case sk of
SK_pred -> SK_op
SK_fun -> SK_op
SK_sort -> SK_type
_ -> sk